Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Good piece Jordan.

Another facet to this (especially where the military is concerned), is that the purge not only removed the political enemies of the left, but ensured that the remaining personnel would blindly follow orders and mandates...without question...no matter what the circumstances were. They would ignore any exposure to a contrary ideology, in favor of their "orders". This principle applies to any and all government agencies and bureaucracies.

I know many like to romanticize/hollywood-ize the normal line soldier/sailor/airman/marine. They watch movies where these soldiers have crises of conscience and thwart some humanitarian atrocity, by heroically standing against orders and convincing their fellow comrades to do the same. They save the village or stand with a rebellion...and save the day...save the world...save humanity.

Well don't reach for the popcorn so fast folks...that is hollywood...not the real world.

Now before you start spouting off...I was in the military for 15 years and was in Desert Storm...so I know a bit about what I am saying. Are soldiers mindless, heartless killers...not usually, no. Do they have consciences...sure they do. Are they single minded, when given a mission to execute...you bet your ass they are.

Scenario...You are told intel has identified a village being used as an operating base for terrorists, some of which were involved in direct attacks on U.S. armed forces...and your mission is to go in and eliminate the threat.

You do not stop and ask, "well are they all terrorists...do some of them have a good reason...maybe some are sorry and had no choice...maybe we should just go in and talk to them and see if they are terrorists, or even hate Americans". You prep your gear and go through the process of preparing to meet and annihilate an enemy. You focus on the mission, you follow orders.

The same is true in peace time, you follow orders. If you are told there are domestic terrorists storming the capital, and your mission is to put down the uprising, you don't ask questions, you prep for the mission, you follow orders. Now imagine you are one of the brainwashed, remaining members of the military/police force/bureaucratic agency...who see the unvaxxed/maga/Trump supporting masses as domestic terrorist's, subversives, the reason there is still covid infections, racists, transphobes, nazis, fascists, nationalist...do you think these woke enforcers are going to stop and determine if you are part of the riot or just a passer by...nope. They are going to either push and shove you into a group, tackle and manhandle you until subdued or in extreme resistance cases, they'll point a loaded weapon at you and tell you to comply. No conversation, no reasoning, no second guessing.

The mission is to put down the riot, clear the streets and secure the rioters/terrorists.

Americans need to understand, that the world and America has changed. It also is not and never has been the tripe that hollywierd has fed you for decades. You, the conservative civilian are seen as the enemy and will be treated as such, if and when the time comes to round you up.

There are thousand of unintended benefits for the left, that came out of the scamdemic, this is just one of them.

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As a veteran myself I sadly agree. The men and women who took the oath to support and defend the Constitution of the U.S. and thought of it as not just words to say, are being rapidly purged from the uppermost ranks on down. This is not only a problem in the U.S. but in all the western world. I believe this manipulation and the sifting out of dissenters is not close to being over. Hang on all you American patriots out there. The road ahead is going to be a bumpy one.

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

And during the Obama presidency my former SEAL officer and still well connected father in law railed against the litmus tests that were being used to retire many flag officers. It was also about obeying orders from above. There were complicated interviews, but these interviews left the “retired” with the feeling that they were forced to choose between the constitution and the executive branch. It seems military is being groomed over many years to turn against citizens of their own country.

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The thing is when they are ordered to turn on their fellow citizens. The ranks of the citizens will be filled with trained military personnel with many being combat veterans.

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Bert, I agree that there are plenty of us out here, that are willing to defend the constitution, no matter who the enemy is. However, that pool of patriots, have huge hurdles to overcome. All vets will recognize the following problems: lack of ANY organization, command structure and infrastructure; no supply chain; no tactics or long term battle plans; no definable milestones and goals...past "getting our country back"...we all know you need incremental steps to achieve a final goal.

While those are weighty issues, even more concerning are the actions the left/regime are now taking: 3 letter agency insurgency, into groups of concerned citizens/vets; overt steps to identify those who are armed...did you see this story?


Shippers now "losing" ammo shipments to private citizens; a U.S. assault weapon ban and support for the U.N's global gun registry treaty being pushed from the WH; labeling all conservatives as domestic terrorists...so your neighbors and family in some cases will inform on gun owners they know...and much more.

If it came to facing a mobilized woke military...on American soil...there would be much ground patriots would have to make up, in order to be effective, resist and survive engagements...to fight another day.

My point is, all patriotic Americans need to recognize and understand the battlefield(s) they face (on any issue) and adjust their preparation, planning, strategy and tactics accordingly. Unfortunately most think that means winning the next election cycle...which is how we came to be in the mess, we are in now.

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You are correct on every well made point. In our war for independence less than 5% engaged the enemy in actual combat and won by not meeting a superior force head on. The rest of the war was fought on several fronts that were not violent. This is already a war for the heart and soul of our Republic. We have to avoid the violence only after all else fails.

The left thinks they want a civil war, those never end well for anyone. Pray for the best and be prepared for the worst.

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Very true. I do believe it is a true plan however-a very sad and cynical form of readiness for the brothers in arms.

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The U.S. Empire is the biggest and most deadly terrorist organization on the planet. We have over 800 bases around the world, and yet we have no existential threat anywhere. All we do is intervene in other country's sovereignty to force them to allow giant corporations to exploit the country's resources and force them to use the dollar as the reserve currency. That's it. And there is no way under the sun that military personnel will stop to question the legitimacy of the empire's actions around the world.

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Blind order followers are the underpinnings of all tyrannical regimes.

Its no wonder that they get all the "hollyweird" glory!

Full spectrum dominance, including your body and soul.

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deletedAug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022
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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022

This was a my reply to a deleted comment, basically asking how can the left see nationalism as bad...doesn't it mean that you love your country?

My reply:

I'll tell you what I try and explain to so many fellow conservatives...you are trying to understand illogical reasoning, from a logical stand point. You have to stop doing that, it gives you no insight into your adversary.

The woke ideology is based on a purposeful, non-sensical foundation. This allows them to shift positions constantly, without common sense scrutiny from their members.

Remember all the memes about the masks and jabs?

The masked (who got covid while being masked) demanded you wear a mask, to keep from spreading the virus.

The jabbed, (who got covid after the jab) demanded you get jabbed to stop the spread.

The boosted (who got sick after each booster) demanded that you get boosted so that you wouldn't give them the virus.

If all these measures worked, they wouldn't have gotten ill, however, if they did get ill, then they surely would have realized the measures didn't work, yet they still demanded or complied with the measures, regardless of the health outcome.

See the non-sensical, circular illogic?

To your question...to them a nationalist is a Trump loving, Christian, white supremacists', who is trying to turn this country into a fascist dictatorship. If you haven't noticed, their illogic is able to lump whites, blacks, hispanics, asians and jews into the white supremacists' category. They see themselves as the true Americans who are upholding freedom "for the people"...so long as those people align with their agenda(s). They love this country so much, they think they need to change it from the racist hell hole of oppression, they see it as, into a woke utopia...and if you agree, then it is OK to be a nationalist...if not, then you are the enemy and must be crushed, cancelled, jailed and if they could get away with it...killed. That is coming though.

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So just consider them rabid animals/demons beyond redemption or reconciliation? Sounds like a plan.

There's no way Kujo can have a happy ending.

Why I consider America dead. These cultists make up 40-50% of the population. They want nothing to do with the rest of us. No unity possible. They hate America. They hate us.

I go from rage to ugly crying every day.

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022

For the most part I agree with you. My take on the left and it's actors (at various levels) is a bit different though.

I see the global oligarchs/asset managers as the top tier elites orchestrating their agendas...much of which, aside from being self serving and intentionally oppressive to the lower classes, is evil on many levels...literally.

Those administrating the agendas (politicians, bankers, tech moguls, etc) are minor elites and benefit from their participation, by gains in wealth and power gains.

Those below them...the useful idiots...have adopted this as their religion, they are the true believers.

It's a cult of ideology. However, unlike a conventional cult (think Jim Jones) that only really effects itself and it's members, this woke-industrial complex cult, occupies seats of power and influence globally, so they are infinitely more dangerous and their actions affect us all.

Since this is not a pathogen like rabies, there is indeed a chance for redemption and for some reconciliation, however, I will not be the one, to try and show them the error of their ways, or sympathize/empathize with those who helped bring society to this point...and then regretted it. Sorry, you made your bed, now you get to lie in it.

Choices have consequences and I'm happy to watch them reap what they happily sewed. After all, we (and our children) will be paying for their subversion and destruction, for the next 50 plus years.

As far as them dying off from destroyed immune systems...big pharma will prevent that. They and their kids are the ready made patients and customers for the healthcare industry for the next 3 to 4 decades, at least.

This nightmare is just beginning, so strap in folks. It's going to be a long and difficult ride.

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Well, I'm a little confused now. Suddenly in like a turnaround of two weeks they've discovered a yen for integrity?

My head's spinning too hard to make any sense of this one.

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Trust me, they are not having any sort of crisis of conscience. We've finally gone past the tipping point now where reality has seeped through the fog of propaganda. The truth can no longer be denied or suppressed as "misinformation". The so-called "vaccines" are both ineffective and toxic, and sometimes deadly. They know it. They knew it all along. Many of us suspected as much. Now, too many people know and can not be herded back into the mindless flock.

This is why they are dragging Trump back into it. "It was developed under his administration so it's All. His. Fault."

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I agree, yet I suspect they fear the failure of their plans to disrupt the coming mid-term elections is behind their cowardly, fake efforts to clean house. They fear their plans will blow-up in their face just like their other illegal, unethical activities of the Trump era. Let's see that their plans do blow-up in their face(s)!!!

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He was “reassigned,” government speak-promoted.

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Aug 30, 2022·edited Aug 30, 2022

No, not integrity. Just lies and coverup 2.0. When a "bad apple" gets kicked to the curb, rest assured there's an even more sinister, evil tool waiting in the wings.

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Same happened/is happening in Canada. A lawsuit against the federal vaccine mandates revealed absolutely no science behind them whatsoever. They are purely being used as an ideological litmus test, to purge and punish anyone who opposes the Liberal government. Vaccines... who'd have thought. Pure evil.

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Not to mention kill people.

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We knew this. What’s shocking is how many conservative sheeple there are. I have many very conservative friends/family who either believed the propaganda or suspected the vax was dangerous/useless but took it anyway. None of those conservatives can be trusted to do the right thing when things go sideways. Critical thinking is in short supply.

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My anger goes to those who threatened me for not getting it. Who turned on their (once) nearest and dearest because a TV image told them to. That behavior is as disloyal and untrustworthy as people can get.

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If I claim I'm a genius, do you automatically accept my claim? I sure hope not. Just because people claim to be Christian, conservative or whatever label they latch onto, be skeptical and judge them with a grain of salt!

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Trouble is once a “vaxx”’mandate is enjoined, they can’t go back and remove that poison from your body. You got had unfortunately.

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Nor can you remove the stain of the word "compliant" stamped onto your forehead. And in your permanent record.

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Caveat emptor applies to all; family, friends as well as enemies. C'est la vie .........

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I don't think this thesis makes sense. It's based on a myth. Trump is proud of creating the Covid jab and a lot of Trump supporters, and every Republican governor, got the jab early on.

also: African Americans, who are not typically Trump supporters, are among the least vaccinated group in the US, and that's not caused by "vaccine inequity." on the contrary, African Americans are simply very skeptical of government mandated inoculation. (further evidence: look how many African American students in DC remain unjabbed.)

so if the FBI was trying to screen out Trump supporters, filtering based upon willingness to be jabbed will inevitably eliminate a lot of African Americans and for that matter let a lot of Trump supporters through.

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I think that's a fair question about Trump, I wonder too. But given the out-of-the-blue emergency he was confronted with I suspect he relied on government bureaucrats when, in hind-sight, I hope he understands they are the most clue-less of humans and he should never listen to them.

So for now I personally give him the benefit of doubt; always subject to change should new, authentic information arise.

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President Trump needs to denounce the covid death shot.

He needs to say he was lied to by Fauci, Birx, and Collins.

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I don't see any legitimate blame on Trump for any of this. He pushed a highly experimental drug through the usually decade-long trial and approval process in the middle of what was being sold as a civilization-ending plague. The decision whether or not take it should have been between the individual and their doctor, using as much information as is available at the time. Trump never even hinted otherwise.

It was Joe and the Ho' who, after both stating initially they would never consider taking a drug developed under the Trump administration, did a 180 and demanded that *everyone* take it or have their lives blown up.

Soon, history will be rewritten by the Ministry Of Truth to state the very opposite.

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I wonder how many more conservatives would have rejected the "Trump shots" if Trump had not constantly praised them, urging everyone to get one and get boosted during all his speaking engagements.

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Good points.

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{ He pushed a highly experimental drug through the usually decade-long trial and approval process in the middle of what was being sold as a civilization-ending plague. }

You write as if this were a good thing... But that can't possibly be true. Sure, it's certainly possible to shorten the time it takes to come up with a candidate vaccine, but testing for long-term safety and effectiveness unavoidably takes... wait for it ... a long term.

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Trump will be blamed for the continuing deaths...especially the children.

Give the Deep State time...it will happen for sure.

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Yep. ..the Democrats will fill the void Trump left by going silent with propaganda about how he mismanaged the vaxx. It won't matter if they're lying. Trump has made a very bad political calculation here basically betting that his base isn't fractured by this vaxx and that's a bad bet.

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If they are cataloging Americans by their willingness or unwillingness to submit to injection of a largely untested substance and using that to predict political affiliation (and I believe they are), I'm sure they've added a dimension in there for race as well.

I also question how many of the elite set who claimed to have been vaxxed actually took the vaccine and not just claimed to. Who's to say that when Biden was propped up on the White House stage set getting "vaccinated" he wasn't just being shot up with saline?

Everything about how the panicdemic was handled was a giant lie. Those who were aware enough -- and brave enough -- to see through it and resist the mandates were recorded and disciplined.

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Biden got saline...I would bet.

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Like he would have understood the difference any way.

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There are some folks who think the individuals who have been given control, by a poorly educated mass, are specifically endeavoring to severely thin the human herd; primarily for their own profit.

Was Trump complicit? Time will tell.

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Meanwhile, Trump keeps supporting the Vaxx even when it's being levered against him politically. Looks like we're getting Candidate DeSantis.

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Yeh his support of that shit is a major disappointment.

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Same filtering mechanism is applied at colleges throughout this country. Do you want an education? Then, prove that you are a sheep, prove that you will comply, prove that you will not think for yourself, and prove that you will pose no threat to the deep state. I understand the deep state’s desire to impose these litmus tests, but I am amazed that so many institutions, public and private, readily go along.

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Thibault's purging behavior doesn't make sense, unless he has a legally-retarded I.Q. and isn't capable of thinking ahead. He removes all the unvaccinated agents (critically-thinking Trump supporters) and keeps all the vaccinated agents (obedient Biden believers) thinking he can build up his own little fiefdom, but all those vaccinated agents are mortally wounded and everyone knows it. Does he not understand what's coming? And as an "Assistant DC Station Chief," how can this one little pipsqueak (that I've never heard of and I've been paying obsessive attention since the beginning) wield so much power he can dupe Garland and Wray and BidenKlain into committing such an outrageous fishing foray, the blowback for which will leave them all burnt black all over? Not that those three aren't terribly bright themselves, but this whole event isn't making sense. Yes, I'll have the Cajun Blackened Fish, but I want to know the name of the chef before I eat it.

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The DC swamp needs a huge black swan to fly in and pull the drain plug. A major reset of the (unfortunately) very hard type will be required. Nothing short of a national disaster will get things turned around the 180 degrees required to save America from the left wing nut job Marxist cult.

Until then, pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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I sadly await the results of America's next war. We all know what political purges do to military readiness.

I am profoundly glad that I am too old to fight, and that my son is too young.

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Okay Jordan then how do you explain Trump still supporting the Vaxx by all appearances?!?!

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Something is very wrong here folks...

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It’s incredible that the FBI continues to enjoy any semblance of a passable reputation. Their track record is beyond the pale. Underhanded, extralegal, murderous, amongst other things. I really hope people ignore the propaganda TV shows and movies out there and recognize exactly what the FBI is and does.

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We are living in the Fourth Reich

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My father stormed the beaches of Normandy to fight tyranny and oppression in Europe.

Now we have it here.

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That’s the saddest part, all that blood shed and all in vain.

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He even was there for the liberation of Nordhausen, which was a forced labor camp.

He only mentioned once the starving and dead slave laborers that he saw there.

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