And all paid by “we the people” I say cut the wanker off if they truly want to be a woman. Bet we wouldn’t see to many wanting to transition now would we?

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Of course they do 🤦🏻‍♂️. Isn’t that what all elite fighting forces do across the globe? Put Gender Identity Politics and Sex change operations at the forefront of military etiquette and wartime responsibilities. At the same time annihilating women’s right to privacy by forcing them to shower with a biological (member swinging) man. Then calling those same women names (whatever the latest moronic term these idiots who champion this ideal currently use at the moment) for merely having an expectation for basic common courtesy.

A woke military is a losing military.

The world is laughing at us as we’re being destroyed from within. Maybe that is the goal?

Division, Destruction and then Annihilation when a military that actually uses its Soldiers as intended instead of paying to literally castrate them.

Ps. We’re fucked....Royally fucked.

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Love him or hate him, Putin has a point...

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And if WW3 begins, we are toast! 🤦‍♀️🇺🇸😭

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By providing jobs, medical care and exemptions, the Administration is making the military a very attractive place for LGTBQXYZPDQ+

Good luck getting them out now.

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Jul 20, 2023
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Dude, put the bong down before you hurt yourself.

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Eunuchs have served many imperial masters, but a fighting eunuch army has to my knowledge never been tried for some pretty obvious reasons. Since the eunuchs are by these policies exempted from fighting duty, I suppose they will serve in administrative posts much like an imperial Chinese system.

Eunuchs were often favored for being venal and fixated on (their remaining) earthly pleasures and lacking any ambition to preserve, promote or protect their offspring as those desires were thought to be more likely to lead to rebellion. After long experimentation, eunuch regimes were often found to be horrendously corrupt and inefficient. Perhaps that is the desired outcome.

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Daenerys led an army of Eunuchs.

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The military is going after parents who criticize gender indoctrination in civilian school districts near bases. Chaos and Control covered a terrifying example of a soldier going after a mom in North Hanover, New Jersey near Fort Dix: https://open.substack.com/pub/chaosandcontrol/p/nj-military-supports-the-sexualization?r=12n5dp&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Trans should probably have their own separate outfits (as in squadrons) and sports leagues as long as our officials are sanctioning this.

This sudden promulgation of extremely concerning behavior is obviously being pushed from a high (globalist) level, intended to anger, confuse and divide folks aka a smokescreen.

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Separate units is a no go. They are attempting to normalize despotic behavior. Remember, coming out of the closet was the first step in normalizing behavior. See how it worked out? And, incrementally, they brought us here.

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There is a reason a regular military wears a uniform and are uniform. It's to create a uniform mindset focused on the mission, not themselves. Once the unit encounters the enemy, the unit responds as one. Yet, in a non-uniform military, the individual opts for flight vs. fight selfishly and the unit fails. The current batch of REMFs were never taught this simple rule.

Then again, all the extra wood in the men's shower due to naked alphabet-girls is gonna cause in-garrison focus issues as well. Glad to be a former Commander!

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Forcing fitness tests on soldiers is basically slavery. Better to just cut off their junk like The Unsullied.

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Good riddance I guess. A standing military is wholly unnecessary for its stated purpose of defending our home. Our adversaries are an ocean away, and to paraphrase an Imperial Japanese officer, there's a civilian's rifle behind every blade of grass.

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That's what the founders believed

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Yes the civilians will have to be ready to protect themselves, their communities and even the trans-army. With an open border the CCP, IRGC and others who want to cause harm and chaos are pouring in.

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So other normal people are not humans or pay taxes ?? Judgement Day is coming soon. We shall see what happens then. God is not blind or dead. He will judge!!

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As long as they identify as in shape, capable soldiers, that is all that matters.

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good enough for filing and snacking, eh?

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See, white man, all you need to do to get back on that select track available for promotions and ladder climbing is one simple thing - transition to a mutant. If you don't, you will forever be placed in the back of the queue.

Is this all because of that Pritzger freakazoid that thinks it's a woman now? They backed tranny lover obama, so now this whole military push must be coming from someone barking orders from up high - IT MUST BE THAT PRITZGER THING! Mike/shell is probably why they loved obama in the first place. These freaks must be silenced, they are poisonous.

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I swear to God, I never thought I'd get to live through the fall of Rome, but here we are...

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every patriot should immediately leave the armed forces. they have cast the gauntlet of depravity and degeneracy. Let them live with the effects.

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Sad and unacceptable.

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