Did you ever think you would see the day where your fellow American's would cower and shutter at all the "new cases" of people without even a sniffle or a cough? Yes be afraid, you might have a virus that gives you no symptoms, does not make you sick - very dangerous indeed.
Insist on the "old normal" - pre 9/11 days - and stop being good Nazi's. Take off your mask and hug your neighbor. Resume swapping bacteria and other germs like nature intended us to do. And PLEASE call grandma - she's very lonely.
Time to fire this putz. This man is going to get hundreds of thousands of people killed from things that are not Covid. Suicides, drug overdoses, child abuse that goes unreported, undiagnosed cancers and so on. For the love of God, please just get us open, let the American people go back to work so that we can get our sense of purpose back.
More cases because more testing, we are tested every 2 weeks, some every week. Some children and adults are tested and are positive with no symptoms. You really are pathetic saying it will be worse and want a shut down. Some places are even doing fine so how can you justify yourself!
This useful-idiot is the leading example of medical malpractice, just as Judge Sullivan is the leading example of being the useful-idiot to judicial malpractice.
The madness that is seen through actions and comments from uninformed CYA health people like fauci are ensuring the complete and utter destruction of the economy and people's financial and mental survival.
What has proven to be, (very well documented), a mild virus for the most part is being used by these reckless fools, to exercise control, and impose their ridiculous measures on the whole country, regardless the facts that show this to be an over hyped mefia debacle, ignoring the overstated deaths, as confirmed by Ms. Birx.
The insane preoccupation with cases even though deaths are at worst minimal, borders on criminal and has exascerbated the frightening economic destruction.
Fauci and Birx should be forced to resign and have this madness halted, while it's still possible to salvage sanity if not mental well being .
You lost credibility when you said South Dakota hasn't seen a spike in case. Per capita, North and South Dakota currently have the highest case counts in the nation.
Fauci is calling for another shutdown and I'm calling for Fauci's (A.K.A Himmler) public execution for his part any Global conspiracy.
Given his NUMEROUS conflicts of interest, I'd say a public execution is getting off EASY for the damage this piece of filth has caused.
Reject their "new normal".
Did you ever think you would see the day where your fellow American's would cower and shutter at all the "new cases" of people without even a sniffle or a cough? Yes be afraid, you might have a virus that gives you no symptoms, does not make you sick - very dangerous indeed.
Insist on the "old normal" - pre 9/11 days - and stop being good Nazi's. Take off your mask and hug your neighbor. Resume swapping bacteria and other germs like nature intended us to do. And PLEASE call grandma - she's very lonely.
Fauci is America's worst enemy. A real enemy of the people. Someone should remove him from office.
Fauci is on a mission to destroy America and usher in communism, fire or jail him.
This is not Fauci's only crime. No jail, no fine; simply execute him publicly and be done with it.
Time to fire this putz. This man is going to get hundreds of thousands of people killed from things that are not Covid. Suicides, drug overdoses, child abuse that goes unreported, undiagnosed cancers and so on. For the love of God, please just get us open, let the American people go back to work so that we can get our sense of purpose back.
This dude is a total loon, as soon as he made this statement Trump should have cut all toes with him.
If you appreciate this great article then go to NolanChart.com and read my article arguing that Fauch if really a new kind of war criminal.
More cases because more testing, we are tested every 2 weeks, some every week. Some children and adults are tested and are positive with no symptoms. You really are pathetic saying it will be worse and want a shut down. Some places are even doing fine so how can you justify yourself!
"Fauci" is Italian slang for fart.
Suck it Fauci!
The best thing that could have happened to this country would have been a "mishap" when Fao-chi had his vocal chords repaired....
This useful-idiot is the leading example of medical malpractice, just as Judge Sullivan is the leading example of being the useful-idiot to judicial malpractice.
The madness that is seen through actions and comments from uninformed CYA health people like fauci are ensuring the complete and utter destruction of the economy and people's financial and mental survival.
What has proven to be, (very well documented), a mild virus for the most part is being used by these reckless fools, to exercise control, and impose their ridiculous measures on the whole country, regardless the facts that show this to be an over hyped mefia debacle, ignoring the overstated deaths, as confirmed by Ms. Birx.
The insane preoccupation with cases even though deaths are at worst minimal, borders on criminal and has exascerbated the frightening economic destruction.
Fauci and Birx should be forced to resign and have this madness halted, while it's still possible to salvage sanity if not mental well being .
Dear Lord; This is an imprecatory prayer for your removal from life in this world of Dr. Anthony Fauci. Amen.
How many times do they need to thank him and praise him... Lost count around 100
You lost credibility when you said South Dakota hasn't seen a spike in case. Per capita, North and South Dakota currently have the highest case counts in the nation.