We must keep sending billions to Ukraine to kill Russians until a trans flag flies over the kremlin. The globohomo American empire must fall and the republic must be restored.

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Ukraine gets another $10,000,000,000 this week, to go with the $9,500,000,000 last week and the $40,000,000,000 from a few weeks ago. Hope I got the zeroes right.

Meanwhile, the residents of East Palestine do not get so much as a hotel voucher.

This shows where the priorities of the Empire truly lie. With that in mind, Russia is high on their own supply if they think that the West is anywhere near giving in.

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Now Trump is going to get cancer because he went to East Palestine…pretty dumb move if you ask me.

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We all will die, heart attacks from the vaccines, cancer from Buttergett's burning chemicals, or nuke fall-out from Bite-Me's WW3. Thank You, Democrats.

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Trump killed Herman Cane with a KFC Covid fart…stinky and deadly!

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Thank You for your extremely low IQ response.

Maybe IQ is why we all have to die, because "they" want 95% of the human gone, replaced with AI & Robots.

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If Trump had only worn a face mask over his butthole Herman Cain would still be alive!





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Do they pay you real money for posting idiotic stuff like this? They should get their money back. WOW.

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Can Robots fart ? Do they catch the covid ?

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Will robots seduce my wife ? I just try to learn to live peacefully with my neighbors the robots .

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I thought it was a $10 Big Mac????🍔

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RemovedFeb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023
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Believe the science! That's why I wear a mask. It has nothing to do with my tattoos or my purple hair.

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All BUBBA'S must have a big wooden plug in the but ,because whyrusses enter your but and come out of your mouth in the form of science .

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Yes I am.

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Well played bubba!!


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Here is a great post about trans athletes:


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That was awful and nonsensical

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A non female has already won an Olympic gold medal in women’s sports.

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They have succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest dreams! All predicted! It was just a matter of time...and timing.

God bless Capt!

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Well now... the term "theatre of war" is finally making sense to me...

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Now TPTB will change the word “war” to “micro-aggression”...watch!

“Oceania had a micro-aggression with East Asia. Oceania always had a micro-aggression with East Asia”

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If things keep going the way they are ,I will have to build my own planet next to the whyruss planet .It was said virusses can't jump more than six feet .So my planet will be seven feet away .

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I want off this ride.

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You & me both. The freaks are running the world right into a ditch. I’m sick of watching it & find absolutely no humor in any of this. Humanity is not worth saving. We prove it more every day.

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Feb 24, 2023·edited Feb 24, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Here's the argument I keep hearing: "The Ukrainians are eager to fight and keep begging The West for F-16s, tanks and cruise missiles -- so let's hand 'em over!"

But it's impossible for outsiders to tell how much real appetite the remaining actual Ukrainians have to fight Russia because dissenting voices and opposition media within Ukraine have been suppressed if not completely silenced. And the great democratic visionary who shut all that down is none other than our hero Zelensky.

OTOH, why not just support the shit out of the Ukrainian military? We're gonna end up supporting the Ukrainians one way or another -- guaranteed. I mean, even if we drop all military aid and stand back and let the Russians take Kiev, the US will have to support another five million Ukrainian refugees in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, El Paso and every other city. Hell, if enough Ukrainian refugees end up in East Palestine maybe Biden will build the city a new gymnasium.

It seems that Biden and his neolibs have fully committed us. What offramp is left now?

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In Canada the Ukrainians have happily established a new Ukrain .Trudeau said he will take as many as they have . On a more serious note ,it's never the ordinary people making problems ,but always the Masterminds on top .

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Reflecting further on this, I now believe that no matter who wins the Ukraine war, at least a million more Ukrainians will immigrate to the US.

I mean, no matter what, significant parts of the country will be devastated. And the US will roll out the red carpet for Ukrainian immigrants and probably transport many of them for free. In addition, Ukraine was poor in the best of times -- a lot of people wanted to leave anyway.

As Neil Diamond once sang, "They're coming to America."

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When all the cities and towns where bombed to rubble ,with people living in it during the bombings in Germany.There was no place to go ,like now .You had to stay under the hail of bombs ..The Russians did not bomb like the British and Americans even though they would have had reason to do it ,unlike the Americans or British .The Germans did not flee to other countries ,but rolled up their sleeves and rebuild .Now if there is destruction ,everyone wants to take off to other countries ,leaving no one behind to re build . I did experience as a kid of 9 the ruble.piles with possibly bodies in it .Being on a cattle train for ten days is still in my mind and lots more .If I had the talent I could write a book of my very stormy life ,even in peace time .

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Did you hear the one about the guy that goes to Ukraine and loses his pecker.

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I love it!! Made me laugh. You win.😁

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No more pecker ? No problem new ones made of steel are the latest in science and work forever .

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100% Fake,

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It worked for WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc., why not now??? War is good business. Our leaders are in a death cult... both colors, so what do we expect? We drive around using gas from the middle East paid for with blood. What do we expect karmically? The corporation known as UNITED STATES OF America is in D.C. and you signed your life over to it when you got your SS#.

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Yes, I don't believe anything coming out of the war zone. I've been around a while and can spot propaganda when I see it. Sadly, they could have negotiated an end to this war 10 months ago but of course, the military industrial complex wants it to keep going. Even Dennis Prager is on the war bandwagon which is sad. His reasoning indicates he knows little about history.

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This war has been great for America—we are now the Saudi Arabia of LNG!

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New nat .gas will be made from cow farts and send to Germany together with the left over snot pouches .The Haus Fraus and Freuleins will thank the U.S. cows for the gas .If gas stoves are outlawed than the gas must be made into electricity first .

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Our gas industry was excellent before the war. Yes, America blowing up the Nordstream pipeline helped it but at the same time the White House has a war domestically on fossil fuels. Obama said never underestimate the ability of Biden to screw things up. One of the few things I agree with him on.

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For some reason Trump bankrupted the industry in 2020. Now we are producing record amounts!!

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In A merica mummies can be president . In the next election lets borrow a new mummy from a museum in Cairo .

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Hope it has enough soy lattes in that safe space.

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I don't understand how people can't see through the FARCE! The whole thing is so patently and obviously ridiculous. Not just this manwhoispretendingtobeawoman, but the whole. dang. thing.

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Our leaders here are driving towards a far more serious, actual, war. If you want to fathom what it might look like, there's a physicist named Alex Wellerstein and he's got a couple of sites, misslemap.com and nukemap.com that you can use to see what a broad variety of nukes could do most any locale in the U.S. and the world. Simple to use but very scary because most discussions about a nuclear exchange are academic. Once you enter the locale target, then the kiloton of the nuke, whether it's air or ground explosion, and hit "Detonate", it builds concentric circles going out from ground zero and shows precisely what the damage and casualties. It's a real eye-opener. But there are large parts of our Uniparty and the institutions they control who think we can win in an exchange. These propaganda pieces in the media remind me of those pieces Goebbels produced in 1945 as the Soviets were closing in on Berlin. No reality to these, either, but I guess effective on the low information, low IQ in our country.

Danny Huckabee

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Russian Air Power “Mystery” Explained -- Dreizinreport -February 22, 2023


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It’s all disgusting 🤮

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Your vulgarity belongs somewhere the intellectually paralyzed gather.

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For all the hysteria about losing a few days in the fight over the Speaker's position, I sure don't see a House with a true sense of urgency, much less serious recognition of the abyss we're staring into. Where are the impeachment articles for Biden, Myorkas,and Garland? Hearings won't do a damn thing to stop the coming fiscal collapse.

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The freedom caucus or what ever they call them selves need to get busy. Stop with the charades of these hearings and start cutting the feet off the cabal!

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