I think he is still bitter about the whole Fox thing. I did honestly think he was one of the more "serious" journalists, but reading this, nope. He's just another fear monger pushing a narrative instead of searching for any approximation of the truth.
That was a good summary, and, yes, it's obvious. If all this about masking and lockdowns were true, Florida would have been a catastrophe, and it wasn't, especially not relative to California. We live in a sick time when "scientists" are less about science and questions and more about narratives.
Bert: It's called trauma-based mind control. The vast majority of celebrities, talking heads, top athletes, and politicians have opted in to their positions via step-by-step compartmentalization of their minds under strict control of their "handlers." Shep is just another victim, but he DID at some point agree to keep his cushy gig (and grooming for and getting that cushy gig is part of the programming).
Look into the (predecessor of) See-Eye-Aye and its MK ULTRA Mind Control program brought over to the States from Nazi Germany. Also Cathy O'Brien has a great book called "Trance-Formation of America," and Fritz Springmeier + Cisco Wheeler detail these programs in "Total Mind Control Slave."
Agree with your commentary. Sad thing is, these people are too dumbed down to realize they are being manipulated. They have no clue, the anger and resentment gets stirred up in them when they are presented with the truth. Rather than hate the controllers, they go after those who dare to tell the truth. Kind of like the parable about the black ants and red ants.
A person goes out in the dessert and collects 500 red ants and 500 black ants in a jar. They are getting along fine until the person shakes the jar and empties it on the ground. The ants fight until every one of them is dead, with no thought of biting the one who shook the jar.
If you look at what the CDC considers a "close contact," you know they don't buy their own BS about masks. A close contact according to the CDC is as follows: "Someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period* starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated." You will notice what is missing from this. The only two factors considered are time and distance. Literally nothing about masking. In science if a variable has no effect on the outcome (in this case masking has no effect on whether or not you are considered to be a threat to others can need to quarantine--you are a close contact), the variable, in this case a mask, is irrelevant.
To be fair, they have a fine print section, declaring that because most of the population does not know how to mask properly (nine months in, we don't know how to mask properly), use or not of facial fabrics is not a consideration. Of course, this leads to a question: if nine months in we still can't "mask properly," I don't see much hope for the future, and a real scientist would admit this fact. But given that we've all heard the refrain that any masking is better than none at all, you'd think that would be reflected in the "close contact" guidelines, and they would have a "if you were properly wearing an N95, you could be with that person for any length of time at any distance and we won't consider you a close contact." But, no, they don't. Hence, how we all know the whole thing is utter balderdash and it's more about conditioning people to absurdity than actually "slowing the spread."
I bought a book published in 2010 that mentions "social distancing" in times of contagious, dangerous illnesses. But the book describes it as cutting off a town or city neighborhood for a short period of time from the rest of the world to contain the disease. Nothing about 6 feet distancing all the time between people. Let alone constant surgeon's masks and bandanas.
I have a feeling Shepard has some deep seeded phycological issues or he is ignorant of the facts. Perhaps both.😉
I think he is still bitter about the whole Fox thing. I did honestly think he was one of the more "serious" journalists, but reading this, nope. He's just another fear monger pushing a narrative instead of searching for any approximation of the truth.
Here is a link to a good article about him
That was a good summary, and, yes, it's obvious. If all this about masking and lockdowns were true, Florida would have been a catastrophe, and it wasn't, especially not relative to California. We live in a sick time when "scientists" are less about science and questions and more about narratives.
Fox did well to let him go. He can take the bad ratings he created with him.
Thank you. I'll read that.
Bert: It's called trauma-based mind control. The vast majority of celebrities, talking heads, top athletes, and politicians have opted in to their positions via step-by-step compartmentalization of their minds under strict control of their "handlers." Shep is just another victim, but he DID at some point agree to keep his cushy gig (and grooming for and getting that cushy gig is part of the programming).
Look into the (predecessor of) See-Eye-Aye and its MK ULTRA Mind Control program brought over to the States from Nazi Germany. Also Cathy O'Brien has a great book called "Trance-Formation of America," and Fritz Springmeier + Cisco Wheeler detail these programs in "Total Mind Control Slave."
Agree with your commentary. Sad thing is, these people are too dumbed down to realize they are being manipulated. They have no clue, the anger and resentment gets stirred up in them when they are presented with the truth. Rather than hate the controllers, they go after those who dare to tell the truth. Kind of like the parable about the black ants and red ants.
Yepper. What is the black/red ants parable, or should I just DuckDuckGo it?
A person goes out in the dessert and collects 500 red ants and 500 black ants in a jar. They are getting along fine until the person shakes the jar and empties it on the ground. The ants fight until every one of them is dead, with no thought of biting the one who shook the jar.
Shaker is Shep? Ants are viewers/believers? Makes sense to me.
I like it.
Shep is an overpaid useless script reader.
I am a proud maskless Floridian. Shop at Publix maskless. Voted in Venice Fl maskless.
I miss human faces.
If you look at what the CDC considers a "close contact," you know they don't buy their own BS about masks. A close contact according to the CDC is as follows: "Someone who was within 6 feet of an infected person for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period* starting from 2 days before illness onset (or, for asymptomatic patients, 2 days prior to test specimen collection) until the time the patient is isolated." You will notice what is missing from this. The only two factors considered are time and distance. Literally nothing about masking. In science if a variable has no effect on the outcome (in this case masking has no effect on whether or not you are considered to be a threat to others can need to quarantine--you are a close contact), the variable, in this case a mask, is irrelevant.
To be fair, they have a fine print section, declaring that because most of the population does not know how to mask properly (nine months in, we don't know how to mask properly), use or not of facial fabrics is not a consideration. Of course, this leads to a question: if nine months in we still can't "mask properly," I don't see much hope for the future, and a real scientist would admit this fact. But given that we've all heard the refrain that any masking is better than none at all, you'd think that would be reflected in the "close contact" guidelines, and they would have a "if you were properly wearing an N95, you could be with that person for any length of time at any distance and we won't consider you a close contact." But, no, they don't. Hence, how we all know the whole thing is utter balderdash and it's more about conditioning people to absurdity than actually "slowing the spread."
I bought a book published in 2010 that mentions "social distancing" in times of contagious, dangerous illnesses. But the book describes it as cutting off a town or city neighborhood for a short period of time from the rest of the world to contain the disease. Nothing about 6 feet distancing all the time between people. Let alone constant surgeon's masks and bandanas.
Waste of time giving said puke and the idiot followers any regard whatsoever.