The guy who wants to ban anonymity on attention networks (like Klaus and Yuval) because he did his own special psychosocial profile of anons that were mean to him and found them to be abhorrent, has WEF rats in his afterskool club? Color me shocked.

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Yep that was revealing

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Yup. Even before that, I was surprised when he gave airtime to people like Australia’s former PM. I cut him loose at that point. The globalist corruption is widespread.

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Many people of very long-standing membership in The Liberal Party of Australia RESIGNED BEFORE Johnny HOWARD became PM., and have never re-joined - sadly.

Howards protégé Tony Abbott brought forth much amusement to the people of Australia. But he was very busy as a new PM and child immigrant from the UK, who wanted to bestow on the WEF "Prince" Phillip an Australian knighthood.

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Doesn't he (Peterson) believe communism/what ever the WEF thinks, is the way to go to start with? OR did I misunderstand something I read?

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All i know he gets a lot of views and viewers on HIS side but he is not to be trusted. He sounds too much like an actor

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Revealing indeed.

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Anonymity is a major issue which is only getting worse with AI, he definitely got that right.

ARC is a different story, that's trying to solve a problem at the same level.

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Not sure if i misunderstood you.

What is wrong with anonymity on a social platform for those that wish it ?.

As we've seen with the convid lockdown protests (cancelling of bank accounts/ terminations from employment and refusal to be able to fund raise from a willing public etc)- those who express dissenting views can and will be targeted by Governments and Officials for their views and opinions online - and to be clear those views and opinions were for simply disagreeing with the official narrative. Not because they were actually seeking to do violence or some hate speech nonsense.

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It should definitively be an option, for those that wish it.

Yes, oppressors can be brutal. I grew up in communism and I was there when it fell apart. There is a price to pay for sticking your neck out, and there is also a price for not doing that. Everything at the right time, and everyone should decide when and how.

The conspirators, the tyrants, the spies, they all rely on anonymity. Hiding behind anonymity is core to everything that is broken in our society. Are we considering that?

But more important, the internet as a social forum is about to collapse because of bots, deep fakes, AI driving all this. And guess what, bots and fakes all rely on anonymity, and the big actors (states, spies, large corporations) have virtual monopoly on the technology. When I heard Jordan Peterson being concerned about anonymity it was in this context.

We need an identity system that we can trust. And it might be possible to have pseudonymity that is derived from real identity (zero-knowledge proof maybe), who knows. I don't think we have a solution yet, but hiding behind anonymity as the main strategy cannot possibly work.

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Well-spotted, Jordan! Maybe JP should focus on cleaning his own room.

"Eyepatch McCain" 🤣🤣🤣

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Of all the people on his list, Crenshaw is so over the top that it shows Peterson is either child-like naïve or that this is an outright con. Crenshaw is the poster boy of everything we hate about the WEF; neocon warmongering, authoritarianism, crony capitalism, and corruption. You could not come up with a worse candidate.

I've long thought Peterson was a boob with terrible judgement and never understood his appeal (getting hooked on benzos in his late fifties did not inspire confidence). Now I'm thinking he's part of the system, an outlet for people to vent that doesn't go too far in challenging the corrupt power structure.

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and Ramasmarmy :-))

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I love JP. It’s absolutely fair to question this idea, and even not agree with what he says. But I’m not sure it’s a good look to bag on a guy who has stood up to tyranny and irrationality, publicly and insistently, and been attacked as much as he has for it. He’s had to absorb an awful lot of bullets for the side of logic and reason. He’s a public intellectual, and we need his voice - even if you personally don’t want to listen to it. (I know I sound like a super fan, but even I can only listen to him so much.)

The one sentiment I absolutely agree with is that we don’t need unelected think tanks telling us how to live our lives. Seriously - why.

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Unfortunately JP speaks down to his audience. So he makes a very good point about having values and not an ideology…but the most destructive ideology recently was Bushism which was a combination of neoliberalism and neoconservatism that ended up strengthening China and weakening America.

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These individuals, like Jordan, seem to have difficulty fully unlinking themselves to the establishment. They have used so much of it to get where they are; a complete abandonment is now difficult.

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Well said

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No, I don't agree. Dr. Peterson has been harassed for years because of his views. I remember he had a speaking engagement years ago where those who wanted to cancel him verged on physical violence. He didn't back down. He stood his ground. He lost his teaching position and his medical license not to mention the $$$ associated. I think that counts as being unlinked from the establishment. He put his money where his mouth is!

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JP is most notable, to people who don't buy his books, because he's spared with feminists and leftists.

Even though he might not agree with those people, he's dependent on them for notoriety.

Leftists will stop debating him if be goes too far on the truth side. He has to accept their premises in order to debate them.

Otherwise, i don't know why he would be soft on the WEF.

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Are you sure he's soft on the WEF? I'm only speculating but I'm going to guess that some people who might have bought into the WEF messaging saw good intentions there but later came to see where the 'good intentions' can and do usually lead.

Who can argue against ESG as a concept? I mean, don't we all want a nice environment with sustainable products/methods. Who doesn't want good governance? However, it's all in the details and the implementation. And therein lies the good intentions gone bad.

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a process known as corruption.

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I see what you mean. One the surface things might seem legit.

However, when the WEF/WHO idea of good governance includes drag queens for children, or the WHO wanting to teach sex ed -- from the time of birth, things start to become much more clear. There's nothing wrong with morality. The question is always "who's morals?

Some of it might have to do with corporate brainwashing. People are used to all these video presentations where everyone is smiling and happy. They tell you that the company *always* has your best interest at heart. A LOT of people fall into that mess and actually start to believe it. Those people are totally on with no longer owning anything, and they truly believe that they will be happy.

As for JP. I don't know for sure. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who would fall for the WEF nonsense. It's quite possible that he has incorporated people who were formally involved with the WEF to help expose it.

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I don't remember where I first heard about the WHO's idea of sex ed for children. I couldn't believe what I was reading so I looked for the document on the WHO's website. Even then, I kept checking to make sure it was 'official'. And yes, I remember the cover of the document showing all the nice smiling faces that went in to preparing it. I wanted to throw up.

I hope I'm right about JP. I've watched quite a few of his videos on youtube and I attended one of his recent speaking engagements in Toronto. He is very pro nuclear family. The WEF is not.

Time will tell.

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I don't know anyone who believes they'll be happy owing nothing...even the most brainwashed covaholics that I know balk at that one.

I know of a few people who don't own cars but they live in dense urban areas very close to sort of OK public transit. But they rent or borrow when the leave the city.

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He went to university, correct? He used contacts and colleges to build his business, correct? And, as the record that Jordan pointed out, he was part of the global conspiracy to some point and was established as a colleague with them. This is not a criticism of the man, just an observation, as most people go through the same system; there really is no escaping it if you want to get anywhere. Later, after becoming established, I am sure he began his detachment from the established narrative and received the blowback, as you pointed out. He has a little more work before he becomes a full-blown Alex Jones. (-;

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Were you an Alex Jones 3 years ago? I wasn't. Covid was a net postive for me in that it opened my eyes to the state of the world and life in general. I went to university too. Not everyone who attended university is a stooge! What's that got to do with it. No, I certainly dont' see Dr. Peterson as part of the global conspiracy and especially not as a colleague with them. You might as well throw me into that boat and I most certainly am not!

And let me tell you something. I have gotten somewhere! So did my parents but they certainly did not sell out to get there. Not at all. I repeat, not at all!!!I think that your comment portrays you as a jaded person. I hope you are not but you're painting with some very broad brush stokes that are not merited.

What have we become?!? Standing in judgement of someone else who is no more perfect than the rest of us!

I went to a city council meeting not too long ago. One of the councillors was heckled a bit because he took several covid shots. He made the comment 'don't heckle someone who's on your side'.

If we diss everyone who is not completely perfect, who do we have left? I'm not perfect and neither is anyone here.

I too am not thrilled about this 'arc' thing that Dr. Peterson has started. Let's stick to crticizing the action and not the genuinely well intentioned person.

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Peterson’s actions ARE speaking for themselves. The point is, he hasn’t even tried to separate himself and his ARC from the kinds of people it is supposed to be rallying against. Forget the that he is the guy who said no to compelled pronouns as a slippery slope to tyranny, then bent over and took more than one shot of a totally experimental, propagandised, coerced and fruadulent vaccine.

I wanted to believe. Believe me.

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To me this confirms the lack of high standards of character and knowledge required by these people in the positions they had. The man in the street knew what was right/wrong, and often the best decision for the Country, but HUBRIS and other faults and ignorance overtook a number of these public figures.

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My comments have obviously flown over your head. We are not on the same page let alone the same book.

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I think you're right, we're obviously not on the same page, I'm not sure about the book however.

Talking to people face to face is always the best way...it's a lot easier to be at least in the same book but the written word is all we have sometimes.

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And many of Alex Jones’ ‘conspiracy theories’ are not conspiracies nor theories anymore. Most are being proven. Stop listening to CNN and CBC and others who imitate them. Yours is a glib statement.

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So true. Alex Jones called it perfectly 20 years back. Scarily good. He is a hero... because he stuck to his guns and never gave an inch over all these years. They’ve made Alex Jones a dirty word for a reason... he is way too close.

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@Phil Davis YOU should be ASHAMED of yourself by insulting Alex Jones here among conservatives.

Actually, DAVIS, you have revealed that you are a buffoon and imbecile because Alex Jones and INFOWARS have made so much contributions to keep us aware of the plans of the evil globalists and US government.

Have you absorbed your daily dose of MSNBC’s evil fake news propaganda today?

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If you weren't so stupid you would realize my comments were a complement to Mr Jones and Mr Peterson. Msybe you have a hard time with English.

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@Phil Davis Only YOU are the smart one!

Am I the only one who misconstrued your intention (to praise Alex Jones)? 😀😀😀

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Peterson is no dummy. He knows who the enemy of humanity is. The modern day lies of the Russian revolution and who was behind it, he is well aware of. We are being systematically exterminated and a man of his intelligence knows this by now. If he is not openly discussing it, he is only an operative like Musk and others. I have listened to many of his opinions and arguments and have agreed with them. Creating hero's and deity's out of public figures is what we do. We look for confirmation bias and lock in to it and they can do no wrong. Be suspicious always because THEIR system is littered with false prophets, especially now in the endgame .

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Be aware and use CRITICAL thinking at all times. NOT suspicion.

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Well said.

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Its a form of repentance in their World.

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JP is smart and has good intentions but at this point in is career he is all fucked up in the head, he is constantly crying and weeping and breaking down, he is a shell of his former self and not really a serious figure

Does he still do that thing where he only eats beef?

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Beef & Benzos? lol

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That's mean 😔

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also i feel like Ben Shapiro tells him what to say now

I remember a couple months ago I saw JP arguing in favor of interventionist regime change in Iran and I was like hmmmmm

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Yes. Red flag. He is uncloaking.

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I think it has to do with the audience he attracted and then the $$$$ one can make from that audience…why do you think grifters like Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi started to make appearances on Tucker Carlson??

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What are you talking about? Greenwald and Taibbi are some of the best, most important, and honest journalists out there. Tucker is one of the few who are willing to tell the truth no matter the consequences and he was fired for it. Shifting from Left to Right is a sign of intelligence and awakening. Pangolin and Psyop, you are absolutely incorrect in your assessments and show yourselves to be part of the problem.

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Who could possibly call Greenwald a grifter. Or Taibbi. It's just envy probably.

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Lol. 🎶 like a fool and his money 🎶

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The shifting from left to right is a sign yes. Notice that Greenwald and Taibbi have written nothing (at least that I know of) about the jab. Now that may have changed but if they are not, then they might as well be CNN. We will see how far Carlson will go now that he is outside of MSM control. Him going to Twitter and becoming buddies with Musk (on some level) is an early red flag. This must have happened when he interviewed Musk the week that he was fired from Fox. It is either a bad move or just what the SYSTEM is deceiving us with.

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Not to mention, Greenwald's husband pushed the jab. And recently, died from the long term side effects. Yet, GG has never (at least that I know of) addressed that publicly.

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Isn't JP an employee of the same network as Shapiro is?

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Sounds about right. I can't stand Shapiro...he sounds too much like Krystal Ball, lol.

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He is a very influential figure. There is no doubt he is targeted for influence peddling.

The big red flag for me was hosting Frederick Kagan TWICE to understand the Russia/Ukraine dynamic.

THAT is a zero research / targeting / blind faith in an 'authority' / naivety problem in my view.

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Nasty...but funny 🤣

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It was an elimination diet because of his familial history of severe autoimmune disorders and deep depression issues. His strict beef, salt, and water diet cured his abyssal depression. Many folk have found that a Carnivorous diet is the best, most effective diet for them. Others include various amounts of fruits and veg. The massive amounts of carbohydrates we are told to eat as a "healthy diet" are a lie and meant to keep us sick and dependent on Big Pharma, et al.

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Anyone who considers JPs keto diet negatively should look at the traditional diet of Innuit (Esquimault) & NA some far northern First Nations culture. They were primarily meat eaters, mostly raw & dried, they hardly saw a tree, let alone fruit. Once exposed to our food, their health deteriorated catastrophically with diabetes, previously virtually nonexistent, being rampant. As for myself, I'm lifetime keto by nature, a strict vegetarian once removed. I only eat animals that eat vegetables😜 Works for me...

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Inuit people have a shorter bowel. The meat spends less time inside the body which is it dies not harm them.

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Apparently if he eats anything other than protein, like his daughter, it messes him up. These could be food allergies or other autoimmune reactions.

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I have the impression that it's his daughter that eats only meat. She has had a lifetime of serious health issues and she cames that a meat only diet cured her ills. Another substack commentor made the same remark, unrelated to the JP family. I don't know anything about these issues.

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And it works wonders... requires epic discipline though.

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JP does it also.

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"By seemingly copying the Davos model and rebranding it as a counter WEF initiative, the counter WEF has become just another invite-only conference of hand picked “experts,” vetted by like-minded individuals, who retain elite status within their exclusive, closed off networks."

When using the Delphi Technique they let you choose between the rotten Davos apple, or the rotten WEF apple making no mention of the fresh oranges that are just around the corner.

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With a name like yours, you don’t deserve to be taken seriously.

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"Humanity certainly doesn’t need an alternative group of mutually credentialing “experts” to dictate to humanity how they should be living their lives." Yes, absolutely.

I used to admire Dr. Peterson for his intellect and his insight. Then he got sick, at about the time the covid madness was destroying society. Now he is a different person, IMO. I agree that he was way too slow to understand what was being done to us, and, given what he's trying to do with this ARC stuff, I'm not sure that still he understands what is happening. FWIW, he is the quintessential ponderer, taking a very long time to study a problem and then to formulate his thoughts and opinions about it. He dedicated over 10 (maybe as many as 15) years to writing "Maps of Meaning," after all. Perhaps in 5 or 10 years he will fully understand what the WEF is doing, is planning, and intends for us. At the rate things are going, that will be too late (unless we stop them).

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Dr. Peterson does seem to recognize the evil that seems to be taking over. I've heard him say that.

As you say, he has his faults but I'm still a fan. He's one the few public figures in Canada who supported, strongly, the Truck Freedom Convoy in Ottawa last year.

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For me, the jury is still out on just what his role is going forward.

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JP’s older non political stuff is very good and enlightening…his new stuff is 💩.

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To me this is a sign of a persona psyop.

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I think it’s more about $$$$ AND the fact he was attacked so relentlessly by liberals. I think a similar thing happened with Trump because he was attacked so much by liberals that he appointed neocons like Tillerson and Bolton just to spite liberals.

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The controllers of the system require divide and conquer personalities in politics to polarize and weaponize the world they created. There is the natural world before these bloodlines put a price on everything, started a demonic financial system and created wars to profit from. These people are anti-god and anti-christ. Trump is there to instigate and get attacked. This was all strategic by the power elite knowing that they were going to create a pandemic. Their media protect them with the narrative and now we are on the verge of economic Armageddon because that was part of the plan like Ukraine. This is not a Judea Christian society. It is a satanic luciferian one.

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If I have to write the word 'disappointing' one more time, I'm going to be really really disappointed. lol

Remember what Groucho Marx said, "I refuse to join any club that would have (WEF members) as a member."

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Got turned off by Peterson a while back. I never trust people who say things in 100 words when they could use 10

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Anyone who lets Niall Ferguson within 6' of unmasked personal space is part of the Big Problem. How quickly some forget how good ol' Niall was long ago bought and paid for by Bill Gates, BigPharma, the WHO, blah blah blah.


JP is a tool. I ignore everything he says and does... not worth this old lady's limited energy these days.

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good link about Neil Ferguson. most informative

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Neil Ferguson did modeling of deaths from COVID 19 that scared everyone. He is at Imperail College. Neil promoted the hysteria. Nial Ferguson is an historian,

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seriously faulted modeling.

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Dan Crenshaw? Uh Negatron. That guy is bad news and not just for his McCainesque political chicanery. Not trustworthy.

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'I rarely trust any politician that lacks a clear 20/20 vision for what lies ahead .... and if i do, it certainly doesn't include zio-clops' - Odysseus circa 1583 BCE

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Good article Jordan. The list of people involved does contain some dubious characters. Especially if your group's goal is to counter the WEF Davos crowd. Actions speak louder than words.

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Yes, 100% correct assessment, particularly regarding Ferguson & Crenshaw. This, unfortunately, shows a low level of research and high level of blind faith in 'established personalities'.

If Jordan Peterson could tolerate Whitney Webb as an 'advisor', he would get where he is going much faster and without so much pain along the way.

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I'm a Jordan Peterson fan. I've been wathcing his biblical series that goes through Gensis. I find his insights amazing. I started to watch the bits of his 2nd series on the book of Exodus but was a bit dissappointed for reasons I don't need to go into. I'm not drawin in enough to pay for a subscription to the dailywire.

Leslyn Lewis is a Canadian politicial I like. She ran for leader of the conservatives and is one of the few Canadian politicians who has spoken out at least somewhat against the WEF. She was one of the few who met with the European member of parliament, Christine Anderson when she visited Canada.

I honestly think that Dr. Peterson is one of the 'good guys'. He has a record of standing up for freedom and not 'taking a knee'. That's cost him a lot: he's lost his medical license and his teaching position because of it.

Jordan S., I think you've misjudged Dr. Peterson, at least I sure hope so. No one is perfect. I will say however that I was somewhat dismayed when he came up with this 'alternative' to the WEF. I hope his alternative is harmless and so far, I'm willing to wait and see.

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Peterson’s list of acolytes reads like a Kompromat who’s who of normie gatekeepers busking their endless social engineering encore for pennies long after their once captive audience has woken up, tuned out and gone home. File under: it’s a big club, and they’re all in (on) it.

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I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few years taking in Peterson’s oveur--I too found him smart and no-nonsense.

But his silence on COVID--ESPECIALLY as a Canadian--was profoundly disturbing. He bills himself as a classical liberal who has given lectures on the paramount importance of logos to a just society AND catapulted to fame by refusing to use preferred pronouns! But had nothing to say about Trudeau’s “leadership” during COVID?! WTF?!

That said, he does/did have a knack for asking very pointed and intelligent questions; like when he asked Bill Maher and his guests what they would do with the other half of Americans that had voted for Trump if Trump lost his reelection bid? Since Maher and his guests were solely focused on how Trump was the worst thing this country had EVER had to face. An excellent question that went mostly unanswered.

As to this new venture; it doesn’t look great. I’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but it does look a whole lot like every other organization that’s going to attempt to solve ALL our (real and imagined) problems for us without bothering to consult us.

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Smells to me like a WEF smoke and mirrors op. I can hear Uncle Klaus leading the pitch. "Zey are startink to hate us, ve must put somesing to, to togezer zat appears to oppose us but is unter our contrrrrol. Ve get our man JP to bring togesser some speakers and inject ze panel vis some of our useful idiots, who vill push our line but appear to be on ze uzzer team. Nussing like a little fog to confuse ze masses ja."

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...and zen ve vill rrrrule ze worrrrld!

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It seems to me that Jordan Peterson initially bought into the narrative, he took several of the covid shots, probably the first 2.

He was however a big outspoken supporter of the Trucker Freedom Convoy last year. He's also interviewed some US doctors who have been harassed by their regulating bodies because of their anti covid stance.

I think he now sees the situation somewhat accurately, although I don't think he appreciates the full story just yet.

I do agree with your last paragraph.

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Now try and imagine what ‘controlled opposition’ might look like. Really, take some time and imagine it as best you can. Now see if you can draw any parallels.

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There is a consult questionnaire on the ARC website for people to contribute. Is it tokenism. Maybe, but I too would like to give jP and others the benefit of the doubt. Leslyn lewis is on board and I'm a fan of hers

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