This whole fucking government thinks if they just BELIEVE hard enough, reality will bend to their whims.

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Politicians voting in favor of war should be required to pick up a rifle and fight on the front lines

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Ukrainian officials are already talking about the ethnic cleansing they intend to carry out in Crimea once it has been 'liberated'. Could we also perhaps consider the long suffering inhabitants of the DPR when we think about the success or failure of Ukraine's upcoming counteroffensive. If we stop and think about it, are those 2 million people going to be happy about again being ruled by the same government that has been ruthlessly killing civilians there since 2014? Something that continues to this day, but is now being undertaken via the HIMARS gifted to the Ukrainian army by America. It's quite ironic that all the while Ukraine has been going around the world begging for more weapons they have been using missiles in great quantities to shell civilian targets across eastern Ukraine. They're little better than terrorists at this point, honestly.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Sharing. Too many people are so uneducated on this subject.

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Now that Ukraine has reached for the Kremlin and Putin one might conclude Russia will take the gloves off. Did anyone notice the brave and brilliant Zelensky ran over to Finland to hide? He's as gutless as Lindsey Graham and Vick Nuland. It's time to weaponize those three and send them to "capture" Crimea.

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May 3, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Thanks for trying to shine some light on this subject. Most of the main voices listened to even by those on the right are so woefully ignorant on the subject. It’s all about the Russian military is operating with convicts using equipment made with old washing machine parts and Putin is dying of cancer.

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Just pointing out that at least one reason the Crimeans now want to be part of Russia is because the people historically residents of Crimea for centuries were mostly deported to Central Asia by the Soviets, so that ethnic Russians could move in and stake an unmovable claim.

But yes--the warmongering is going to hurt everyone except the ruling class.

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Well...to be fair Russia is now sending tons of Russians into occupied Ukraine in hopes of achieving the same trick they pulled in Crimea.

At some point those military Ports will have to be addressed. I think the focus should be on regaining all lost ground back to Crimea,then see where Ukrainians stand. They flooded Crimea with Russians(at the time they weren't all Russians) then held a "vote".

Very shady!!! And they're attempting to do it again. As I type. Also,the desire to take back Crimea is coming from Ukrainians also. Not just the West or NATO.

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@jordanschactel is one of the best journalists on the planet. top 3 writing about this NATO insanity in Ukraine and top 10 truth tellers in the world. Thank you for your relentless hard work to shine light in darkness. You have great courage and character.

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The neocons who have controlled our foreign policy for a quarter of a century think we can get into a two front war with the Russians and the Chinese. The Russians cannot let go of the Crimea nor the parts of Ukraine they control: it has been an invasion route into Russia for the Swedes in the 1700's, the French in the 1800's, and the Germans in the 1940's. So, the Russians are not going to gently into the night, but will use their considerable military capabilities, instead of fighting with militias, mercenaries, and rough national guard type units, to reverse the facts on the ground if they should lose. And the Chinese cannot let them lose, either. They want this war to continue, so they can bleed NATO and the U.S. of equipment, war materials, and soon, troops, because the Ukrainians do not have enough men, so we will be making up the shortfall. So much needless death and destruction and you are right Jordan: there would be a continuation, and greatly expanded ethnic cleansing, of Russians, all 14-15 million of them. Like what the Hutus did to the Tutsis in Rawanda, but worse.

Danny Huckabee

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Get this - the Prog-Marxist-Post-Nationalist-Globalist cabal believe they are our saviors. Such people are permitted anything (in their own minds). They also believe in Western supremacy as a matter of course, I mean you couldn't decide to run the world if you didn't think you were superior, yes? They don't care what we think or the people of Ukraine. If we are opposed to all of it, it doesn't matter. Hitler felt the same about Nazism. We don't study Hitler honestly cuz it serves the Left to not actually understand him. His Nazism was a gnostic belief system that was going to save humanity (far beyond the basic fascism as practiced in Spain or Italy). Why do I mention this? Cuz these people will happily kill many people in service to their Utopian ideals. In fact, it's a bit of a badge of honor in their circles. Consider Victoria Nuland, she's drenched in the blood of Ukrainians, does she seem ashamed or filled with doubt?

These people must be removed from power, via force at this point. I get I'm not supposed to say that - I don't give a fuck anymore. These people are going to start WWIII, just the way WWI and WWII got started, Due to elite a-holes playing 'Game of Thrones' using our lives.

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The "uniparty" is centered around the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) network, which has controlled US policy and the media since WW2. See chart: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/

The major finance, energy, defense, pharma and media corporations are CFR sponsors. Billionaires Larry Fink (BlackRock) and Laurene Powell-Jobs (Atlantic Media) are CFR directors. Anne Applebaum is a CFR member. Hudson Institute chairman Sarah Stern is a CFR member. cfr.org/membership/corporate-members

CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and 'Homeland Security'. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens of deputies, advisors, ambassadors, etc.

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As soon as I saw the name Anne Applebaum as the co-author of this article, I knew what to expect: the strident militaristic voice of " a narrow, secular, socially liberal model that is highly intolerant of any dissent, and that demonizes those who disagree." (American Conservative). A woman wrapping herself in the tattered flag of what she calls "Democracy".

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thank you for the update on Crimea

see also … FYI … bioweapons endgame revealed in Moderna contracts


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...as the doomsday clock ticks closer to midnight.

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