People on that team never get punished. Fauci has been lying straight down the barrel of the camera for decades

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You mean my son can't get HIV from a cereal box? Phew.

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This gain of function research resulting in this pandemic was no accident. This was deliberate.

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Nobody wants to be held responsible for 5 million deaths. That puts you into a certain "category" of person. Easier to blame a bat.

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Fauci arranged for this bio weapon to be developed. He also looks like the best candidate when looking for "who arranged to let it out." Can't cost too much to bribe a Chinese lab worker these days...

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The government directive for the people is all lies and deception

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How about these a holes with letters like Dr lose their licenses? What happened to integrity,..doing no harm? Make a damn example and take their letters and ability to practice. Do something to these people and the ones that signed on to the Lancet article. Geez us

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Ivermectin is approved for treatment against Covid-19 on the National Institutes of Health’s website. Right underneath remdesivir. Don't believe me search covid19treatmentguidelines table-2e on your search engine and you will see it.

According to that website it was last updated July yet here these people are telling us in August not to take ivermectin. Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! https://health.p0l.org/

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Lock this man up for God's sake; show some BALLS America. Why let this cretin deceiver go about his business any longer?????????????

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The people who should lock him up are the ones who are funding him!!

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Just put your mask on, take your "vaccine", and shut up. That's the only acceptable response.

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"You can't fool all the people, all the time." I cling in hope to the wisdom of Honest Abe.

I have not followed this closely but have read elsewhere that this letter indicates Fauci throwing Daszak under the bus. Nothing about that would be surprising.

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Enhanced potential pandemic pathogen sounds exactly the same as gain of function. You can call it what you want, but they created an enhanced virus and turned it loose on the world and then all tried to cover it up. From the beginning, it made little sense for the media to be covering for China. They had to be covering for someone here. And now you know.

And given the revelations lately about the cruel experiments on animals that Fauci was just fine with, do you really think he sees the plebeians of this country as little better than a gigantic guinea pig population? He doesn't care how many of us die as long as he gets his little experiment with mRNA vaccines and coronaviruses.

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Fauci reminds me of the android character in the original Alien movie

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I had not thought of that, but you're right, very much.

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Fauci arranged to have the bio-weapon created.

Fauci is the best candidate when looking for who arranged to let it out.

Time for some trials for crimes against humanity.

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There is a paper, presented to NATURE in 2015, by ZHENGLI LI SHI, (not any that may be around now) that was still up, I think at least until early Mar 2020. It is a road map to everything they did to create the virus, specific in what she said, a backbone created from 2 bat viruses, right down to to spike proteins that defeated human defenses, to make a very contagious human to human transmittable virus. Autopsies of the humanized mice revealed incredible damage to the heart, lungs and vascular systems full of clots. NO ONE that can get the word out seems to have found this paper, and you can't get it from NATURE either. It IS the smoking gun. Only copies of the original paper should be trusted. What is rich is that Zhewngli personally thanked Fauci for his help.

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I’ve said for a while now that in the not too distant future something huge will be uncovered and nobody will be held accountable. Not even Fauci.

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After we watched Clapper perjure himself on national TV, this evil midget does the same thing and gets away with it. The midget was much more lethal than Clapper but no less evil. They both belong in hemp neckties.

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People need to realize the fact that the simpletons currently holding the reins of power are committed to never letting go. They understand that they are in too deep to back off. They also understand that even as bad as things are getting, 40 +/- % of the population still think they are doing a good job; that whatever problems exist are due to Trump and his supporters. They truly believe we have finally set ourselves on the right course and after a few rough waves the waters will calm and it will be smooth sailing.

The votes for the 2022 elections are already being counted!

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The scaffolding of lies is so massive that it's going to make a hell of a sound when it comes crashing down. At this point it's a game of Jenga.

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