Twitter 'whistleblower' handlers played key role in facilitating sham Trump impeachment
Whistleblower Aid is funded by a notorious left wing billionaire.
A bipartisan panel in Congress convened on Tuesday to bring forward an alleged Twitter whistleblower by the name of Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, a former executive at the social media giant.
Zatko, who has previously been employed at Google and DARPA, among other high profile organizations, hurled all kinds of accusations at Twitter Inc, alleging one major scandal after another.

At the beginning of the hearing, it wasn’t clear what exactly the Zatko, who was fired by Twitter inc in January of this year, was trying to accomplish.
Then, he opined that the FTC and SEC did not have the necessary capacity to oversee Big Tech.
To your humble correspondent, this translates as a call to staff up Big Government regulatory bodies. That portion of the testimony, coupled with his team’s targeted leaks to the likes of CNN and The Washington Post, coupled with the strange reality of a “whistleblower” being celebrated by a bipartisan congress, is certainly a cause for suspicion.
So I did a little bit of research into the organization handling Mr. “Mudge.”
He is being represented by a media relations and legal team from a non-profit called Whistleblower Aid, which represents itself as an outfit that seeks to supply attorneys to whistleblowers from both government and the private sector to “protect us from lawbreaking that we may never learn about.”
This is the same organization that represented Facebook “whistleblower” Frances Haugen, who also didn’t pass the whistleblower smell test. Haugen, like Mudge, is paradoxically blowing the whistle to government and against a private entity. Like Mudge, she advanced an implicit statist agenda. Following her testimony, Haugen commenced a speaking tour that was funded by a who’s who of leftwing billionaires, including George Soros’s Open Society Foundations.

Now here’s where things get really diabolical.
Whistleblower Aid played a key role in the first impeachment of President Donald Trump.

Whistleblower Aid provided both counsel and media relations work to an anonymous intelligence community employee (who has been identified by Congress as Central Intelligence Agency official Eric Ciaramella), who alleged that President Trump pressured the Ukrainian government to accept a “quid pro quo” and launch an investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden.
If you’re a news junkie, surely you know the ins and outs of this story. But if you don’t, here’s a short summary:
Much of the alleged “quid pro quo” scandal was based on hearsay, sourced to a phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky. No evidence surfaced of any monetary payment or governmental policy that supported the allegations. The transcript of the phone call between Trump and Zelensky was eventually released, and it did not show anything particularly scandalous or abnormal. Zero evidence ever emerged to back the claims sourced to Ciaramella, but despite these shortcomings, Congress found the votes to impeach Trump over the manufactured scandal.

Beyond Ciaramaella, Whistleblower Aid has represented countless additional “whistleblowers,” such as the Vindman twins, who have accused the former president of a variety of unproven misdeeds.
Whistleblower Aid is backed by billionaire Pierre Omidyar, a statist ideologue whose doctrine advocates for a technocratic tyranny in the form of “stakeholder capitalism.” He is a major Democratic Party donor. Omidyar is also known in politics as the money man behind countless “NeverTrump” campaigns.

Is the outfit behind the Ukraine collusion hoax, funded by a far-left mega donor, really representing authentic whistleblowers, or is something more nefarious in the works?
Wasn’t mudge supposed to expose the bots? Twitter is clearly an intel operation, so any whistleblower who isn’t disappeared is probably serving their agenda.
I believe this is the same billionaire that funded Glenn Greenwald's The Intercept. Greenwald left that organization when it insisted on censoring his reporting. I would hope that Mr. Greenwald, who shows every evidence of personal and professional integrity, would report on this person, and this story.