Paxlovid is actually a combination of 2 drugs.

One of which has a FDA black box warning on it.

Your doctor won't tell you.

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Who doesn't want some HIV drugs for Covid, right?

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From HIV to Covid, Fauci has made pharma a lot of money: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

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Apr 5
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This is spam. Don't bother looking

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When the vid was first released scientists from India noted the presence of the aids spike protein. Before it was memory holed by oligarchy

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Doctors are now nothing more than baffled idiots.

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Look, I keep needing to explain this. doctors are far from 'baffled', they are complicit. They took the money to give people the shots, and the more shots they gave, the more money they made. They got paid from medicare, and peoples insurance. and at first, they might have been ignorant, but at some point, they became aware. And at that point, they should have come together and said, 'enough, we're not doing this anymore, it's killing people', and that would have stopped it dead in it's tracks. But instead, they were scared, and just kept taking the money, and kept giving the shots, same as the pharmacists. So now, they keep saying they are 'baffled', but what they are is full of shyte, and totally complicit in the murder and injury of countless people. And they know full well if they come out now and say anything they will be held responsible. Now, please, tell me where I'm wrong. I'll wait.

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Thank you so much for saying what I’ve been thinking. I think you’re right — it started slowly and maybe the healthcare folks were naive and didn’t realize what was happening at first. I have been more cynical. But… I agree strongly they eventually knew and most did nothing. They kept dipping into the rush of money flowing their way. The payment for this will be their soul if they don’t accept Christ’s gift of forgiveness. A great evil has been played on humanity, but I will wait for God to roll out his perfect justice. He is all I trust now, which I guess is how it should have always been.

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Apr 6
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To be fair, it was a deal Vito Corleone would have approved of. Get on the payroll and get rich, or lose your license to practice and our allies in the press destroy your public reputation.

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Arthur, I am with you, and what you name here is real, but there is some serious cognitive hide and seek going on. I call it “incremental illness” because terrified people become cognitive conformists who go with the most socially safe reality. I can give you examples from any profession and any political orientation: Get near the border where my survival is threatened and I might lose my job or my identity no longer has social buying power and rationality and honesty lose their erections.

It’s like autism; it exists on a spectrum. In this case with doctors, here is the admitted reality spectrum:

Our profession exists to cure disease and alleviate suffering; making us money is completely dependent on achieving our stated goals and getting good results for our patients.

Our profession exists to help people and usually helps people, it just happens to consistently make us money.

Our profession is a business that sometimes helps people and always makes us money.

Our profession actively interferes with helping people to make sure we always make money.

Our profession deliberately and consistently harms people to make money: monetizing suffering is a standard workflow.

Our profession deliberately and consistently kills people to make money: we do it slowly or quickly to maximize revenue, depending on our short-term or long-term needs.

How many doctors can admit the last two options? Making them go through this list makes their lying transparent to them. Sharing it with others helps other people realize how doctors rationalize their behavior and helps them confront those doctors.

It is from this post: https://deepshit.substack.com/p/incremental-illness-small-steps-in

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Now you know why I am so pissed at the VA.

VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans.

With an extra "dose" for veterans 65 and over.


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The VA’s Sun City location convinced my 84 year old father to get a second COVID booster when he went in for a strained muscle in his shoulder in 2022. He was otherwise healthy and active. Five days later he had a heart attack, but survived. Five days after the heart attack he died from severe pain (he described as a 12 on a scale of 1-10) caused by gout throughout his body, cysts that suddenly developed on his spine, and pneumonia. I forced the hospital to test for autoimmune levels in his body. His spike protein level was 40 times the norm.

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Pretty short time for severe gout and cysts to suddenly develop. And what IS a "normal" level of spike protein?

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Here were the blood results. Number 2 below is the protein. I assume the normal range listed is for an unvaccinated person.


1. Sed Rate - 90. Range 0-40 for elderly people. Still high.

2. C Reactive Protein - 186.3. Range is <4.9.

3. Rheumatoid Factor -16. Range <13.

4. Protein UR - 100. Normal is a negative value.

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a D-dimer test which measures micro-clotting would possibly provide useful info.

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There was a lot of pressure exerted on veterans to get the covid DeathVax.

Letters in the mail, phone calls, and emails.

Worse was the pressure exerted by the mini-Mengele VA staffers who pushed the shots.

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When I started seeing the offers of a $100 gift card, or a "free" sandwich if I got a COVID vax, I REALLY started to think, "WTF is all this?!" Not that I thought I needed to get a vax for something with less than a 0.3% fatality rate, and even then only for old, sick, fat people.

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When I saw the "forcing function" for the covid DeathVax, I knew it was poison.

No jab = no job

Luckily, I listened to Dr. Francis Boyle warn people about the shot being a Frankenshot.

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You are right. What I found equally disturbing was the response of the non-VA hospital, Banner Boswell Hospital in Sun City. When my dad was there, I asked the VA medical center’s physician assistant if she thought the Covid vaccine triggered the events for my dad. She said yes. I asked if I should have Banner check his auto-immune system to see if the vaccine might be the problem. She said yes, but indicated that hospital staff would be reluctant to do it unless I insisted because they feared being fired. She was correct. I had to demand that the blood work be conducted. After his death, I asked Banner to submit a VAERS report because my dad’s death may have been vaccine related. They refused to do so and told me that I would have to do it. I submitted the Vaers report and the documentation to the CDC. Just think how many cases like this went unreported.

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It is estimated that adverse events have an under reporting factor of at least 40, or as high as 100.

So...that means for every adverse event or death, at least 40-100 are never reported to VAERS.

I will never trust the medical community again.

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I am so sorry for your loss. May he RIP.

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Thank you. Unfortunately, many other families experienced similar losses and are unaware that the vaccine could have been responsible.

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OMG, I am so distressed to read about your father's death.

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Thank you.

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"Thank you for your service." 😒😒😒

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For those who no longer get their news from MSM this has been known for a long time. The medical industrial complex has destroyed any trust I use to have in them.

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Fauci made a killing on this.

Literally and figuratively.

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Wasn’t Alex Berenson touting Paxlovid for a long time? I like the guy but he is sure stubborn on so much stuff. Good reporting Jordan!

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Yes, and he dismissed ivermectin, which was cheap and effective. That's when I stopped following him.

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Agreed, BanaB - he's wrong too often, and is consumed by hubris as far as I'm concerned - as in, he never has it in his mind that he might actually be wrong. I'm not a fan. He's been right about a couple of things.

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Failed big pharma drugs cost 400k to a million lives every year, more if we include mRNA poisons. If you body is failing, drugs will help it fail faster. The costs are outrageous as big pharma garners its profits at the expense of your life and that is what you deserve if you continue to trust the medical mafia with your life.

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Everyone I know who was given paxlovid got sicker. Wth.

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hmmm... reminds me of a certain highly safe and effective product the world was conned and coerced into taking... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/people-who-start-to-show-symptoms

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Paxlovid, Remdesivir and the ventilator mania during the "pandemic" probably cost us $100s of billions, and 10s of thousand in excess death JUST from those three treatments. At best they were USELESS, and probably very harmful.

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And then there is the elephant in the room: "...48.6% had a body-mass index (BMI, the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) of 25 or higher at screening..." Yes, that pun was intentional.

The US has around 33% of the population with BMI>25. Half the patients were overweight. I'm still waiting for the study that states the obvious: A viral pathogen that is novel to a species will ALWAYS impact the less healthy. Learned that in 8th grade biology - back when they taught biology.

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Please try to remember that biology is a social construct. Thank you.

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April 5th 2024 Twenty Questions for the CDC by Bill Rice & 20 Answers from the Chief Justice https://billricejr.substack.com/p/twenty-questions-for-the-cdc

1) Which Antibodies?

2) No. The first PCR tests were developed with the alleged SARS-Cov1 and couldn't possibly detect a new unidentified pathogen

3) Yes. They all went on vacation to Cabo with Ted Cruz.

4) Which "illnesses". Covid side effects are the same as cold and flu, and every other disease you get from "Long Covid", like heart attacks, myocardis and stroke. Getting run over by a bus, motorcycle accidents, gunshot wounds and shark attacks.

5) Which antibodies, which test? The HIV test looks for antibodies. Supposedly.

6) What were they looking for in the Blood? The first cases in China were allegedly from Pneumonia.

7) What would they be looking for if the alleged pathogen is "novel"?

8) About 15 minutes. Spock: We've regressed in time, 71 hours. It is now three days ago, Captain. We have three days to live over again.

9) The CDC is packed with Big Pharma executives. I don't think they are the ones "checking the blood".

10) With Covid-19 or Of "SARS Cov-2"?

11) "Possibe Cases"? The PCR and antibody tests say on the side "If you test negative twice, keep testing"... And its a -sliding scale- test. Like "almost pregnant"!

12) The Drunken Sailors? Or the regular ones??

13) Nasal vessagle tests maybe, possibly Anal swabs. You might have to ask the DARPA robot nasal swabber or IOT Interrigator Droid; But, some specific antibody based on an unknown novel pathogen. Then, no.

14) Probably because the 382 were not obeying social distancing guidelines. If you know what I mean.

15) Functional? What do you mean, what type of swab do they use? Origionally, they just did it by hand. Since all the tests are EUA, no clinical trials for safety or efficacy is required.

16) Nobody knows. That's like asking the CDC, "when was the last time you took a smoke break".

17) No. Rockefeller, NIH "Operation Lockstep" mandates "Lockdowns". See, the word "Lock" is in the name!

18) I think they were all busy counting their cash from Pfizer, Moderna BioNtech by that date. It's hard to just embezzle $7.77 Trillion and spend another $6.66 Trillion a year.

19) No. On the flipside, there is a video posted of the FDA/CDC meetings online where they state "Antibodies have no correllation to protection"

20) Survey? The AI WOPR "Whopper" told them that the more positive tests they get, the bigger their bank accounts get. It's more like basic mathematics. You know, "First Priciples" - Elon Musk

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Here is my experience: I got sick and tested positive for COVID on 6/15/22. I was REALLY SICK with 102° and heavy, heavy congestion. I had appointment for Paxlovid on 6/16/22 at 10am. I popped my first dose of Paxlovid (of ten) in the parking lot before driving home. I took dose #2 that evening. I woke up on 6/17/22 with a temp of 97.3° and ZERO CONGESTION. At the time I was 72 years old so I’d been sick and congested scores of times on my life. To me, Paxlovid is the fastest acting, greatest fucking prescription drug I have ever taken, so I look at reports like this as bullshit because I lived Paxlovid, and for me it was truly miraculous.

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You were lucky and at your age should realize that.

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Completely criminal!

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Several limitations in this study as well as conflicts related to funding.

Nevertheless, it does show some small benefit of using paxlovid as compared to placebo.

Comparison with IVM, D,C, zinc after early treatment would be helpful. Of course that study was not and never will be funded

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How can it both have no effect, and also create a "rebound" in only 25% of cases. Contradiction, no?

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They didn't say it had no effect, they said it had no efficacy as measured by their specific endpoints. I think those paxlovid drugs are anti-virals, which means they are involved in the suppression of viral replication. So they suppressed the SARS-Cov-2 virus for a while, but as soon as you stopped taking them, the virus started replicating again, and you were right back where you started - still infected, still having to have your immune system fight off the virus, and now also somewhat poisoned by a pharma product.

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a replacement for Ivermectin?

Oh shirley not ;-)

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So there still remains no cure for the highly mutagenic common cold.

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