I've seen mummies with more spunk and intellect than Brandon. Is he taking the Easter bunny along to direct his steps?

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Behold ,the mummified Easter Bunny named as POTUS by the WEF. With friends like this who needs enemies?

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They literally might mistake Brandon for a 4500 year old mummy. I wish I was kidding.

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Shhh! Biden will see all the desert sand and think he’s at the Delaware shore. Don’t awaken him!

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Podesta is along? Are they going to do a necromancy ritual to bring Epstein back to life?

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That's the last thing they want. Dead men tell no tales.

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But no one launders money, sets-up honey traps and pimps pubescents quite like Jeffery...

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Actually, Hillary owes a great debt to Epstein. It was, after all, his 26 well-managed efforts to help Bill, which saved Hillary from having to seek romance from Bill ( ewe!),and perhaps have time to lavish her attentions upon Huma.

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You have a point ... I mean, that is Nancy Pelosi's sales pitch, right? "There's no substitute for experience."

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Podesta is of the Rockefeller family.

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How about that Klain ("Your final warning") guy, and Mayor Pete, how can they go without Mayor Pete Buttplug!

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Thank you. I knew our country had gone to Hell when we had a gay man named Peter Butt and I was the only one that thought it was funny.

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„The mummy returns“


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What a massive joke ... not the funny kind. Everything about these times and the people leading us through them is sad and sick. Looking forward to coming out the other side. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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The narrative of man-made climate change simply is a trojan horse for socialism. Stunningly, nobody wants to listen.

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Excellent summary, Jordan. Presumably the attendees of last week's FII conference in Riyadh (actual tagline: "Enabling a New Global Order") will be in attendance as well.


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Criminals gonna lie.

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I love everything about this article. Including the comments. Needed it today! 😂

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Mummy returns 👍👍👍... Love it!!! Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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LMAO at your title. These idiot global warmers are fighting an invisible, non-existent liberal brain fart. I hear the UN is demanding $4-6 trillion every year to fight this invisible creation. I suppose the US taxpayer, after giving Zalensky the trillion he wants will have plenty left over for the UN. No other country has any "extra" money to give the UN. It will take a zombie like brandon to smooth it all over.

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Still rooting for the asteroid!

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Hopefully someone will entomb the mummy in one of the pyramids.

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Enough of this bullshit these leaders travel all over the world in their private jets burning more fuel than a car for a year the expense is killing us at a time that money is tight. Forget about global warming it is the hoax just another reason to tax us and grab more money. All governments need to be shut down as they are all so corrupt and evil they deserve to crawl back to the gutter they came from!!!!!!!

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Does anyone still trust Pfizer or the other deadly poison distributors?

‘LIABILITY’ for Vax DEATHS must be reintroduced for Big Pharma = just COMMON SENSE!

‘Realists’ that spread TRUTH that does not line up with the distorted (WEF) oppressive opinions are referred to as spreading ‘mis-information’, ‘dis-information’, etc,. Any form of ‘alternate ‘accurate opinion’ derived from joining dots is now OUTLAWED!

There will soon be just a few of us left that refused the DEADLY covid injections. But we can fight dirty – like them!

F*^k PayPal for thinking they could introducer $2500 fines for telling the truth – before Adolf Schwab (WEF) gave them the ‘go-ahead’.

Mick (Unjabbed to live longer!)

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