Nope he’s for reparations for blacks and he’s a climate change nut job.

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And he mindlessly supports Israel and gun control. Never.

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Guess who would end up benefiting from reparations?? Republicans in the southeast…dollars can only be spent.

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I really liked him over Covid but I was genuinely shocked to find he belived in the full climate change scare. He seems too intelligent to fall for the MMann storyline so I suspect it's political expediency.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I first met RFKjr in 2015. I can honestly say that this man truly cares about the average individual. He is not a socialist. He's also not coming to take away people's guns. He is running to save this country and unite us. Please listen to him and not what others are saying about him.

I don't agree with him on all issues, but Trump is not going to be able to save this country. Too many people hate him and how he treats others. None of the other candidates running care to listen to both sides of the political spectrum.

He has my vote and I will continue to contribute to his campaign because I believe in him, his message, and his vision for this country.

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Anyone at war with CO2 and denigrates anyone involved in the fossil fuel industry, as he does doesn’t care about the average individual.

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How can we trust RFK?

He rode on Epstein’s plane, He is endlessly wealthy, he was not said anything about the 💉being bioweapons....

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You can not trust any Kennedys. Joe, Jack, Robert and Teddy all hypocrites and criminals.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 20, 2023
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People need to realise that Israel is merely the first defence against Islam. Throw the Jews under the bus and we will be next, be very clear about that. Islam does not compromise.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023
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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

If you had violent neighbours calling for your destruction and using UN funded tunnels and munitions to do it, you might understand Israel's position. And I'm not Jewish, just realistic. There are blindingly obvious evil intentions driving mass immigration, the purpose is the same. The dumb US has given up defending itself and has opened its borders to the world's worst migrants, you have NO IDEA who is in your country now, you're paying for your own destruction. If the US worried more about its own borders and less about supporting corrupt Ukraine, you might have a chance of survival. Right now, Democrat USA has never been in such a self inflicted lethal position and the world laughs at the gay sex shows in your hallowed government buildings. Is this even the same country that won the Pacific war?

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I can appreciate where Mr Fons is coming from.

The Gazans, who are 3% Christian confined to their open air prison for a generation have been royally screwed, and we continue to support Israel with arms and UN votes to continue this genocide. As you identified, We of the liberty/peace movement should study the plight of the Palestinians as a history lesson as the Globalists are using unrestrained mass migration into our own country to disrupt the culture. I’m sure illiberal leftists, the kind who work to boot Trump off the Colorado voter rolls, would love to see Trump supporters confined to a US version of a Gaza prison/ internment camp. Look at what they have done to the poor J6 participants, and the propaganda used. It’s regrettable the same leftist identify withHamas. They poison the well. Not all of Gaza are Hamas. Hamas was also created and funded with the help of Israel. So it’s a complex issue.... that didn’t originate on October 2023.

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Did we actually win, though? Operation Paperclip makes me think otherwise.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 21, 2023
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Removed (Banned)Dec 20, 2023
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Michael, you are a very confused and uneducated individual!

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This might be the most moronic thing I have read in quite some time. Typically, when someone posts something this stupid, "Israel's occupation of the West Bank and decade long blockade of Gaza are what is causing the entire Muslim world to hate Israel..." I would respond by asking if the idiot had read a particular book, like "The Looming Tower" or anything by Robert Spencer or Raymond Ibrahim that lays out the hateful and violent history of Islam.

But in your case I would just ask, "have you read A book?" Geez!!!

Before you craft your reply I would encourage you to look up "The Battle of Tours" or "The Siege of Vienna" or just do a search (don't use Google) "history of Islam" or "How did Islam Grow So Fast?" Hint, it was by the sword.

Finally, familiarize yourself with some of the basic and primary tenets of the Koran. In what the Muslim believes to be a sacred text, it explicitly instructs Muslims to kill Jews!!!

I see that in your response to Mrs. Bucket you spew more nonsense and ignorance. Israel didn't "steal" anything. In 1948 the British Mandate offered to split what was then "Transjordan" into two states, the much larger one being for Arabs. They declined. You see, it was more important that Israel not exist than for the Arabs to get their own country. BTW, the Dome of the Rock is built on top of the first two Temples of Israel. I am not an archeologist (and I couldn't play one in the movies as I am way to handsome) but if a structure is built on top of where another structure previously stood, then I am pretty sure the one UNDERNEATH the current building was there first. Jews had inhabited what is now the country of Israel since about 2000 BC. Mohammed didn't come along making up a religion out of foaming at the mouth grand mal seizures until the 7th Century AD. These are facts, not opinion.

Did you know that in the same year that Israel reconstituted as a nation state on land that they had conquered 3000 years earlier, India was partitioned into India and Pakistan? And instead of displacing hundreds of thousands, tens of millions of Hindu and Muslims were displaced. Now, granted, India and Pakistan are not buddies, but all those millions and millions on both sides got on with life. But not the Palestinians.

As for the other Arab states, along with Iran (Persian), they don't give a shit about the Palestinians other then to use them as bargaining chips or in Iran's case, use them to fight proxy battles with Israel.

Finally, in the charter of Hamas, it states clearly that their highest goal is the elimination, not just of Israel, but every Jew on the planet. And once they accomplished that, do you really believe they would stop there?

Anti-Semitism is an ugly, ignorant look, on anyone. You wear yours well.

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The Arabs ARE Semites. Save the “anti-Semitism” schtick...it’s OLD.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023
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Impressive background. Unfortunately, it appears you fall way below the mean IQ for an Ashkenazi Jew. Me? Just a redneck who can barely put together a coherent thought. And Islamophobic? Which means and irrational fear of Islam or Muslims? Nope. Not in the slightest. What I am is an autodidact who loves to read and has an amazing memory. I credit my mom for the former and God for the latter.

So, having a lifelong love for learning, especially history, I know quite a few things and Islam happens to be one of them. I know that the world would be a more peaceful place it Islam wasn't a thing. Just look around the world, not just in the ME, but everywhere there are a majority or a large minority of Muslims there is violence and the kind of thing we saw on Oct 7th. We don't see it on TV or on the net because the people being raped and murdered by the followers of Mohammed are Nigerian, or Indonesian, or Filipino or any number of other groups, so I guess that doesn't fit the narrative of the Left. But the fact that most folks don't know about all the places in the world where Muslims are killing or otherwise terrorizing their neighbors doesn't mean it ain't happening. And the common denominator of all these places that have Muslims doing their Jihad on the Infidel isn't that they are under occupation. Nope. It is that they are Muslim (BTW, in Genesis 16:12, God cursed Ishmael (Mohammed was an heir of Ishmael), the illegitimate son of Abraham with his wife's maid servant, telling him that there would be enmity between him and the rest of humanity, isn't that the truth. So a lot of this shit that Muslims do is because Abraham didn't trust God's word that he would make Abraham a father with Sarah). Islam is a violent death cult of personality to Mohammed. Full stop.

One of the reasons that the Arabs had to share Transjordan with Israel is they were on the wrong side of both world wars. And there are consequences to being on the losing side of a war, as Hamas and those living in Gaza are finding out. Good and hard.

If you wish for me to continue this back and forth, I must ask you to answer and respond to my facts from history, and my assertions. Not with name calling, which seems to be your calling card:). See what I did there? Clever, don't you think? No, you will need to respond with your facts and conclusions drawn from said facts. And since you can't just make up history, I suspect this will be the last we hear from you, at least on this thread.


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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

I think both sides, that is Israel, (not "Jews") and Hamas are seriousy compromised.

However, we are now in friend/enemy terrotory and I'll take the side that doesnt want to destroy me.

If Bibi deports them to the US or EU, Im F'ing done with them too.

Stay tuned.

Whos propaganda am I parroting here?

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USS Liberty and Jonathan Pollard. Who loves you, baby? Israel, lol.

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Dec 21, 2023·edited Dec 21, 2023

Oh no illusions about all that. I wouldnt fund em, i wouldnt stop them in their war on "Islam", when i say "take sides" theres no blogging for Israel, donations or agitprop. Held far from me with tongs. the minute they push the refugees here - possibly the plan all along - Im completely done.

i have no rose glasses about contingent allies at certain points in a struggle.

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If he still supports gun control and abortion, I suspect he always will, I'm pretty sure he won't get a lot of support from the right.

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Absolutely not. Didn’t he come out pandering for slavery reparations? Have you read his book, climate in crisis? ‘Nuff said.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 20, 2023
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He suffers guilt getting into Haaavaaad not on merit.... he was a drug addict, but on his family name.

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Trump 2024 🇺🇸 Easy math

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Operation Warp Speed, 7.8 trillion new debt, failure to pardon Assange and Snowden. Failed to drain the swamp or build the wall. Let Hillary off the hook. Sounds like a wonderfull voting option. HA!

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Jordan Schachtel

I live in a deep blue state, I voted for Trump twice. I will not vote for him again, no matter how unfairly he’s being treated now. It’s DeSantis in the primary (if he’s still running) and Kennedy in the general. Or I don’t vote.

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100% with you my friend!

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IS RFK FOR abortion? Abortion IS murder. (I always think of all the headlines when Kate Middleton was pregnant for her first child. The media referred to the baby in her womb as the future King. But if a woman wants an abortion, that baby is “just a blob” and not yet a baby/human. Yet in the womb, Kate Middleton’s baby was “the future KING.”

Does RFK believe in gun control? If so, it’s a alippery slope where the United States could end up like Australia with massive gun confiscations.

I heard him speak on “climate change/ global warming”. He apparently believes the rubbish. If he fights on the same side as those who believe the nonsense of climate change/too much carbon in the atmosphere, he’a on the side of the WEF, the global cabal, leftists, socialists, communists… This may be the scariest thing of all about JFK because it is THIS issue in large part by which the global cabal/Klaus Schwab/et all will try to control the world population through a communist social credit system!

And I have to agree with some other commenters on his “support at all cost” for Israel. The bible does NOT say about Israel: I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you…

Read Genesis 12:3 in context. God is speaking to Abraham and not to his posterity. In fact, in verse 3 God says that “in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Not a word about Israel) And I believe that God does not have a separate plan for the Jewish people and the believers of Jesus or the Church.

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Good thing we still have our guns for we may need to band together and use them soon based on all the illegals coming into the country (because who knows whether or not there are terrorists in the bunch). I guess the globalists finally have given up on taking our guns and have moved forward with the complete destruction of American society by migrating people who will never assimilate. Maybe they figure we will never actually defend ourselves but, who knows. I never thought I would see our country closed down like it was over the COVID nonsense and yet, here we are so I am not shocked by anything any more. Having said all of that, I am Trump 2024 come hell or high water since he is the one that opened my eyes to how much corruption there really is in our government. I will never vote for RFK Jr because he supported HRC, also.

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God loves ALL!

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I take it, you are not a dispensationalist. (Neither am I.)

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Bro RFK jr is a radical environmentalist, gun grabbing liberal. Always has been. Didn't he come out in favor of reparations, ostensibly to save his doomed primary bid?

Also on COVID: I regret how Trump handled the situation, but it's easy for RFK jr to talk a big game because he's a zillionaire oligarch who isn't in charge of anything. Just because the absurd vaxx pressure campaign happened to finally validate his long-held anti-vax stance doesn't make him some kind of philosopher-king who has earned the right to lead.

Also, do you honestly think the federal debt/deficits wouldn't grow in an RFK jr administration? I think it's going up no matter what.

Hard pass.

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No. He’s a socialist.

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He calls people that don’t buy into climate crisis Climate Deniers. I really was backing him all the way, but wonder why he doesn’t do the research? Worldwide, scientists say there s climate change, there are cycles. It is pollution that is the problem, not climate change.

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climate manipulation (not change) = pollution

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IT'S CLIMATE COMMUNISM, the IPCC let it slip years ago. 2010, Ottmar Endenhofer 'We (the UN-IPCC) redistribute the world's wealth by climate policy...one has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy'. The big beneficiary of the climate hoax is China, they are massively behind it, assisted by thousands of Useful Idiots and seduced intellectuals.

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Since China has no incentive to abide by same rules wacko libs have us strapped with ; they build at least one new coal ,oil or gas electric generation plant Every month ! They're still listed as 3rd World Developing Country & thus are basically exempt from rules 1st world follows.

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They're also exempt from the Migration Pact they helped draft for the west, to destroy the west.

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I like his anti Covid “vax “ stance, but I have two, BIG problems with him:

1.) He’s completely wrapped into the Climate Change movement , and

2.) he wants to take all semi automatic guns.

So, sorry, it’s a non starter with me and an awful lot of good, decent, principled Americans.

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The fact that most of the Kennedy clan are openly hostile to his candidacy says it all - he is no favorite of the elites - that alone is a good reason to support him.

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He is an old fashion democrat, better than the new democrats, but still a democrat.

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I would never vote for him, but he's done this country and humanity with his book on Fauci and the most recent, on the Wuhan coverup, for those who wish to learn about this mass murder of people with a bioweapon injection.

Danny Huckabee

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Not a viable candidate for me. Anti-gun-rights, pro-abortion, radical environmentalist. If it's a Trump/Biden election, I'll be writing in DeSantis.

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I was considering De Santis until I realized he's a member of the Bush cabal, but it's still early, sort-of. There are a lot of moving parts right now. I vote in a little more than 2 months, much will happen in 2 months.

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My work is done here. ;)

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How is he on the constitution, specifically the 2nd amendment and immigration? Be careful what you wish for!

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