The silly dame c**t didn't wait a single day after her "online safety" bill was passed with no resistance in parliament to a write a letter. Rumble should publish her phone number and address on their home page for a month.

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....and who's fault is that the "bill was passed with no resistance in parliament"?

Who elected the people voting there? The 'bad citizens'?

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politics is spectacle and the illusion of choice. there is no "democracy".


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We are on the same page (sort of) I have several posts lined up on my to do list about the crisis of it. My very last post is on the subject as well

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No this us nothing to do with the people. AT ALL. They are living in a psyop and don't even know it. We are being lied too, manipulated and worst. This is tyranny under the guise of democracy. This is them telling us we have the power. They are greedy, power hungry traitors. You can't go around with this attitude of blaming people. This is what they want. They have organised this narratives to drive people apart. They have created little minions that do their bidding for them. They no not what they do. This is a spiritual war, we are dealing with pure evil. The countless deaths only true evil could kill the way they have been killing with there endless wars.

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This is a truly fascinating comment. I would love to quote it and answer it in a full post.

The question is who is responsible? Us, or some other people doing bad things to us?

I agree with all you say above, but ultimately it is all our fault by allowing it to happen. Maybe our trusting nature is at fault, but that is still US.

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Yes we are responsible, we got lost I'm materialism instead or morals, values, spiritual guidance. We have become greedy, selfish, and constantly playing one upmanship with our family & friends. We have lost our community values of helping thy neighbours, instead we don't know our neighbours. We have so many people from different cultures, values, morals, many of us don't have anything in common making lots of people feel lonely and isolated. Even becoming friendly with a neighbour from a different culture can feel like something is missing. I really don't mean that In any detrimental way. These people have ceased an opportunity & taken it. It isn't easy for them either. I think the elites planned this, they want to destroy the west, they wanted to tear communities apart, they wanted families divided over money. They also flooded poor areas with drugs/alcohol/porn. People seeing the haves compared themselves with there poor surroundings & become depressed. Social media has made people narcissistic, only posting there nice meals, cars, holidays, homes, Christmas celebrations. Everyone trying to out do each other. The one that has the best gets talked about in a negative way "who does she think she is?" 'I've heard she sleeps around for the money" etc etc. Obviously SM can be used as a positive tool. However the devil makes work for ideal hands. We must get back to our community roots, migrants must realise they are being used, they are telling them we hate them and everyone is far right. But go to any housing estate where people actually live side by side and there is nothing of what they speak off. They have weaponised minorities anger. I believe they are trying to destroy the white race, they will use migrants, they give them jobs becuase they can pay them a much lower wage then the white man. Many white people have given up with how they are treated in their own lands. Many jobs go to Eastern Europeans as well, also because they except a lower wage. This is all a win win for the elites. Think about the way they have designed all this. They hate Christianity and want it wiped off the planet, hence western world is being destroyed. I do feel optimistic as many are now finding out about The Vanguard Group, Black Rock, Station Street, puppet politicians that are lying to us all. Brexit was fake, that was weaponised to cause divide, MSM made sure of that, prodding the anger, provoking left against right. MSM is owned by The Vanguard Group, Black Rock & state Street. They actual combined together, they hold half the world's money, resources (they stole from middle east) land, water, food. There plan was to do this slowly, so people wouldn't see a thing, the manipulation and the smoke screen they hid behind while tearing the world apart. They have millions of life's lost to war on there hands. I would like to suggest a documentary, its rather long, but I broke it down into 2 hour segments.

Europa the last battle. Its on Rumble. It's shocked the very bones of me. If I had watched thus twenty years ago, I would never have believed it. However the documentary ties up the past to today events, leaving no doubts that we have been living in horror for over a century. We are dealing with very evil people. I pray so hard that the west doesn't become the new middle east or Africa a 3rd world country barely surviving. I hope we can stop this. I also hope you watch the documentary its 12 hours long but the insights are amazing. Take care, God bless.

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Brand is indeed the test case.

Hope Rumble doesn't fold.

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Rumble already folded when they banned Nick Fuentes for 2 weeks. They were handsomely rewarded not long after with a nice injection of woke capital.

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I am worried about Substack. Eventually they will go after them too

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LOL you beat me to press because I'm still uploading my adorable cat video!

You're right, as usual.

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Rumble should ask, what crime has Brand been convicted of?

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Speaking the truth. And having a large enough audience to have an impact. He represents an existential threat to the blob.

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Not only that, but, if true, this allegation took place ten years ago or more. Russell Brand has been open about his history of bipolar disorder, substance use, pornography use, and other struggles, which has seemingly over come. What happened to a second chance? What happened to encouraging a person who has worked to conquer his personal demons. Once you earn the label "anti vax" or "conspiracy theorist," that means you are going to be censored.

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This is downright spooky. The technofascists sure are in control of their puppets in the government and their media lap dogs. Anyone who wishes to engage in widespread censorship is always up to no good. History is rife with examples. Now they have the technology to enable their technototalitarian dream.

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Anonymous accusations...of course. 100 years+ of working secretly to destroy the west. A person who accuses publicly has to offer evidence, not just vocabulary words.

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Yes over a century of destroying the West, Hitler saw all of this and said no to them. He saw how evil they were. They spun that right back on him & made an example of the German people. It is the biggest lie ever told. They still strongly continue to make him out to be the devil himself. Trying to get people to see the truth about WW2 will be so hard, I know for weeks I was in shock & deverstated to find out they have been slowly drip by drip destroying the western world.

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Xi Van Fleet is doing her part. She describes when China went through this process.


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My father escaped 2 communist countries: the Soviet Union after the end of the civil war, and then Yugoslavia when Tito entered the scene.

I was also on a college campus for much of my life, as a student and teacher. I've been watching marxist salami tactics building.

And here we are...sad that people can look at actions, but not "see" what is behind them.

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Exactly, it's like they have swallowed a pill & nothing will change there out look. I see so many destroying there lives. But now there coming for our children. Now people are waking up, children bring out a different side of people. They become almost primal to protect there babies. So sorry your dad went through that. I am researching Russia at the moment. The Czar were amazing. Killed by the red army. So sad, stalin took over. I found out Stalin was Jewish but I'm trying to find more on that. Good for you not taking in there BS at college!

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Reality will change their outlook. At some moment when they hesitate for a second to agree with the party, they will be taken out. That will catch their attention...too late.

Patterns of history are important because it gives us a warning. Xi Van Fleet does a great job outlining this same pattern re China: https://asiansforliberty.org/2023/09/the-chinese-cultural-revolution-xi-van-fleet/


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they were okay with it all for the longest time... what changed??

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Just after AFPAC 2 Nick Fuentes got banned for 2 weeks for saying “holy war”. It was not long after that Rumble got some pretty big injections of cash from woke capital. They also changed their TOS when they banned Nick.

There’s a blog post on Gab about it, Torba did a whole write up including the amounts of investment that came into Rumble after the Fuentes ban and TOS change.

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I suppose the next move is for Trudeau to try to seize Rumble's servers? Hopefully they have thought of this and have mirrored servers at their Florida HQ.

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I heard they hired the guy that “wiped” Hillary’s servers. ;)

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As Glenn Greenwald pointed out, the beginning of this case is almost identical to how the contrived case against Julian Assange began.

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I noticed this as well; how long has Julian been harassed, bedeviled, in hiding, & incarcerated?? And they started with absurd "rape" charges first.

Good thing Edward Snowden made it to Mother Russia, lol! We welcome their Freedom Fighters and they welcome ours. Sheesh.

Really? It's such a God-awful mess. Could We The People just jettison Government altogether?

Or at least 90% of it?

Or, go where it’s neutral, and safe? Bali? Tonga? A place where no mega-monstrosity in Officialdom comes to hunt you down for simply telling the truth?

Sigh. I hope Russell is innocent and PROVES IT. But, regardless, May the Beast FALL!

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The last hope to have a limited federal government was killed by the 17th Amendment. And before that the Civil War. And NO, I’m not advocating for slavery so don’t even start.

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I immediately thought the same thing

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So when did we start punishing people who haven't even been to trial? Isn't that against the law?

Something about presuming innocence unless proven guilty? Oh I forgot, we are now a lawless society. You don't get a jury of your peers, you get a jury of your masters, and if they don't like you...

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Like Trump says, "I'm not their real target. Their target is you. I'm just in the way." Brand, or anyone with sufficient (or potential) "reach," is in their way.

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See, "election denial" is Bad, Very Very Bad, when the establishment candidate wins said election.

Election denial is applauded when the establishment candidate doesn't win.

And without expressing any opinion regarding Russell Brand or his alleged misdeeds, if Brand had a goodthink attitude on the War In Ukraine then all would be forgiven.

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Remember when you believed Bush was a good Jesus lover that would not get blowjobs from interns which entitled him to the presidency which Perot had usurped from his father??

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We saw it, we stepped around it and know it’s bullshit. Russell, we back you. God speed!

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DJT 2024

25 in 25

He know how to grab em.

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You’re right to point out the larger issue here that goes beyond Brand. I think it’s been between 4 and 6 weeks ago that Nick Fuentes got his 2 week Rumble ban for something he said at his AFPAC2 event, I think it was “holy war”. You can’t say that, k.

Anyway Rumble changes their TOS, bans Nick and then gets a big cash infusion from woke capital. Rumble is not the free speech platform that they want you to believe they are.

Separately, Russell Brand is totally innocent. Look at the guy. He’s not Harvey Weinstein. Russell could have and still can get laid whenever he wants. Weinstein is a fat disgusting pig. Brand has that accent, the long hair, he’s funny and rich. Yeah, some bimbo is totally going to turn him down 🙄

Edit: Rumble received $300M in investments from Vangauard, Geode Capital and the usual suspects, BlackRock.

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Maybe he should start groping and sniffing young girls, works wonders for some. 🤮

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Can’t speak to that one other than he sold his soul to Perdue Pharma

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It would be great if we could silence all those who are trying to silence the honest NHS Staff, scientists, medical experts or anyone else who knows that the , so called "Safe & Effective" covid vaccinations do nothing of the sort & are causing in excess of 2330 plus adverse effects including death. Russel Grant is being targetted in order to stop him telling the truth.

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