As the petals quickly fall off the Kamala flower and RFK Jr. aligns with Trump, the Democrats will be forced into Plan B ( a Maduro, style in your face Steal, or plan C (Create Chaos to Cancel the election)

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"RFK Jr will be a tremendous asset for the Trump campaign."

If Trump doesn't self-sabotages out of ego and spite.

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That's actually the biggest challenge - he needs to stay cool and level-headed during the debate. He needs to hammer in facts like Harris being the tax on tips tie breaker, her history as DA in SF and AG in CA, and her being complicit in the cover-up of Biden's health. Oh, and being an integral member of the "Biden-Harris Administration".

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I’m certainly no Kamala fan, but I disagree with your assessment of her speech. I thought it was pretty impressive, better than expected, even though it was mostly based on lies. But to those who somehow still believe the deep state narratives, it definitely affirmed their support for her, and she may have gained some new supporters from those on the fence. So Trump has his work cut out for him, but there’s still time. Getting RFK on board is a huge bonus, but he needs to refine his message, focusing on good policies, and stop with the petty personal attacks on Kamala’s race, etc.

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Reading from a teleprompter is not hard.

Apparently, answering questions without a teleprompter is beyond her. 34 days without a Q & A presser.

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What you forget is 50 % of the voters are just like Kamala and can only read off a teleprompter or believe what CNN tells them to believe. Unfortunately!

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I hear you. This is a true test of our Constitutional Republic...if we can keep it, is exactly what B. Franklin meant. The power of traditional persuasion is lost on an electorate grown self- centered and credulous.

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Agreed. Blessings my friend.

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I agree but too many of the masses cheer along in lockstep.

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Yes, Too many for comfort.

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I was at CPAC in 2011 and saw Trump and then I was at the Rick Perry announcement a few months later. Rick Perry generated a lot of positive publicity as the right wing media pumped up his candidacy much like the liberal media has pumped up Kamala…but Perry quickly got off message afterwards in interviews and his candidacy pretty much ended with the “oops” moment at the debate. Apparently he was whacked out of his mind on pain pills the entire time which explains a lot. Basically Kamala has done the exact opposite of Rick Perry! 😉

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You are forgetting election fraud.

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That's the only way Donald can win.

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Yes, sir. Keep your powder dry.

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I believe Trump must do one additional thing. Renounce amendment for in Florida as to radical, state. He will be voting against it and strongly encourage his supporters to do the same. He can’t afford to leave 1.0-3.0 points of white suburban women’s votes on the table. He can’t or shouldn’t risk it. As Steve Davis indicated that would be playing into their narrative. “A razor close election that Trump loses because abandoned his pro life supporters what is the difference in this election.” They’ll play the tape of Tony Perkins, Lila, Rose, and others warning against this.

Trump needs to win outside the margin of cheating. We need every vote we can get.

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Donald doesn't need votes because he will just have his goons intimidate anyone who would vote for Harris.

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Trump’s base didn’t care about judicial appointments while McConnell pretty much only cared about judicial appointments….so Trump had leverage over McConnell! And he gave up his leverage over McConnell by outsourcing judicial appointments to McGahn and McConnell and Leo. So had Trump held up judicial appointments he could have forced McConnell to pass his America First agenda. Trump is the rare president that admits mistakes and I guarantee you he believes his judicial appointments were a mistake.

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Do you mean Steve Deace?

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ABC will give Harris the questions in advance.

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And Bobby brings a war chest of issues to this campaign that no one else is discussing: chronic disease, the destruction of small business, the lack of accountability by all the people who were elected to work for us, censorship and the list goes on.

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Dan Rather begs to differ.


When I was a kid, I thought he was an actual journalist, but then again, I was a kid.

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Same. We were kids, as you say.

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I thought it was somewhat hilarious that KaMAla mentioned Donald Trump's name more than she mentioned her boss (or is he now her former boss), Joke Briben.

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Jake Tapper, who called her speech, “a very very powerful speech…maybe ever” begs to differ😐😑😆🤣🤪

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Sheesh. How can they sleep?

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I love the way Trump and RFK JR stole Kamala’s thunder. They planned the Kennedy announcement for the day after her coronation.

Perfect timing! It knocked her right off the front page.

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JFK jr s head is screwed on backwards. He only ran so he could concede and then ask for a job. He has as much chance of winning as a snowball in Hell.

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I'm guessing the MSM will give Harris the questions in advance of the debate.

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Aug 26Edited

Harris will write her own questions and submit them and her answers for approval before she goes onstage. Oooop, my error, Obama, Pelosi and Clinton will write and submit Harris's questions and answers.

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And who will write Donalds?😂😂☔

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Tailwind? Maybe just flatulence.

She's as Black as BO and more chick than an Olympic gold medalist. That's worth 60 million votes. The rest are "write ins" if you get my tone.

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E V E R IN TEXAS —- !!!

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For Gods sake, don't stand in front of him. Phhhhhhh-h-h-

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