Well said! It is the responsibility of good governors to "get in the way" of these extremists. I've had the vaccine, but the un-vaccinated pose no threat to the vaccinated. Since the vaccine doesn't altogether prevent transmission, we're all eventually going to get some version of the virus, and the vaccine's main purpose is to make the symptoms much more mild. This whole debate about segregation by vaccination status is completely ridiculous.

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Hey Phillip, you didn't get a vaccine. You got a gene altering shot.

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It is what it is, but his point that the entirely discussion is ridiculous is 100% correct.

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Unfortunately, Lieke vaccines create deadly variant forms that turn a disease with a 99.997% survival rate into something much more deadly and dangerous. The vaccines have created more deaths than they have prevented when that factor is considered

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Leaky vaccines…

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You’re exactly right Philip. 100%.

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In about 2-3 weeks, there will be a sharp decline in cases and the total daily deaths in Florida will be non-existent for Covid.

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Spot on. The good problem is, the DC politicians won’t be able to say “see, the masks and lockdowns we forced on you worked”.

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At some point the entire narrative has to collapse. But I suspect they'll keep throwing scariants at us, give Disney the naming rights so when they run out of Greek letters, they'll move on to Disney characters.

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How much money are you willing to wage?

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Ten trillion dollars.

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Too bad for Biden and his ignorant, authoritarian thugs the states are the principals and the national government is the agent. He has no authority to order Desantis or any governor to step aside.

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We need more like him. He has become the gold standard for fearless leadership. I would venture to speculate that he is presidential material.

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Although I don’t like him, personally, I would vote for him at this moment

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To the spineless, brainwashed masses, to the Covidiots, to the MaSSk Nazis, I say, "Qu'ils mangent de la vaccines!"

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Canadian court ruling ENDS all Covid restrictions and mandates in Alberta.


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"Hew down the bridge, Sir Consul, with all the speed ye may!

I, with two more to help me, will hold the foe in play.

In yon strait path, a thousand may well be stopped by three:

Now, who will stand on either hand and keep the bridge with me?"

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"To every man upon this earth

Death cometh soon or late;

And how can man die better

Than facing fearful odds,

For the ashes of his fathers,

And the temples of his gods.

"And for the tender mother

Who dandled him to rest,

And for the wife who nurses

His baby at her breast,

And for the holy maidens

Who feed the eternal flame,

To save them from false Sextus

That wrought the deed of shame?

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I wish I lived in Florida. My Governor will fold like a cheap suit to the COVID hysterics.

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Good stuff, Jordan.

We basically A-B tested individual choice versus gov't edict over the last year. Florida clearly demonstrated that allowing people to run their own lives during Covid works just fine. They had roughly average outcomes with far, far lower costs imposed on society. I can't wait to see this A-B test run again.

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IF the public could understand how USELESS the PCR test is, this would be over! The PCR test is so bad that's all talk of "spiking cases" and "COVID deaths" and "breakthrough cases" and "variants" is meaningless! Perhaps this is a distraction meant to hide the fact that deaths are increasing because vaccinated people are dying from the shots, not from COVID-19.

There's been too much emphasis about PCR "cycles". We all know that a high number of cycles like 40 is absurd but so is a low number of cycles. Here are some mainstream links that unintentionally show why PCR is useless for determining infection. The claim is that the COVID-19 virus genome is ~30,000 "letters" (nucleotides) long. A PCR test ONLY CHECKS for ~50(!) of those letters for a match! How can anyone claim that checking for only 0.17% of the virus is enough to determine you're infected with that virus- especially when they also claim the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus is 80% similar to other coronaviruses, which only cause a mild cold.

The REAL purpose of PCR is to manufacture a DNA strand. "Primers" at the beginning and the end of the strand denote which segment will be replicated. Step 4 of this link shows two typical PCR "primers", which only consist of only 26 +22= 48 letters out of 30,000 letters!


A figure in this link shows the 8 steps of PCR and how the original DNA strand is doubled with every cycle.


Note: PCR is also used to generate the genome sequence for SARS-COV-2, which has never actually been proven to exist in the real world, i.e. it's computer-generated (talk about circular reasoning).

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They have admitted the test and proceedures involved are flawed, which makes the numbers of cases reported meaningless.

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I think our numbers would go way down if they would provide medical care and vaccine at the Border instead of permitting illegals to enter USA and travel to Florida and other States while I’ll and unprotected. Does anyone know how many illegals are now in Florida?

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Eff medical care and vaccines at the border. How about keeping these invaders out of our country to begin with!

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Thank God I live in FL.

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I love and respect our Beloved Governor. We the people are Blessed to have him.

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Rob De Santos will become a legend through this and you need more like him. In the UK we didn't have anyone like Rob and we paid the price. Don't let your country fall into the same trap.

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Episode #228 (Sea of Lies) of the High-Wire is a MUST-SEE, especially the interview with Catherine Austin Fitts (start watching at 1:18 for the intro to the interview), in which she explains the Great Reset.


The biggest bombshell is where she says that vaccines are deliberately being used to shorten lives. (The average lifespan for an autistic person is supposedly only 36.)

She says 1995 was a major turning point because it was the final attempt to balance the budget. After it failed, the global bankers, who have the true power decided to take over. Isn't that also the time when USELESS vaccines like the Hep B shot became mandatory?

She says one thing we can do to fight the GR is use CASH more often. And of course, resist the vaccines and the Vaccine Passports.

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