One shot, two shot, three shot, floor.

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Hey, why not try just one more?

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....just one, it's only wafer thin....


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five shot, six shot, seven shots more

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eight shots, nine shots, we got more shots galore.

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LOL!!!! That's friggin hilarious!

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Mar 29, 2022Liked by Jordan Schachtel

We are just cogs in the money making Pharma machine.

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 30, 2022

Can we stop pretending the CDC, the WHO and the FDA are not some of the most corrupt agencies on this planet?

Pharma wants maximum profit. For maximum profit they need illness, not only that they need illness that people are terrified of in order to get them to take Pharma’s products.

What happened is that the seasonal flu (which mysteriously disappeared) was rebranded as the super scary Covid19 that it turns out has about the same mortality as the seasonal flu.

Now thanks to the terror campaign hundreds of millions if not billions of people have now taken the mRNA poison along with the "booster" shots for all the variants they made up.

The pharmaceutical industry is at the zenith of their powers. Pharma owns the media, owns most of the politicians and most of the scientists and literally gets away with mass murder every single day.

But have you ever seen such a fragile bunch of clowns?

Pharma can't handle any scrutiny and has hired a vast army of censors to prevent the actual data from coming out. Racketeering and totalitarianism is literally all that they've got at this point because their products are such toxic garbage

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Given Israel’s findings regarding negative efficacy for these treatments, and the likely consequences of triggering antibody-dependent enhancement, this is gross negligence and reckless endangerment to the American people. That is not to speak to the growing body of evidence that these experimental mRNA genomic therapies have the potential to cause long term harms.

This Administration is a grotesquery, and the damage they are visiting upon our people, our economy, and are culture is grievous. I cannot imagine the harms they can visit upon us in the next three years, and it saddens and sickens me that we will have to find out. Hopefully, the midterms make this a defacto lame duck presidency, as I am not sure how much more we can withstand.

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I'm done at 2 +1. Soon in NH we will be able to get Ivermectin at the pharmacy with a standing order - no individual prescription needed - already taking Quercetin, Zinc, VD3, VC, Melatonin - I also have 1% Povidone Iodine Solution for nasal spray and Listerine for gargle all per (FLCCC.net iMask+ Protocol) - NO MORE JABS for US

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We can't even get Quercetin in my part of Ohio. The pharmacies refuse to carry it.

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Pretty bad - I think I ordered mine from Amazon - Good Luck & God Bless!

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outrageous, but let's keep our cool. the skidmore survey:


this suggests that 52% of americans didn't take the kill shot. i said 55%. tragedy is that there's a lunatic fringe who will subject their kids to this until they're dead. but ultimately i see this as a hail mary pass. law of diminishing returns applies here. cdc is only going through the motions because klaus the louse gave the order

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022

I know people who already got their 4th shot in 2021 and will be happy to get #5 (6,7, etc). This "authorization" is a mockery, clinics were giving 3rd and 4th shots before they were authorized, and when boosters were authorized for age 65+ those were given to everybody who wanted them. Safeway was giving 10% off of groceries for every shot. And there is always an option to pretend you didn't receive the first 2 and start a new card. Get as many as you like.

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This is a depopulation program. Prove me wrong.

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Avoid ALL needles!

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What exactly is the formula for the original Wuhan strain? According to Paardekoop, there is no consistent formula from one lot to the next for any of the three main manufactured products. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/3KRJ7WXgSw8T/ And, I think I read somewhere that there is no requirement for consistency between batches for products under an EUA. So I figure we're either lab rats, or they're trying to kill us. Or both.

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The heterogeneity of lots is rarely acknowledged, but provides a possible explanation for these constant boosters.

Most analyses assume that all shots are the same, which they manifestly are not, with the majority of adverse events recorded against a minority of lots. Whether this due to quality control defects, or intentional (Yeadon suggests it is dose-finding), or both has never been established, and the hypothesis that many lots are saline remains in play.

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Fraudulent drug safety studies have destroyed medicine; "Safety" researchers ignore lot-to-lot variation but in reality 100X difference in contaminant level, adverse events, is common


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“The earth has cancer and the cancer is man” - Club of Rome. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.- Georgia GS

Pfizer and the New World Order Depopulation Agenda: Anti-Sperm Antibody Is One of the "Adverse Events of Special Interest" Found in the Secret Pfizer Document


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And they've released their latest document showing Immunosuppression in first 7 days and Natural Immunity exists


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Can't let pesky facts get in the way of profits.

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I don't know what to say beyond PLEASE DON'T TAKE ANY MORE.

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As shown by the first FDA tweet above, the trick is that the third dose has now been retrograded from first booster to part of "the three-dose primary vaccination series"

I vaguely remember it was supposed to be a two-dose vaccine.

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At first, they were calling Shot no. 2 the booster. So the fourth shot is really the third booster.

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Wow, I thought I was losing my memory when I saw FDA authorized a second booster. I knew we were up to 4 or more. Thanks for explaining this.

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“I know what you're thinking. Did you need five boosters or six? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kinda lost track myself. But being as this is the worlds most powerful experimental synthetic mRNA vaccine, with no success in animal trials in the past decade, and no human trials prior to COVID, and would bury you very quickly when it causes blood clots or ADE, you've got to ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya?"

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