It will never end. The DNC is using it as a massive money laundering scheme. The Ukrainian leaders skim off billions for themselves and then allow a few millions to flow back to DNC groups and think tanks and politicians as their thanks for allowing them to continue to steal from the US tax payers
This is the last hurrah - the Democratic Party is in it's last throws after the damage they've inflicted - so of course they're working OT to raid the coffers!
Don't worry the RepubTurds are in on this scam as well!! War is business they do not care about human life!! If they did they would not have injected over a billion people on the planet with a Bio-Weapon!!
Totally agree - the entire system is completely corrupt - why I hope we go to war - with the open boarders you can just imagine the magnitude of sleeper cells in this Country - that's a lot of hostility towards those who supplied Israel with all the weapons and money to facilitate this war which you know was also deliberate - they day Israel has a security breakdown - is the day we have integrity in politics. The other side of that coin is a coup d'état which we've been waiting for how long? They're all scum.
All we care about is Russia’s military being degraded…or are you one of those people that cares deeply about Muslim women and children in Afghanistan??
You missed the part where in 2014 Victoria Nuland funded, armed, and backed a coup overthrowing the democratically elected government. The Coup government then went on a rampage in the ethnic Russia regions leading to a civil war in the Donbas and a stalemate. Russia retook Crimea as they were leasing their naval port they have maintained there since Catherine the Great in the late 1700s and everybody who had a functioning brain cell knew they weren't going to give it up. They did lose control of Crimea twice in history. The periods after the Crimean War (1854) and the Nazi Crimean Campaign (1942). Russia was OK with the situations still and Russia then tried two peace deals (the Minsk accords). After it became clear to Russia that the West was arming up Ukraine for a war they tried twice to reach the Biden administration to prevent war. December 2021 and January 2022. The Biden administration not only refused to even talk to them but after the second attempt screamed to the media that "the Russians are going to invade!" They knew this because Russia told them they were going to invade if the US didn't come to peace talks. As the US had spent the last 8 years arming and training up the Coup government's military the USA thought they were ready for war and would win. The whole train of thought was laid out in Rand's 2018 paper Operating from Advantageous ground (get the Ukrainians to die for their country and watch Russia bankrupt and weaken itself...we'll party like its the Yeltsin years again). The USA orchestrated the war. Demanded the war even. Help start it off by increased artillery shelling of the Donbas as recorded by the OSCE before they were forced to leave in Feb 2022.
Agreed, and the Ukes lose a generation of KIA alpha males. Putin is a thug but Putin is also a nationalist and he did what Prez Kennedy was willing to do during the Cuban missile crisis.
Kennedy didn't want Soviet missiles on his back porch and Putin didn't want NATO missiles on his front porch.
My theory is that the United States, Russia, Ukraine, and China were all in on it together! Ask yourself the question: what do you need to "sell" a war to the public? You need a bad guy = Putin, and you need a Good guy = Zalensky; you cannot create a war with theatrics (media) with two good guys! The Military Industrial Complex (Politicians, Lobbyist, Manufacturers, Investors all make money and gain power). Your probably saying to yourself as you read this how insensitive could I be to the people of Ukraine by saying this; not as insensitive as the people who did not mind allowing over 1 billion people get injected with a bio-weapon. We are dealing with the enemy when it comes to politicians, they will not think twice about sending your kids and grandkids to wars that make them and their donors money!
My favorite argument is if we don't defeat Russia now they will attack a NATO country next! Pure and absolute propaganda. At the rate they are going in Ukraine, they will be at the doorstep of Great Britain by the year 2345! According to the Left, humanity will cease to exist from climate change and some weird robot-computers will control the world in 40 years anyways, so what is the actual point?
The notion that DC could defeat Russia on Russia's doorstep is delusional. Keep in mind we are talking about the DC which was not only defeated but humiliated by a relatively small number of tribesmen armed with little more than small arms in Afghanistan. We are also talking about the DC which can't even control a static one dimensional border.
Might be worth noting my criticism isn't of US service members (I'm a US Army vet). The cloistered nitwits in DC are the problem, including the military brass.
According to the 2013 data, the areas in "Russian occupied Ukraine" wanted to be with Russia. They supported pro-Russian parties and spoke Russian. The West provoked this war by funding/facilitating the 2014 Euromaidan) coup. And extending the NATO presence eastward - in spite of promises made in 1992 not to do so. After the coup, Ukrainian authorities forbade the speaking of Russian and discriminated against Russian speaking citizens. More recently, Zelensky (that paragon of democracy) has arrested members of the Orthodox Church. The Ukrainian secret police (SBU) has carried out a campaign of assassination and terror against those who criticize the Ze;ensky regime. The USA (starting when Obama was a Senator) funded biolabs in Ukraine -at one time using Metabiota (Hunter Biden) as a cutout.
According to inside sources, the USA is now preparing to out Zelensky and replace him with Zaluzhny
Natural gas is the most important fossil fuel and Tillerson used your dollars you paid for gasoline to make Qatar the wealthiest nation on the planet…you’re welcome!!
Blame Tillerson, not Qatar. Actually at current prices natural gas can be transformed into diesel and kerosene…that’s why oil will never go above $90/barrel for any extended period of time.
Joe Biden, the most corrupt politician since Lyndon B. Johnson, and Zelensky have paired to fleece the American taxpayer to the tune of billions. It is a disgrace what they are guilty of and both men should face treason charges. Their worry has never been about Ukraine security. Their concern has always been about enriching themselves and their cronies.
1. Using the war and future war with China hard after Covid has caused a massive wave of reshoring industries to USA 🇺🇸.
This will ease perhaps the 🇺🇸peasant Jacquarie ... real jobs take the sting out a bit.
2. We 🇺🇸 have secured Europe, indeed crushed any spirit of independence in Europe, especially the rapprochement with Russia advocated by France, driven a wedge between Germany and Russia, and crushed any Chinese buyout of Europe. In short we secured our Atlantic Flank and put down uppity allies (who now know they’re vassals). Much of the reshoring of industry to 🇺🇸 comes at Germany’s expense.
We’ll get more than some of 🇩🇪 surviving industries here.
Already it happens.
What was a competitor is now burning wood and soon eating roots.
🇩🇪Enjoy the Turnips.
3. We in the process of Ukrainian war sanctions broke it off with China to our advantage, Japan rearms, Australia is chastened, in short we also secured our Pacific flank. Australia had strange ideas afoot with France,🇫🇷 something about submarines.
Well, that’s handled.
4. Like England before us, it seems we cannot bear hostiles gazing across the waves - to them 🇬🇧it was the Belgian littorals and canals- neither France, nor Germany, nor Spain before them are allowed purchase there- nor any truly Independent Ireland (East and West).
5. All this was done for a drop in the bucket. $300B in the Federal budget is - a month at best.
Analysis isn’t advocacy.
Ukraine is no longer a nation and barely a people.
It will never end. The DNC is using it as a massive money laundering scheme. The Ukrainian leaders skim off billions for themselves and then allow a few millions to flow back to DNC groups and think tanks and politicians as their thanks for allowing them to continue to steal from the US tax payers
I think both parties are in on it.
Yes the McConnell types are very much cashing in.
1000%, they do not care about We the People!! for politicians it is about Divide and Conquer! The Romans used that strategy!
It is outrageous that we are sending billions to Zelensky who has 4 mansions. Already the war has cost Ukraine 500,000 deaths of young men.
We must be mad to keep financing all of this death and destruction. Its like Vietnam all over again.
Pure greed
This is the last hurrah - the Democratic Party is in it's last throws after the damage they've inflicted - so of course they're working OT to raid the coffers!
Don't worry the RepubTurds are in on this scam as well!! War is business they do not care about human life!! If they did they would not have injected over a billion people on the planet with a Bio-Weapon!!
Totally agree - the entire system is completely corrupt - why I hope we go to war - with the open boarders you can just imagine the magnitude of sleeper cells in this Country - that's a lot of hostility towards those who supplied Israel with all the weapons and money to facilitate this war which you know was also deliberate - they day Israel has a security breakdown - is the day we have integrity in politics. The other side of that coin is a coup d'état which we've been waiting for how long? They're all scum.
And working class Americans get solid union jobs in states like Wisconsin…it’s a win win for America!
Nobody is buying your crap
Sure Check out this article Where it gets better than that is we gave our hard-earned tax-paying money to this low-life, penis piano-playing monkey who is a fraud, a liar, and a thief, along with our sick politicians (both DemonRats and RepubTurds). Here is a beautiful article with a video to illustrate where our money went:
Ukraine won, Zelensky won, they received over 100 Billion from us tax paying suckers!!
All we care about is Russia’s military being degraded…or are you one of those people that cares deeply about Muslim women and children in Afghanistan??
You missed the part where in 2014 Victoria Nuland funded, armed, and backed a coup overthrowing the democratically elected government. The Coup government then went on a rampage in the ethnic Russia regions leading to a civil war in the Donbas and a stalemate. Russia retook Crimea as they were leasing their naval port they have maintained there since Catherine the Great in the late 1700s and everybody who had a functioning brain cell knew they weren't going to give it up. They did lose control of Crimea twice in history. The periods after the Crimean War (1854) and the Nazi Crimean Campaign (1942). Russia was OK with the situations still and Russia then tried two peace deals (the Minsk accords). After it became clear to Russia that the West was arming up Ukraine for a war they tried twice to reach the Biden administration to prevent war. December 2021 and January 2022. The Biden administration not only refused to even talk to them but after the second attempt screamed to the media that "the Russians are going to invade!" They knew this because Russia told them they were going to invade if the US didn't come to peace talks. As the US had spent the last 8 years arming and training up the Coup government's military the USA thought they were ready for war and would win. The whole train of thought was laid out in Rand's 2018 paper Operating from Advantageous ground (get the Ukrainians to die for their country and watch Russia bankrupt and weaken itself...we'll party like its the Yeltsin years again). The USA orchestrated the war. Demanded the war even. Help start it off by increased artillery shelling of the Donbas as recorded by the OSCE before they were forced to leave in Feb 2022.
Agreed, and the Ukes lose a generation of KIA alpha males. Putin is a thug but Putin is also a nationalist and he did what Prez Kennedy was willing to do during the Cuban missile crisis.
Kennedy didn't want Soviet missiles on his back porch and Putin didn't want NATO missiles on his front porch.
My theory is that the United States, Russia, Ukraine, and China were all in on it together! Ask yourself the question: what do you need to "sell" a war to the public? You need a bad guy = Putin, and you need a Good guy = Zalensky; you cannot create a war with theatrics (media) with two good guys! The Military Industrial Complex (Politicians, Lobbyist, Manufacturers, Investors all make money and gain power). Your probably saying to yourself as you read this how insensitive could I be to the people of Ukraine by saying this; not as insensitive as the people who did not mind allowing over 1 billion people get injected with a bio-weapon. We are dealing with the enemy when it comes to politicians, they will not think twice about sending your kids and grandkids to wars that make them and their donors money!
Actually we are at the lowest level of combat deaths in over two decades.
My favorite argument is if we don't defeat Russia now they will attack a NATO country next! Pure and absolute propaganda. At the rate they are going in Ukraine, they will be at the doorstep of Great Britain by the year 2345! According to the Left, humanity will cease to exist from climate change and some weird robot-computers will control the world in 40 years anyways, so what is the actual point?
We’ve literally spent trillions of dollars preparing for a war against Russia and that money was mostly spent while Republicans were president.
We’re being scammed by Congress and the President.
They are all self interested grifters bowing and grabbing the cash from the MIC Lobbyists. Ef them all.
Where will this $60 billion end up? There is zero accountability.
Please stop wasting our tax money! We need it here!!
The notion that DC could defeat Russia on Russia's doorstep is delusional. Keep in mind we are talking about the DC which was not only defeated but humiliated by a relatively small number of tribesmen armed with little more than small arms in Afghanistan. We are also talking about the DC which can't even control a static one dimensional border.
Might be worth noting my criticism isn't of US service members (I'm a US Army vet). The cloistered nitwits in DC are the problem, including the military brass.
According to the 2013 data, the areas in "Russian occupied Ukraine" wanted to be with Russia. They supported pro-Russian parties and spoke Russian. The West provoked this war by funding/facilitating the 2014 Euromaidan) coup. And extending the NATO presence eastward - in spite of promises made in 1992 not to do so. After the coup, Ukrainian authorities forbade the speaking of Russian and discriminated against Russian speaking citizens. More recently, Zelensky (that paragon of democracy) has arrested members of the Orthodox Church. The Ukrainian secret police (SBU) has carried out a campaign of assassination and terror against those who criticize the Ze;ensky regime. The USA (starting when Obama was a Senator) funded biolabs in Ukraine -at one time using Metabiota (Hunter Biden) as a cutout.
According to inside sources, the USA is now preparing to out Zelensky and replace him with Zaluzhny
- F O R G I V E U S A L L
Kiss him already, Z, you know you want to!
It’s ending. Ukraine is ending.
(_____ is doing demining training and ops- it OVER.
El Sur. No nukes, no Muslims.
We are pivoting to the south.
We found a sparsely populated country with mucho oil, and THEY SPEAK ENGLISH!
Guyana 🇬🇾 is America’s 🇺🇸 latest vic... er... trusted Security Partner.
They need us, as our latest comic foil Venezuela 🇻🇪, the bane of our existence, is next door.
We know they’re the bad guys, cuz their dictator has a mustache, also his name ends in a vowel.
It’s got everything.
Oil 🛢️
Speak English? Si !
Women 💃🏻
Cerveza 🍺
And Comic Foil.
Natural gas is the most important fossil fuel and Tillerson used your dollars you paid for gasoline to make Qatar the wealthiest nation on the planet…you’re welcome!!
I actually can’t argue that about Qatar. I live over NG btw but NY won’t allow us to drill, so my quarrel is closer.
----/ oil too is important __|
These wretches who loot us 🇺🇸 will pass, and we shall still have our land with the resources in it.
I don’t blame Qatar of course.
Blame Tillerson, not Qatar. Actually at current prices natural gas can be transformed into diesel and kerosene…that’s why oil will never go above $90/barrel for any extended period of time.
Joe Biden, the most corrupt politician since Lyndon B. Johnson, and Zelensky have paired to fleece the American taxpayer to the tune of billions. It is a disgrace what they are guilty of and both men should face treason charges. Their worry has never been about Ukraine security. Their concern has always been about enriching themselves and their cronies.
All true
You are overlooking some matters beyond Ukraine.
(Analysis isn’t Advocacy).
1. Using the war and future war with China hard after Covid has caused a massive wave of reshoring industries to USA 🇺🇸.
This will ease perhaps the 🇺🇸peasant Jacquarie ... real jobs take the sting out a bit.
2. We 🇺🇸 have secured Europe, indeed crushed any spirit of independence in Europe, especially the rapprochement with Russia advocated by France, driven a wedge between Germany and Russia, and crushed any Chinese buyout of Europe. In short we secured our Atlantic Flank and put down uppity allies (who now know they’re vassals). Much of the reshoring of industry to 🇺🇸 comes at Germany’s expense.
We’ll get more than some of 🇩🇪 surviving industries here.
Already it happens.
What was a competitor is now burning wood and soon eating roots.
🇩🇪Enjoy the Turnips.
3. We in the process of Ukrainian war sanctions broke it off with China to our advantage, Japan rearms, Australia is chastened, in short we also secured our Pacific flank. Australia had strange ideas afoot with France,🇫🇷 something about submarines.
Well, that’s handled.
4. Like England before us, it seems we cannot bear hostiles gazing across the waves - to them 🇬🇧it was the Belgian littorals and canals- neither France, nor Germany, nor Spain before them are allowed purchase there- nor any truly Independent Ireland (East and West).
5. All this was done for a drop in the bucket. $300B in the Federal budget is - a month at best.
Analysis isn’t advocacy.
Ukraine is no longer a nation and barely a people.
Empire is ugly...
Empire isn’t pretty 🤩
Speaking of which, the Eastern Hemisphere is altogether too dangerous, when it’s not defended by nukes (most of it is) it’s defended by Muslims!
This South America ... now that’s much more hospitable!
Friendly women!
Cerveza !
Oil and LITHIUM.
And no nukes or Muslims!
Why... look here; this Guyana 🇬🇾 place, they even speak English!
And we need to “rescue” them from the clutches of our latest Comic Foil, Venezuela !
We 🇺🇸 must save (check notes) Guyana from Cast... er.. Maduro!
Another villain with a mustache!
(Perfect! Good guys shave).
To (check google maps) Georgetown !!
Let me summarize;
We are leaving the Eastern Hemisphere
For the more hospitable climes of the Western in particular Latin America, which we are told we’re “neglecting “. Oh dear, we can’t have that.
No nukes
No Muslims
And half their men worth a damn are here... 🇺🇸
End CIA war, against Russia