The Vogue magazine photo shoot is the dead giveaway. The mass media is so 100% corrupt and in bed with the WEF. A short period spent at the WEF website can supply more than sufficient ammunition to intellectually discard them as "elites". It is just an updated version of tyranny and the many ringed circus we see in the stories we're being fed are examples of the many distortions coming from collusions of the "1%" such as this.

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Meghan Markle was on the cover of Vogue too and she’s a complete grifter, anti-American pro-WEF, pro green new deal, pro leftism.

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There ‘s so many examples spread around mass media wouldn’t know where to begin. The music industry is also suffering from corrupted media influences of which Rolling Stone is a prime example.

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Yes, Gore’s in deep on the WEF international Corporatocracy agenda. We are heavily infiltrated.

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Yes. One giant grift. No different than the green energy grift. All the celebrities want in on it.

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and screw all of them finally, legally !

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Conde Nast, the company who owns Vouge is listed as a partner on the WEF site.

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There as so many connections to so much it certainly fits the definition of an intricately fashioned planetary Corporatocracy. I actually know people who say we’ve already been taken over so why do anything. Guess they don’t understand that fascism is bad for everyone.

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Conde Nash owns Teen Vogue also, publishes how to have anal sex to preteens. Owners of Conde Nash = bolshevics.

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The Zenlenskys bought a villa in the Mediterranean too.

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Omg when? During the “war”?

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Why doesn't the WEF just buy Ukraine - this way they an implement Build Back Better personally and have their own Country to boot. If all goes accordingly they can then buy up other Countries and leave the rest of us alone!!

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because they already own it. shhhhh!

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They are doing just that. With tax payer money. Opm. Other people money.

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Because they need access to the Fed for the funds.

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“A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money."

$550 billion for imperial contractors and $200 billion for Ukrainian billionaires (old and new). After $750 billion Ukraine will still be a basket case, a cesspool of corruption.

Imagine what we could do here at home with that money.

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Don’t forget 10% for the ‘big guy’

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Aug 3, 2022
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Ukrainians - neither western or Eastern Europeans - aren’t being helped. That money goes to the war machine with massive kickbacks to the politicians and celebrities and their families. It’s a Kakistocracy.

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$750 billion to any foreign country isn't a rounding error. We haven't spent anywhere near that much money on Ukraine, and we won't.

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Wrong. Zelensky is demanding trillions and Obama Biden Bush spent $30 trillion on the 20+ year Afghanistan money laundering boondoggle with absolutely nothing to show for it. Once again the US left after destroying countries and their institutions and people leaving - but in spite of being the attacked by the biggest military in the world the US lost again and the sheep herders one. Money laundering, catch 22, military industrial complex grift.

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Aug 6, 2022
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Zelensky is a grifter just like Biden. Ukraine is a money laundering operation. None of the elite care what happens to the little people.

North Korea is sending. 100,000 troops to Ukraine. Eastern Ukraine has literally been under attack since 2014 by Ukrainian NAZIs funded and trained by the US, CIA, NATO members, and George Soros is deeply involved.

Most Ukrainian families are intermarried with Russians. Russia and Ukraine were literally founded by the same family. Zelensky should surrender and the be held responsible for war crimes. He has repeatedly used civilians as human shields.

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Aug 3, 2022
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100% Agree !!! 750 Billion a year... for WHAT ????? Cut the bloated Military Industrial Complex budget IN HALF for starters.

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What a sink hole of graft and corruption that place has become. A handy excuse to keep the money printer running full blast. And our corruptor in chief and all the DS cronies will no doubt send that Ukrainian WEF puppet this cash ASAP.

I want us to hit bottom soon. Let’s really get this party started. Sooner it hits bottom, the sooner we the people can figure out how to actually restore our country.

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Aug 3, 2022
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I’m not convinced that we necessarily end up with that scenario. It’s very hard to determine what may actually happen. I guess I sounded pretty fatalistic with my remarks at the end.

Maybe a better way to phrase it is that this limbo period we are in is very wearying. And while I can feel a tipping point approaching, I just don’t know which way it will tip. I don’t want to see harder times, and pray constantly that this cup might pass us. But I’m not certain of a miraculous turnabout. God could do that, and scriptures show He sometimes did. And History too. And it’s often when it looks like all hope is gone that God then acts to show forth His power. But not all God’s people end up escaping suffering. Far from it. I do believe better days lie ahead. Just uncertain of the timeframe and the path that must be walked to get to that point.

Hope I clarified better what was behind my somewhat gloom and doom-ish remarks above.

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Yeah when I was young I had that “crash and burn” ideology, but now I’m older and wiser and realize it’s foolish and potentially deadly.

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I’m old too. Perhaps not as wise as I ought to be at times though. Lol

I posted more about what my thoughts were behind my initial remarks.

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Fuck Ukraine.

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I was going to post this exact comment. Seriously... FUCK UKRAINE !!!

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Aug 4, 2022
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I guess you don't like my FUCK UKRAINE ! comment ? Fine. Fuck U2 ! We need that F-ing Ukraine military aid right here in the USA. Stop printing Billions and giving to to foreign lands when we are in dire straights. And cut the bloated military budget of $780 Billion A YEAR in half immediately. Those funds are needed here in the USA.

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Notwithstanding the tragedy of war...we knew this was another PSY-OP. And the proof piles up daily.

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It's more money laundering for those in charge, both there and here.

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They are called "Banksters" for a reason.

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souls in Hell want ice water too

but don't mean they are going to get it

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What if they lose the war? I guess then Russia will foot the bill for rebuild; Also, are we (USA) giving them money or lending them money? Which one is it? Interesting read again Jordan.

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Who says grift doesn't pay in the long run ... Just ask Hunter, the smartest man Joe knows .. !!!

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So, $75 billion for the Big Guy then?

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You ARE kidding, right ? NO WAY in hexx can we afford or bother to give that to a former soviet state that used to make the SS-20 !

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You knew this was coming. The sting of our failures in the Middle East hardley had time to be discussed and that idiot gets us into a european war. Hell Biden still has his foot on the escalation gas pedal.

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Maybe we can all get second jobs to earn enough money to send to Ukraine.

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Disgusting and astonishing. They cut off the EIDL funding that American businesses needed after our domestic tyrannical "leaders" forced many businesses to close and negatively affected sourcing for others while they send $40 bil. to a nation that no one gave a sh*t about 4 years ago. The imposter skeleton in the White House has compromised the country with his corrupted personal dealings. WTF happened to this country?

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Aug 3, 2022
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Keep excusing our pathetic government for a bad spending habit based on "rounding errors". The fake White House isn't stopping Putin from a damn thing. Their entire plan is a backfiring hackjob. Putin and the Ruble are stronger than ever. Seems like you're the idiot chump. Keep drinking the sperm your like-minded friends and news sources are feeding you. Hilarious bro.

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