Jordan, he is now appearing in commercials as an "expert" for a pro-Biden - "we need a change in leadership" PAC. This guy does not care whom he harms with his panic porn. Loathesome

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Amazing piece, dude. I have seen this guy's looney opinions floating around on Twitter since early in the pandemic and was amazed that a legitimate doctor, and an epidemiologist at that, could be so insane. All the damning evidence here makes so much sense. I've seen others that likely have a similar story.

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Far left?! Puleeze... He's just another opportunist

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If he was just another opportunist he'd work for big pharma instead of attacking him. He's clearly ideologically motivated.

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This example of Eric is representative of the biggest challenge facing the world today - How do incompetent people rise to the ranks of experts, influencers, institutional heads and company executives?

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I laugh when you say this is a "far-left" agenda. It has nothing to do with the "left," (politically speaking), and everything to do with the corruption of science for profit, government control, and corporate media misinformation.

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As Berenson has repeatedly warned the world since covid began, never go full Ding.

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It’s hard to take him seriously when he moved to Europe so he could send his own kids to in-person school. Safe enough for his kids but not everyone elses.

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Need to check if he received some CCP money. Thank for your article, was fight with him about his misleading pandemic issue

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It should be a crime to say you're an Epidemiologist as the 'medical' advice given could cause harm or death. ESPECIALLY as it pertains to a 'political' fear driven hoax that perpetuates the dangerous notion that compromised and elderly people are safe staying long periods of time in crowded stores, restaurants, car repair shops, pharmacies, hair salons with only a simple mask. 85% of new positive cases are by people religiously wearing 'masks' not meant to guard against an airborne virus. He's causing the illness that he's falsely portraying to guard against.

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None of what you wrote is true. No one proposes that at-risk people are safe in crowds. The study that found 85% of new positive cases among people who wore masks ALSO found that they removed them in public places like restaurants.

He shouldn't be calling himself an epidemiologist, but the things he is saying are true.

- an epidemiologist.

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Dr Dingleberry dismissing herd immunity with triple vaxxed dipshits popping positive all over the place. Naturally acquired herd immunity is literally the only exit strategy and would have been achieved long ago with zero covid countermeasures. What a maroon. BTW pretty telling this ding-bat was front running even Flipflopfraudfauci on 25 Jan 20.

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Eric is also a world economic forum - global shaper member

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This clown was rolled out on mainstream media in Australia as a Harvard expert ....... why on earth were his credentials not checked and this entire episode not retracted as people will be scared sick when he said vaccinate 6mth old babies and have vaccine passports and ban indoor dining https://youtu.be/uezHgoEVI5Q

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Yes, he's left wing. Now read his bio at Harvard. https://scholar.harvard.edu/ericfeiglding/bio

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I could care less about "Dr" Eric Feigl-Ding's credentials or lack thereof. At this point he has no effect on public policy and couldn't do any worse than the current and former crop of charlatans in both administrations. Which to any sentient non-partisan represents a very low bar indeed. What I find most disconcerting is Jordan Schachtel's obvious lack of understanding of what being "far left " truly represents to the shop worn George Soros is the root of all evil when it comes to issues involving Democrats. A billionaire who's resume includes massive shorting of currency markets which netted him 1.5 billion in one month is hardly the legend that your typical Antifah or Black lives matters member would romanticize about while huddled around the camp-fire of urban decay. Another favorite of "far -left" anti-imperialist's are the funding of color revolutions that take a democratically elected leader and through a series of false flags and subversion install a US backed stooge to take over as benevolent factotum who pledges fealty to NATO and the IMF. 2 organizations who incidentally command the reverence of virtual every self-respecting marxist and socialist that I know of. My questions to you is are you so inculcated in western / capitalist republicanism that to consider even a slight deviation from your myopic ideology would cause a catharsis so severe that you would not recover ? Or is this a grift that you believe if you keep at it may actually pay some dividends and allow you to serve even more faithfully those paragons of virtue and ethics that currently reside in which ever party of our extremely undemocratic duopoly will have you ?

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You’re comments regarding Soros and Color Revolutions is either ignorantly short sighted or an attempt to throw some confusion by way of re direction to less experienced readers to these subjects. I suspect it might be both. Soros, through his foundations has funded a large group of Attorney Generals for quite a few major cities in the us. These elected officials had millions of dollars for campaign ads while thier opposition has maybe a hundred thousand. These Attorney Generals have promoted far left ideals and actual policies in thier cities. This is just one example of how Soros is destroying our Republic.

You are just another communist claiming to be a socialist that is going to be sadly mistaken if this Marxist revolution put on by the academic elite ever comes to fruition. For you will be among the first to perish by thier own hands. Look at history my friend. If you can’t bother to do that, then ask a survivor of communism. They will tell you the same thing. It’s always the traitors that help implement the revolution that are first to be executed when the Marxists gain power. Who likes a traitor? NOT EVEN THEM in the end.

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Dear Mr. Sick of it all go back and re-read my comments particularly about color revolutions and please take your time. Don't let that irresistible McCarthyite impulse cloud whatever semblance of rational thinking that you may possess. At this point I feel like I'm punching down but sometimes even an avowed pacifist has to fight back so I will offer some additional advice : kindly refrain from the tired red baiting and anti-marxist tropes without first positing a cohesive argument. Simply asking someone to speak to a "victim" of communism is neither helpful nor definitive. Also your paranoiac fantasies of murderous retribution by the "vanguards of the non-existent" revolution are absurd at best unless you of course are preaching to the less informed that you blithely referred to in your last fever dream. To bring everything full circle I'll leave you with a little bit of a brain teaser : what country that espouses freedom, liberty and of course free markets was able to spend upwards of 2.4 trillion dollars over the course of twenty years on another capitalist I mean humanitarian incursion into another country and at the end have nothing to show for it outside of making a select handful of extremely rich shareholders and insiders even wealthier whilst their own country has some of the lowest metrics from education to infrastructure in the first world ? Cheers comrade

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He was born in Shanghai China.

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Another ccp agent.

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Oh - genius!

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As was Chloe Zhang, lots of Americans came from China. i.e. the engineer who designed Boeing's first successful airplane and allowed them to become what they are today, and the founder of the Jet Propulsion Lab that allowed America to develop the rockets that flew us to the moon. They were from China too. So what exactly is your point?

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Liar. The JPL was founded by a team consisting of five white men and one Chinese man. And the first Boeing airplane was designed by two white men.

Stop lying you revisionist twat.

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Mmm, commie propaganda.

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Far left? The guys is a Communist who wants to set up universal healthcare, free education for all, nationalise Industry and expropriate the wealth of the elites? C'mon Jordan you should know better. The guy is right lite!

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