It appears that many believe a variety of government claims are akin to evidence. This is not the case whatsoever.

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Having studied the phenomena for over 30 years and witnessed many UFO’s in NZ and U.K., I am certain that there are craft that defy our current concept of aerial flight both inside and outside of our atmosphere.

There is also evidence that has been presented by the authorities- governments and their authorised bodies- to the public and in the public domain. However, much of this is disregarded due to the fantastical nature of what is witnessed. People just don’t want to believe to a certain degree.

Whilst I have my own theories about who or what pilots such vehicles, we are yet to see any conclusive proof in the public domain that they are from another world.

The lack of concrete evidence is something that as a researcher of the topic, I would be putting this on the pile of “much more research needed to sway me” - in other words, not interested unless there is something of value.

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He's not representing the government; he's a whistleblower. Big difference.

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Astroturf "whistleblowers" compete with genuine whistleblowers for aura of authenticity. Since Grusch admits having seen no evidence, I think he's in the former group.

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He claims to have seen evidence in the form of documentation, which is not the same as no evidence, it's just not direct evidence. I don't know if he's telling the truth or not but I am quite concerned at the large number of people immediately closing their minds and proclaiming this is a psyop without their own evidence....it seems like a Pavlovian knee jerk response to me. To immediately claim that everything that comes out into the public is fake in some way is just as dogmatic as the people who pushed the mainstream covid narrative without further analysis. Don't be the mirror of that, that's all I am saying.

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Let the video footage and photo evidence come forward. Nobody here is closing their eyes to actual evidence.

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He’s making a claim. The onus is on him to prove it.

If he can’t, then it’s easily dismissed. Like Sagan said, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

I’m tired of the sheer amount of bullshit out there, so the skepticism is on a hair trigger. I suspect many others feel the same, and so the responses you’re seeing.

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I’m devouring this Vegas alien encounter. So far the red flags are no good video of the creatures, no photos of the footprints, and there was a security camera and the cops have the footage and apparently it cut out a few minutes and then the circle on the ground appears. These kids would have to be very quick thinkers but right now I’m a skeptic but will continue to follow the story. Oh, and the guy needs to take a lie detector ASAP.

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He's submitted the evidence to Congress apparently.

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🤷‍♂️ Cause they’re not a gaggle of idiots.

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Yea anyone can claim whistleblower status and claim stuff with no evidence. But there are the fanatical few who latch on in the wild belief the person is a gift, who saw the light and is now speaking out. Evidence, evidence, evidence. Without it, every claim is just hot air.

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That should be the most glaringly evident fact after these last few years.

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Anyone who is still listening to the government (or MSM) at this point ought to have their head examined. They lie. All the time. Why don’t you begin to do some self investigation by reading one of Dr. Michael Salla’s books or one by Tony Rodriguez called Ceres Cavalier, a personal account of the secret space program’s 20-And-Back program. That will show you how ignorant is your cock-sure dismissal of a well known fact (except in your bubble, apparently) that not only has the government been dealing in an official capacity with off-world beings since the late 1940’s but extraterrestrials live among us and deep underground and are about to make themselves known to us all in a big way. Turn off your tell-a-lie-vision and try to live up to your reputation as a solid researcher. You dropped the ball big time on this one Mr. Schacktel.

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quod erat demonstrandum

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There are different evidential modalities, however regarding this topic, people only expect one form evidence, which is obscenely narrow-minded

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Those being?

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Bill Cooper explained how he was tricked by the government into believing UFOs here: https://vimeo.com/189087860

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Occam's razor.

Any species capable of developing faster-than-light travel and navigating their way to Earth is by definition, orders of magnitude beyond our current technological level.

Yet we are supposed to believe these same super-beings are incapable of avoiding our detection? or of being shot-down by the equivalent of a Roman Candle fielded by a chimpanzee?

Mr. Alien genius rocket scientist never counted on Bubba Wallace and his camcorder waiting to catch him traipsing away from the back of the garage where he just violated Mrs Wallace's cat?

I have no problem believing in aliens, or even that they may have come to earth.

There is ZERO chance WE will know about it unless THEY very deliberately WANT us to know about it.

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Check my red flags for the Vegas alien encounter up above: first thing the kid should take a lie detector test, how much do they cost to conduct??

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Check out the Vegas UFO.

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NOT the government claims, but the tens of thousands of reports from ordinary citizens en masse who have seen objects with astonishing flight characteristics. These have been observed by multiple ground- and air-based radar tracking systems etc. Leslie Kean has documented a tremendous amount of evidence on the topic, but some people clearly continue to believe in a 19th-century concept of science. Science and the demand for "proof" have become a cult with a clearly religious type of following.

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So what your saying is science does not come into it when it involves those sightings, it is not unreasonable to expect these so called whistleblowers to produce evidence yet none do despite claiming they hold high level security clearances that afforded them the access or they know a guy who knows a guy and he told me stuff. No justification to believe the individual.

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I found it bizarre that Tucker would include this crap in his otherwise cogent commentary on the Ukraine situation.

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Nobody bats .1000!

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One would think that an investigative journalist would do a little investigating before putting 'ink to paper,' as it were. Now, I'm not saying this dude is telling the truth, but I am saying that he is in a position to have some knowledge about covert operations, given his TSC. Furthermore, you purport that aliens traveling to earth from a distant galaxy is improbable, barring a "scientific breakthrough," but you've ignorantly neglected the notion that just because humans' current understanding of physics doesn't allow us to travel beyond the solar system, doesn't mean that a hypothetical alien civilization could.

Lastly, and I said this in another pose, you completely ignored any current or historical data, eyewitness testimony and accounts spanning a minimum of 85 years. You ignore official documents from not only the United States Government, but also France, Russia, Brazil, and others.

Furthermore, you're perspective is from an extremely limited and narrow viewpoint, without taking the larger context into consideration. Naturally, it would seem to anyone who only pays attention to new related to Biden, Ukraine or the downfall of the country, that they "trotting out aliens as a distraction to cover up their crimes." It amazes me that people claim to be aware of everything going on, know so little.

My suggestion, as I said above is to do a little research and educate yourself before you go writing off garbage drivel, like this article clearly is. You do yourself and your readers a huge disservice.

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I appreciate your response, but note it is free of any evidence.

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In that case, you've missed the point entirely

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You are beginning to sound like the DNC post-2020 election. There is NO EVIDENCE unless you look, and you clearly have not done the research on the topic, preferring clearly to dismiss it out of hand. The topic of UFOs is clearly NOT your forte.

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If these allegations are true, please present the evidence proving that extra (earth) terrestrial/physical alien beings exist and have traveled here.

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First of all, I've never said the allegations are true or false. Those are besides the point. If this guy (the whistleblower) was speaking in a vacuum, I'd say he was full of shit. If his credentials are correct, and apparently they have been vetted (that could easily change), this person is proven to be in a position to top-secret programs and perhaps the people who work on them.

Second, there has been an OVERWHELMING amount of evidence that has come down to us in the last 85 years regarding the presence of a phenomena, which many attribute to being extraterrestrial. Specifically, this data includes:

-Photographic evidence

-Video Evidence

-Eyewitness Testimony

-Data from various instruments/sensors/systems/radars/etc.

-Numerous government documents

-Various physical evidence from purported contact with craft-this includes evidence and injury to persons, plants, trees, soil, radiological evidence

-Reports from other countries

-Data from other countries

Now, I've never said that it was alien per se; I'll leave that open for interpretation, however, I am pointing to data that cannot and has been shown to not have prosaic explanations. We know that a number of "sightings" and accounts are perfectly explainable, but others are not.

My point is that Jordan did literally no research on the topic and like many, fell into the trap of ignoring the historical and significant data that has already been out. I suggest doing your own research, rather than listening to someone's uneducated opinion on it.

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You're doing the exact opposite of what you think Jordan does. Because you weigh your findings based on your named bullet points you weigh this article as ignorant. He just says the guy who has come forward with evidence doesn't have ANY direct evidence at all. Regardless of the fact what history shows us.

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Um, so I was actually responding to John. H. I already discussed my point about Jordan's article. Someone asked me specifically to provide evidence and that is the response you are seeing. Furthermore, the dude didn't claim to have direct evidence. He's making a claim based off of his intimate knowledge and position within the government. Do I know if these are true or not? No. Does the evidence suggest some form of truth here? Sure it does given the overwhelming body of evidence and historical context of the subject.

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It's a mistake to assume that someone has done no research. You aren't in any position to know that. The question that really matters is whether there is physical evidence of non (earth) terrestrial visitation by beings who are physical and who would have to arrive here by physical craft which would require unknown and unexplainable capabilities (based on the known physics which govern the universe). That is what there is no evidence for that you or anyone else has produced. There are many reasons why that is the case. The author mentioned a major one in passing.

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It's not a mistake to make that assumption. I can see it in his article and his writing. Otherwise, he would have included it in some form. Furthermore, you're only looking at one thing. That's like saying, "we don't have photographic evidence of the existence of an electron, therefore they don't exist." Get real.

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Excellent comment. Thank you!

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Just because someone has top secret clearance really means nothing if the objective is to make the space invasion narrative look real even if it is not. If he was really TSC he would have been shown the craft but no he is conveniently one step removed. You give way too much credibility to title and what he was told instead of his eyewitness testimony. I'd say that is a leap of faith..

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All I've said is that if his credentials are in fact accurate, he would be in a position to have some form of access to this information. You ruined your whole argument when you mention, "space invasion." Sorry, but I don't give much credence to people parroting fake blue beam narratives.

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There's always a possibility that there is life elsewhere but some questions are: Why would they come here? Why use a space craft at all, i.e., technology possibilities are as endless as the potential for other life elsewhere in the universe etc etc etc.

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Include Chile in your list of governments acknowledging direct evidence of ET craft.

Yes Jordan, we humans must remain humble regarding our place in the cosmos, and independent thinkers must acknowledge the well-documented evidence of US government suppression of what happened at Roswell and so many other places. We are not alone in this universe, and we have never been alone.

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Other whistleblowers have and are continuing to come forward that the public at large are not aware of yet. Dr. Gary Nolan in fact knew about this David Grusch and made hints a week before this story hit. Also, why do they have to "travel from light years away"? What if they always been here, maybe they are interdimensional travelers? What if they are Swamp Gas Monsters? I mean there are tons of other possibilities. Thank you, end of rant.

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Wouldn’t it be batting 1.000?

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According to the democrats, they always do.

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oh Tucker is playing his role.

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TC debunked this ufo story by pointing it out, if it was real MSM would be all over it

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“If it was real MSM would be all over it.” Are you daft? They couldn’t care less about facts or “what’s real”, and they’ve proven it time and time again to anyone with half a brain. Dumbest statement I’ve read in a while and I’ve heard some doozies. Care to reconsider?

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Same. Disappointing.

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Exactly my same thoughts.

I was quite disappointed.

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To be fair, Tucker has been reporting on UFOs for awhile now. This has a total feel of propaganda, and I think he would notice that. We’ll see.

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I find it bizarre you and many others aren't paying any attention. Tucker has been discussing this topic for several years now.

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Even Tucker is susceptible to confirmation bias.

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His Ukraine commentary was strange too. He said “we now know it was Ukraine” who blew up Nordstream2. According to S. Hersh, it was the US & Tucker previous stated that he believed the same

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He prattled about "democracy" too. The guy needs better counsel.

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Not a huge fan of Carlson, but what he did say was that such a revelation SHOULD spark a lot of discussion and further inquiry, but because the oligarchs control the narrative, there isn't.

Think of it this way: if a prominent Chinese official said "Yeah, the Chinese government has UFOs in its possession," wouldn't that set off a huge wave of interest and discussion? I think it would.

However, I'm with Jordan on this one - it's extremely doubtful that any UFOs have been found.

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Jun 7, 2023Edited
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He was being sarcastic.

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Speculation is that that was satire. I think it probably was because parroting MSM IS satire, but, who knows.

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Do you think Biden ordered it to make America energy dominant as we are now the Saudi Arabia of LNG??

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Jun 7, 2023
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Yeah it does.

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The latest PsyOp getting ready, just in case. Planting little seeds until the time is needed

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“How can we scare the populace into asking for our help again??” Are we queuing up an alien invasion because the pandemic failed to scare us into total submission?

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People being scared was the reason they originally covered it up in the first place. Spoiler alert: people aren't scared. They want the truth

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Yes, funny how their role used to be to try to avoid scaring people. Now all they want to do is keep us scared. But the emperor isn’t wearing clothes. We all know it now.

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(not that there aren't ETs tho.)

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Yes, I noticed that Tucker's friends, Natali and Clayton Morris of the Redacted youtube channel, are also pushing this. And a number of months ago, Jen Pelligrino did a weird UFO segment with Eisenhower's great granddaughter, Laura Eisenhower. More on her here:


Sure seems like they are laying the propaganda groundwork for slowly rolling this pysop out.

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I just turned 71 and I've been pretty cynical all my life. However, in the past few years I have reached levels of cynicism that I never thought were possible. And, sadly, things keep popping up that continue to push the needle.

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To those who are UFO believers, I ask three questions:

1. As Jordan said, how do these interstellar travellers get here, given the limits of light speed, and

2. When they do get here, why is it they're never *quite* in range of our Navy and Air Force pilots, to where we can get some hi-def photos or video? Why is it always grainy, 1920s-lithograph style stuff? Do none of America's Top Gun aviators keep an iPhone handy in the cockpit? Can't an F-35 contractor ($70mil per plane) manage to get a 4k camera in the nose cone, or at least a decent Go-Pro?

3. If these LGM are visiting us and travelling huge distances to do so, why be so coy? Wouldn't you want to announce your presence rather than play hide-and-seek? Or at least ask if you could use the restroom and stretch your legs?

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Great questions, Larry.

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Yep. This is nothing more than the latest re-make of the Loch Ness monster-type bright, shiny distraction silliness.

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1. That can be very easily explained: engineering the spacetime metric, wormholes, traveling interdimensionally. All of those thing do not violate our understanding of general relativity.

2. They are in range and there have been many significant photographs and videos taken. I will ask you this: next time your out and about driving, look up in the sky. Try and take a picture of a bird or a plane as it is moving through the air. Better yet, a bird, it's a bit closer. Tell me what you see. You see, if you had thought about this question beyond the obvious low-hanging fruit, you would realize that as of right now, no one knows when this phenomena will appear, and thus can't predict their location or trajectory, to be able to "catch them". Anything we have is typically by happenstance. Also, those cameras in our mutlimillion dollar aircraft: it's classified; the data is classified; their movements are classified. Furthermore, multiple pilots have come forward and said people confiscate their data, and the data on ships. So, when you can get those, let us know.

3. This is actually a really good point and I have no answer, but my own opinions. We're likely "wildlife" to them and they do not want to "disturb the locals." That's the only reason I can come up with because I otherwise I agree with you.

Lastly, why is it that across the historical record, notably the last 100 years, people all report and say the same things about ufos, aliens, etc? Now I will grant you that there's likely a percentage making it up and looking for notoriety. However, that wouldn't even account for 50% of the cases and data. So, why do all these people say the same things, describe the craft the same way, describe aliens similarly? Are our memories passed within our genes? Perhaps.

Also, going back to #2, you clearly haven't been paying attention much because there's plenty of photos and video that aren't grainy. This is one of the lower-iq arguments that I hear because people haven't actually thought about it. My suggestion: think about it

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I don't know about the wormhole stuff, but let's focus on #2.

Please show me one photograph or video that shows a UFO instead of a grainy black and white Rorschach test. I want to see details of the craft, spinning direction, number of fins on it etc. Full color preferred and a view of the cockpit would be ideal. The US Air Force and Navy have extremely sophisticated imaging tech and should have no problem capturing one of these on film / memory.

I mean, we have great visuals of that Russian airplane dumping fuel on our drone over the Black Sea a few months back. As to the Air Force confiscating all incriminating footage, well, then why can't a passenger on an airliner ever seem to catch one of these UFOs with their iPhones? Why is it only jet fighters that seem to ever sight one, when there are thousands and thousands of passenger planes in the air every day?

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Definitely not a PSY-OP / distraction...!

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Thanks Jordan. You are so right to essentially reject these unsupported claims, with one additional thought.

Currently the various intelligence agencies of countless nations are likely observing everything that goes on, like China and their US incursions and likely satellite observations, so with every square inch of the planet available to them, the chances of some hidden secret underground hideaway, (yes even Iran's deep tunneled missile storage) going unnoticed is Alice in Wonderland stuff.

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The government hid the manhattan project in front of everyone's faces for decades. They also hid MKUltra, chemical and biological experimentation, and many many other things for years and years. This argument is 100000% wrong

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A little over exaggerated you think ! Your comment

You may not have noticed but that was in the dark ages and this is now today, a 200000% advancement and sophistication compared to the almost dark ages, that you refer to and seems to have passed you by.

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It doesn't go unnoticed at all. They see everything. They just don't want to talk about it

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Yeh yeh yeh, next comes the hologram alien invasion! Perfect excuse for more money for the military industrial complex. All our taxes and pensions must be spent on fighting this enemy. Pull the other one, it's got bells on.

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The government says aliens don't exist. Did you miss that part, or?

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The so called whistleblower is working for the government, this is psychological warfare by the military industrial complex. More aliens = more money.

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Using that logic, all people who speak out about the the government is doing are plants?

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Follow the money if you want to find the truth. Who gains the most from us all being terrified of aliens, covid, terrorists, etc etc. If you find where the profit is going, you will find the source of the lies.

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Yes, follow-the-money should be the approach on everything, including history, which is nothing but agreed upon lies.

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Covid has done us a massive favour, the useless eaters are beginning to wake up. Watch out for cyberCovid, we may need our digital ID to log back in when it is reset. Next comes the bank closures, when they reopen your new digital currency will rapidly inflate away. Not sure when the alien invasion psychological operation will be happening but it looks to have already started. Time to wake up all the sheep!

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no one is scared of aliens

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I am thinking of going away with them soon, much safer with them than with the US government. WTF, war with terror, drugs, covid, china, russia, europe (Nordstream), oh and of course, everyone who disagrees with war!

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Ha! I heard Bob Lazar on the Joe Rogan Podcast. I could be a Government whistleblower as well.

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The story of Element 115 on the Periodic Table validates Lazar’s story. There is more to physics that humans don’t know than what they do know.

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He has definitely been consistent over the years from what I can tell. And he appears to believe what he is saying, but I could also say we found a craft powered by Element 119. Eventually I would probably be right about Element 119 existing but it would not validate my story just picking the next number on the Periodic Table.

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I could be wrong, but I think he named 115 when the table was only at 112 or so. It seems some Russian scientists arrived at conclusions regarding the anti gravity properties of 115 at about the same time. Larger point is that humans are ignorant of much in the physics world.

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Your first argument is very weak. Mainstream physics has a child's understanding of the universe at this point. There are real LENR and "vacuum" effects that generate "free energy" but are not understood or acknowledged. Famously, at the end of the 19th Century, physicists thought that had a just-about-complete understanding of the universe, minus a few tweaks - that was before relativity, quantum mechanics, controlled nuclear fission, etc.

So it's very likely there are ways to cross vast distances of space - wormholes, space warping, etc. - that we just don't understand. Our own ignorance of reality isn't a proof that physics beyond that doesn't exist.

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Exactly! Very intelligent and prominent people once thought the Earth was flat. We don't know what we don't know.

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Not understanding something doesn’t mean whatever shit you want is likely.


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'look, over there, a squirrel!'

'ah no, that's a UFO!'


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Everytime I see one of these alien diversion stories I look for the big lie pattern: Fantastic statement that the normal person initially thinks it is absurd then realizes they really can't be sure. So they defer critical thinking to anyone who claims to be an expert or in this case whistleblower.

It's all BS and a diversion. Ironically Tucker was pointing out other diversions when his show opened. Then he went into biden mode and participated in a diversion.

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You mean like when the government has systematically diverted people from looking into this for the last 85 years? I hope that's what you mean, because otherwise, you have no clue what you're talking about.

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With all due respect Jordan’s analysis would indicate to me that he is extremely uniformed on this topic. To quote Jordan “nobody bats. 1000!”

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Then correct him.

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Of course there are aliens. One just told me they destroyed a dam in Ukraine.

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My question is, how would anyone know they were made by non-humans anyway?

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Not surprised at all. My first thought upon hearing about him was "Well how advanced are they really if they keep losing their vehicles?"

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Exactly! So we are expected to believe that they have such advanced technology that they are capable of traveling through the galaxy, but somehow when they get to Earth, they just have trouble driving and crash?

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Fair point, to be sure. However, we've been flying jets for decades, and even so we still have the occasional plane crash. Landing any craft on a planet is difficult because of the gravity well of the planet... we've lost nearly half the probes we sent to Mars because they crashed. Gravity can be a real beast. To the best of my knowledge, there has actually only been one crash, and that was Roswell NM in 1947. How did this happen? Well, sometimes stuff breaks. Personally I think the galaxy is teeming with life, and we're eventually going to encounter it, and very likely already have. To think that most of the stars out there don't have habitable planets and life is the height of arrogance, and I am absolutely certain that God wouldn't have created a universe with TRILLIONS of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars and trillions of planets, and left them all sterile. Life is the rule, not the exception.

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>and I am absolutely certain that God wouldn't have created a universe with TRILLIONS of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars and trillions of planets, and left them all sterile.


Yes, that is one of my big sticking points when it comes to religion. The others are the overabundance of evil and the insurmountable inequality of humans. On the one hand, you have a Tom Brady with movie star good looks, fantastic athletic ability, a net worth in the hundreds of millions and then you have the poor soul with Down Syndrome bagging your groceries at Safeway. Why doesn't everyone start with roughly an equal amount of strengths and weaknesses?

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