Need to add Step 11 to the color revolution playbook - Solicit donations for money laundering NGOs to "help" the country you just destroyed: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-execute-a-color-revolution

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Step 12

Pocket the money.

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Step 13:

Rinse, repeat..

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Like expressing a touching sympathy for the plight of an orphan, whilst conveniently neglecting to mention that you murdered both that orphan's parents in cold blood.

Cynical, even by Obama's standards.

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Libya was one of the most prosperous countries in all of Africa. Had we left it alone, they would have done the maintenance on those dams, the lack of which caused them to fail. Hillary, Obama, and the rest of you war mongers--these deaths and the deaths of thousands more are on your heads. You are mass murderers and you will get your just reward.

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Indeed, Libya was headed for currency based on the gold standard.

Hmm, we can’t allow that. Can we, ms clinton and mr bush?

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The evil perpetrated by the West is almost beyond comprehension. I recently learned that a big reason they murdered Gaddafi was because of the Great Water Pipeline that was building which would have revolutionised African infrastructure. https://theecologist.org/2015/may/14/war-crime-nato-deliberately-destroyed-libyas-water-infrastructure

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This 2 mins video tells the sad and shocking story very eloquently. https://t.me/LauraAbolichannel/45599

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Obama's grandparents were always amazed when he took something apart.

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Did he use a hammer ?

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No, his grandparents were amazed. He would meticulously remove each part.

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Don't give money to any group that Obama supports.

Danny Huckabee

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You are too polite.

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It's a flaw I've had since my birth ... . 🍺

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I used to be like that. Finally had enough of the abuse and gave it up. (This is not scarasm. It's truth.)

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Hahaha, yeah, there's truth, sometimes anyway, in the old saying "Nice guys finish last".

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Morocco, too. Devastated by the 6.8 earthquake killing thousands, many still under rubble. Obama can restore libya himself.

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A better motto for that dumb HillBilly would be," Wherever there is trouble, that's where I'll be."

I know she said the other, in a Caesarian attempt at comedy, but it sure backfired upon her. Not to mention backfiring on the Libyans.

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On Celia’s board she quotes the AP that they blew up the dams to flood the city. WEFfers have been busy

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The Truth Barrier from this morning...sorry, I’m just a lawyer, don’t know how to link

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uh.... just copy paste the URL

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Col MacGregor would likely have a lot of information regarding Libya as would Victor Davis Hanson.


Both of them would be the first to say that H.C. is a Psychopath.

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pre-2011 Libya wasn't just "somewhat functional" - it was VERY well-run. Libya's oil revenues were used to provide free education (including college) to every citizen, and there were a raft of other social benefits provided as well. Furthermore, there was ZERO violence between different tribes and ethnicities, no gangs/cartels, and you could walk down the streets of Tripoli at night without worrying about anything. Life in Libya pre-2011 was the envy of the entire Arab world.

Furthermore, Obama didn't just destroy Libya, he intentionally broke the rules of the United Nations agreement to authorize force in the country (a no-fly zone), which specifically prohibited any use of foreign (non-Libyan) soldiers on the ground.

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The rottenly corrupt and deteriorating US government/CIA has been working around the globe destabilizing governments of other nations as well as our own. The Bush Crime Family and Obama/Clinton regime were by no means the first, although they were among the most loathesome. Read WAR IS A RACKET by General Smedley Butler, a whistleblower

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Well gee Barry, seeing as how you're not soliciting help for the victims of Lahaina, at least I don't know that you are, does that mean you're leaving it all to Oprah and that really, really you weren't born in Hawaii like you told everyone? If you were born there, where's the Alohah, man. Could that also mean that Mike really is Big Mike and not Michelle? I'm confused Barack, I thought you were a man of integrity and the cool dude. Was I wrong?

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"Given the fact that the country resembled that of a failed state, there was no warning system in place to alert the population that a massive storm was coming."

Interesting parallel with Hawaii in that statement!

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Expect more and more of these devastations and disasters as these rampaging monsters destroy lives and property to "BUILD BACK BETTER" leveling everything to create 15 minute cities blaming what they wreak on "climate change "

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Yes, he was a war criminal and did horrific things to other countries. My question is, where do his sympathies lie regarding his birthplace Hawai'i?

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