All republican candidates this election cycle should be condemning this, but the silence is deafening.

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Actually it was congress way back in 1986 when they passed the vaccines laws abstaining big pharma from any liability for childhood vaccine injuries that has started this medical tyranny. And then they put the VAERS system in place which is horrible at tracking injuries. Congress is not our friend in any way, shape or form.

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Because most of them endorsed this garbage when the pressure was on. It's a Uniparty.

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Because most of them are lining their pockets with Pharma stock profits too! Criminals; all of them!

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I want death by HANGING re-instituted for these monsters and shown PUBLICLY!!!!!!

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I always like to say that justice will not happen because those who are in position to bring the guilty to justice are just as in need of being brought to it, themselves.

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So much truth there!

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IN NY the cowards in Albany seeded all authority to Andrew Cuomo.

Congress did the same as they cowered at home with their masks on.

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Trump will run in 2024 and once again tell everyone how great these jabs are.

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TDS still? Your moms not letting you nurse?

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OMG, you're right! That damn TDS! I keep trying to hide it. Ok, let me try again:

Trump will run in 2024, admit he made a yuge mistake, apologize to the nation for approving and promoting a deadly vaccine and humbly beg the people to forgive him.

Is that any better? Still see any TDS in there?

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Trump, not a doctor, took the advice of the 'experts' as he should have done. Was he really to know that the 'experts' were lying and didn't have the best interest of the people at heart? Easy to Monday Morning quarterback once we know what happened. Having said that, he SHOULD come out NOW and say he was given bad information and wouldn't have recommended them if he knew the truth then.

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Trump was president. He's gotta take responsibility. Just like I expect Biden to take responsibility for all his administration's crimes and blunders (he doesn't.)

I'd be happy if Trump did a complete 180 on these vaccines and put the brakes on all of this vaccine madness. He could win a lot of votes with that. Maybe even mine.

But, really, should we let politicians hide behind the experts and blame them for mistakes? Trump wanted to be president. He told us he was a very stable genius. But Fauci and Birx ran circles around him. Why didn't he listen to Scott Atlas and Peter McCullough more? Why didn't Trump didn't act to let us use HCQ and Ivermectin and other drugs as outpatients?

Hell, when Dubya was president he steamrolled and snow jobbed all of the domestic opposition and most of the UN and brought the entire nation to war. Trump couldn't even make a few prescription drugs available to licensed medical doctors in the middle of a pandemic! What happened to Republican power?

I wish Trump had listened to the liberal TDS scientists who squawked to the press back in early 2020. They said we couldn't create a coronavirus vaccine this quickly and that a true coronavirus vaccine had never been successfully created.

The way I see it is that Trump made a bad call. That part is his fault. He should have been more skeptical about the chance of a successful vaccine. I'm pretty sure you and many other people on this board were.

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People like you didn't want to listen that natural immunity was going to be better than locking down the entire country. So, as a businessman, he gave you what you wanted. A "vaccine". And had anyone told the truth at Pfizer or Moderna? I can be fairly certain he never would have let it get emergency authorization. He's not an idiot, even if he tweets like one. Now, we have excess deaths, that were "sudden" and not explained? Stop it. Fauci lied but got 12 million dollars and isn't going to jail for conflict of interest? Shut the front door. Willful blindness works well for you people. There is no way Trump will ever meet your expectations. But FJBiden? Yep. More people died on his watch than Trump with the shots. And still, it didn't prevent infection,hospitalizations or deaths. Florida is the best representation of that. All the hysteria for nothing. Well, for control. And now a new variant developed in a lab killed 80% of the mice will somehow get "leaked" and we'll be at square one...while people like you want protection from the unprotected, and your protection doesn't hold any weight, anywhere. Trump got the worst kind of "disinformation". But, nope,people like you won't ever come clean- because you didn't die from a shot. I know five people who did. All healthy, and under 60. You have a syndrome. I call it Triple L (La La Land) Syndrome. Where willful blindness keeps your skewed reality alive and where bad means good. And the truth matters not one whit.

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Trump has already said that mandating the vaccines was wrong--he had stated even when he was originally pushing to get them developed that they should NEVER be mandated. From what I've seen, he is well aware that they should never have received the widespread use they have, that they have been deadly, and that they have been ineffective. Just because he pushed for their development because of the advice he got from Fauci et al does NOT equate to him supporting what has been done with them.

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Trump believes the Covid 19 vaccines should never have received the widespread use they have, that they have been deadly, and that they have been ineffective?

Ok, I'm interested in that. Can you point to where he has said something like that? Thanks.

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Lead quote from article: "Donald Trump on Wednesday night said he was concerned about reports of young people suffering adverse effects from the COVID-19 vaccination, insisting that he supported the vaccination campaign but only for those for whom it was necessary."


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Have read other quotes as well, but they tend not to come up on search engines because of the biases in the algorithms. CNN got really upset with Trump back in July of 2019 (before we knew what a total flop the vaccines were, or what their effects were) when Trump stated that people were not getting vaxxed because of a complete lack of trust in this administration. Virtually all of the articles I find in which he praised the vaccine are close to a year old or older. His acknowledgement of the harm it does to kids was recent. Trump has never been one to continue on a path that turns out to be a failure.

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He did the best anyone could do with the limited info they had and without being an MD took the advice of the so called experts. With all the issues today from 5 million illegals heading for the dole, inflation killing the economy, gas and food prices going thru the roof, crime RAGING especially in Blue "defund the police" cities I'm not as worried about abortions and vaccines as much as the liberals seem to be. Want to kill a fetus? Go to Cali, you'll probably get a rebate and a happy meal. Want cheap gas? Have the dimwit beg OPEC while killing our own energy independence.

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The best part of you ran down yo momma's leg......

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Both sides of the aisle have been bought off by Pfizer lucre.

Cheap whores...

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Yes… this would be the single biggest way to win and nobody talks about it.

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The CDC KNEW ALL ALONG that the covid jabs were UNSAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are trying to cover their butts now, but it's too late...........the lawyer firms are lining up now to go after them......it's coming......


EFF Dr. Frankenfauci, Big Pharma, the CDC, the NIH, and the AMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Blame the GOP and let the Democrats off the hook? How nice of you.

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I like , also, to say that in the public's eye Dems and Re pub's play their role but that behind the scenes they are one fraternity most likely mocking us all for thinking that they have any of our best interest's in mind.

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Yup. Do not comply. We do not want a “world government” to save us. We need to hold them criminally responsible and imprisonment for 400 years each. Max security in CO with the patsy, McVeigh

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Many of them probably have their fingers in the pie.

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And this is no peach pie.

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Who gave the CDC any such authority? Nobody! The entire immunity scam needs to be destroyed.

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Seems as if the "Alphabet" Agencies are composed of renegades following only their own rules and those of the World Economic Forum. There is no connection between the historic American Government (i.e. that of the Constitution-associated one) and the current authoritarian-kleptocrat-Fascist one. We the people gave no authority to these agencies or the current ruling class in D.C.

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Fortunately, they are also the most expendable and will be the fall-guys, if the elitist WEF cabal needs to deflect blame.

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Yes, there being not much honor among thieves the biggest kleptocrats are likely to win out over the less powerful. Never imagined they would stand up for each other! But then never imagined we would have a bunch of kleptocratic fascists taking control in such a crude bunch of plays.

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I think there are a few good apples. Which is why the boosters still all remain FDA-unapproved. So far at least.

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Yes, agree and know some. It's the predominant middle manager crews that tend to ruin things. In the FBI for instance it is widely known to be the "top floor".

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Go over the old definitions you might learn something!!!!!

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Yes, the FBI has a particularly nasty history. Began by supporting the powerful in very brutal ways and continues today.

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CDC didn't have the authority to declare a rent moratorium either.

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They have no authority under the US Constitution.

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Indeed, thus the 1986 Act is unconstitutional.

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Yes… since the Supreme Court recently made a decision regarding the power that these organizations have, I hope this can be stopped or reversed.

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There is no immunity from lead

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The 1986 Act did, though. It needs to be 86'd, yesterday!

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I have refused this shot from the beginning. I’m retired military and remember very clearly the devastation caused by the anthrax and 2009 mandates that the military had to stop giving us because of the side effects. 2009 vaccines created the largest lawsuit in history against pharma because of this garbage. I suppose after pharma convinced the WHO to lower the standards of what a pandemic was by padding pockets full of dough around the world, everyone hopped on the train for the long ride this time. WOW! I wrote an article on the PTSD effects of the masks and rape victims in my Substack, soon there will be articles written about the effects of this vaccine.

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I am an Army Veteran who was a 92B lab tech. I worked at the Research Lab in Landstuhl. I cannot believe that A-hole Austin is still trying to mandate shots as the wokeness is killing our readiness. There is no vaccine for HIV because anti-viral medications keep it in check. HCQ and Ivermectin work, but these doctors are all derelict in their first do no harm. It's just disgusting.

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I still don’t understand how this is happening. None of these vaccines has been approved for anything other than the prevention of COVID-19. Something they clearly DO NOT DO. Not a single one of these products has been approved with the intent of preventing hospitalizations and/or deaths from COVID-19. How TF does this not matter? And in the children’s studies they literally dropped all pretenses and just went with “product induced an immune response” as the end point. You know what else induces an immune response? Licking handrails in subway stations. I mean, f**k it, if generating an immune response is the highest bar we can set then why not? How TF does none of this matter to anyone with any authority?

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Exactly Mel, but you're not yet understanding the full picture. This was never about health or community care in the first place. Infowars broke many many stories to this regard over several years. The vaccine was patented before covid ever broke out. Manufacturing was ready to go. The war games already played out. Additionally at the administrative level of insurance and hospital management, patient care does not matter. Perverse government incentives, aka; covid relief subsidies, incentivized poor care. Kate Dalley broke these stories; it was NIH policies which caused the most deaths. Now people only died in hospitals, they rarely died at home. Let that sink in... CA is especially bad because if anyone 'tested positive', it was an instant $20k additional to make a big show of everything. Suddenly every sniffle was a covid sniffle, every pneumonia was a covid pneumonia. Livers and kidneys be darned, let them gasp their last breath on a ventilator pumped full of rhemdesivire, something they knew ahead of time resulted in mortal outcomes more often than not. And every time it happened; +$40k in the bank for every last patient. The only ones whom made it out alive were those with were with all to realize they were being murdered on an industrial scale, ripped the masks off and charged right out of there without asking anyone's permission. Greed is a powerful motivator. This is otherwise known as poisonous protectionism, where because government became involved, criminals and unethical influences immediately leveraged the additional resources for personal gain at the expense of others. The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Excellent and accurate except it was much more than 40K per patient.

Depending on how long people were in and being forced onto the Covid protocols you were looking at a wide range of costs from $40K up to over $900,000K. The $40K figure was almost never the actual amount by the time they killed the patient- almost all who were forced onto the Covid protocols had bills in excess of $100,000.

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Anaphylactic shock, cytokine storms and sudden death are immune responses too from the clot shot. 👀

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We beat it at home with weak otc nose spray containing steroids, elderberry, collodial silver, d's, b's, oils, and just basically a few dozen daily vitamins on the build up as we knew it was coming, through the two months of dealing with it, to eventually balance out. Losing smell was how one knew it was on. Natural immunity achieved. No vaccine required.

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It doesn't matter because the goal was always getting it on the child schedule and making kids get it to go to school. Even if a tiny percentage opt out, that millions and millions of mandatory sales.

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Unbelievable that after all we know this evil end game is able to proceed. How has this not been turned back by now?

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So kids will be forced to take a vaccine they don’t need? While the latest IFR for the young is something like .0003 (don’t remember the number but it’s vanishingly small). Kids are essentially not at risk from covid, while the vaccine does in fact carry a risk. For which they need take no responsibility. All to keep the medical industrial complex happy and the dollars flowing, we’ll use our kids in a medical experiment.

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And 90% of kids in the US have already encountered the virus in real life. So they have some natural immunity. These ineffective "vaccines" are unnecessary. This whole effort is at best a waste of time and money.

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At best. Some kids gonna get myocarditis

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They get so excited when they play, it causes heart attacks!

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Or climate change, or maybe even karma. But NOT the "safe and effective" jabs.

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Oh Grape Soda, it's so precious how people are still on with the human arguments, as if ethic truth or justice matters to these people. They don't care about you me or the children, they care about money and power.

It's a big club, and you are not in it. You and I are not in the big club.

Anyone have a pitchfork I can borrow?

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Noone is at risk from Covid.

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Weird how so few "republicans" are even mentioning this when they should be screaming: CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY.

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What legal authority does the CDC have to enforce any of this?

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BINGO! The answer is; only the authority We The People allow them to have.

When everyone was on proverbial 'lock down', we had a great time. We had the roads to ourselves. Grocery and retail store workers never bothered us but rather literally ran away in fear when we showed up without masks. Copped some amazing deals on retail and auto repair.

Never tested traced or jabbed one single time. The world, like all things in life, is what we make of it. Power to the people is not just a slogan, it is a way of life. Something that either lives in our collective hearts or is absent and a dark void fills the place.

So if you want to make a difference put forth simple but effective rules; Better living WITHOUT chemicals.

What is so remarkable to me is how many organic eaters and proponents of the non gmo movement went with an rnma vaccine. Like they either did not understand that the rnma mechanism is literally the same thing the Crispr-9 gene editing tools utilize, or they were just non gmo supporters out of some idea of a trend or a fashion. I was telling that crowd from day 1; We did not just spend a dang fortune for the past 20 years on organic non gmo food, only to turn around and purposefully genetically modify our own bodies and inject chemicals directly into our veins. There is no such thing as a safe vaccine.

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Government agencies need to be stripped of their quasi-lawmaking abilities. And they need to be shut down.

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Try boycotting the companies that pull their strings... But like I've been telling people for several years now, with each passing discovery of malfeseance, be that with tech, medicine, and many others; Sorry, I can't boycott something twice. We've been telling people that social media, big tech, big pharma, big ag, has been a major problem for 20 years. Perhaps one day someone will listen and get a clue.

One of the most effective yet unintentional boycotting efforts we engage in is simply shopping routinely at this amazing super discount high volume thrift store we have. If anything was on the shelf retail anywhere, at one point or another, it flows back through those thrift and second hand stores. Sometimes we find things decades old still with the brand new tags, like super remarkable and amazing. We buy all of that pennies on the dollar compared to actual new retail cost. So over the years we've probably deprived big corporations of a hundred thousand dollars if not more. Only what must be purchased new do we spend on, otherwise we prefer second hand. It amazes me that after hundreds of years of wealth generation in the USA, most notably the past 100 after the industrial era, that all these goods wares and material items are available, often cast to the four winds.

All Americans need to do is reach out there, get with a thrifty mindset, and get more for less. In the process of being thrifty, one then denies the new model of corporate exploitation too. No specialized race based or social justice non profit support is required. Sadly, that's what it's going to take to as you say; shut down these government agencies, to starve their primary benefactors of all that donation and bribe money. The revolving door keeps on swinging. It's called self asking regulation and they are all in on it, every last one of them.

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What a grift forced down the throats of people everywhere. This is the biggest collective scam in history and even in the face of overwhelming negative efficacy and outright danger, the big lie persists. What else is a lie? Pretty much everything. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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Well, live by a code and reliable principals. The principal of non intervention. It's fine to do what you want, as long as you don't harm or force others in the process. "Good ideas do not require force." Which is why we opted out on principal and just skipped the past 2 years of nonsense. We were never tested traced or jabbed one single time, not once. Tossed the masks very early on too.

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It would seem that the only way to eventually stop this is legislatively. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 has to be repealed by Congress, removing the liability protections given to Big Pharma by virtue of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).

The way things are going, that possibility may not be available in the future.

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This. One of the only realistic solutions left. Apply Tort to vaccine companies.

Peace sells, but who's buying? Representative democracy died with the advent of multi national corporations.

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This does seem to jibe with the rumor that the emergency declaration will be allowed to expire in January, with liability protection for the COVID-19 vaccines passing from the terms of the PREP act to that of the NCVIA as long as they’re on the schedule.

Note this new no-emergency-necessary protection cannot cover boosters for either adults or children. Boosters (even original “monovalent” formula) are all EUA only, no FDA approval, which is a requirement for being on the schedule. Will they approve the boosters by the time the emergency expires? If not, not only will there be no liability shield, there will also be no way to get a booster at all.

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Boosters may be covered via the "Future Framework". Cited article by Toby Rogers.

The FDA’s proposed “Future Framework” is the worst idea in the history of public health


FTA: "The purpose of the “Future Framework” is to rig the Covid-19 vaccine regulatory process in perpetuity in favor of the pharmaceutical industry. If this “Future Framework” is approved all future Covid-19 shots, regardless of the formulation, will automatically be deemed “safe and effective” without additional clinical trials because they are considered “biologically similar” to existing shots."

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Future framework wouldn’t get you from authorized to approved though; at best they could approve booster formula A2 on the basis of “similar” already approved booster formula A1. But as of now no formulas are FDA approved as COVID-19 boosters.

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Interesting... But like all the other vaccines on schedule, there are multiple doses. They're even signaling on the news like just observed this today; Everyone will be getting much higher doses of the flue shot and combo shots in higher volumes, to provide 'better protection'. Wow, it's like nobody remembers the flue shot was naught 15% effective at it's best...

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The CDC is not part of the Govt. The buck should stop with the elected 'representatives.' The CDC is a biased institution holding many patients on vaccines as a for profit corporation. Where the buck actually stops is with the people!

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Vote with your wallet. Vote with your feet. Each and every vaccine manufactured, regardless if it went to waste or not, brought in $200-$300 government dollars. And it's not going to stop until the unlimited budget runs out. Audit the fed, abolish the fed. Can you imagine if they had to call down to the gold and silver miners and say; get back in that hole! We need another 100 billion to buy everyone 'free vaccines', pronto! Article 1, Section 10.

We're from the government and are here to help.

The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Absolutely correct. The fact that the pyramid cap is composed of bank owners and that their omnipotent power comes from ownership of the money as debt creation business, all owed to themselves is little understood by the vast majority of people.

I say to not just audit the Fed, a private for profit corporation, but to also publicly announce who owns the preferred shares of the Fed as another aspect of this secretive institution that has never been divulged.

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This bankster, that bankster... We know enough without all the details.

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Not banksters but the owners of the monetary system...they may be banksters, or their family may have been in the past but now they are the owners of the money as debt system. Basically the inheriters of the family business acting as the CEOs of bank holding LLCs.. You, I and others may not need to know the history but to get the public to take notice the history would draw them in on the intergenerational fraud they are enslaved to.

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There is no doubt how this vote is going to go even if they have to use biden Mules to stuff the voting.

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Infowars covered that too. In order to get the child hood vaccines 'approved', the FDA board leader basically released everyone on panel, twice in a row, before they acquired enough yes votes. The mules are already in place.

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Nothing says Trust the Science like unconditional immunity.

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Complete Complicity! I can’t tell the difference in McConnell and Pelosi-Schumer and McCarthy and anyone on either side that has been careered politicians. How disgusting that people are assuming and hoping McCarthy will be Speaker! He is as corrupt as the President of Ukraine!

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Aw come on now, Volodymyr is pristine

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As pristine as the toilet bowl after the diarrhea splash

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No better said.

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This will continue to happen until people realize the existence of the UniParty:

UniParty = GOPe + RINOs + Democrats

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FDA Approves COVID Vaccine for Walking Dead:

"Officials at The Food and Drug Administration recently approved Pfizer’s BioNTech Vaccine for the undead population, which comprises millions of zombies across the United States.”


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