I don't understand why they are repeating this fiasco. Will the rest of the world be influenced to do this? Will the Zuckerbucks crooks try their PPE voting influence scam again this fall using Covid as an excuse? Yuri, I pray for your family.
Never lose hope or faith or they win. Stand your ground and do not comply. The worst that can happen is you will die free, just like you were born. Do not be a slave to fear.
Not hopeless, RE. The Freedom Convoy movement proved there is a strong international undercurrent of courageous resisters, and it’s gaining momentum daily:
Worrying and stressing doesn’t stop it. We need you strong for the fight. Get some sleep, stay away from the news, and treat yourself to your favorite foods. Give yourself a chance to recharge 🤗
We're not there just yet. I'm a pessimist by nature, but I do look for glimmers of hope out there and, when I find them (and they are out there), I grab onto them and nurture them, and it keeps me going and looking for more. I hope you can do the same.
None of this will be a problem in the US again if people just grow a pair and have the courage to not comply. Most Red States (even if they have a liberal Governor) have wrangled in the Emergency Powers by now but it all comes down to how much people fall for whatever the next ruse is.
I am working on a letter as well. We need people in every WHO country (194) to bombard their representatives with demands to stop the WHO’s stampede to one-world tyranny.
What's looming is the World Health Organization's plan to allow a federal emergency mandate, and in that case it can overrule even red states. It's being voted on in May, I think.
Good to keep an eye on that; my sense is that WHO is proposing a "Treaty" - current WH Resident can sign it; but it does have to be ratified - approved, actually - by US Senate - 2/3 yes vote required. That will never happen.
So? - various "climate" treaties have been signed by US WH Residents; never approved by the Senate but - to an extent - the executive branch has applied and abided by said treaties ... this one is more hard edged - in effect WHO can tell DeSantis to shut down all small businesses for X months (while Amazon Prime rolls!) - in that case, I think he says no.
Bottom line - probably not to worry on this; we are not yet at the point where WEF/WHO (Bill Gates) get everything they want. (Your results may vary if you live in e.g. Canada!)
I think we underestimate this proposed treaty at our own peril. Look at what power the WHO has wielded over the world for the past two years, and that was *without* any legally binding international treaty that supersedes nation-state laws. This is a blatant step toward the Great Reset/New World Order/One-World Government, and they would use a “pandemic” to seize even more extreme emergency powers than they have in the past. Currently, the WHO is perceived as a “good” organization by the majority of people, and this could very easily get passed by nearly all of the 194 countries. Last I heard, Russia was the *only* country to submit a letter of objection, and that was before all the Ukraine hoopla. This is on course to get passed if we don’t make a massive worldwide effort to stop it:
Thanks for reading my note; you certainly - as your recent track record confirms - have a much more hands on assessment of items like this than I do.
I agree, the "peril" (from this treaty) is substantial. To the extent I was not beset by a mid-afternoon swoon of naivete, I was falling back on a still relatively robust USA Federalism as the final firewall against assaults like this. I think that played a large role in the probably transitory roll back of the covid regime that we are currently enjoying (which is why I suggested DeSantis already has his response ready after the Senate fails to approve); that and SCOTUS finally coming in and saving our bacon by overturning the employer mandate (which OSHA was fully prepared to enforce on ALL employers - not just 100+)
There is a living rudiment of "American Exceptionalism"; it is perhaps the single force that provides any shred of hope at this time. And that force includes exceptional Americans such as, if I may say so, yourself.
Quite astounding. I had the same reaction as you did to this horror, judging from your previous post. When I saw the photo in the WSJ of those pup tents (crowded together), the living quarters of factory workers forced to live on the factory floor, I knew this had nothing to do with "a virus." I wrote to the reporter of this article, but, of course, received no reply. https://www.wsj.com/articles/shanghais-workers-sleep-on-floors-to-keep-factories-going-amid-covid-lockdown-11648809322 Here's the letter (email) I sent: Dear Yoko Kubota-
This is truly a fascinating piece. It sounds to me like the government is experimenting with a way to turn workers into slaves. If anyone believe this is truly about a virus or "health" they would have to be smoking something powerful, and I don't mean tobacco.
Some obvious questions come to mind after reading your piece which appears to adopt the mindset of 2020 when many people knew little about SARS-COV-2. A positive PCR test in the absence of symptoms does not indicate illness, especially if the test is done at a high cycle threshold. All this is common knowledge at this point. Your article doesn't contain any information about how many people are actually ill. Furthermore, as we know from India, doctors in many other countries, and many doctors in the US, early treatment takes care of COVID and there are many repurposed drugs that have proven efficacious.
Beyond that, why is it healthy to live on a factory floor in tiny tents all packed together ? That is insane. It reminds me of the video I saw of newborns in a hospital wearing masks.
Are you really going to treat this in the way the Chinese government would like you to present this? Whatever happened to journalistic skepticism? I mean, really, this is beyond ludicrous.
Hard to know where this falls into the PsyOp for the rest of the world, as China seems to be the first to put this type of insanity. It feels like the NWO is pulsing the Russia/Ukraine, Shanghai lockdowns and food/energy shortage all at once to see which one really captures the public imagination. So far Will Smith is winning.
No question though, the Chinese people are suffering terribly and the government doesn't care remotely.
And my cousin--last time we talked--said he was glad about the damage caused by the lockdown because it would destroy our unfair capitalist system and bring in the beautiful communist system the Chinese enjoy.
There are numerous FEMA camps in the US which can be "activated" as detention camps. Millions of coffins were built years ago and are stored in Georgia(?). Why? I hope we never find out.
Lockdown sceptics (including myself) don't think lockdowns work so how do countries have zero covid if lockdowns don't work? A virus is going to do its rounds whatever. So with that in mind, either :
- they have lost their minds;
- they are trying to play the west again;
- they know something about the virus or the particular strain in China that we don't;
- there is another reason (e.g. financial reasons or hitting the west with supply chain issues etc)
But it is not just Shanghai that we are being told is having the crazy lockdown, also other Chinese cities.
We have been shown motorways with no traffic, is that easily faked.
Is it all fake but gives a cover for why exports to the West are not happening.
If it's not fake then that fits with Chinese citizens being told to hoard food - in which case it means that the CCP doesn't actually want everyone in lockdown to die.
So, Barry, surely someone knows someone in Shanghai who can reliably tell us if it's a hoax.
Review the pics, vids and stories from late 2019 in Wuhan. They are similar. The same close-up pics and vids The only difference this time is the lack of dead bodies on the streets; no vids of people suddenly keeling over..
Remember there is NO law forcing anyone to even read the scams coming out of China.
Even if they have locked people up, it could be part of a massive sting against the West. Wuhan 2.0. Why would they care if a few millions suffer, since they are plenty of them?
Without independent corroborations that I can see with my eyes, I believe 0% of it. I don't accept "anecdotes".
This happens in every democracy. it is not at all restricted to this communist hell. But at least we now know that democracy is just a different name for a dictatorship.
There is another even darker, more malevolent and evil explanation for China’s actions; an explanation that does not require a belief that they are behaving out of irrational, insane ignorance. It is entirely plausible that the CCP is acting with rational albeit evil and inhumane intent. They are testing and perfecting their system of complete social control and oppression in anticipation of future events for which such a system will be necessitated there and perhaps elsewhere in the world. Furthermore, the lockdown of millions has the added benefit for them of reducing energy consumption at a time when oil prices have risen dramatically for a country with huge energy needs which must be satisfied largely through imports given their limited internal energy production. From that perspective, their cruel snd inhumane lockdowns make perfect sense to a regime with no moral constraints.
That is how it seems. I can't think of another reason why they would telegraph their motives like this. Unless they figure we are just too dumb and or distracted to catch on.
“Beach softening” to program the population for greater manipulation in the future…. “You don’t want to have to go into lockdown again do you?” Well you better not resist this next (ungodly) measure then!
you know what this means to Australia don't you? It means a clear direction for our governments to follow. The path for them to tread. They'll be champing at the bit. Slavering to get started.
Staying with the Chief Medical Officer, and Professor Paul Kelly says it is time for Australia to move away from reporting daily COVID-19 deaths and focus instead on “excess deaths”, which are recorded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics over weeks, months and years.
“In simple terms, this can be seen as the difference between the number of people who you would expect to die over a given period of time for example, a year or as a result of a particular event such as a pandemic, and the actual number of deaths recorded from all causes,” Professor Kelly told Senate estimates.
It's very concerning what's going on there. We came close to doing many of these things in Canada as well as elsewhere. The fact that China is going there really is concerning.
I have family in China. They are going through hell with no end in sight. Pray for them.
We heard the same stories, pics and videos in Wuhan in late 2019.
I don't understand why they are repeating this fiasco. Will the rest of the world be influenced to do this? Will the Zuckerbucks crooks try their PPE voting influence scam again this fall using Covid as an excuse? Yuri, I pray for your family.
This is deeply distressing and a precursor of what’s to come in other parts of the world (at least we have till the midterms in the US).
Edward Slavsquat (Riley Waggaman) just started a good open thread on this topic:
This maskless smoking badass is my new hero:
"At least we have until the midterms." Such a small consolation in what used to be a free country.
Yep :-(
I can't sleep at night. Or keep food down. Things are hopeless.
Never lose hope or faith or they win. Stand your ground and do not comply. The worst that can happen is you will die free, just like you were born. Do not be a slave to fear.
Agree, don't be a slave to fear and also the Wetiko mind-virus which most of our lizard-brain population is suffering from: https://www.awakeninthedream.com/wetiko-book
Not hopeless, RE. The Freedom Convoy movement proved there is a strong international undercurrent of courageous resisters, and it’s gaining momentum daily:
Worrying and stressing doesn’t stop it. We need you strong for the fight. Get some sleep, stay away from the news, and treat yourself to your favorite foods. Give yourself a chance to recharge 🤗
We're not there just yet. I'm a pessimist by nature, but I do look for glimmers of hope out there and, when I find them (and they are out there), I grab onto them and nurture them, and it keeps me going and looking for more. I hope you can do the same.
Looks like a hero to me as well!!! At least some people in China still have some "Cojones"!!!!
Courageous, we need more people like him
And after the midterms?
None of this will be a problem in the US again if people just grow a pair and have the courage to not comply. Most Red States (even if they have a liberal Governor) have wrangled in the Emergency Powers by now but it all comes down to how much people fall for whatever the next ruse is.
But red states won't have power soon if the World Health Organization has its way.
We need to demolish the WHO and replace it with the World Council for Health:
How can we do anything on that level? The last American president tried to cut national ties with WHO (forget demolish) and failed.
The World Council for Health is spearheading a letter-writing campaign to stop the international pandemic treaty:
I am working on a letter as well. We need people in every WHO country (194) to bombard their representatives with demands to stop the WHO’s stampede to one-world tyranny.
Too many Karens just chomping at the bit to become lockdown enforcers again.
"liberal." Lol
That depends on the outcome of the election … and whether it’s fair …
What's looming is the World Health Organization's plan to allow a federal emergency mandate, and in that case it can overrule even red states. It's being voted on in May, I think.
Yes, people can see this series for details on the WHO's nefarious plans:
I'm already working on a letter about the international pandemic treaty but need to work in this new info about the May 22 vote.
We need to organize locally and prepare. The states won't be enough. Few conservatives know what lies ahead. That is what scares me.
That's particularly terrifying if it passes as there will be no place to run, no place to hide.
Good to keep an eye on that; my sense is that WHO is proposing a "Treaty" - current WH Resident can sign it; but it does have to be ratified - approved, actually - by US Senate - 2/3 yes vote required. That will never happen.
So? - various "climate" treaties have been signed by US WH Residents; never approved by the Senate but - to an extent - the executive branch has applied and abided by said treaties ... this one is more hard edged - in effect WHO can tell DeSantis to shut down all small businesses for X months (while Amazon Prime rolls!) - in that case, I think he says no.
Bottom line - probably not to worry on this; we are not yet at the point where WEF/WHO (Bill Gates) get everything they want. (Your results may vary if you live in e.g. Canada!)
I think we underestimate this proposed treaty at our own peril. Look at what power the WHO has wielded over the world for the past two years, and that was *without* any legally binding international treaty that supersedes nation-state laws. This is a blatant step toward the Great Reset/New World Order/One-World Government, and they would use a “pandemic” to seize even more extreme emergency powers than they have in the past. Currently, the WHO is perceived as a “good” organization by the majority of people, and this could very easily get passed by nearly all of the 194 countries. Last I heard, Russia was the *only* country to submit a letter of objection, and that was before all the Ukraine hoopla. This is on course to get passed if we don’t make a massive worldwide effort to stop it:
Thanks for reading my note; you certainly - as your recent track record confirms - have a much more hands on assessment of items like this than I do.
I agree, the "peril" (from this treaty) is substantial. To the extent I was not beset by a mid-afternoon swoon of naivete, I was falling back on a still relatively robust USA Federalism as the final firewall against assaults like this. I think that played a large role in the probably transitory roll back of the covid regime that we are currently enjoying (which is why I suggested DeSantis already has his response ready after the Senate fails to approve); that and SCOTUS finally coming in and saving our bacon by overturning the employer mandate (which OSHA was fully prepared to enforce on ALL employers - not just 100+)
There is a living rudiment of "American Exceptionalism"; it is perhaps the single force that provides any shred of hope at this time. And that force includes exceptional Americans such as, if I may say so, yourself.
Yep! That guy IS a bad ass! I wonder if he's still alive. I pray he is!
We had this in 2010 BECAUSE of our elections. Here we are again. China helping their peeps.
Quite astounding. I had the same reaction as you did to this horror, judging from your previous post. When I saw the photo in the WSJ of those pup tents (crowded together), the living quarters of factory workers forced to live on the factory floor, I knew this had nothing to do with "a virus." I wrote to the reporter of this article, but, of course, received no reply. https://www.wsj.com/articles/shanghais-workers-sleep-on-floors-to-keep-factories-going-amid-covid-lockdown-11648809322 Here's the letter (email) I sent: Dear Yoko Kubota-
This is truly a fascinating piece. It sounds to me like the government is experimenting with a way to turn workers into slaves. If anyone believe this is truly about a virus or "health" they would have to be smoking something powerful, and I don't mean tobacco.
Some obvious questions come to mind after reading your piece which appears to adopt the mindset of 2020 when many people knew little about SARS-COV-2. A positive PCR test in the absence of symptoms does not indicate illness, especially if the test is done at a high cycle threshold. All this is common knowledge at this point. Your article doesn't contain any information about how many people are actually ill. Furthermore, as we know from India, doctors in many other countries, and many doctors in the US, early treatment takes care of COVID and there are many repurposed drugs that have proven efficacious.
Beyond that, why is it healthy to live on a factory floor in tiny tents all packed together ? That is insane. It reminds me of the video I saw of newborns in a hospital wearing masks.
Are you really going to treat this in the way the Chinese government would like you to present this? Whatever happened to journalistic skepticism? I mean, really, this is beyond ludicrous.
Wait, what happened with the vaccines? I thought they were a success.
Would have been worse without them. Lol.
Hard to know where this falls into the PsyOp for the rest of the world, as China seems to be the first to put this type of insanity. It feels like the NWO is pulsing the Russia/Ukraine, Shanghai lockdowns and food/energy shortage all at once to see which one really captures the public imagination. So far Will Smith is winning.
No question though, the Chinese people are suffering terribly and the government doesn't care remotely.
And my cousin--last time we talked--said he was glad about the damage caused by the lockdown because it would destroy our unfair capitalist system and bring in the beautiful communist system the Chinese enjoy.
There are numerous FEMA camps in the US which can be "activated" as detention camps. Millions of coffins were built years ago and are stored in Georgia(?). Why? I hope we never find out.
Lockdown sceptics (including myself) don't think lockdowns work so how do countries have zero covid if lockdowns don't work? A virus is going to do its rounds whatever. So with that in mind, either :
- they have lost their minds;
- they are trying to play the west again;
- they know something about the virus or the particular strain in China that we don't;
- there is another reason (e.g. financial reasons or hitting the west with supply chain issues etc)
I wondered that, Shanghais main export seems to be electronics. But they rely on US imports for their production.
Can't work from home on that job.
So that job won't get done.
But it is not just Shanghai that we are being told is having the crazy lockdown, also other Chinese cities.
We have been shown motorways with no traffic, is that easily faked.
Is it all fake but gives a cover for why exports to the West are not happening.
If it's not fake then that fits with Chinese citizens being told to hoard food - in which case it means that the CCP doesn't actually want everyone in lockdown to die.
So, Barry, surely someone knows someone in Shanghai who can reliably tell us if it's a hoax.
Review the pics, vids and stories from late 2019 in Wuhan. They are similar. The same close-up pics and vids The only difference this time is the lack of dead bodies on the streets; no vids of people suddenly keeling over..
Remember there is NO law forcing anyone to even read the scams coming out of China.
I shall email someone. But they're in Guangzhou rather than Shanghai.
Even if they have locked people up, it could be part of a massive sting against the West. Wuhan 2.0. Why would they care if a few millions suffer, since they are plenty of them?
Without independent corroborations that I can see with my eyes, I believe 0% of it. I don't accept "anecdotes".
Et tu, Rich? You have forgotten Wuhan in late 2019?
That was 2020, I understand the motivation for that although I'm not a believer in the virus. I don't understand the reason for this one.
I am sure it was late 2019, or at the start of 2020.
My point was they simply repeated their scams.
Motivation: to keep the scare going for their media mates in the West. And they succeeded. Proof? We are writing about it!
So far, their scams have not gained traction since the SMH and Aunty have not repeated their "reports".
Another point of interest: Aunty used to produce a daily summary by 9:30am each day. It has not done so at 10:47am.
This happens in every democracy. it is not at all restricted to this communist hell. But at least we now know that democracy is just a different name for a dictatorship.
There is another even darker, more malevolent and evil explanation for China’s actions; an explanation that does not require a belief that they are behaving out of irrational, insane ignorance. It is entirely plausible that the CCP is acting with rational albeit evil and inhumane intent. They are testing and perfecting their system of complete social control and oppression in anticipation of future events for which such a system will be necessitated there and perhaps elsewhere in the world. Furthermore, the lockdown of millions has the added benefit for them of reducing energy consumption at a time when oil prices have risen dramatically for a country with huge energy needs which must be satisfied largely through imports given their limited internal energy production. From that perspective, their cruel snd inhumane lockdowns make perfect sense to a regime with no moral constraints.
Coming to your country sooner or later. This is a rehearsal by the globalists.
The WEFers do get a satanic enjoyment out of warning about what they are going to do.
That is how it seems. I can't think of another reason why they would telegraph their motives like this. Unless they figure we are just too dumb and or distracted to catch on.
“Beach softening” to program the population for greater manipulation in the future…. “You don’t want to have to go into lockdown again do you?” Well you better not resist this next (ungodly) measure then!
It keeps getting worse and worse
Will Covid Mania ever end
you know what this means to Australia don't you? It means a clear direction for our governments to follow. The path for them to tread. They'll be champing at the bit. Slavering to get started.
Its already the norm, institutionalised, that democracy gets suspended without argument, at a whim: https://www.covid-19.sa.gov.au/emergency-declarations/emergency-declaration
So people have forgotten those vids and pics of Wuhan in late 2019?
Are there independent corroborations?
Some people are so easy to manipulate.
But what's the point of fabricating such fear and loathing of the CCP Barry.
Assuming it is for Western audiences.
It is NOT working this time:
Time to stop reporting daily COVID deaths: CMO
By Dana Daniel
Staying with the Chief Medical Officer, and Professor Paul Kelly says it is time for Australia to move away from reporting daily COVID-19 deaths and focus instead on “excess deaths”, which are recorded by the Australian Bureau of Statistics over weeks, months and years.
“In simple terms, this can be seen as the difference between the number of people who you would expect to die over a given period of time for example, a year or as a result of a particular event such as a pandemic, and the actual number of deaths recorded from all causes,” Professor Kelly told Senate estimates.
[He already said since 2022 not to focus on the daily case numbers.]
So the excess deaths caused by the clotshots can be called covid deaths.
Of course he is right to ignore daily case numbers.
It's very concerning what's going on there. We came close to doing many of these things in Canada as well as elsewhere. The fact that China is going there really is concerning.