"We have one set of laws in this country and they apply to everyone."

I'll believe it when I see it. Meanwhile, I'm not buying any more bridges.

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As with past authoritarian subjugations of once free societies (e.g. Nazis) DC's institutions are being turned into political weapons used to terrorize Americans who wish to remain free. Let's stop pretending there is a legitimate Federal "justice system" anymore. The future Americans face is now very, very ugly. DC's self serving authoritarianism is likely to grow progressively more extreme from here.

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Trump’s legacy when all is said and done will be exposing how “deep” the corruption is and by the time this election cycle is done the Republican Party will be in tatters.

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I don’t like my home country very much.

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The posturing, preening pretension is still there, it is just getting sad and pathetic. I was listening to CBC earlier today to some 'expert' that this is the strongest case ever and the greatest crime ever committed by a US president ever and I was thinking that he may actually believe his own bullshit. You should never underestimate the power of righteous delusions.

But your point was very well made. Nothing can be taken seriously any more.

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I'm still holding onto my faith but the fact that they actually got away with stealing the election, and raping and pillaging our country, absolutely scares the 💩💩 out of me.

Especially after the pandemic psyop attack and the poison shots.

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He said it so we don’t have to....

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Jordan—a short article but one of your best. It is precisely on target. Bankers, too, do not go to jail. Why? Because they raise capital for the Uniparty funding schemes. It is one big happy family that allows zero dissenters. Mr. Trump has faults, as we all do, but his most prominent is his naivety about how government works. He truly believed if he were president, he would run the country. He did not understand his place in what our government has become.

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As a concerned individual, I am troubled by the lack of action from the freedom movement in addressing the widespread chaos happening globally. Despite ample evidence of misdeeds and disruptions caused by the global elite, they remain unaccountable. One such individual is Bill Gates, who openly expressed his desire to reduce the population, and his vaccination programs have caused immeasurable harm to countless people. It is alarming that these individuals still roam free and their actions are causing loss of life.

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Fundamental notions, as we know, are rarely much evident in the course of real life. The Founders fell into scurrilousness as fast as they could, with political parties doing their damnedest to prove Washington right about their dangers.

As usual, Trump has made it easy for his enemies to find not such difficult means of destroying him. Jonathan Turley, who I admire as an honest legal commentator, so far as I can reasonably conclude, feels Trump is in some real legal peril now.

Unfortunately it's true that the postman often rings twice, thrice or a hunnerd times, and that Al Capone was gotten not for murder but tax evasion. Trump was a real fool on January 6, and if he hadn't been I'd have more sympathy now. He's been far less a criminal politician than almost anyone I can think of, but he's also been without the slightest nano-measure of self-control, and if he goes down he may thank his idiot mouth for making it so easy for them's what hate him. That's reality though it may of course not in the least have any relationship to justice.

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Speaking of lying their way into wars: some recent articles mentioned Trump and a war plan authored by Mattis to invade Iran. Think of what that means. They were so desperate to get rid of Trump. An unpopular invasion would be a perfect way to permanently tarnish his reputation so they tried to push him into one. We saw the same thing with the faked chemical attacks in Syria.

People like Mattis were willing to push young American military personnel into the meat grinder just to tarnish the reputation of President Trump and create profit for their allied industries. I guess this shouldn't come as a surprise because they were willing to cull the herd with injections, but somehow I still find shocking so cavalier an attitude about sacrificing US military personnel for such petty reasons.

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The saddest part truly is they just don't even try to hide it anymore. They are in charge, you aren't. They made it abundantly clear during the pandemic, "You really don't have the rights and freedoms you thought you did, silly people." I love all the natural beauty of America, I despise the people running it.

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What it means is that the DC Swamp, RINOs and many republicans do not like Trump. They see him as a major threat to their cushy world of unmitigated corruption, fraud, theft and skullduggery.

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Like in any "shithole" or any "banana-republic" - pure lies & pure despotism have replaced reason, truth & ethics - all replaced now by ORGANIZED CRIME.


So the countdown of the United States from a once shining beacon of hope for mankind, to it's demise from the leading empire to a lost place has begun - as trust & understanding have been undermined & replaced by treason, murder & secrecy of the rotten & heartless criminals in power - as only the sophisticated camouflage of their crimes keeps them clinging to their highly paid posts.

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Very useful way to keep everyone in line, just like with Twitter, if they can do it to him, rich, powerful, famous, they can do it to Joe Blow and Jane Shmane.

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The march toward fascism began in earnest with George W Bush. It was obvious to anyone with even a cursory knowledge of history and courage enough to look honestly at 9/11, as blowback from American foreign policy, that this was the intended destination for the likes of Rumsfeld, Cheney, Kristol, Rand Corporation and their ilk.

This opinion article by Naomi Wolf was printed in the Guardian in 2007, back when the Guardian still had a semblance of journalistic integrity.


“”The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands ... is the definition of tyranny," wrote James Madison. We still have the choice to stop going down this road; we can stand our ground and fight for our nation, and take up the banner the founders asked us to carry.

· Naomi Wolf's The End of America: A Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot will be published by Chelsea Green in September.”

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