I have no doubt that we had intelligence of the detailed plan to destroy the pipelines, considering we were the ones that came up with it.

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For those that missed it, here’s Seymour Hersh Feb ‘23 article which strongly points to USA as culprit. This article is one published to his Substack, because NY Times would not print


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Nuland declared NS2 “dead” months before the explosion…why would we blow up something that is “dead”?? Btw, NS2 is operable as we speak and so it’s dead because Germany agreed not ti import gas through it.

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NS2 is operable as we speak. Germany refuses to import gas through it.

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USA is Germany’s # 1 trade partner, you dolt. Of course a Germany will follow USA directive


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So the sabotage of NS is inconsequential.

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Very very nice. But do consider, isn't there a saying somewhere by someone regarding the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing?

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In cases of carrying out acts of war, the hands better know what the other is doing.

If not, that's even worse.

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Actually, with regard to Dems/leftists, they are well coordinated, unlike the GOP which is also far more open to discussion and debate. The Dems/leftists act as one across the country. Soros funds organizers that are well trained.

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Remember when you thought invading Iraq and slaughtering innocent Muslims would bring joy to your life??

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Sorry pal, but that thought never happened.

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Sure, no Republicans supported Bush during those years…Hillary forced Bush to invade Iraq because Bush is a big flappy pussy.

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Allow me to burn down your straw man, Chow Mein. Yes, myself and many others were duped by Bush/Rumsfeld that an attack on Iraq for fear of WMD, was justified. We have learned that was all a LIE. It’s in part why we are questioning the government’s current position that Biden had nothing to do w/ Nordstream pipeline blow up.

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You write pure bat soup.

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So you believe Biden is a lackey for the American fracking industry?? Because we are now energy dominant because we are exporting record amounts of LNG to Europe??

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I believe that somehow every single comment I read from you is stupider than the last. Substack would be a better place if you went away forever.

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We are producing record amounts of natural gas and exporting record amounts of LNG…we are ENERGY DOMINANT!!!!

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The prosecution rests its case.

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So you don’t believe we are producing record amounts of natural gas and exporting record amounts of LNG?? Do you think Biden is cooking the books?

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Funny timing on this story. Zerohedge reporting the Ukranians probably blew up their own dam. That is much more plausible at this point. Also, what pure evil to unleash on your own people if true.

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There is no logic involved in blaming Russia. Here's a little unpublicized bit of info. Russia/Donbass hydrologists observed Ukr dams upstream increased flow rates "coinciding" with the dam failure, thereby increasing the impact. Odd timing, n'est ce pas¿ Also, this power plant is the exact location of the only fresh water supply canal for the entire Crimea peninsula. It was blocked by Ukr for years against intl laws. Who would risk their drinking water supply, that was only recaptured last year, for any reason. The Wests real "Green Agenda" is 💲💲💲... Same logic applies as Nordstream-none. Norway opened their new natural gas pipeline to Europe - immediately- after Nordstream was destroyed. West tolerates no competition.

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Powerful idea simplified -- “The West’s real “Green Agenda” is $ $ $.” How stupid I didn’t see this truth!

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Correct logic.. Same as with Nord Stream. So true.

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No idea which side did it, but you may want to look into the concept of scorched earth. It's how the eastern front of WWII and the Napoleonic invasions were fought.

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Russia did not blow the dam. Ukraine spoke of doing it long way back. It hurts Russia more than Ukraine. Our media is at it again trying to deceive us.

Ukraines big offensive failed. The Ukraine Azov soldiers have been told to cover their Nazi patches during interviews and pictures.

We get No Truth from our media. Find new sources if you want truth.

We are under a communist take over plan by our gov’t with corporate and media help.

Wake up folks.

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Learn to write coherently.

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Can’t follow the facts? Can’t help you.

Get back to MSNBC

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The probability of it being true that Ukraine forces did it, with help from the CIA, are pretty high. They are getting fairly desperate in the face of Biden being replaced in 18 months. Hopefully he retires to a bad prison for his crimes against the citizens of America.

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Pure evil to take down the WTC.

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The dam is in russian territory and feeds power to Crimea.

Ukraine delt another blow to Putin.

Biden secretly wants credit for giving assistance to Ukraine for bombing the pipeline.

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I'm sure the CIA told WaPo to give a full-throated endorsement of this idea for another reason as well. They need the American public to turn on Ukraine, so they have an exit ramp. Time to move on to the next destabilizing psy-op...

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Very perceptive point.

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Sleepy Joe told the world he'd do it, in gangster language: https://youtube.com/shorts/FVbEoZXhCrM?feature=share

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Yeah, I think I’m going to just stick to believing Seymour Hersh on this one...

That CIA-planted story in the NYT weeks ago didn’t help the MSM’s credibility on the Nord Stream bombings. This one doesn’t either as you astutely point out.

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There are a number of questions the WaPo story leaves unanswered:

Why would the CIA need to surveil Ukraine to discover this plan when the US openly acknowledges assisting the Ukrainian military with real time intelligence on Russian troop movements?

Why was Ukraine not told "we know about your plan. Call it off"?

Why did Germany not raise holy Hell since they ALREADY knew Ukraine was responsible?

If we take the WaPo report at face value, we are confronted with an inference that Germany knew about the attack on the pipeline and allowed it to proceed.

It's one thing for the CIA to not act to stop the attack. There's any number of Deep State narratives which explain that.

It's quite another for Germany to be complicit in the attack.

Regardless of what the facts ultimately are, the narrative that appears to be coalescing around NordStream includes German acceptance and approval of the sabotage.

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At the end of the day it’s inconsequential as Germany weaned itself off Russian natural gas with the help of the American fracking industry.

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It’s not inconsequential. If the entire world knew that the USA blew up that pipeline, there would be international condemnation placed on the USA for that action, and pressure to stop being the ‘bad guy’ in funding this without end, proxy war

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America didn’t do it. If Ukraine did it they almost helped Putin win the war…Comey inadvertently threw the 2016 election to Trump so people can do dumb things. Nobody cares because Germany had already stopped importing gas from Russia anyway.

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That's as may be.

If, as you say, it is inconsequential, than the issue of whom is responsible for the pipeline's destruction has been made moot.

If it is not inconsequential, if US LNG imports are not a full substitute for Russian pipeline imports, then the issue is anything but moot.

One could draw a conclusion from Germany's relatively muted response since the destruction of the pipeline that the German government at the very least is hopeful US LNG imports will carry the day. How well that proves to be the case will not be fully known until next year at least.

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Natural gas is no longer expensive in America or Europe…I think the problem seems to have been solved with minimal disruption. The wild card just like last year is if a hurricane hits Louisiana…Ida started the high natural gas prices in September 2021 and had Ian veered towards Louisiana then Putin might have won the war after the pipeline sabotage. So if Ukraine did actually do this then they almost helped Putin win the war.

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That is speculation without much basis in fact, given that both NordStream pipelines were shut down by Russia at the time. The practical impact of the sabotage was to ensure they remained shut down, but the economic impact of cutting off Germany from Russian natural gas had already been felt months before the pipelines were destroyed.

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It’s a fact record natural gas prices hit record highs after Katrina…Putin would know that.

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First and Foremost, Biden promised he would take it out. Publicly, he PROMISED to do it.

Do not the Dems/lefties believe the word of their chosen leader?

Second and far less likely, IF, IF Ukraine by some long shot did do it, for certain the CIA assisted them in planning and carrying out such a mission. More than likely they also used US equipment to do so too. Nevertheless, the US military and CIA actually honored their president Biden's command and promise.

Ukraine gov is getting desperate now that they see probability that Biden will be replaced by a REAL president, not some dufus like Biden. The cash cow is nearing the end of Biden's money laundering scam.

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Ukraine's Navy, those old surplus PT boats?

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5 canoes with slow leaks. However, the cia probably furnished some speed boats, explosives, and diving gear.

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Considering "they" get away wirh anything, and there is literally no one who can hold them accountable, I am surprised they still try to explain anything... they care less if it sounds plausible or not, so what if it's not?

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Only and until we get decent people into the WH. This time T must, must do a better job of vetting his advisors. Flynn needs to be there over intelligence. A major house cleaning is way over-due in our Fed agencies. The FBI should be erased and restarted from scratch. The new Prez must fire everyone in the DOJ on day one - like Clinto did, Obama did, Bush did. Let the rats scream. Just clean house and put in decent and honest people.

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One of Bannon's regulars is Ben Harwell, a Brit living in Rome who does much great reporting on the EU, NATO, and our non-war, war with the Russians in Ukraine. His sources say that the Ukrainians went through Poland, renting a small sail boat to perform the attack, using a tourist company as a front to get the agents and explosives into Poland, commit the attack, then escape. His sources seem accurate and this would make sense, as Zelensky and his oligarchs desperately want to bring NATO, which is to say, the U.S., into full combat against the Russians. At the same time, this means the Germans, the largest economy in the EU, will have to buy mush more expensive gas from... the Ukrainians, who, by the way, buy most of theirs from.... the Russians. So, Zelensky and his band of gangsters get a twofer: U.S. and NATO combat troops in Ukraine and they make even more millions of dollars to steal and secrete away.

Danny Huckabee

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Would be impossible to do without NATO noticing. It happened in NATO-infested waters, and Russians were anticipating sabotage a year prior and before then. They had a technical solution to install cameras on pipelines, but NATO blocked it.

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NS2 is operable, Russia was the big winner from the sabotage because they got a few more weeks of windfall profits from the risk premium.

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Spis za pravljice in nepoznavalce voj.strategije UKR !!!

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At this point the Ukrainians are just committing terrorist acts for their “social media “. Winter/summer/spring offensive. The collective west continues to supply I guess because the Russians need more practice locating and destroying it. It’s clown world with no end in sight.

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The logistics, technology and skills to pull off this terrorist attack could only come from a small number of places. Factor out the interest in taking this one way step away from peace and you come up with the usual suspects. If the CIA would murder a sitting POTUS (JFK) do you really think this is beyond the pale? Wake up call. They are just getting started. Pray, plan, prepare and RESIST.

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They think we are morons. I am guessing a lot of the sheep will believe this crap. Those are the stupid brainwashed propaganda filled moronic people.

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I though Seymour Hersh laid it out plain & clear that Biden & Co. we’re responsible for NS2 destruction?

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NS2 is currently operable…try to keep up. ;)

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The route you described fails on two counts. As you pointed out, it's frightfully long. It's also too exposed to aerial and satellite surveillance. The more reasonable route, as others have suggested, is through Poland. This would be a black ops attack in poor weather or under cover of night and likely using a commercial or private vessel that would not attract unwanted attention.

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Very possible.

However, boats can be disguised or maybe use something that points in a different direction. If the bomb triggers were timed, as Seymour, discussed, a few weeks separation would assist the culprits. I would bet a dollar to a donut the cia was in the mix. They are lawless, unethical, and immoral. Consider JFK.

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they really think that everyone is as imbecile as their own voters.

... or maybe the story is really just addressed at the democrat idiots.

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