Feb 7Liked by Jordan Schachtel

The college I graduated from is on the list. After receiving our alumni magazine I realized I would never give them a dime for all the propaganda they were pushing. Now seeing them on this list I want to disavow myself completely from ever stepping foot on campus.

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In a sane world, anyone who graduates with a degree from any of these programs would be shunned by future employers, absolute job disqualification. Evidence of lack of real-world critical thinking skills, incapable of independent work ethos or ethics, high risk radical who will attempt to subvert business operations due to their radical wokeism that seeks to destroy business enterprise in pursuit of "equity" and other nonproductive, nonwork pursuits. Problem employees are best dealt with on the front end, never let them in your business.

Anyone who feels sympathy for them, high-aspiring over-achievers, just doing what they were told they had to do by the adults and system they trusted, any who believe they shouldn't be punished for the sins of the institutions, please disabuse yourself of such notions. These people are being indoctrinated to harm all of us, and will otherwise be elevated into positions of power to be able to do so. Unfair? Nope. They bet poorly. Redirect your sympathies to those who these people, these graduates of these institutions have harmed by their arrogance, their ambition, their obedience and their poor morals. If every single one of the students at any of those institutions populated the homeless encampments in the many cities they and their institutions are responsible for creating it would be true justice. If you have any friends, family in those institutions you don't think deserve it, too bad, they do. There's so many better options out there, to remain in that system reflects a willingness and desire to be a part of it. A pox on all of their houses.

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“Notably, the requirement does not apply to faculty and staff.” WTH?! Let’s give 18-22 year olds a shot that has no benefit for them but the 50-70 year olds don’t need to take it. The insanity continues. Will they never see their illogical practices/mandates?? How do they not cringe thinking about how we were made to mask walking through restaurants but not while sitting at the dining table, standing 3,6,9 ft apart, masking while on plane except when we’re eating/drinking, keeping bars open but not churches, no gatherings at family house but hundreds of protesters side by side A-ok. It’s so cringe I can’t stand it! And it’s bc these people are supposedly smart that it’s so absurd! Agh

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I assume each of these institutions has a Department of Biology and/or a Medical College. Or at least one student who has taken high school biology. WTF?

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Decades ago, I used to be impressed that someone went to Harvard. Not anymore, in the least. The vaccine foolishness tells all about that shithole. Why isn't (fake) conservative Bill Ackman shooting off his big mouth about this?

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Thank you Jordan for the opportunity to speak today and for highlighting our work at No College Mandates. Most of all thank you for your reporting that exemplifies the very definition of the pursuit of truth. Grateful for you!

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We'll have to compile a list of all the students that they succeed to kill.

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What I find most incredible is that there are 18 yo’s that will comply. Not a good indication that you are on the path to developing critical thinking skills. And then there’s the faculty plagiarism problem. All this adds up to a red flag “Do Not Hire”.

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The only students that will attend are either compliant sheep, or the unprincipled that obtain a fake jab certificate… useful idiots and grifters.

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The colleges receive astronomical sums from NIH for these requirements. In other words, they are taking money to at best likely sterilize students and at worst, maim and kill them.

This is incredibly depraved. People need to quit going along with this. The truth is known. Handle it!

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Between San Francisco St, San Diego St, and San Jose St (my alma mater!!) over 100k students have had submit to the vaccine. Congratulations to Governor Newsom on continuing to kill our fellow citizens, for no reason other than his filthy politics.

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Hopefully they will mandate Latin. So that students can better understand all of the names of the diseases that they’re going to suffer from.

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No College Mandates is on this issue like Jessica Hockett is on NYC fraud and Bill Rice is on early spread. This is the power of decentralized journalism that bites and doesn't let go.

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You pay with your life. Not attending is the true test of intelligence.

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Yale University brings in more money via pharmaceutical grants and govt covid money than student tuition. Harvard likely does as well.

Follow the money.

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Why would any sane parent pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to send their children to any of the 68 universities? But, insanity reigns, especially in highly educated and now brain dead cohort.

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