How does a 33 year old company survive with zero products brought to market? Those are some really patient investors.
On the up side, it doesn't turn your body into a toxic spike protein factory so it's got that going for it, which is nice.
OTOH, you are still injected with a highly-toxic protein (the spike) with amyloid and prion inducing potential, along with the HIV GP120 inserts that ultimately disable your T-cells. Plus it induces a one-dimensional immune system response to an obsolete antigen. At best it's ineffective, more likely it sabotages your immune response when later exposed to Covid (via original antigenic sin).
The Dems / Administration are loving this crisis. They are certainly changing this country at an impressive pace, and will continue to do so by extending this “crisis” with additional “vaccine” drives. This is quite obvious. Children are being harmed. And the Republicans-the few who are on to them, don’t know what hit them.
Sorta like Astra Ze Neca, To Kill Stars. Curiously the Latin translators that showed this actual meaning have since been scrubbed so that they only return "the stars" for Astra and it doesn't recognize the Ze Neca words at all. Google translate and any site that uses google translate to do its translation results in "the stars" now. Nice how easy it is to gaslight in the digital world. Neca in Latin is Kill/Murder. definition from latin dictionary below. (old world it was Neco)
Cracks me up that its called NovaVax. Spanish speaking people wouldn't buy the chevy Nova because Nova means No Go. Check out this "fact checker" site that claims its false but then says No Va means No Go, but that wasn't why the car didn't get bought. Hilarious how stupid the fact checker sites are.
Wouldn't it be a double tragedy if this product was actually to do the job right?
(That's a mighty big 'if' and I will in no way partake of the experiment, just saying that Pzifer et al may have poisoned the well for generations including older well-researched and proven medicinal products.)
I don't think it's approved here in Malaysia but yeah, we don't need the company's word for it when we already have data showing heart issues, just like the others
Anyone know what was being said on Dr. Been months ago about Novavax? Methinks there was much discussion but I don't follow the Been. He is pro vaxx, correct?
Oh, boy. Another EUA for the sheeple. Well, at least the cardiologists will be happy.
and the oncologists and neurologists too
And the morticians.
Thanks, but no thanks. The "healthcare" field has lost any trust for good. I'll stick to my healthy, fully functional immune system, tyvm.
great article, thanks!
This is Theranos all over again, just a lot more people will be maimed and killed.
How does a 33 year old company survive with zero products brought to market? Those are some really patient investors.
On the up side, it doesn't turn your body into a toxic spike protein factory so it's got that going for it, which is nice.
OTOH, you are still injected with a highly-toxic protein (the spike) with amyloid and prion inducing potential, along with the HIV GP120 inserts that ultimately disable your T-cells. Plus it induces a one-dimensional immune system response to an obsolete antigen. At best it's ineffective, more likely it sabotages your immune response when later exposed to Covid (via original antigenic sin).
Hard pass.
SSDD, same stuff different day. The drug companies should at least try to vary their play book.
The Dems / Administration are loving this crisis. They are certainly changing this country at an impressive pace, and will continue to do so by extending this “crisis” with additional “vaccine” drives. This is quite obvious. Children are being harmed. And the Republicans-the few who are on to them, don’t know what hit them.
Novavax is another Gates product.
The PsyOp continues...
No Va Vax, The NO GO VAX.
Sorta like Astra Ze Neca, To Kill Stars. Curiously the Latin translators that showed this actual meaning have since been scrubbed so that they only return "the stars" for Astra and it doesn't recognize the Ze Neca words at all. Google translate and any site that uses google translate to do its translation results in "the stars" now. Nice how easy it is to gaslight in the digital world. Neca in Latin is Kill/Murder. definition from latin dictionary below. (old world it was Neco)
1 to kill or to murder
2 to put to death
3 to suppress, to destroy
4 (plant) to kill
5 (fire) to quench, to drown
Cracks me up that its called NovaVax. Spanish speaking people wouldn't buy the chevy Nova because Nova means No Go. Check out this "fact checker" site that claims its false but then says No Va means No Go, but that wasn't why the car didn't get bought. Hilarious how stupid the fact checker sites are.
I just wonder who will be the idiots to take this. LMAO
Look on Reddit. They will be queuing up to get repeat jabs.
The Scriptures forewarn of a desolating disease that will kill countless millions of people. Naturally occurring? Or engineered?
Wouldn't it be a double tragedy if this product was actually to do the job right?
(That's a mighty big 'if' and I will in no way partake of the experiment, just saying that Pzifer et al may have poisoned the well for generations including older well-researched and proven medicinal products.)
Novavax is approved all over the world, what are the real life results
I don't think it's approved here in Malaysia but yeah, we don't need the company's word for it when we already have data showing heart issues, just like the others
Anyone know what was being said on Dr. Been months ago about Novavax? Methinks there was much discussion but I don't follow the Been. He is pro vaxx, correct?
He was pro-vax but the data dissuaded him from that folly