Let's hope Musk's commitment to free speech and open conversation are a little sturdier than a soap bubble. Yaccarino's choice is a step down the path of pragmatism, as it is easy to see her willingly bowing down to censorship in the name of corporate interests. A soulless puppet of the powerful. The stench of betrayal is strong with this one...

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He has no commitment to free speech. He is a puppet. He did not choose this woman. The entire Twitter acquisition is another psyop. When did it start? When Musk separated himself from the democrats. He is just another Bill Gates, made to look like his technical intellect made microsoft. Someone else is pulling the strings for Musk.

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Yaccorino has 30+ years experience advancing the woke agenda between her positions at CNN's parent company and NBC, she was a WEF chairman, and she worked with the Ad Council under the Biden admin to help create the vaccine ad campaign that had the Pope in it.

Elon himself became a WEF Young Global Leader back in 2008,and the majority of his wealth comes from government contracts with the Pentagon/gov agencies (Neuralink, Starlink, Falcon IX, etc.,). Plus. like ½ and ⅓ of Tesla's sales and production, respectively, are Chinese-based.

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Who cares?? Look at what the right wing echo chamber was able to do with podcasts and Substack—they sent 500,000 gullible white trash to early graves by splooging disinformation about Covid all over the internet!! In the words of Osama Bin Laden—all praise to Allah!

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Absolutely No One died from not taking the "Vaccine".

Whereas 100,000's have died from taking the Clot Shot.

Pangolin - you are the gullible moron here.

Now, go get Boosted!

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So why did Florida experience the Delta death surge?? And DeSantis allowed doctors to prescribe ivermectin and yet the Covid death surge still happened.

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

Florida was far more boosted, especially among the elderly. Boosters cause inmunodeficiency, hence FL suffered more 'with covid' deaths during the Delta surge. The more boosters, the more 'with covid' deaths.

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Lol, no. Prior to Delta Florida had a low vaccination rate in light of its median age. But because the Villages initially got vaccinated because it was very pro-Trump it largely avoided a bad Delta death surge.

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Desantis is an operative for his tiny hat friends that put him there. He is helping them kill speech. Florida might be a good place to live at this moment but some blue commie will get in there and rape souls for satan.

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I call him Rob DeSantos. ;)

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The real Tesla had his laboratory destroyed and finished his life without acclaim. He believed he could supply the world with free energy. His research was stolen, his legacy imposter a military linked fraud.

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When you realise every single visitor to Epstein Island is now a CIA asset everything makes sense. The CIA were all over Epstein and everything was recorded. They run the government, the pharma industry, the federal reserve and the media. RIP America.

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The spirit of J. Edgar Hoover lives on. He who has the dirt owns the throne.

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The photographed body of Epstein provided was not his body. Just another lie. The USofA government is organized crime and has always been. Epstein was part of that organized criminal corporation.

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He likely has a new face and is living in luxury somewhere, maybe with Richard Branson on his island?

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Tucker Carlson believes he is dead and has had conversations with the brother. He new show will be on Twitter. What does that even mean now? My guess is that TC will not go any further with his jab curiosity.

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Could you imagine being Brit Hume and having to be around colleagues that say Epstein couldn’t have committed suicide when Hume’s son committed suicide the exact same way?? Must be tough but the money must be good. ;)

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There is a list I have seen of over 100 multi millionaires, billionaires, presidents, princes, etc, etc. The CIA have billions to spend on war. They are at war with everyone now, the American people, (Covid, censorship, "domestic terrorists" etc etc), Europe especially the poor (Nordstream), Russia and China.

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Uh, we are energy dominant thanks to Putin’s asinine invasion of Ukraine…that is very good for the American working class because natural gas from Louisiana is powering Europe now.

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A Bush controlled the DoJ and Bush controlled the Florida AG when Epstein got his sweetheart deal—and we know for a fact Bush liked to grope little girls.

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Every single one? Do we even know who every single one was?

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Depends on the definition of "asset." It is possible to assume that the CIA knows who "every single one" is. So they could either be active assets or "waiting in the wings" assets, but assets all.

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Bush controlled the DoJ when Epstein got his sweetheart deal and Acosta said Starr told him Epstein was in intelligence and he believed him. So this has the Bush family’s fingerprints all over it and remember that family sold us out to China and sacrificed 7000 of our best and brightest to slaughter hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims.

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I've been locked out for about a year for daring to respond to someone who said abortion isn't murder by posting a pic of an aborted child. I've tried to appeal over and over. No response.

I don't know why anybody ever trusted Elon to be some free speech hero. Why would he be? He's a zillionaire. He can do what he wants.

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I've been locked out for ever and for no real reason but yet am also still silenced. WHY??

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They do whatever they want.

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Life begins at 5 weeks and 6 days.

Governor Rob DeSoros of Florida

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Life begins at conception.

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Not according to Rob DeSantos.

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I don't know or care who that is. I go by biology. And by the God who designed it.

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It bears repeating that the U.S. is the only nation on the face the planet which has a codified, enshrined right to freedom of speech. Even England and Canada, probably the two most similarly structured, countries offer no such protections. Meanwhile the Muslim world pretty much defines the polar opposite of free speech protections. Say the wrong thing and they'll cut your tongue out. So is it really fair to lay this all at Musk's feet?

Just as a little Twitter in Turkey is better than no Twitter in Turkey, Twitter is still much better off today than it was a year ago under the thumb of a cabal of rabidly enthusiastic totalitarians in bed with their government counterparts.

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I, too, can give Musk a break. He seems to see the value of free speech but the games he plays "have their own special logic." I'd like to know if his Asperger's has anything to do with the disconnect we are looking at.

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Twitter hasn't really changed, but the marketing has - and it apparently works pretty well.

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"Elon Musk confirmed that Tesla is currently working on version 3 of its vaccine printer for CureVac and he believes that it is going to be an “important product for the world.”

Earlier this year, Musk announced that Tesla has become the manufacturing partner for biotech firm CureVac who is working on a COVID-19 vaccine based on their RNA technology.' :


The Hegelian Dialectic Process:


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Thank you. Just further confirmation that Musk is just another Bill Gates. A soldier in the war against us commoner subjects. Operatives running the Georgia Guidestones agenda.

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I don't understand why people keep acting like Musk made Twitter a place of freedom. He told us in the beginning that we'd have freedom of speech, but not freedom of reach. Some of us have been so throttled since he came onboard that it's become unusable.

Plus, remember the elonjet drama he started and the people he threw off then (not to mention the fact that he lied about what happened)? Remember the #faucifiles carrot he dangled in front of people to get them more and more committed to his new Twitter? Remember his response to Matt Taibbi daring to post his Twitter Notes findings on Substack and what he subsequently did to all Substack links (even if for only 24 hours)?

This man has never cared about giving us a free platform to speak. It is a weapon he's wielding to win over the conservative base so that when he finishes the transformation of Twitter into the X surveillance and digital ID app, they'll all be onboard. Yaccarino isn't some talented advertising exec he wisely put into place. She's another WEF acolyte who is here to transform Twitter.

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Here! Here!

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I prefer to call it DIE rather than DEI. That way it sounds as ominous as it is.

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That was what the idiots who came up with it originally called it, too, until folks started beating them over the head with the acronym. And then suddenly calling it "DIE" became a good reason for a social media ban.

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A businessman whose business is EVs and space littering ain't gonna be our Paladin.

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was enough for this hombre to say adios.

the adulation for musk given how intertwined his wealth is with the powers that be is remarkable. People really are sheep

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he hired an advocate of WEF

who is excited about TRANSFORMING Twitter

ie another airhead like the VP of Bud Light but more dangerous given she

espouses to WEF motto: "You will own nothing but be happy"

The last time I heard TRANSFORM it was Obama and he kept his promise,

and still is, regarding America

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Time will tell... perhaps I’m behind the curve but I have yet to see evidence beyond some superficial performative COVID cult posts on hand washing and vaccines that she’s really all that ideologically connected with WEF. Best case scenario seems so be that she can walk the tightrope necessary to make Twitter a viable business without neutering speech. Time will tell...

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Guessed it from the beginning. Nobody is allowed the public reach without toeing the line. He was and is no different, always was another fraud who’s more appealing to right learners. I could never understand peoples absolute need for these social media platforms. I found no difficulty closing accounts years ago and have since reclaimed years of life that I would otherwise never get back. Smart phones and devices are a prison of the mind of the 21st century and nothing more. I’ve yet to see most things made simpler thanks to their existence. But I’m just one person with one opinion that has no interest in forcing it on anyone else

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My, this seems to be cynicism central here. "We're doomed!" Prior to Musk's purchase Twitter was financially circling the drain and survived by the huge pile of early investor capital. It was quickly being spent down. Sure ad sales were better then but Twitter was losing heavily. So Musk overpaid and is revamping. I'm not thrilled by the former NBC ad babe with dicey WEF connections. But she can't rehire the legions of censors Twitter employed unless Musk agrees. She is being hired to make Twitter financially sustainable. If not, it will go away. Elon seems to know what he's doing. If any of the hopeless Cynic Army here has a spare $44 billion, they can buy it from Elon and show us how to do it right. He wasn't going to hire Alex Jones to peddle ads on Twitter was he?

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Good thing lying is protected by “freedom of speech” 🤦‍♀️ NOT ELON....

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That little Twitter bird gna become a huge albatross.

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