Apr 5Liked by Jordan Schachtel

Paxlovid is actually a combination of 2 drugs.

One of which has a FDA black box warning on it.

Your doctor won't tell you.

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For those who no longer get their news from MSM this has been known for a long time. The medical industrial complex has destroyed any trust I use to have in them.

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Fauci made a killing on this.

Literally and figuratively.

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Wasn’t Alex Berenson touting Paxlovid for a long time? I like the guy but he is sure stubborn on so much stuff. Good reporting Jordan!

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Failed big pharma drugs cost 400k to a million lives every year, more if we include mRNA poisons. If you body is failing, drugs will help it fail faster. The costs are outrageous as big pharma garners its profits at the expense of your life and that is what you deserve if you continue to trust the medical mafia with your life.

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hmmm... reminds me of a certain highly safe and effective product the world was conned and coerced into taking... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/people-who-start-to-show-symptoms

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Everyone I know who was given paxlovid got sicker. Wth.

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Paxlovid, Remdesivir and the ventilator mania during the "pandemic" probably cost us $100s of billions, and 10s of thousand in excess death JUST from those three treatments. At best they were USELESS, and probably very harmful.

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And then there is the elephant in the room: "...48.6% had a body-mass index (BMI, the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) of 25 or higher at screening..." Yes, that pun was intentional.

The US has around 33% of the population with BMI>25. Half the patients were overweight. I'm still waiting for the study that states the obvious: A viral pathogen that is novel to a species will ALWAYS impact the less healthy. Learned that in 8th grade biology - back when they taught biology.

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April 5th 2024 Twenty Questions for the CDC by Bill Rice & 20 Answers from the Chief Justice https://billricejr.substack.com/p/twenty-questions-for-the-cdc

1) Which Antibodies?

2) No. The first PCR tests were developed with the alleged SARS-Cov1 and couldn't possibly detect a new unidentified pathogen

3) Yes. They all went on vacation to Cabo with Ted Cruz.

4) Which "illnesses". Covid side effects are the same as cold and flu, and every other disease you get from "Long Covid", like heart attacks, myocardis and stroke. Getting run over by a bus, motorcycle accidents, gunshot wounds and shark attacks.

5) Which antibodies, which test? The HIV test looks for antibodies. Supposedly.

6) What were they looking for in the Blood? The first cases in China were allegedly from Pneumonia.

7) What would they be looking for if the alleged pathogen is "novel"?

8) About 15 minutes. Spock: We've regressed in time, 71 hours. It is now three days ago, Captain. We have three days to live over again.

9) The CDC is packed with Big Pharma executives. I don't think they are the ones "checking the blood".

10) With Covid-19 or Of "SARS Cov-2"?

11) "Possibe Cases"? The PCR and antibody tests say on the side "If you test negative twice, keep testing"... And its a -sliding scale- test. Like "almost pregnant"!

12) The Drunken Sailors? Or the regular ones??

13) Nasal vessagle tests maybe, possibly Anal swabs. You might have to ask the DARPA robot nasal swabber or IOT Interrigator Droid; But, some specific antibody based on an unknown novel pathogen. Then, no.

14) Probably because the 382 were not obeying social distancing guidelines. If you know what I mean.

15) Functional? What do you mean, what type of swab do they use? Origionally, they just did it by hand. Since all the tests are EUA, no clinical trials for safety or efficacy is required.

16) Nobody knows. That's like asking the CDC, "when was the last time you took a smoke break".

17) No. Rockefeller, NIH "Operation Lockstep" mandates "Lockdowns". See, the word "Lock" is in the name!

18) I think they were all busy counting their cash from Pfizer, Moderna BioNtech by that date. It's hard to just embezzle $7.77 Trillion and spend another $6.66 Trillion a year.

19) No. On the flipside, there is a video posted of the FDA/CDC meetings online where they state "Antibodies have no correllation to protection"

20) Survey? The AI WOPR "Whopper" told them that the more positive tests they get, the bigger their bank accounts get. It's more like basic mathematics. You know, "First Priciples" - Elon Musk

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Here is my experience: I got sick and tested positive for COVID on 6/15/22. I was REALLY SICK with 102° and heavy, heavy congestion. I had appointment for Paxlovid on 6/16/22 at 10am. I popped my first dose of Paxlovid (of ten) in the parking lot before driving home. I took dose #2 that evening. I woke up on 6/17/22 with a temp of 97.3° and ZERO CONGESTION. At the time I was 72 years old so I’d been sick and congested scores of times on my life. To me, Paxlovid is the fastest acting, greatest fucking prescription drug I have ever taken, so I look at reports like this as bullshit because I lived Paxlovid, and for me it was truly miraculous.

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Imagine that.

On the other hand, plenty of The Knights of Giant Lists of Supplements are somewhat equally sleazy. More than enough venality to go around.

For any respiratory virus (and for many other normal afflictions too), basic common sense in promptly using inexpensive stuff that works to help your body fight off illness and make you feel better is a non-patentable substance.

Grandma might no longer be a trusted reference so hail back to great-great grandma and her kids.

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Completely criminal!

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How can it both have no effect, and also create a "rebound" in only 25% of cases. Contradiction, no?

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a replacement for Ivermectin?

Oh shirley not ;-)

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