Wasn’t mudge supposed to expose the bots? Twitter is clearly an intel operation, so any whistleblower who isn’t disappeared is probably serving their agenda.

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Huh. Never thought about that. Thanks for the insight

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I believe this is the same billionaire that funded Glenn Greenwald's The Intercept. Greenwald left that organization when it insisted on censoring his reporting. I would hope that Mr. Greenwald, who shows every evidence of personal and professional integrity, would report on this person, and this story.

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I used to have huge respect for Greenwald. But his determination to avoid the big vaccine-shaped elephant in the room has disgusted me for a long time now, too long. I will never respect him again.

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Real whisteblowers get villainization and extradition, not congressional hearings and fawning news coverage.

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Unless they come out as trans.

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Is this a run up to justify more censorship and oversight? As well as larger budgets at government bureaucracies?

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There's no sneaking past you is there?

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The grift is on. It’s on the streets. The griff is on

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Of course.....

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you cant trust anyone anymore, im beginning to have suspicions about myself

trust no one!

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Thanks for the reporting. Yeah, this guy smelled like Haugen from the get-go.

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Dude worked for DARPA, Google, Twitter? Yeah sure I trust him.

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And he was “celebrated by a bipartisan congress.” Nothin to see here..

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I'm not sure what it says about us as humans but the cretin Trump was probably one of our best presidents.

His eogtardation really made him repugnant. His ego fired his ego handlers. The dipshit was doing so much good but for fuck's sake the moronic cunt couldn't muzzle himself. He made a mockery of social media and that's saying something!

We over-rate power seekers. Self governance is probably the highest good we can do for not just ourselves but each other. When we look for a leader? Nine times outta ten it probably won't end well, my friend.

We hurt, and some of us innately want to heal the wounded. Some of us want to bring the war games.

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Anyone who desires power in this system is a shit human. Not sure what the alternative is though

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I hate to be a skeptic but any whistleblower that is a tattletale TO the government rather than AGAINST the government is ridiculous. Give me a break! I don't buy this for one second! Especially if it's being hyped up by msm! I call bullshit!

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So darpa is for sale now?or they hate losing control over their investments? OF COURS3 THE ANSWER IS ANOTHER federal Agency.

Yeah NO.

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Yeah, I vote this guy is all BS, all the time.

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This is all part of the game. When you see things like this go down, think of what could be the most evil intentions possible, double that, then you might be getting close to the evil that is actually happening. Cynical yes, but after what has been happening these past few years, closer to the truth than anything else.

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I'm guessing the gov owns those bots, but Twitter isn't allowed to disclose it.

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Make whistles illegal

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Only outlaws will have whistles

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Invent an opposition and control them too. Cover all ya bases. The “we need tighter internet regulation” as the panacea was a dead give away.

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The timing with the Elon Musk acquisition is suspicious. Are they trying to extricate Twitter from the CIA before the deal goes through and they’re doing it big and loud? As in, LOOK OVER HERE, so you don’t see what’s really going on? Just spit balling.

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The “whistleblower” is being “celebrated by a bipartisan congress” and worked for DARPA. Just the Uniparty in action again.

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