Jordan, I wasn't crazy about you going after Alex Berenson, but today he tweeted that he would vote for the Democrat over Trump if Trump is the nominee because he is unfit. I hope we have a different outcome as well, but come on man. Next level insanity from a guy who nailed COVID from the beginning. Apparently you were on to something by questioning him.
Appreciate what you are doing. Alex and you were my first two go-to Covid reporters and both of you were amazing during the last couple of years. Unfortunately he tends to go off his rocker on just about every other subject.
Bereson is pro abortion and worked for the NYTs. He is good on covid... not much else. Considering the size and scope of what happened... I still read him. I don't really agree with most of his thinking... but the biosecurity state/passport IDs are a civilization destroying idea. It is so huge I'll take any help I can get.
I also defend women's right to do whatever she wants with her own body, even if this means killing another human body that cannot survive on its own. So I guess I agree with him on that. But I am sure that I disagree on the reason why he is pro abortion even if I dont know why that is.
I agree with the rest. I also stick around and read his substack because covid is huge. So I can stand his idiocy on the other subjects for this greater good.
Hiding behind a vote to send some thugs to force someone else to do something with their own body at gun point is first of all cowardice. If you want to do it, then at least have the decency of going there by yourself, holding the gun, and facing the consequences. And let the person know that you are going so they are prepared when you arrive.
Being against this cowardice and supporting abortion are two completely different things. I do not support abortion, but it is a fact that fetuses are not individuals. If they were, they would survive *as individuals*, not only if attached to another *individual*. Or how do you define an individual? Read Ayn Rand if you want to understand my point. But you dont need to if you dont want: You are an individual and I respect your choice. As a guiding principle.
At late stage the fetus can indeed survive outside the womb. The left has long supported abortion up to birth. Including killing a baby outside the womb if a late stage abortion is not successful. A large part of the left wants to kill babies after birth if the woman decides she doesn't want to take care of the baby. I am not sure when... if ever... they decide it is wrong to kill a human. This is truly a cult of death.
Once the baby/fetus is separated from the mother, then yes, it becomes an individual. My argument was only in favor of the right of the woman to detach the fetus/baby from her body, not to kill him after that...
I am not of the Malthusian philosophy that human beings are a cancer on the world. That there are too many humans and we (the self defined enlightened) must reduce the numbers. I include abortion, climate change agenda, forced vaccinations, forced reduced energy consumption, limiting access to foods, forcing people to eat bugs... all part of that Malthusian agenda. The idea that a woman has a right to an abortion is ridiculous. There are plenty of evil people in this world including doctors who will gladly help a woman murder her baby if she wants to persue that and pay for it herself. I won't stand in her way. The idea that I who opposed it should have to support and pay for the system that does this stuff is ridiculous... or that the right to killing babies should be part of the constitution is even more ridiculous. I can't stop people from murdering others, or stealing, or drugging themselves up everyday. People are going to do evil things. I would advise them not to do these things. I won't support these things. I certainly shouldn't have to pay for these things via government taxation and this planned parenthood nonsense
Dennis - NOT TRUE. First of all, the "too many humans" argument stems from people who live in the middle of teeming cities. I had a friend from Florida visit me in the Midwest. We were driving across South Dakota from East to West so he could visit Mount Rushmore.
We drove for nearly two hours before seeing another car. He was shocked. Being from the Miami Area, every drive you take is crowded with vehicles. Many of the 'flyover' states are like this.
Truth is, Rush was right:
There are (give or take) 7.5 Billion people on earth.
Within the borders of Texas, there are 7.5 Trillion square feet
If you could (not that you would) put all 7.5 Billion people inside the Texas Borders, each person would have 1,000 square feet around them.
Don't believe me? Ask Siri. I double checked before typing that.
Ahh, but now you will say, 'But we have a resource problem. Not enough (fill in the blank: food, fuel, resources...)
We actually do. But the self-described "elites" (and I use that term loosely) are using up close to 2.5 x their fair share. Bill Gates home uses up more electricity and energy than the entire town of Wasilla, Alaska. China is notorious the world's worst polluter. I could go on. Do a search: "How much of earth's resources are used up by the Corporatists and the elites?"
I do agree with the rest of your post. Abortion is murder. Read David Daleidan's comments. Watch the movie "Unplanned." Research how they pull the limbs off the baby to get it out of the womb, with no anesthesia. Read how they plunge an ice pick into a late term baby's head so they can pull it out easier. The barbaric means to this end makes a lie that we are a "civilized" society.
The woman had something to do with carrying the baby to near or full term. There are a myriad of decisions that can be made early on or before. And yes, this applies even to those poor children who are raped. There are earlier solutions than 9th month "abortions." We need to stop using euphemisms to help us ignore the reality of these murders.
Simply put, the body at risk here isn't the woman's, but her child's. We are all helpless to varying degrees at some point in our lives: as babes in our mothers' wombs, after weaning until we're old enough to forage for ourselves, any time we are put under anaesthesia, etc. Under those circumstances we trust others not to harm us but rather to care for us.
Not necessary and always evil. Virtually all abortions are for what are called social reasons: worries about money, career, relationship problems, not wanting to put child up for adoption, Down’s Syndrome, and so on. It should never be accepted to murder an innocent human for any reason, most especially because they might seem inconvenient.
This autonomy argument is essentially libertarian, a political philosophy that fails for the same reason socialism fails, based as it is on a flawed understanding of human nature: both require a very moral society, but since we’re not all saints, we need laws to protect us from each other. Even libertarianism as most hold it generally sees the need for most categories of law except those restricting personal vices, most especially those relating to drugs and sex. It’s likely that if sex weren’t involved even libertarians would oppose abortion.
The state has nothing to do with it, any honest person knows that an unborn baby is a precious life and should be protected as we protect all vulnerable human life. There is no such thing as a necessary evil. It is good or it is evil. How do you think we got to this horrific state of experimenting on foetal tissue and growing vexines in aborted cell lines. We are harvesting the tissue of small humans to perform unnecessary and dangerous experiments. Evil begets evil. There is no necessary evil!
alex is the guy who is only ever in his entire life correct about the jabs. He is wrong about absoltuely *everything* else. And I bet that the reason he dislikes the vaccine is pure luck: He did not like trump, who pushed the idea at the begining.
Alex is rightfully skeptical of everything the media puts our regarding covid, but still believes everything they say about Ukraine, election security and every other issue.
alex gives absolutely no evidence to back up his claims regarding pot. Just like he doesn't provide for any other of his opinions, except for the jab. But anyway, even if one day some evidence appears saying that drugs bad. What then? Will people start to send armed men to tell *other people* what they can drink or consume at gun point? Try to kill or arrest whoever sells, produces, etc? Oh no, wait. Some people already support this, I forgot!
I only really laugh when these people say that they respect individual freedom. Some of them do! LOL Like the communists that make people starve to death for their own good... Real saints spread across the world! <3
Alex seems to resent his own audience he has built up. He wants to be back in the in-crowd and not "slumming it" writing for conservatives on Substack.
His dad, Joseph Bankman is a tax specialist, his mom Barbara is a co-founder of the political fundraising organization Mind the Gap, which advocates for Democratic Party candidates and funds get-out-the-vote groups. His aunt, is on WEF Council for Human Enhancement. They've all be committing fraud for the democrats and the WEF for years
He sure does not seemed to be too worried about anything-he is still tweeting and doing interviews as if nothing has happened but a few mistakes here and there. It appears he still has access to all the accounts, records, and daily happenings of ftx. The dems did ditch Weinstein after he became too big of a problem but this guy appears to be safe and untouchable.
Do you think he'll make an appearance at that big NYT fundraiser dinner he's headlining, next to Zuck, Zelensky, and Yellen? (can't make this sh*t up!)
I'm glad he embarrassed some of the self-proclaimed Elite with their stupidity for believing his con. A bit like 60% of the planet believed in Covid, the SAFE and EFFECTIVE 'VACCINE' and the kind intentions of the WEF (NWO).
LIABILITY must be reinstated for DEADLY vax makers. Common Sense!
Covid will disappear, Vax will be outlawed and Pfizer (et al) will be BANKRUPT. Life will return to normal!
Jordan, I wasn't crazy about you going after Alex Berenson, but today he tweeted that he would vote for the Democrat over Trump if Trump is the nominee because he is unfit. I hope we have a different outcome as well, but come on man. Next level insanity from a guy who nailed COVID from the beginning. Apparently you were on to something by questioning him.
Thanks. It was nothing personal. Had to point out his unethical behavior and abuse of his own audience.
Appreciate what you are doing. Alex and you were my first two go-to Covid reporters and both of you were amazing during the last couple of years. Unfortunately he tends to go off his rocker on just about every other subject.
Bereson is pro abortion and worked for the NYTs. He is good on covid... not much else. Considering the size and scope of what happened... I still read him. I don't really agree with most of his thinking... but the biosecurity state/passport IDs are a civilization destroying idea. It is so huge I'll take any help I can get.
I also defend women's right to do whatever she wants with her own body, even if this means killing another human body that cannot survive on its own. So I guess I agree with him on that. But I am sure that I disagree on the reason why he is pro abortion even if I dont know why that is.
I agree with the rest. I also stick around and read his substack because covid is huge. So I can stand his idiocy on the other subjects for this greater good.
Killing the vulnerable is not civilised Thiago, might as well join the eugenics camp
Hiding behind a vote to send some thugs to force someone else to do something with their own body at gun point is first of all cowardice. If you want to do it, then at least have the decency of going there by yourself, holding the gun, and facing the consequences. And let the person know that you are going so they are prepared when you arrive.
Being against this cowardice and supporting abortion are two completely different things. I do not support abortion, but it is a fact that fetuses are not individuals. If they were, they would survive *as individuals*, not only if attached to another *individual*. Or how do you define an individual? Read Ayn Rand if you want to understand my point. But you dont need to if you dont want: You are an individual and I respect your choice. As a guiding principle.
At late stage the fetus can indeed survive outside the womb. The left has long supported abortion up to birth. Including killing a baby outside the womb if a late stage abortion is not successful. A large part of the left wants to kill babies after birth if the woman decides she doesn't want to take care of the baby. I am not sure when... if ever... they decide it is wrong to kill a human. This is truly a cult of death.
Once the baby/fetus is separated from the mother, then yes, it becomes an individual. My argument was only in favor of the right of the woman to detach the fetus/baby from her body, not to kill him after that...
I am not of the Malthusian philosophy that human beings are a cancer on the world. That there are too many humans and we (the self defined enlightened) must reduce the numbers. I include abortion, climate change agenda, forced vaccinations, forced reduced energy consumption, limiting access to foods, forcing people to eat bugs... all part of that Malthusian agenda. The idea that a woman has a right to an abortion is ridiculous. There are plenty of evil people in this world including doctors who will gladly help a woman murder her baby if she wants to persue that and pay for it herself. I won't stand in her way. The idea that I who opposed it should have to support and pay for the system that does this stuff is ridiculous... or that the right to killing babies should be part of the constitution is even more ridiculous. I can't stop people from murdering others, or stealing, or drugging themselves up everyday. People are going to do evil things. I would advise them not to do these things. I won't support these things. I certainly shouldn't have to pay for these things via government taxation and this planned parenthood nonsense
Dennis - NOT TRUE. First of all, the "too many humans" argument stems from people who live in the middle of teeming cities. I had a friend from Florida visit me in the Midwest. We were driving across South Dakota from East to West so he could visit Mount Rushmore.
We drove for nearly two hours before seeing another car. He was shocked. Being from the Miami Area, every drive you take is crowded with vehicles. Many of the 'flyover' states are like this.
Truth is, Rush was right:
There are (give or take) 7.5 Billion people on earth.
Within the borders of Texas, there are 7.5 Trillion square feet
If you could (not that you would) put all 7.5 Billion people inside the Texas Borders, each person would have 1,000 square feet around them.
Don't believe me? Ask Siri. I double checked before typing that.
Ahh, but now you will say, 'But we have a resource problem. Not enough (fill in the blank: food, fuel, resources...)
We actually do. But the self-described "elites" (and I use that term loosely) are using up close to 2.5 x their fair share. Bill Gates home uses up more electricity and energy than the entire town of Wasilla, Alaska. China is notorious the world's worst polluter. I could go on. Do a search: "How much of earth's resources are used up by the Corporatists and the elites?"
I do agree with the rest of your post. Abortion is murder. Read David Daleidan's comments. Watch the movie "Unplanned." Research how they pull the limbs off the baby to get it out of the womb, with no anesthesia. Read how they plunge an ice pick into a late term baby's head so they can pull it out easier. The barbaric means to this end makes a lie that we are a "civilized" society.
The woman had something to do with carrying the baby to near or full term. There are a myriad of decisions that can be made early on or before. And yes, this applies even to those poor children who are raped. There are earlier solutions than 9th month "abortions." We need to stop using euphemisms to help us ignore the reality of these murders.
Simply put, the body at risk here isn't the woman's, but her child's. We are all helpless to varying degrees at some point in our lives: as babes in our mothers' wombs, after weaning until we're old enough to forage for ourselves, any time we are put under anaesthesia, etc. Under those circumstances we trust others not to harm us but rather to care for us.
Not necessary and always evil. Virtually all abortions are for what are called social reasons: worries about money, career, relationship problems, not wanting to put child up for adoption, Down’s Syndrome, and so on. It should never be accepted to murder an innocent human for any reason, most especially because they might seem inconvenient.
no it isn't.
Cos it’s murder
This autonomy argument is essentially libertarian, a political philosophy that fails for the same reason socialism fails, based as it is on a flawed understanding of human nature: both require a very moral society, but since we’re not all saints, we need laws to protect us from each other. Even libertarianism as most hold it generally sees the need for most categories of law except those restricting personal vices, most especially those relating to drugs and sex. It’s likely that if sex weren’t involved even libertarians would oppose abortion.
The state has nothing to do with it, any honest person knows that an unborn baby is a precious life and should be protected as we protect all vulnerable human life. There is no such thing as a necessary evil. It is good or it is evil. How do you think we got to this horrific state of experimenting on foetal tissue and growing vexines in aborted cell lines. We are harvesting the tissue of small humans to perform unnecessary and dangerous experiments. Evil begets evil. There is no necessary evil!
alex is the guy who is only ever in his entire life correct about the jabs. He is wrong about absoltuely *everything* else. And I bet that the reason he dislikes the vaccine is pure luck: He did not like trump, who pushed the idea at the begining.
Alex is rightfully skeptical of everything the media puts our regarding covid, but still believes everything they say about Ukraine, election security and every other issue.
alex gives absolutely no evidence to back up his claims regarding pot. Just like he doesn't provide for any other of his opinions, except for the jab. But anyway, even if one day some evidence appears saying that drugs bad. What then? Will people start to send armed men to tell *other people* what they can drink or consume at gun point? Try to kill or arrest whoever sells, produces, etc? Oh no, wait. Some people already support this, I forgot!
I only really laugh when these people say that they respect individual freedom. Some of them do! LOL Like the communists that make people starve to death for their own good... Real saints spread across the world! <3
Sorry, I was not really answering your particular comment. So not picking a fight nor delusional.
I was commenting about alex' schizophrenic "forbid drugs with the police!" / "people should be free to decide to take the jab or not"...
He wasn't exactly nailing covid when he bizarrely attacked McCullough.
Alex needs a heavy dose of Ivermectin 😉
Alex seems to resent his own audience he has built up. He wants to be back in the in-crowd and not "slumming it" writing for conservatives on Substack.
fake it 'till you make
a tale as old as time
His dad, Joseph Bankman is a tax specialist, his mom Barbara is a co-founder of the political fundraising organization Mind the Gap, which advocates for Democratic Party candidates and funds get-out-the-vote groups. His aunt, is on WEF Council for Human Enhancement. They've all be committing fraud for the democrats and the WEF for years
The guy is an Intelligence AKTOR/Asset. I mean fertheluvofgawd. His name alone> The entire play is preposterous .Make the menticide stop.
Wasn’t Zuckerberg a manufactured “wiz kid” too…
Seems like the people in charge make up these “wiz kid” stories to channel their deep state operations further.
Nothing but a leftist democrat money laundering machine. People will buy into anything to make a buck.
He was also in on the WHO pandemic covered by Meryl Nass
He sure does not seemed to be too worried about anything-he is still tweeting and doing interviews as if nothing has happened but a few mistakes here and there. It appears he still has access to all the accounts, records, and daily happenings of ftx. The dems did ditch Weinstein after he became too big of a problem but this guy appears to be safe and untouchable.
Do you think he'll make an appearance at that big NYT fundraiser dinner he's headlining, next to Zuck, Zelensky, and Yellen? (can't make this sh*t up!)
That would be something! You never know anymore!
The sequoia VC who staked her reputation on SBF and lost $200M will not lose her job, cuz diversity:
Wow! These crazies have an open forum with all their EA ideas? Have to say the link you provided to it takes you to a wonderful post.
Here's that deleted web page if anyone's interested:
This is an interview Sam Bankman-Fried did with a Vox reporter yesterday. I'm not a reader or fan of Vox but this is a revealing interview:
Excellent series on real life fascism and the failure of democracy you are writing using this case.
anyone else notice the way Clinton (in the picure with Blair & SBF) holds his mic?
I'm glad he embarrassed some of the self-proclaimed Elite with their stupidity for believing his con. A bit like 60% of the planet believed in Covid, the SAFE and EFFECTIVE 'VACCINE' and the kind intentions of the WEF (NWO).
LIABILITY must be reinstated for DEADLY vax makers. Common Sense!
Covid will disappear, Vax will be outlawed and Pfizer (et al) will be BANKRUPT. Life will return to normal!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.