Ending the illegal war in Ukraine would be the best gift to any veteran of the US Armed Forces. The regime will sacrifice every Ukranian citizen and will certainly sacrifice any US service member to protect the GAE.

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Some things are worth fighting for…you believing you know what is best for Ukraine is just as bad as the foreign policy of Bush/Cheney….and I would bet you voted for Bush/Cheney in 2004. You clearly have never read Locke’s views on “just war”…and you apparently have no clue why so many American cities are named “Lafayette”.

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Why should Ukrainians fight a US proxy war against Russia?

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We know from the first Trump impeachment that Zelensky was gung ho about receiving lethal aid from the Trump administration. America has fought just wars and sometimes war is the only option.

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This isnt a just war. It started many years ago with NATO expansion and US regime change operations in Ukraine. Zelensky would have settled a peace agreement back in April 2022 if UK and USA hadnt stopped him.

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I hate John McCain…I hate Putin for making me say this—McCain was right to push for NATO expansion over 30 years because Putin is a nut with nukes. And Biden gently urged Zelensky to cut a deal with Putin and Zelensky didn’t because Putin can’t be trusted.

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Cornering a country with nukes, especially if you think they are nuts, would make them even more likely to use them. You have completely missed the history of Russia under Putin. Putin has brought the country back together, from the brink of collapse and starvation to a thriving leading economy and military power. A few times Putin asked to join Europe and even to join NATO. However the US blocked every attempt at reconciliation, because they wanted Russia to break up so they could steal its assets. This is what the US has done in other countries as well. It is the US that cannot be trusted, because of their record with starting wars and changing regimes and using nukes.

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This war was never in the best interests of the Ukrainian People. They didn't vote for war. They elected [Z]entensky because he promised no war. This is all on the collective west shoulders. Deliberate, planned, financed, and and implemented with Ukrainian people. They DO NOT care about humanity, except for how it will fit their purposes. Do you not gasp and cringe at the much thrown around comment, "until the last Ukrainian"?

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You definitely voted for Bush/Cheney in 2004. You don’t know what is best for Ukraine—that is for Ukrainians to decide. I opposed the Iraq War and Putin is literally using the exact same language as Bush did in 2003 to justify the Iraq War.

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The country that took away our freedoms and civil rights was the US Government. All the talk of fighting wars and protecting our Constitutional freedoms of the right to assemble, exercise religion, attend church, participate society were taken away by our own government. I'm sorry for all the mayhem, loss, suffering, death, injury and lies that have been perpetrated on the good and patriot American people who love their country. I hope the future will be bright as Americans can see thru the deception of false flags that drum for war. Question everything. Be vigilant. and pass the potato salad.

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In your first sentence you conflate country and government, an error. Later you specify government, not country, as the criminal . That’s progress.

Terrific wisdom from Ayn Rand, thanks Jordan. As brilliant as she was, in 1974 she did not understand the military industrial complex as we do today.

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Bravo. Well said.

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“Here rests in honored glory an American soldier known but to God.”


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"War is a racket." - Smedley Butler

As is everything else the U.S government does. (And all other coercive governments.)

Happy Memorial Day!

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The unfortunate part of wars in the US since the Civil War is they never should have happened. The sacrifices of those young men and women were at the hands of politicians, not everyday people.

America was content with staying out of foreign wars; our leaders were not. Every war since our Great Civil War was manipulated to get America deeply involved. Yes, even WW2. The political establishment needed the public to endorse the US engaging in that European conflict, but the public after WW1 wanted nothing to do with another drama across the Atlantic.

But, Japan attacked us, you say. Yes, that's true, but why? The answer was that FDR sanctioned US oil deliveries to Japan, their only source of oil. Japan only had one month of oil left when it attacked Pearl Harbor. I am willing to bet most do not know this piece of history. Another gem of the past never put in history books is that all the new warships, especially all the aircraft carriers, were put to sea shortly before the attack. Only the old battleships from WW1 were left in the harbor as sitting ducks.

Many months before Pearl Harbor, American intelligence had cracked Japan's codes; they knew of the impending attack. Furthermore, the wire hours before that fateful day, a message warning of planes flying to Pearl somehow got lost at the State Department; the attack surprised those at Pearl Harbor. But, was it a surprise to confident government leaders in DC? I'll let you decide.

I post this because the Neocons are plotting another venture of war, this time with Russia. Again we will be asked, if not demanded, to sacrifice young men and women's lives by people who never fight in these conflicts. Their children never see war; they are safe in the family business or enrolled in a university.

Are we again going to buy the propaganda that this sacrifice is necessary? Is Ukrainian territory or Taiwan vital to you or your family? Do we, the people, get any benefit from fighting in manufactured wars?

Maybe for once we can tell our government leaders and the Neocons to go fight their own wars, and leave us alone.


Will we allow another grassy field to be marked with white headstones?

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My brother explained the cause of WWll to me just a few weeks ago. Exactly what you said. My father was in the Navy during WWll. Mostly on submarines in the Pacific. He told me once that FDR was the last Democrat he ever voted for. 😆

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If it was the bureaucrats that went into the coliseum to battle opposing countries bureaucrats war would end quickly.

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Well said, Jordan. This holiday originally memorialized the 1/2 million Dead from our own Civil War. Later our Govt got us into lots more wars, both declared and otherwise. large and small, International in scope, except for that invasion on our own Southern border that the Govt. Is ignoring.

So I do honor my long deceased father who served in WW2 in the Pacific Theater of Operation with the 233rd Engineer Combat Battalion. When the war ended, his Battalion was sent to "nuked" Hiroshima shortly before coming home in Dec.1945. My husband was a Marine and was in Vietnam for one tour. His son was a Marine, too, and went to Kuwait & Iraq and later to Afghanistan. I thank God I have no one left of the Age to get suckered into entering the military to go "help" Ukraine. Make the Evil Ones wrong. No more WARS. Fight for your own country right here.

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"War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies and debts and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few... No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.” -- James Madison

"War is a racket; it always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious...in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives." -- Gen. Smedley Butler

The liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the central committee of the "military-industrial complex", which has controlled US policy and the media since WW2. The major finance, energy, defense, pharma and media corporations are sponsors and many of their execs are members: cfr.org/membership/corporate-members

The CFR network has also staffed the key positions in every US admin since WW2. CFR members on the "Biden team" include the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens more.

US soldiers are led to believe they are defending "democracy" and noble principles. In reality, they are mere tools of this corrupt corporatist oligarchy, to be used and discarded as Gen. Butler described. Somehow, we never learn.

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Shared your article. Nice job.

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From an old veteran, I thank you for posting this. "All gave some, some gave all".

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I’m sorry when we’re we good guys?

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Well done!

Danny Huckabee

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Unhappy your land that is always in need of heroes.

And wretched are the countries that suffer the consequences of your fanatic patriotic military folly

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Ayn Rand was full of shit. There has been a just war since the Civil war.

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Bull Shit.

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