Russell Brand is not the main target, but a mere proxy for the censors' global assault on free speech
The political establishment wants to cut off all avenues of free speech
First of all, let’s get this out of the way:
We don’t know if Russell Brand is guilty of the acts that he’s being accused of committing. I don’t know much about the former actor turned entertaining political commentator, other than that he’s shared my work a couple of times, and that I’ve been invited to appear on his show (I wasn’t opposed to the idea. We had scheduling conflicts and lost touch for a bit).
Not to come off as too cold, but the decades old allegations against him are merely a gossip-fueled tabloid distraction from a much more important issue.
Russell Brand isn’t the main target of a campaign seemingly personalized to delegitimize and destroy Russell Brand. Sure, they definitely want him out of the picture, but he’s a proxy for a much bigger target.
No, these forces have much more in mind than torching one man’s burgeoning social media channels.
The forces for censorship are engaged in a much broader campaign to target our right to speak freely and earn a living by contributing value on the internet. And in CCP Social Credit Score-like fashion, they want to establish a Great Firewall of information and shut off the remaining popular “free speech zones” on the internet. Using Brand as a proxy is just another way to achieve their end game.
Think about how they clamped down on anti-establishment narratives during the Covid hysteria era. We didn’t really have a fully mature Substack. Twitter was entirely controlled by the censors. And Rumble was still very young. We were in many ways, hopelessly outgunned by the maniacal, lying, pseudoscientist looters who successfully achieved the fastest roll up of power in modern history.
This week, the British establishment is spearheading the effort to silence Brand. YouTube quickly submitted to soft pressure, but others aren’t folding as easily.
Right now, U.K. government and corporate media has the knives out for Rumble, the upstart online video platform that has positioned itself successfully as a free speech alternative to YouTube.
To date, Russell Brand has 1.4 million followers on the platform. Rumble has become a great resource for “canceled” media figures to make a better living, and for audiences to obtain information that they may not be able to acquire via YouTube.
On Wednesday, the U.K.’s The Guardian published a ludicrous hit piece on Rumble, smearing it as a conspiratorial site rife with “election deniers.”
Virtually simultaneously, the British Tory government sent a letter to Rumble asking “whether Rumble intends to join YouTube in suspending Mr Brand’s ability to earn money on the platform.”
As we’ve reported at The Dossier for quite some time, the U.K political system is entirely captured by the censors. From their WEF Bot prime minister, to their political Uniparty, to their WEF king, it’s censorship and authoritarianism all the way through. It’s an ideal staging area for the global ruling class’s assault on free speech.
Notably, the MP who signed the Rumble letter has taken the lead on advancing the U.K.’s Online Safety Bill, which allows for the British government to dramatically increase internet censorship.
Once again, Russell Brand isn’t the target. The target is anyone and everyone who is presenting information that challenges the political power structures and foundational ideas of the people in charge.
The silly dame c**t didn't wait a single day after her "online safety" bill was passed with no resistance in parliament to a write a letter. Rumble should publish her phone number and address on their home page for a month.
Brand is indeed the test case.
Hope Rumble doesn't fold.