My, how did the country survive its first 240 years without this incredibly necessary dept of "wrong think"?

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The arrogance alone is infuriating.

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Bryn Mawr, Georgetown, Ukraine, think tank - factory production line of commissars

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And never worked an honest day in her life to produce anything that increased Capital value of any product, any business, or any venture. An absolute vampire on the productive class

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Bryn Mawr has some wacky people. They're no Wellesley. Their women's rugby team can really throw back the beers.

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Hmmm ..back in the day they invited me to apply. Glad I declined the invite!

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Wait, I'm confused. Will she be writing and producing the propaganda and disinformation, or pretending to fight it?

Must be exhausting to be a Democrat; so many lies, so little time.

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From Orwell's imagination to our reality.

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How is this a budgeted position funded by taxpayers? Under and by what statutory authority is the Department of Homeland Security invested with the privilege of devoting one penny of government funds to hiring this partisan nitwit? The DHS is a law enforcement entity, responsible for upholding our laws. They can start by indicting whoever gave this charlatan a job, as this is clearly a case of defrauding the Federal government and the American people.

I realize it is a lot to ask, but maybe, just maybe someone in Congress who still has a functioning brain and soul can expose this chicanery for what it is, and put an end to this foolishness.

Thank you for once again shining some light into the darkness that is the depravity perpetrated by the chuckleheads staffing this Administration. You are performing and invaluable public service and you have my gratitude!

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Is it not a conflict of interest for all these Ukrainian folks to be getting top spots while the industrial complex engages in an illegal and dangerous proxy war with their home country? Think Nuland here. But here is another Eastern Euro Russia and traditional American hating ideologue ready to further politicize the gov.

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“The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from from ordinary hypocrisy: they are deliberate exercises in doublethink” -1984

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At the rate we are going, I am skeptical about ever reaching peak Clown World.

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"Scratch a Liberal and you find a Nazi." The Actual Black Panther Party

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Looks like another fake job for someone politician’s flunky niece who has a $200,000 degree in social justice basket weaving

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When the debate is lost, slander is the tool of the losers. Socretes

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As if we need another example of "Our Government" working overtly against us in every way.

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I guess we can officially say now that "1984" has arrived, since they are obviously not even trying to hide it anymore!! Linking tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ as usual.

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My idea with https://nosearch.org is to protect against “search censorship”, they can erase you from search, demote or delist, but presupposing all web-hosts are not shutdown then one can still direct link, this assumes others know where to go.. thus the possible need for NoSearch.org

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This is obviously going to be something that will try to counter what Musk is doing with Twitter.

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