The Purge: Biden Admin vax mandates were used to suppress dissent, produce ideological conformity
Nothing scientific about it.
There was never anything scientific about it.
The “Fauci ouchie” has become weaponized by governments to act as a litmus test for compliance and conformity, and the FBI’s developing role in the process serves as the perfect example for how the purge is being conducted throughout the American government.
I wanted to turn your attention to a bombshell report that came out this evening from the great Kerry Picket, a former colleague who is now over at The Washington Times.
The headline reads: “Top agent exits FBI amid charge of political bias undermining Hunter Biden probe.”
Picket reports:
A senior FBI official in the bureau’s Washington field office has abruptly resigned after coming under congressional scrutiny for suspected political bias in handling the investigation of Hunter Biden’s laptop computer.
The Washington Times learned that Timothy Thibault, an assistant special agent in charge, was forced to leave his post. The information came from two former FBI officials familiar with the situation.
You can read the full story here without crashing into the paywall. In short, the FBI guy who is in charge of monitoring political interference was engaging in political interference, and much worse.

Now, there are certainly many interesting side stories within this major development regarding the FBI’s top election integrity official being fired for political bias.

For several months, The Dossier has reported on the unscientific, political mRNA mandates being pursued by executive branch agencies within the Biden Administration, particularly the Department of Defense, which has unlawfully forced active duty service members to get injected with the gene juice.
It seemed obvious to anyone thinking clearly about this issue that the government’s mRNA mandates, especially in the military, are being leveraged to create ideological conformity within the ranks. Clearly, “readiness” is not a serious explanation for the mRNA mandate, given the minuscule threat posed by the coronavirus to young men, coupled with the troubling side effect profile of the shots.
Picket reported, via a whistleblower, that this is exactly what is happening at the FBI. This newly fired agent was allegedly dismissing unvaccinated agents to ensure political compliance within the Bureau.
The agent was allegedly “known for pushing out unvaccinated agents from the FBI’s election squad whom he suspected to be Trump supporters,” the story reads.
This is the real reason for the mRNA mandate. It’s the best way to clean house, ideologically.
Through an even wider scope, COVID Mania as a whole has involved powerful enterprises conducting routine power grabs, dividing up civil society, and installing political compliance tests into every avenue of daily life. The FBI’s reported role in this process serves as just one example of many more to come.
Good piece Jordan.
Another facet to this (especially where the military is concerned), is that the purge not only removed the political enemies of the left, but ensured that the remaining personnel would blindly follow orders and mandates...without matter what the circumstances were. They would ignore any exposure to a contrary ideology, in favor of their "orders". This principle applies to any and all government agencies and bureaucracies.
I know many like to romanticize/hollywood-ize the normal line soldier/sailor/airman/marine. They watch movies where these soldiers have crises of conscience and thwart some humanitarian atrocity, by heroically standing against orders and convincing their fellow comrades to do the same. They save the village or stand with a rebellion...and save the the humanity.
Well don't reach for the popcorn so fast folks...that is hollywood...not the real world.
Now before you start spouting off...I was in the military for 15 years and was in Desert I know a bit about what I am saying. Are soldiers mindless, heartless killers...not usually, no. Do they have consciences...sure they do. Are they single minded, when given a mission to bet your ass they are.
Scenario...You are told intel has identified a village being used as an operating base for terrorists, some of which were involved in direct attacks on U.S. armed forces...and your mission is to go in and eliminate the threat.
You do not stop and ask, "well are they all some of them have a good reason...maybe some are sorry and had no choice...maybe we should just go in and talk to them and see if they are terrorists, or even hate Americans". You prep your gear and go through the process of preparing to meet and annihilate an enemy. You focus on the mission, you follow orders.
The same is true in peace time, you follow orders. If you are told there are domestic terrorists storming the capital, and your mission is to put down the uprising, you don't ask questions, you prep for the mission, you follow orders. Now imagine you are one of the brainwashed, remaining members of the military/police force/bureaucratic agency...who see the unvaxxed/maga/Trump supporting masses as domestic terrorist's, subversives, the reason there is still covid infections, racists, transphobes, nazis, fascists, you think these woke enforcers are going to stop and determine if you are part of the riot or just a passer by...nope. They are going to either push and shove you into a group, tackle and manhandle you until subdued or in extreme resistance cases, they'll point a loaded weapon at you and tell you to comply. No conversation, no reasoning, no second guessing.
The mission is to put down the riot, clear the streets and secure the rioters/terrorists.
Americans need to understand, that the world and America has changed. It also is not and never has been the tripe that hollywierd has fed you for decades. You, the conservative civilian are seen as the enemy and will be treated as such, if and when the time comes to round you up.
There are thousand of unintended benefits for the left, that came out of the scamdemic, this is just one of them.
Same happened/is happening in Canada. A lawsuit against the federal vaccine mandates revealed absolutely no science behind them whatsoever. They are purely being used as an ideological litmus test, to purge and punish anyone who opposes the Liberal government. Vaccines... who'd have thought. Pure evil.