Since we're so enamored with NATO, shouldn't we uphold our agreements and attack Ukraine, seeing as how they officially attacked Germany by blowing up the Nordstream pipelines?

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Germany is considering declaring it is a victim of a NATO Article 5 attack by the USA against Germany's economy, industry and citizens when it blew up the Nordstream pipeline.

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The problem they would have with that is that the U.S. puts more money towards NATO than all of the other counties combined. While they could indeed call on the Alliance to attack because of the Biden (Obama 3)Administration blowing up the Nordstream Pipeline, they couldn't afford to fight the U.S. and wouldn't have enough weapons with which to do so.

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We are energy dominant thanks to Putin’s asinine invasion of Ukraine and so it makes sense for us to put up the most money. We spend $800 billion a year on defense spending in large part to defend against an attack from Russia….so now that Russia is at war we are helping Ukraine to degrade the military capacity of our enemy!

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you have no idea none what you are talking about zero none not a clue

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We are energy dominant!! I’m loving it because I’m a patriot!

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Wrong! We spend huge sums of money to fatten the larders of defense contractors and the Zionist underpinnings of our military "defense". Defending against whom? The chronically overstated worries we have about foreign invasions and taking over our nation are mere paraphrases for the fact the Judaic communists have already taken over our nation. This PGA-LIV flap with Saudi Arabia makes it sound like the Saudis were fully behind 911, when it was really Israel and their handmaidens we call the "warmongering neocon" that were behind 911 as well as the savage attack on USS Liberty. Our so-called security agencies are destroying the United States, not two bit Saudi Arabia.

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Coo coo

Coo coo

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Shill, shill

Shill, shill

Has a nice ring to it, eh shill?

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Energy Dominant? Our Petroleum reserves are at an all time low and the communist Biden administration isn't allowing drilling! Sounds like you've been partying with Hunter Biden.

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We are producing and exporting record amounts of natural gas. Fracking makes the SPR obsolete because it is so easy to ramp up oil production in America now.

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Pure nonsense. The Petroleum Reserves could easily be refilled if we pumped more Oil. Oil and Natural gas are not interchangeable and in an emergency such as War, ramping up take TOO much time. You seem to know nothing about the Oil and Gas business.

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I thought Biden did it? According to Seymour Hersh...

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His telling makes way more sense considering the other happenings around the explosion -- mainly that nobody really wants to look into it because they know what they'll find.

But the OFFICIAL STORY told by OFFICIAL PEOPLE is that Ukraine destroyed the pipeline. How is that not an attack on a NATO mamber?

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The USA did it

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We are energy dominant which apparently hurts your butt…weird.

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Shhh, he’s on a roll. ;)

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Mortgaged? He lost and betrayed Ukraine and the lives of 330,000 Ukrainian men for the fake promises from the West to join NATO. What a fool. I hope Ukrainians don’t forgive him this.

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Rip off his balls.

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balls? he had a pair?

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Remember when you thought Liz Cheney had bigger balls than Trump because she liked slaughtering innocent Muslims more than Trump?? And then in Trump’s first military action as president he assassinated a little American Muslim girl to show how big his balls were??

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"the parties to the proxy war don’t want Ukraine in NATO because they prefer to have Ukrainians and only Ukrainians to fight the battles for them."

Nailed it. They'll fight to the last Ukranian thanks to the CIA installed cross dressing cokehead.

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Volodomyr is dressed like a dictator. I guess his garb fits him perfectly....

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The deadly and wimpy dictator is also a dangerous buffoon.

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So many ways to kill your people. Soft like Canada. Hard like Ukraine.

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Most people assume that Joe called an early lid on the night because he needed to go to sleep. But my roommate said this was actually a perfect time for Biden to secretly meet with the Ukrainians to pick up his latest 10%.

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Zelensky has already been negotiating away any chance of Ukrainian sovereignty. Blackrock has been negotiating the rebuild of Ukraine . Hillary was quoted as saying that after the war in Iraq- just look at the money we’ll make rebuilding the country. Zelensky already has a reputed $100million in offshore accounts and a lot of his govt apparatchiks have reportedly been having luxury holidays in southern Europe while countrymen die.

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Zelenskii and his predecessor, P.A. Poroshenko, are both prominently named in The Panama Papers and The Paradise Papers.

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Hillary ordered the invasion of Iraq. And Barney Frank caused the Housing Bubble. George W Bush was a big flappy pussy!

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Hillary also ordered the assassination of Ghadaffi, Condaleesa Rice simultaneously visited Al Bhagdadi to send jihadis to the area. Hillary also ordered the airborne troops back from rescuing the US ambassador ( maybe he knew too much ). Ghadaffi used to say he was the cork in Africa. Without these events the 3rd world of Europe would not have been possible.

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John McCain and Lindsey Graham warned Qaddafi to his face that he would be killed if he gave the Lockerbie Bomber a hero’s welcome—Qaddafi did it anyway. You are a terrorist sympathizer!!

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Ukraine has been a puppet regime for a long time now.

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Doesn't anybody else see this as a game. Zelensky is on the take, Putin is on the take, the US in on the take, but who isn't is the brave Ukrainians and Russians that are dying thinking it's real, because for them, it it.

This is no more an east-west conflict, than the southern border in America.

You have been betrayed by your leaders, America, Russia, Ukraine, China, and everybody else in the (banking) world.

Why does American arms end up in African bazaars, Swedish gangs, and everywhere else in the world?

Change is coming, but you'll be too busy to notice it, Communism will fly over the capitol with the leader's blessing.

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“The thing you need to know about nuclear war is that (1) its preparatory stage begins when Russia’s communist surrogates in Washington find themselves in an untenable position; (2) when Heaven and Earth must be moved to hide the alliance between the Fifth Columnists and their Russian sponsors through an outrageous diversionary campaign; (3) when this effort fails once and finally war becomes unavoidable.”

JR Nyquist

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He doesn't care. He's trying to run a cartel.

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Hopefully, they lose their entire investment.

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and the U.S. is a Democracy?

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A “democracy” governed by Satanists.

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Lmao 😂

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I hope they do give him membership. That way, Putin can feel free to bomb Berlin, France and the U.S. I wouldn't mind if NYC disappeared, or Washington D.C. for that matter. These people are all traitors. The rest are guilty of association.

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For the record (because I see this brought up a lot), there is one and ONLY one requirement for joining NATO: unanimous consent from all existing members.

That's it. Nothing about democracy or being in a war or anything else.

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The US is in the business of war and business is booming!!!

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Have to wonder about the general moral within the Ukrainian Military,this war is contained trench combat and Russia never went “shock and awe” ,with no help coming I wonder how many will just toss their weapons aside and call it a day.

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