I keep saying it. "COVID and the jabs were responsible for the greatest genocide in the history of the world. And it's not over yet....

It is past time for Nuremberg 2.0. The full meal deal. Short ropes and a long drop, with Fauci as a good starting point.

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How did so many fall for it….

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"Now who will hold the bad guys accountable for all of the fraud and deception?"

Holding my breath, waiting . . . Hope I don't die of old age before anyone is held accountable.

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To your last question: No one. But you knew that. As do we. No one likely to occupy the White House for the next cycle will install a Cabinet with entirely clean hands. As usual, bureaucracy for the win.

But we the people must begin to build healthy communities--in every sense of the word--from the ground up. Failure in that will be on us.

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Medicine Is Not A Science.

It’s A Business.

Your Only Job

Is To Make It Too Costly

For Them. To Kill You.

Either Get That.

Or They Get You.


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Coercion and lack of informed consent aren't "whoopsies".

The lies were there and they couldn't hide them well enough. Vaccines cannot mount mucosal immunity so any claim to that was BS. The list goes on.

Prison and hangings seem warranted.

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This will all be done again.

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"Now who will hold the bad guys accountable for all of the fraud and deception?"

We will, because we're the only people who want to see it happen. Too many 'experts' were in on the scam.

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Next comes the mRNA death injections for those afraid of bird flu, disease X, measles, cowpox, pigpox, SARS CoV-3 and all other fake viruses. Trust big pharma, the FDA, CDC, AMA, NIH, DOD and your brain dead baffled doctor and you will need a harp for the next life. Unless you go the other direction and then you can put out the welcome mat for gates and fauci.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

Jan Jekielek interviewed Dr. Wallskog. He points out that any claims do not go the the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program but go to the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. This program has a 98% denial rate. www.hrsa.gov/vaccine-compensation

Apparently the government itself does not think this jab is a vaccine. Watch the interview if you can.

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And where did all the "promising data", "extremely effective" and messaging of it's "success" come out of... Israel. Let's also not forget all the details of all the nations and org's that were essential to this fraud!

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"Now who will hold the bad guys accountable for all of the fraud and deception?"

Nobody. Nobody will hold anyone accountable. The institutionalized rot is too deep, too far spread. Any institution that could possibly have a role in "accountability" has been bought and sold by the culprits themselves. That is the sad reality that we live in now. All one can do is attempt to protect yourself and your loved ones from the next $camdemic.

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Important to remember though that President Trump helped warp these out in record time, the Republicans aren't really a solution; although, here in Texas they just made a law that no employer can require workers to get an mRNA vaccine

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Scam that led to mass genocide.

The Nazis were amateurs.

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Apr 12·edited Apr 12

"Now who will hold the bad guys accountable for all of the fraud and deception?"

Unfortunately, those with the power to do so are doing everything in their power to make sure this doesn't happen (self-preservation and all).

Based on the fact that the republican establishment is basically controlled opposition to the dems, if you are still holding out that the republicans will do anything besides pander, bluster, and help pass deep state legislation with deceitful titles, you are mistaken.

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This. "Now who will hold the bad guys accountable for all of the fraud and deception?"

My money is on, "No one!" All in. POTUS tried to mandate the shot for every person in the entire country and nearly succeeded. Nurses were fired from hospitals. Astronauts were fired from NASA. High-profile, well-paid executives were shown the door. No one will pay, but Pfizer is still counting money. I apologize for being negative, but as they say in The Streets, "It is what it is."

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