Cities do have more crime than rural areas or suburbs. Most big cities are run by Democrats. Correlation doesn't prove causation.
The murder rate in blue NY is 1/3 the murder rate in red FL or red TX. Why are blue cities in red states FL and TX, 3 times more violent than the blue cities in NY?
That says that red states make it harder for their blue cities to prevent murder.
So apparently he deployed to Italy under Operation Enduring Freedom. It's not wrong, but it's a bit misleading on the part of the article since it doesn't mention Italy. I might think he went to Afghanistan if I didn't know better. But the video where he claims he carried a weapon in war is an egregious lie.
He 'was' in the Army, so, although he did not serve in an actual war action, he undoubtably carried a weapon of war, even though it was probably in Minnesota, or in training somewhere else here in the States or even Italy!
The context is a discussion about gun control. His point was that weapons of war belong with the military, not civilians. He isn't trying to embellish his service. He's trying make a political point.
Using the phrase - in war - is unusual. He was in the military. We were at war. He didn't say he faced combat.
I think ignoring context and calling that a lie, let alone an egregious lie, is flat wrong.
But, I get it, let's go after an honorably discharged soldier to score political points.
There was no mincing words. He said a weapon he carried in war. He’s not a sergeant major and he calls himself a retired command sergeant major. It’s not about politics - we call out any vets from any party. i.e. Republican J.R. Majewski who lied about his service. Stop defending these clowns that misrepresent their service.
He was an acting Command Sergeant Major. He held the position. He did the job. So, you want him to say less than he actually did because he retired with a lesser title. That's you forcing him to make his service appear lesser than it actually was. FYI Retirement is after service!
He was deployed IN WAR to Italy. No mincing words. That's English. I do believe they trained soldiers. I'll bet he carried weapons. You're projecting that he intended to deceive. Projection isn't enough to responsibly call anyone a liar. The true measure would be repeated attempts to deceive. You don't have that either.
If you support Trump, not only do you support a traitor, you support one of the biggest liars on Earth. He lied about the election and used that lie to try and overthrow a legally certified election. You took an oath to defend against that.
He’s not a sergeant major. He did not retain the rank because he did not do or complete the necessary schooling nor did he have the necessary time in rank. He’s a retired master sergeant. He’s completely misleading people. It’s deceptive.
“Deployed in war to Italy”??? lol That’s your argument??? lol Italy is not a combat zone. Italy is a cush deployment. Nobody is carrying a weapon in Italy “in war” or combat purposes. Just stop. You’re making a laughably ridiculous argument. There is no amount of spin that you say that will explain his comment or defend him. He’s a clown trying to inflate his service when it’s not even necessary.
Remember when you believed Bush flying over Alabama in an obsolete military jet meant he served his country honorably??? And now you nitpick a Democrat’s service?? Do you see a pattern??
I don't remember Bush embellishing and lying his military service. Did he embellish and lie about his service like Walz?? I do remember Dan Rather trying to discredit his service with fabricated documents. Do you see a pattern how the media treats politicians they don't like?? Can you try to make an intellectually honest argument?
I’m happy Bush won in 2004 because he owns all of the asinine decisions he made in his first term…had Kerry won he probably would’ve lost in 2008 and then Obama would never have become president. And America in 2018/19 was Obama’s America before Trump failed to prevent China from unleashing a bioweapon into America which ended the Obama peace and prosperity.
We all know shrub ducked Vietnam. We all know shrub was rich boy in the military. We all know bush, cheney, rice, etc lied. Just like we all know clinton, obama, biden, harris, etc lied. Now there is another liar running for vp. Hard to say who is more despicable.
It is part of what we are talking about. Bush ducked Vietnam and sent men to war when he refused to go to war himself. Walz will do the same if he is installed. To answer your question, no I don't think shrub lied or fabricated his military service. He did lie about weapons of mass destruction. Clinton lied. obama lied. biden lied and is lying. Trump probably lied about something. both parties are liars. Although I find the other wing of the same vulture, the republicans, to be slightly less despicable. This pretty well sums the matter up-
You may get angry. You may disagree. In that case we can agree to disagree. And go in peace.
Lol, glad you concede Bush didn't fabricate or lie about his service. Bush didn't skip out on Vietnam from my understanding. He joined the NG to be a pilot so he wouldn't be drafted and he may have had some of daddy's help. I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if true. Anyway, I'm not defending Bush (I don't particularly care for him for the reason you said - lying to us into an unnecessary war), I'm just going by facts.
just to get the crayons out. I did say bush ducked Vietnam. I did offer reasonable proof that he did in fact duck serving in Vietnam. I never said in any way that bush fabricated or lied about his military service in the air national guard.
There is nothing for me to concede. If you read what I wrote I never said bush lied about or fabricated anything about his military service. Joining the Air national guard is good evidence that he did so to not only avoid being drafted but also to avoid going to Vietnam. Since bush had political ambitions, this was a good way to be in the military to get that ticket and not take wartime risks. As far as I know not one single guard unit deployed to Vietnam during the entire conflict.
It's easy. Only Trump lied about election fraud and tried to overthrow a legally certified election.
There was a time when Americans valued the democratic process and peaceful transfer of power and thought it was more important than any political candidate.
Dig a little in "Command Sergeant Major Tim Walz" and why he's really not a command sergeant major. Compare that media coverage to how U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton's shouldn't wear the Ranger tab during his Army stint - even though he completed Ranger School. No, he was never in a Ranger regiment but he can still wear it. Walz didn't complete the requirements for sergeants major academy, so he's not a command sergeant major - but who will ask?
So walz was acting Bn CSM as a Master Sgt? And he didn't go to the Sergeants Major academy? Either resident or non resident? Now he claims to have retired as a CSM? When he actually left as an E8? I didn't know that anyone could go directly to CSM from Master Sgt. without having been at least a 1st Sgt or SGM before.
He backed out of CSM school he had already begun as an E-8. Anyone that does that gets knocked down to E-7. He dropped his papers when the DEPORD dropped knowing that was going to happen...and it did.
I don't hold a grudge for someone that dropped papers in lieu of a deployment. They served and earned the option. It's not that unusual. However, losing the stripe as a result is very unusual. He knew this. Anytime he allows anyone to report anything different he is committing, "Stolen Valor."
that’s a little confusing to me. So walz, I take it was enrolled in the non resident Sergeants major academy and when the deployment orders came down he quit the course? And then decided to retire? So was he busted to E-7? Because I understand he retired as an E-8.
So this sounds like he was filling the Bn CSM slot while being enrolled in the sergeants major academy. When the orders came down, he quit the course and retired.
I don't hold a grudge but I don't respect a man who would duck a combat deployment by retiring or any other way. Walz took the prestige, pay, perks and benefits and then when it came time to step up, when it came time to do for real what he was paid for, he weaseled out.
That's what I gleaned from the letter his replacement wrote. I could be wrong.
But, when he agreed to attend the academy as an E-8 (via correspondence) he signed a contract that said failure to complete would cost him a stripe. He quit and retired instead of deploying and graduating. What his paygrade is on his DD-214 is anyone's guess, but it was never E-9.
I didn't save the link to the letter, but I'm sure it will resurface. I may have missed an Army Guard nuance or two...
FWIW, I was in Iraq hiring squadron commanders for 1-year stints in '08. Had more than one decline and retire. Never took it personal.
so they let him retire as an E-8. There is nothing to take personal. It's just an indicator, under this particular set of circumstances, of what kind of man walz is. I think we were in different militaries and different military situations.
Yeah, he has the look of having been a suck up, kick down perfumed prince type. Of course saying that isn't really fair, I don't know him. But I've seen enough of those types to have a good idea.
Somebody from the US had to be there to make sure the untimely death of “right wing” Italian pilots was properly framed. You just are short selling those skills in working for partnership in peace. Well, okay, let’s call it working with Russian drug smugglers- since Clinton’s Partnership for Peace initiative makes it sound like… uhh, like Haitian relief money.
Seems like no one in the public eye can be honest. Whether it is a false heroic claim, lies on a resume, lies about serving in wars, lies about "saving the economy", lies even about their race! You just can't believe anything they say, but yet, they keep doing it.
Walz served as an enlisted soldier in the Army National Guard for two decades, ultimately attaining the rank of command sergeant major. He enlisted in the Nebraska National Guard at the age of 17 and transferred to the Minnesota National Guard 15 years later in 1996.
As part of the job, he responded to natural disasters, served with the European Security Force to support the war in Afghanistan, and was stationed around Europe to train with NATO militaries. He received several Army medals and retired as a master sergeant shortly before running for Congress in 2006.
The man served his country honorably for 24 years. The only valor stolen here is the valor of idiots like you heaping misinformation on the public in support of a hard right ant-American agenda. Shame, comrade.
Another person who believes that the second amendment is for self defense and not for defense against a tyrannical government. Also, those “weapons of war” include semi-automatic 9 mm pistols. I guess those should be banned too?
The "weapon of war" that walz says he carried was an M-4. I wasn't in a field artillery unit, so I don't know but doubt that a csm would even carry an M-4. Civilians can't own a select fire or automatic rifle, unless they hold a permit to do so.
There is not one person who might consider voting Democrat who cares in the slightest about stolen valor, cowardice, or any other aspect of Walz's military-related activity. It is unwise to try to campaign on this.
Exactly. How many children did he have to run over with tanks to steal the oil and give it to Exxon and Gazprom? Ron Desantis too. He was head of the "weapons of mass distraction" program.
Gazprom is natural gas. The Bush administration made Qatar the wealthiest country the planet has ever known because they had natural gas at the same time they failed to make Iraq wealthy. Now Biden has made us energy dominant and Europe doesn’t need Gazprom’s natural gas and we don’t need Qatar’s.
More lying, puffery and obfuscation by Dems for their cause....does it ever end?
It's in their DNA
Sure, Bush/Cheney aren’t the “liars”. 😂
Democrat policies actually kill people: 1% of Democrat Counties Make Up 42% of America’s Murders
Cities do have more crime than rural areas or suburbs. Most big cities are run by Democrats. Correlation doesn't prove causation.
The murder rate in blue NY is 1/3 the murder rate in red FL or red TX. Why are blue cities in red states FL and TX, 3 times more violent than the blue cities in NY?
That says that red states make it harder for their blue cities to prevent murder.
Wow Bush/Cheney made him lie. Sort of like the hippie blaming Johnson , for hitting a woman — in Gorrest Gump
Democrats actually enable killing by force vaccine onto people:
Covid vaccines have already killed more than one million people in America alone
Democrat lies are deadly these days:
Democrats busy trying to start WW3
- >
Chris Rock is holding Democrats responsible for the spread of the coronavirus, saying party leaders “let the pandemic come in”.
Kamala Harris picks radical pro- BLM ANTIFA riot Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as running mate
Biden and Border Czar Kamala opened US border, 15 million strangers walked-in.
Vicious Venezuelan gang expands transnational crime empire by exploiting US open-border policies.
So apparently he deployed to Italy under Operation Enduring Freedom. It's not wrong, but it's a bit misleading on the part of the article since it doesn't mention Italy. I might think he went to Afghanistan if I didn't know better. But the video where he claims he carried a weapon in war is an egregious lie.
He 'was' in the Army, so, although he did not serve in an actual war action, he undoubtably carried a weapon of war, even though it was probably in Minnesota, or in training somewhere else here in the States or even Italy!
The rest is 'stolen valor'!
He literally said he carried a weapon in war. He says it in the video.
No argument Alex! Missed that part, but knew it was logical that he had at least carried such in peace time.
Yep. And if he'd just said he carried that weapon as opposed to he carried it in war, there would be no issue.
Here it is: “....We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war,.....” Walz, 60, can be heard saying.
The context is a discussion about gun control. His point was that weapons of war belong with the military, not civilians. He isn't trying to embellish his service. He's trying make a political point.
Using the phrase - in war - is unusual. He was in the military. We were at war. He didn't say he faced combat.
I think ignoring context and calling that a lie, let alone an egregious lie, is flat wrong.
But, I get it, let's go after an honorably discharged soldier to score political points.
There was no mincing words. He said a weapon he carried in war. He’s not a sergeant major and he calls himself a retired command sergeant major. It’s not about politics - we call out any vets from any party. i.e. Republican J.R. Majewski who lied about his service. Stop defending these clowns that misrepresent their service.
He was an acting Command Sergeant Major. He held the position. He did the job. So, you want him to say less than he actually did because he retired with a lesser title. That's you forcing him to make his service appear lesser than it actually was. FYI Retirement is after service!
He was deployed IN WAR to Italy. No mincing words. That's English. I do believe they trained soldiers. I'll bet he carried weapons. You're projecting that he intended to deceive. Projection isn't enough to responsibly call anyone a liar. The true measure would be repeated attempts to deceive. You don't have that either.
If you support Trump, not only do you support a traitor, you support one of the biggest liars on Earth. He lied about the election and used that lie to try and overthrow a legally certified election. You took an oath to defend against that.
He’s not a sergeant major. He did not retain the rank because he did not do or complete the necessary schooling nor did he have the necessary time in rank. He’s a retired master sergeant. He’s completely misleading people. It’s deceptive.
“Deployed in war to Italy”??? lol That’s your argument??? lol Italy is not a combat zone. Italy is a cush deployment. Nobody is carrying a weapon in Italy “in war” or combat purposes. Just stop. You’re making a laughably ridiculous argument. There is no amount of spin that you say that will explain his comment or defend him. He’s a clown trying to inflate his service when it’s not even necessary.
Ok, traitor.
lol. I served 22 years. GTFO of here, clown.
Remember when you believed Bush flying over Alabama in an obsolete military jet meant he served his country honorably??? And now you nitpick a Democrat’s service?? Do you see a pattern??
I don't remember Bush embellishing and lying his military service. Did he embellish and lie about his service like Walz?? I do remember Dan Rather trying to discredit his service with fabricated documents. Do you see a pattern how the media treats politicians they don't like?? Can you try to make an intellectually honest argument?
I’m happy Bush won in 2004 because he owns all of the asinine decisions he made in his first term…had Kerry won he probably would’ve lost in 2008 and then Obama would never have become president. And America in 2018/19 was Obama’s America before Trump failed to prevent China from unleashing a bioweapon into America which ended the Obama peace and prosperity.
We all know shrub ducked Vietnam. We all know shrub was rich boy in the military. We all know bush, cheney, rice, etc lied. Just like we all know clinton, obama, biden, harris, etc lied. Now there is another liar running for vp. Hard to say who is more despicable.
Ok, fine. But thats not what we're talking about. So can you point to where Bush lied or fabricated his military service like Walz??
It is part of what we are talking about. Bush ducked Vietnam and sent men to war when he refused to go to war himself. Walz will do the same if he is installed. To answer your question, no I don't think shrub lied or fabricated his military service. He did lie about weapons of mass destruction. Clinton lied. obama lied. biden lied and is lying. Trump probably lied about something. both parties are liars. Although I find the other wing of the same vulture, the republicans, to be slightly less despicable. This pretty well sums the matter up-
You may get angry. You may disagree. In that case we can agree to disagree. And go in peace.
Lol, glad you concede Bush didn't fabricate or lie about his service. Bush didn't skip out on Vietnam from my understanding. He joined the NG to be a pilot so he wouldn't be drafted and he may have had some of daddy's help. I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised if true. Anyway, I'm not defending Bush (I don't particularly care for him for the reason you said - lying to us into an unnecessary war), I'm just going by facts.
just to get the crayons out. I did say bush ducked Vietnam. I did offer reasonable proof that he did in fact duck serving in Vietnam. I never said in any way that bush fabricated or lied about his military service in the air national guard.
There is nothing for me to concede. If you read what I wrote I never said bush lied about or fabricated anything about his military service. Joining the Air national guard is good evidence that he did so to not only avoid being drafted but also to avoid going to Vietnam. Since bush had political ambitions, this was a good way to be in the military to get that ticket and not take wartime risks. As far as I know not one single guard unit deployed to Vietnam during the entire conflict.
It's easy. Only Trump lied about election fraud and tried to overthrow a legally certified election.
There was a time when Americans valued the democratic process and peaceful transfer of power and thought it was more important than any political candidate.
Where is Mike Pence?
You do not know that about Alex, unless you two folks know each other. Or the Pangolin in your Chow Mein is China Virus
I remembered Bush’s well practiced speech that sounded the death knell for Iraq after years of bumbling speeches that made many laugh at him.
Dig a little in "Command Sergeant Major Tim Walz" and why he's really not a command sergeant major. Compare that media coverage to how U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton's shouldn't wear the Ranger tab during his Army stint - even though he completed Ranger School. No, he was never in a Ranger regiment but he can still wear it. Walz didn't complete the requirements for sergeants major academy, so he's not a command sergeant major - but who will ask?
So walz was acting Bn CSM as a Master Sgt? And he didn't go to the Sergeants Major academy? Either resident or non resident? Now he claims to have retired as a CSM? When he actually left as an E8? I didn't know that anyone could go directly to CSM from Master Sgt. without having been at least a 1st Sgt or SGM before.
He backed out of CSM school he had already begun as an E-8. Anyone that does that gets knocked down to E-7. He dropped his papers when the DEPORD dropped knowing that was going to happen...and it did.
I don't hold a grudge for someone that dropped papers in lieu of a deployment. They served and earned the option. It's not that unusual. However, losing the stripe as a result is very unusual. He knew this. Anytime he allows anyone to report anything different he is committing, "Stolen Valor."
that’s a little confusing to me. So walz, I take it was enrolled in the non resident Sergeants major academy and when the deployment orders came down he quit the course? And then decided to retire? So was he busted to E-7? Because I understand he retired as an E-8.
So this sounds like he was filling the Bn CSM slot while being enrolled in the sergeants major academy. When the orders came down, he quit the course and retired.
I don't hold a grudge but I don't respect a man who would duck a combat deployment by retiring or any other way. Walz took the prestige, pay, perks and benefits and then when it came time to step up, when it came time to do for real what he was paid for, he weaseled out.
That's what I gleaned from the letter his replacement wrote. I could be wrong.
But, when he agreed to attend the academy as an E-8 (via correspondence) he signed a contract that said failure to complete would cost him a stripe. He quit and retired instead of deploying and graduating. What his paygrade is on his DD-214 is anyone's guess, but it was never E-9.
I didn't save the link to the letter, but I'm sure it will resurface. I may have missed an Army Guard nuance or two...
FWIW, I was in Iraq hiring squadron commanders for 1-year stints in '08. Had more than one decline and retire. Never took it personal.
so they let him retire as an E-8. There is nothing to take personal. It's just an indicator, under this particular set of circumstances, of what kind of man walz is. I think we were in different militaries and different military situations.
As a final aside.... one of the guys that declined and retired in lieu of my offer already had 5 Bronze Star Medals. ... different situation.
He Bravely Ran Away,
good one!
" We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war,” he tells the audience."
walz is a liar and a coward. He left his unit before a combat deployment. An educated guess, walz was another perfumed prince.
I was in that Brigade for that deployment (we were assigned from another State).
We didn’t miss him, but what a weasel. 🤣
Yeah, he has the look of having been a suck up, kick down perfumed prince type. Of course saying that isn't really fair, I don't know him. But I've seen enough of those types to have a good idea.
Total chicken. No wonder he resembles Col. Sanders!
Somebody from the US had to be there to make sure the untimely death of “right wing” Italian pilots was properly framed. You just are short selling those skills in working for partnership in peace. Well, okay, let’s call it working with Russian drug smugglers- since Clinton’s Partnership for Peace initiative makes it sound like… uhh, like Haitian relief money.
Seems like no one in the public eye can be honest. Whether it is a false heroic claim, lies on a resume, lies about serving in wars, lies about "saving the economy", lies even about their race! You just can't believe anything they say, but yet, they keep doing it.
They make Trump look like a saint.
And on July 13, they almost made them one .
Trump 2024!
Walz served as an enlisted soldier in the Army National Guard for two decades, ultimately attaining the rank of command sergeant major. He enlisted in the Nebraska National Guard at the age of 17 and transferred to the Minnesota National Guard 15 years later in 1996.
As part of the job, he responded to natural disasters, served with the European Security Force to support the war in Afghanistan, and was stationed around Europe to train with NATO militaries. He received several Army medals and retired as a master sergeant shortly before running for Congress in 2006.
The man served his country honorably for 24 years. The only valor stolen here is the valor of idiots like you heaping misinformation on the public in support of a hard right ant-American agenda. Shame, comrade.
Harris Selection for VP Shows that the 2020 Minnesota Summer of Love, Immigration and Transgender Policy is Coming to a Theater Near You Soon.
Good luck getting any newsource to cover this other than to "fact check" it.
Another person who believes that the second amendment is for self defense and not for defense against a tyrannical government. Also, those “weapons of war” include semi-automatic 9 mm pistols. I guess those should be banned too?
The "weapon of war" that walz says he carried was an M-4. I wasn't in a field artillery unit, so I don't know but doubt that a csm would even carry an M-4. Civilians can't own a select fire or automatic rifle, unless they hold a permit to do so.
There is not one person who might consider voting Democrat who cares in the slightest about stolen valor, cowardice, or any other aspect of Walz's military-related activity. It is unwise to try to campaign on this.
I’d say the number of undecided vets in swing states isn’t zero, but they do need to focus on the main issues.
Sounds like a typical politician.
Exactly. How many children did he have to run over with tanks to steal the oil and give it to Exxon and Gazprom? Ron Desantis too. He was head of the "weapons of mass distraction" program.
Gazprom is natural gas. The Bush administration made Qatar the wealthiest country the planet has ever known because they had natural gas at the same time they failed to make Iraq wealthy. Now Biden has made us energy dominant and Europe doesn’t need Gazprom’s natural gas and we don’t need Qatar’s.
WTF winning the future with Maduro. Oil and voting machines Energy dominate? What fine double speak you have grandma.
The better to organ harvest you with my dear.
We are producing record amounts of oil and gas…turn off the Orwellian propaganda like Fox News and Newsmax.