I believe you are correct. The bioweapon, if there is one, is the vaccine. Especially since the whole apparatus developing this deadly concoction is from the DOD. The systems, the organization, and the psyops used smells of the intelligence and military organizations with all their stooges in one giant anti-human operation.

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Yes. I remain undecided on "the vaccine" and what it does to the body. Nonetheless, it can ONLY be a negative influence upon it, because it does not work to resolve the fundamental disease.

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What about the gathering of the spike in the gonads? The ability to cross the blood brain barrier? The turbo cancers? The list of serious side effects is increasing daily.

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Don't forget we deployed it in the middle of a respitory virus....which you NEVER do. Now it is endemic and the vaxxed are virus variant factories...we are not out of the woods yet.

Because of the antibody escape pressure on the virus, it will continue to mutate, but there is no guarantee that it will mutate into something milder than Omicron.

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Hawaii shows the vaccine worked almost as advertised because if they didn’t then Hawaii would have been ravaged by Covid these last 12 months as Covid infected mainlanders have visited by the millions spreading Covid in a population with low natural immunity. The fact the vaccines didn’t mitigate spread is a red herring because everyone had access to the vaccines prior to the Delta variant and so most of those deaths could have been prevented by people getting vaccinated.

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There is so much mainland traffic and international traffic coming and going to the Hawaiian Islands that the "low natural immunity" argument falls apart. You are more isolated in the middle of Iowa or Kansas than in Hawaii.

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I told this character is a paid troll FYI

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Yes, but I like hitting back anyway. Sometimes you just can't let stupid posts go unchallenged.

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From March 2022:

Hawaii will end its Covid-19 travel requirements for domestic travelers on March 26, Gov. David Ige said Tuesday as the state takes its strongest steps yet toward restoring normalcy after some two years in crisis mode.

The decision to end the Safe Travels program means travelers coming from other states or U.S. territories no longer have to provide proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test to avoid a five-day quarantine upon arrival in the islands. Ige also said state and county employees will no longer be subject to the vaccine-or-test requirements.

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As far as the mRNA/modRNA "vaccines" go I understand that for the first week weeks of life, the neonate immune system is learning what "self" is. When the immune system has matured, if a cell is not recognised as "self" an appropriate immune response is to attempt to destroy it. When an mRNA/modRNA that is coded to make a cell produce a protein that was not present in the neonate during the immune system's "learning" phase is introduced to a cell, and that cell starts producing that novel protein, the immune system stops recognising that cell as "self", and begins its immune response to it. If the mRNA/modRNA is delivered within lipid nano particles that cell walls are permissive to, they will leak from the original injection site, into the blood circulation system, and then can go to any other cell in the body that is served by the same circulation system. Those cells that have greater opportunity to encounter the lipids (e.g. those that are directly part of the circulatory system and have high metabolic activity levels e.g. heart muscle, artery walls?) and affinity for lipids (nerve, ovary, liver?) probably absorb more lipid nano particles (and thus mRNA/modRNA) than other less proximate or active, I would assume. And just in case the "modRNA" is unfamiliar to anyone reading, I mean a synthetic version of mRNA that is read within a cell just like mRNA, but has a longer half life than mRNA. I think its modRNA that is in both the Pfizer and Moderna jabs.

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Excellent summary. So what happens long term when cells in your body continuously create a toxin (spike protein)? Either you will suffer chronic inflammation due to extended immune response, or you body will develop a tolerance, as is achieved with allergy shots. Your body may tolerate a toxin without a strong immune response, but it still does long term damage to the body. The most dangerous outcome would be if you contract another variant of Covid with the same spike protein. Your body's response could be weak at best, leaving you very vulnerable to the infection.

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Hawaii shows vaccinated immunity works fine…and I’ve seen no evidence the vaccines were dangerous.

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You are not allowed to witness any evidence the 'vaccines' are dangerous.

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As intended by the planners, and as defined by 18USC175 and numerous state laws, the shots ARE bioweapons.

From the common sense perspective, it is foolish to inject graphene into one's body.

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Thousands of healthy professional athletes in their 20's and 30's have died suddenly. I know two 20 yr old, perfectly healthy pregnant ladies who immediately miscarried after jab 3. A healthy 40 year old friend died suddenly after jab 3. Not saying the 'vaccine' is bad(although I think it is), but the manufacturing of it is in question at the very least(howbad.info).

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I do not believe the vaccine (better called an attempt at a therapeutic) is/was a bioweapon. I also don’t agree this new mRNA therapeutic could only have a negative impact to the body.

I do agree CV-19 was a severe but normal respiratory virus and that governments around the world created fear & hysteria, resulting in significant loss of individual liberties (lockdowns, masks, jabs to continue holding jobs) and a whole sh*t-ton of $$ made on mandating a therapeutic.

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How do you explain all the "sudden deaths" of otherwise healthy people, who were healthy until they took the jab? There is a ton of VAERS info to prove this as well as some very strange side effects that were quite serious as well as sudden onset cancers which killed a number of people within just a few months, which is abnormal.

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You would have to ignore the toxicity of the lipids, the spike and the adjuvents. Oh, and the nanoparticals. MRNA has failed all the animal tests. Multiple tests on the vials have shown a lack of mrna and contamination of heavy metals and green monkey dna.

And graphene.

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Yes Phil I agree. A flu like disease that was only going to cull the old and infirm, was parlayed into injecting nano- technology into 3/4 of the worlds population. The mRNA lipid nanoparticles do not stop infection or transmission, so they don't qualify as vaccines. They do however qualify as bio weapons because they cause injury and death. All cause mortality is up around the globe in all age groups, and birthrates have plummeted indicating fertility issues. Because Operation Warp Speed was run by the DOD, it looks like the nano-technology is dual use.

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Gates is heavily envolved in the pandemic, WHO, NWO, and depopulation.

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I think you nailed it, thank you.

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I think you're taking it too far by calling them bioweapons. Totally concede that the mRNA therapeutic did have adverse impact in some individuals, and it was not fully tested on humans before its mass release. But at same time, did the mRNA therapeutic that was released help lessen some of the effects of this virus for those that caught it?

I'm not sure on that. But if it is true, what do you call that? Much reduced birthrates have been with us well before the fake pandemic and mRNA therapeutics were pushed on global populations.

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Do some research on the numerous people who have died suddenly, and on the numerous people who developed cancer very quickly, young people with strokes, etc. and much, much more. I don't think you have all the info.

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E Grogan you are right on that and much more .Going to a hospital with respiratory issues or something close to that ,is committing suicide .My brother went in with a flu and was murdered within six days in there ,,by being taken prisoner ,sedated isolated ,given remdesivir and ventilated .Many in similar situations are murdered in that fashion for money .If you don't believe me try it ,by going in there if you have a runny nose .,you will not come back alive .

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Yes, I'm very well aware of the respiratory murders. You are exactly right. I'm so sorry about your brother, Joe. Bad enough he died, but to know how he died is horrendous. I hope you're able to find some peace eventually with this. There are far too many people who have lost loved ones in this way. My husband had to go to hospital early in covid hysteria - I was terrified they would do something to him but fortunately he went to a good hospital where they saved his life instead of putting him on ventilator. But because I knew what might happen to him, I delayed getting him to hospital and because of that he lost some of his brain function/memory. So I know something about what it's like but at least he is alive and has most of his memory. Prayers for you, sir. My heart goes out to you.

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E. Grogan, I’m not doubting there have been sudden deaths and other complications that are likely attributed to injection of a therapeutic untested on mass population over several years (as other proven vaccines have undergone)

I’m just stating it’s not a bio weapon designed to take people out. That is crazy talk and thinking. It was put out to make $$$ and test government control of citizens

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Can you provide support for your last statement? Why do you think the injection was intended to "test government control of citizens"? Why do you think it was "put out to make $$$"? Why do you think it "crazy talk and thinking" to consider the injections "designed to take people out"?

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

No, I can’t provide you a link to another’s opinion stating it’s crazy to think jabs were designed to kill people. I can only offer you my opinion. It doesn’t make sense for governments to kill taxpaying citizens. It became known that the virus wasn’t a killer to 99.5% of the population. There was also the Cruise Ship example early on. Then there was Fauci stating masks didn’t work early on, then a complete shift to masks are necessary. The narrative then changed and morphed, all designed to keep people from congregating (lockdowns) then you are the reason for the virus itself it you didn’t take the jab. This after it was known the jab was only a therapeutic and did not prevent transmission. Even pushing jabs on kids, even really young ones. To me that is a $$ grab, to my common sense mind it stunk to high heaven.

Here is a mash up video of the changing narrative across MSM. Sorry it’s 7min but you will get the point after listening to just a few minutes:


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Often being a moron ,makes it impossible to find or hold on to a job .So the only way to make a living is ,to become a politician a criminal .We can see the outcome of that where ever we look . It is documented ,that in hospitals the word for holding suspects of harboring the virus is the death chamber ,where the treatment protocol kills close to hundred % of inmates .My brother was one of them .

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I thought that too until I saw the reaction to the maimed and dead from the vaccine...Not Related, Callous Indifference, Keep Injecting. After that, was forced to add the nefarious intent to my hypothesis. (Hospital RN)

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The plummeting of birth rates is do to the six foot separation in all bedrooms of the world between marrieds or non marrieds .In countries where the migrants come from there are no bedrooms or measure tapes ,so the reproduction of babies is breaking records on a daily bases ,making up for the stingy reproduction rate here .

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Phil, the Bioweapon theory was recently anounced by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about 2 months ago. I met a Dr. In 2019 who told me the virus was infused with HIV at a Bioweapons lab back east. Could be true since the virus attacks our respiratory track so vicious and is cause for a ventilator for some. Some of us have more knowledge than most Drs. There are still many Drs. Who cater to big pharma for their bonuses.

The hospitals were making 135k per patient put on a ventilator from Big Pharma.

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Eugene ,you believe that ventilators are sometime the solution ,so if you ever have the opportunity try one out .Make sure your last will is in order ,before you do .Is the outlawing of ivermectin not prove that the plan is to depopulate .Ivermectin not ventilators would have prevented the death of countless victims .Anyone thinking that politicians are not ready to murder on a massive scale even their own people is dreaming .Politicians start and operate all wars ,killing is the greatest good in war .Is it really so impossible to think that they can do the same to their own people if it means to get a diabolical plan made reality ??

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Joe, with covid aggressively attacking the respiratory track, if you think a ventilator will save you, then you should try it. A ventilator gives the virus a perfect playground to do its dirty work as it contains the virus with no escape.

The hospital industry will crash when this is over.

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Eugene ,even to this day if you go to a hospital with any respiratory issues ,you will be first of all taken prisoner ,sedated isolated given remsesivir and for good measure ventilated . You or your loved ones have no say ,or most often no access to the victim under their power .My brother was murdered by that treatment in six days in there . For them the pay off was like winning the lottery .

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Do you beleive in miracles?

They do happen. 😉

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135k payday.

Big change is comming.

If you trust others, they can kill you.

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An X ICU RN told me "every patient put on the Covid protocol died", she was so traumatized, quit her job and went to work in a prison.

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2 years ago, I wondered how on earth our military would profit from forcing the troops to take this experimental injection. I could only suppose that it would be our enemies alone who would profit. Following that train of thought, Milley, Austin et alii would have to be creatures of the CCP. Then, watching Sasha Latypova's presentation (thanks to Dr. Dube) months ago, the DOD connection was made. Sequere pecuniam (although Cicero did not say that).

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Yes very interesting and for those who saw the movie " wag the dog" a non existent war that took place solely in the recalcitrant media, almost nobody had any idea as to the factual or not nature and extent of covid was other than what was " disclosed ' by the Immoral MSM media, nor did many if any question the phenomenon or have any way of verifying the reporting...

The well reported DISAPPERANCE OF FLU deaths gives an idea as to the likely reality of what, as Jordan suggests, was taking place.

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With antibiotics being withheld from the elderly. Criminal.

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Thats because we are not producing being retired, but taking thru SS/retirement , Medicare, and no longer contributing. We are at the top of the whack list and listed as the age group most in need of future shots.

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Eugene ,is it not ironic that in postings and commentaries it is pointed out that giving the wonder shots to the below 50 population is not right .But that means giving it to the age group above 50 is a great idea .I'm above 50 at 87 and any shots I would take is at someone who recommends shooting me with venom ,just because I'm old .If it's bad for young ones ,it's many times more harm full for the old generation .

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Remember when George W Bush lied us into a war to win re-election after barely “winning” in 2000?? Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.

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Michael ,the flu death only disappeared outside of hospitals .In hospitals the flu killed close to hundred % of patients . My brother was one of the dead .

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I have just finished reading Ethical Skeptics parts 1,2 of Houston....a problem. Lots of data there.

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Yup. Rebranding.

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Why do you think that happened?

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

The Diamond Princess was the first story that gave me a clue. Next was the US Navy ships.

Compared to the frantic news reports this is what told me we were being manipulated. Then the claim that HCQ was causing heart attacks. A drug safer than Tylenol.

It became obvious the scam was on

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My first clue was, “if it’s so deadly then why aren’t homeless encampments death zones”?

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Yes, that and the 2020 street protests also did not result in deaths of participants. It wasn't deadly at all to the young and those not in poor physical condition. Which makes criminal the lockdowns and job firings for no-jab

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A perfectly healthy 40 year Republican congressman-elect died from Covid. In the end I didn’t support vaccine mandates because by Omicron everyone had immunity but the vaccines saved a lot of lives and were safe.

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How do you know he died of covid? Was there an autopsy? See this is the problem, we are taking their explainations as fact. I would argue that most deaths were not covid.

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PCM is a troll or a paid agitator for Big Pharma/Marxism. MSM Rachel Maddow, Fauci Fanatic. Ignore they go away.

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I was wondering how long it would take for someone to point out the obvious. You are entirely right. reponding to trolls only empowers them.

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Thanks, that is unusual in SB.

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All you have to do is overlay graphs of the 7 day rolling averages of excess deaths and Covid deaths and it’s obviously Covid was responsible for excess deaths.

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Thanks for reminding me--have lately been wondering why husband and I had eyes wide open so early (watching Peter Robinson's interviews at the Hoover was a help)--and the Floyd parades with everyone jammed together. Our PA Governor wanted everyone to stay home, but he marched in parade. In fact (you are leading me to recollections) first schools were closed March 12--for two weeks. I conducted classes during that time, assured my students that we'd be back in school in two weeks. When we weren't and Gov Wolf shut the schools for the WHOLE rest of the year---there was no sense in that. If 'two weeks to flatten the curve', then making decisions as data and the situation became apparent would be logical. There was no logic in a complete academic shut-down. That was my first really scarlet flag, I think.

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I'm so glad you're taking this on Jordan. Prof. Denis Rancourt has been using all-cause mortality stats from around the world to show that there was no viral respiratory pandemic in the spring of 2020, and now Jessica Hockett ("Emma Woodhouse") is joining in w/deep dives into the NYC numbers (panic, and deadly hospital protocols leading the way). My wife & I drove around to various hospitals here in the Bay Area to check on how busy they were during this time & nothing was going on. Just fairly bored nurses manning the admitting desks at the ER's. I'm hoping Michael Shellenberger's Public Substack, which has been doing good work on the censorship front, will back off on the Wuhan lab leak story. It's such a nothing burger & a distraction.

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I read in the truth news paper ,that hamburgers are ninety % YRUSSES if made from real meat .Lab meat is save and effective and it comes with the vaccines free of charge .

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WHUHAHAHAAA.... wouldn't that look nice in a restauran as any dish's recommendation?!

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‪For all you Survivalists trying to stay healthy and alive, did you know that hospitals use mRNA tainted blood? If your in an accident or have a med procedure and need a blood transfusion, you’re FUCKED unless you have an unvaxxed DIRECT DONOR. Find one at unjectedblood.com.‬

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As a survivalist I'd go to a witchdoctor before I'd go to a hospital if I'm serious about surviving.

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If we had a deadly covid virus running loose, it could never be controlled and there would be no way to know who or how many might be affected. If it was that deadly, it could get back to the people who let it loose. There would be no way to know how it might evolve or how long it would last.

Exactly how would you let a deadly virus loose upon the planet? Open the back door and use a fan to blow it out of a lab? Let it loose in the roof vents? Put a bunch of deadly virus particles in a jar and throw it out into the street and it breaks and the virus flows into the air? How do you do it without being in the vicinity and putting yourself at risk if this thing is soooooooo deadly?

Viruses are BS. Deadly viruses is even bigger BS.

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Non replicating infectious clones. They have a patent on that.

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Wtf is a "non-replicating infectious clone"? You DO realize that by virology own definitions, a virus is a virus BECAUSE it replicates? It is infectious BECAUSE it replicates? So that sentence is an oxy-moron and is an impossibility.

Also, patents are meaningless. Just because they have a patent doesn't mean it does what they say it does

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I appreciate your line of reasoning!

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A virus molotov cocktail. What a picture!

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Jun 22, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Can't argue with the Diamond Princess....but now we know not to travel without HCQ and/or Ivermectin plus antibiotics. HCQ heads of the flu and a variety of respistory diseases.

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This is a very important point! We got lost in the weeds and forgot how the hysteria began.

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And there you have it. Sick sad and gross as it is. Exactly Jordon. But Michael S.’s work on the Censorship Industrial Complex is not a nothing burger. It is important because it is fighting the sick results of how the fake C19 scamdemic was used to capture humans from the beginning. And began a mindless control through censorship, broader government propaganda and “disinformation” operation.

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There were two European countries which did not do much for Covid in 2020: Belarus and Bulgaria. No vaccines (obviously), no lockdowns, no masks.

Both experienced very significant excess mortality of about 2500 per million.

This excess mortality is unexplainable by "evil lockdowns", "evil masks" and "evil hospital murders" - these countries simply ignored Covid and did not use Western protocols, especially Belarus.

Of course, excess mortality is explainable by the "deadly virus", which was deadly and killed 2.5 Bulgarians and Belorussians per thousand.


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This is misguided. As Diamond Princess shows, not deadly whatsoever. Bioweapon theory remains completely unsubstantiated

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From Alex Berenson: "Covid hit Bulgaria hard from late 2020 through early 2022. The epidemic tore through unhealthy middle-income Eastern European countries, and Bulgaria has rates of smoking, obesity, and cardiovascular disease that are off the charts. Its Covid death rate was more than double that of Western European countries like Spain, and its overall mortality rate higher still. But now the epidemic is over. And deaths in Bulgaria are plunging - not just to normal, but well below it." https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/the-good-news-death-rates-have-now

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Were they offered early out-patient treatment? Perhaps that would have made all the difference.

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Jun 22, 2023·edited Jun 22, 2023

Have other factors been looked at?

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How brilliantly we have evolved from an ugly bit of clay, imperfectly animated (apparently ad hoc) with a respiratory activator, to a state-of-the-art Homo Medicus, freely taking advantage of every opportunity to expand measures of harming all strains of humans except a select few of its own fold. The wisdom of advancing The Science through misrepresentation of intents, means and objectives allows for unrestricted progress.

We have waited thousands of years for the marvel of modern medicine combined with propaganda and business rules to take over the world only within the recent 100 years or so. And finally we have managed to put the whole life on the Earth at the risk of extinction, non-natural deformation or, at least, modification as a resort of generating uncontrollable and never ending health problems. The continuation of the Homo Medicus species has thus been secured. The rest of the story is just collateral damage. Which means you, me, our families, our friends, and everybody else we care about. We care. They don’t.

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I agree with you but need to add a few comments for context.

1) Not a single employee on the Diamond Princess got sick, much less died. This after being locked up for 5+ weeks in a close-quarters environment with zero "prophylactics" such as masking or special air filtration, etc. Furthermore, anyone who's ever been in the crew area of a ship knows just how little space there is.

2) There actually WAS something special that occurred in the winter of 2019-2020: extremely high levels of air pollution. All of the early "Covid-19" epicenters: Wuhan, Tehran, and northern Italy, were (and still are) places with some of the worst air quality in the world. So it wasn't "just seasonal respiratory illnesses" that occur naturally, but a winter season with a hefty dose of nasty air pollution.

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Jun 23, 2023·edited Jun 23, 2023

Yeah. Where there's more incidence of respiratory disease due to air bad quality is easier to relabel it as something else.

That's all covid is, a relabelling of other stuff, from bad air quality to outright murder with midazolam and remdesivir and ventilators.

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One addendum: if you look at where "Covid-19" struck first and hard in England and France, you'll see it also followed the pattern of places where air pollution is the worst.

For instance, northeastern France (the Benelux area) was so much worse off than Paris that they were shipping patients by rail from the border all the way to Paris. Yet the Paris metropolitan area is both a) the most mixed in terms of # of people coming and going and b) the most densely populated area in the country. Logically, it should've been Paris that was hardest hit, but it wasn't.

Just google "cities with the worst air pollution in country X" and you'll find a perfect correlation to where the worst "Covid-19 outbreaks" occurred in that country in early 2020.

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When I first heard about the cruise ship, I was ready to believe that the virus was a problem. Then several of the patients were kept in hospitals here in Spokane, including the VA hospital a mile from my house. If the virus was as bad as the news claimed, the whole neighborhood would have been evacuated or quarantined or dead. None of those things happened. That's when I started to doubt the story.

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The "lab leak" , GoF theory does not hold water and covers up what actually happened, which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a viral event and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide.

The lab-leak theory serves the Deep State agenda in that it reinforces the idea that "the virus" is a real problem that needs to be solved, rather than a fear-based control narrative.

The Wuhan lab leak theory is used to reinforce viral fear porn. Even if the "bioweapon theory" were true we should then be relieved as it was only effective against 80+ year olds with 4+ comorbidities and assorted sickly and disabled people crammed into hospitals/nursing homes who had vents and respiratory inhibitors forced on them which blew up their lungs and impaired their ability to take in oxygen or they were altogether abandoned.

Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" scam that is steamrolling people's lives.

Reifying the Big Lie that there ever was a "pandemic" caused by a "unique viral pathogen" in 2020 covers up the crimes of what actually happened in the hospitals and nursing homes as well as provides cover for those who designed and executed this operation.

This needs to be confronted head on in the "health freedom movement" as those with the biggest audiences by and large reinforce the "pandemic" narrative and create fertile ground for justifying all sorts of future "emergency measures."

The catapulting of GoF and "Covid" variants and on and on is part of this Psyop. Those who perpetuate these fabrications are part of the problem, knowingly or not, and are doing the work for the Bio-security State by maintaining and heightening the fear mechanisms.

The beauty of the idea of a “virus” from the goverment's point of view is that it is an invisible, submicroscopic enemy. The result is an unparalleled spread of panic and fear, trumping even that of terrorists. The war on covid and “viruses” in general has effectively replaced the war on terror. "The Virus®" is the new Al Qaeda.

The official narrative of "Covid" is fictional- all facets of it. There was no pandemic.

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I think this is too simplistic of a conclusion. I personally know good doctors treating not just bio weapon injection injuries but long Covid. Long Covid is real and that is not something that happens to people who just get a bad flu. People get over the flu and aren’t dealing with a myriad of symptoms after the fact. The spike protein was intentionally created to infect ACE 1 receptors. This wasn’t how a natural virus would behave. Yes, the bad guys in the US absolutely are complicit and criminal for their part in this and for covering it up and from keeping life saving treatments from infected people but the CCP certainly has their share of blame and to say it’s a political stunt against China is not in the least holding them accountable for their terrible part they played. The virus is a bio weapon. Just the spike protein alone is all that is needed to infect and harm people, give them long lasting neurological damage and that is the part that was manipulated in the lab. The virus was just the delivery system. The injections allowed the body to create the toxic spike proteins that circulated throughout the body in larger quantities than acquired sars cov-2 so those injured by the injections have worse symptoms in general but please do not gaslight those who have long Covid. They are real and they are still suffering. Getting spike protein out of the brain is still not a huge success.

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I concur. I experienced symptoms I never had before with any other flu or cold. And at 60, I've had a few.

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We should now consider the NHS as terrorists, the killing arm of the WHO terrorist organization.

More here; https://wakeuppeople.substack.com/p/the-nhs-now-means-national-homicide

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