Uh . . . yeah. And yes, it's still on Trump. He choose Pence for VP. When it became Pence vs. Flynn, he stuck with Pence and threw Flynn under the bus. He appointed Pence to lead the COVID commission. And Pence could've stopped J6, but chose not to do so. Definitely, much of what went wrong in Trump's term can be laid at Pence's feet.

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Did you forget that Reagan chose Bush. The most traitorous family in all of US history. Son of Hitler's Banker, Fascist Prescott Bush, who made the family fortune on the blood and guts of Patriotic American heroes. Sold out the US industry and entire corporate infrastructure to CCP China, got us into forever wars, pronounced the creation of the Fascist dream "New World Order." W responsible for 9-11 attacks on US in order to build the domestic surveillance system depriving US citizens of constitutional rights, Patriot Act turning the nation's intelligence and security system inward against political opponents and appointed the despicable Fascist John Roberts as SCOTUS Chief Justice. Let's wait and see if Pence's traitorous legacy exceeds the Bush's. Doubtful, but who knows. Is Bush's legacy still on Reagan?

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And Bush chose Cheney. Lol. There seems to be a pattern here. Maybe we should pay a lot more attention to the VP candidates.

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It’s very possible these VPs were put in place as “handlers” of the Prez.

In Bush’s case, he was groomed for the position, told years before that he was being put through the chute to the white house.

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James Baker was the handler who somehow went from a guy that ran a bunch of losing campaigns to the most powerful person in the Reagan administration?!? DeSantis’ handler is Adam Laxalt who is the offspring of not one but two neocon senators.

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James A Baker is considered one of the most brilliant political minds of his time by both sides of the aisle. He also has a squeaky clean record and sat on the Iraq war commission in 2006. So yeah, he's probably evil AF.

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Interestingly, Laxalt was also the chair of Trump's Nevada campaign and lost his 2022 Senate bid after parroting Trump's election theft stories.

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Laxalt’s father was Senator Domenici who raw dogged Senator Laxalt’s daughter while married…and Republicans kept it secret for over 30 years. That’s the tip of the iceberg of the things Republicans are keeping secret from the American people.

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not stories betaboy, facts.

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I have always suspected that.

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That is some deep corruption, if true, it would explain much of what is happening right now. After watching The Sound of Freedom, I am inclined to believe the depth of this corruption and perversion.

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The posting stopped and the Twitter account gone. Any info on this writer?

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Follow this on Word Press.

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I agree with all you said about Bush. The whole family are scumbags. BUT....Reagan didn’t “choose” Bush. Just want to be clear. The Trilateral Commission and the CFR did that. They told Ronnie that Bush was to be his running mate. End of story.

THAT is where all our troubles started with drug and sex Trafficking- with Bush. He’s a pedofile. And Bush enlisted Clinton in the Iran/contra drug trafficking. Now sex trafficking is going to overtake the drug trade at $150 BILLION ANNUALLY!

The CIA oversees all that crap and Bush was happy to direct his buddies.

The Bushes are all criminal psychopaths that belong 6 feet under. So happy low energy Jeb didn’t get his turn as Prez.

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Agreed. I raise that point because I believe Pence was chosen by the same cabal. They know Trump's weakness: his ego. Flatterers like Pence get way too much influence with him. The story of much of his administration. They cater to his ego to get him to do what they want him to do. Sad. For all his strengths, and strong sense of ego is the only way to overcome the challenges they put in front of him, turning one's strength into their weakness is an Art of War. That the author of the Art of the Deal should be better able to understand about himself.

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We are thinking the same thoughts. I don’t know how a man that strong needs so much ego stroking. You’d think he’d be beyond that by now.

I hate who he’s surrounded himself with. Graham and the rest of them have got to go.

The more I see, the more I believe it’s just a game and he may be our best chance at exposing more of what the ‘general public’ needs to see. I know they’re all jabbed up sheep, but they need to wake up.

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When Epstein was getting his sweetheart deal a Bush controlled the US government that was prosecuting him and a Bush controlled the Florida government that was prosecuting him and all of his lawyers were Bush Republicans like Ken Starr…do the math.

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Yeah, that's not something easily forgotten. I remember having that exact thought even when the choice was made.

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Yep. Exactly. Part of the great compromise to get the party nomination. Reagan was an anti establishment Republican of the time. Likewise probably to secure the evangelical support, Trump picked Pence. Who knows the full extent of backroom deals. I’ve always wondered if picking a weak VP was an insurance policy against assassination. Who could be weaker than Biden? Yep, Kamala!!

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WTF does that have to do with Trump choosing Pence?

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The same cabal put Pence on the ticket with Trump that put Bush on the ticket with Reagan. Same purpose.

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So Donald Trump was just a puppet not really in control of anything around him? Trump has no agency or resolve?

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Of course not. And not my intention to convey. It's an acknowledgement that for whatever the Swamp creatures are Trump wasn't especially naive or a bad judge of character when it comes to VP picks. And pointing out Reagan's mistake was a doozy puts it in perspective.

And makes one realize just how crafty and deceptive the malevolent forces in The Swamp are, and have been for a very, very, very long time. And, entertain the possibility/probability that those forces end up forcing one of their own on every ticket as their insurance policy against a president gone rogue. Maybe they threaten to withhold the party election apparatus if a nominee makes an "unacceptable" pick? Or worse?

And with this additional perspective maybe we withhold our harshest judgements of a man's decision we don't possess perfect information about.

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Jul 25, 2023
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Why isn't everyone waking up to what's happening around us today? Can't they see? It's right in front of their faces! Pandemic BS. Masks don't work! The jabs are dangerous and killing people! Boys can't be girls because they think it! Drag shows for elementary school kids are sick and perverted! Gender-affirming care is genital mutilation! The election was stolen right in front of our eyes! War in Ukraine is about massive US and international corruption! The war on carbon is a war on freedom and civilization! Stupid, stupid, stupid blind people! WAKE UP!!!

9-11 Truth:

"I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it." - Me. From 2001-2020.

This is why people aren't waking up. They are like I was. Not wanting to believe it.

America and a New World Order

by Graeme K. Howard - Vice President of General Motors in the 1930s

Published 1940 in the United States of America


In 1940 Graeme K. Howard, Vice President of General Motors, published America and a New World Order, in which he advised that America give full cooperation to the Nazi regime. In his book he blames FDR for causing the war in Europe and goes on to say that the fascists should be supported as the better alternative to the spread of Communism.

Prescott Bush, right in the middle of:


DOJ Nazi Hunter Prosecutor describes Bush family support for Hitler and Nazi Germany war machine, continued into 1943, two years after declaration of war following Pearh Harbor. From national archive files he was permitted to review. Prescott Bush, his family, got filthy rich and lots of power, two presidencies, selling bombs and bullets to kill American GI's. The family business of war, being traitors atop a powerful nation is very profitable:


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Let's look into bioethics on another story dedicated to the field. That field, used to rationalize and justify any action, even mass murder, as ethical - if that's the goal of who's paying for the opinion, gnaws at me, my senses, that an Achilles Heal of the monstrous evil is within it. Your profile description contains that, I hope to open dialogue that with you some time in the near future.

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And with it at Trumps feet at the end. Why did Trump pick such terrible creepy people to surround himself with? Pence, Barr, Fauci, Birx, Scott Atlas ( trump: I like this guy), and others and he abandoned Flyn, Bannon and more! I think Trump is playing all sides, formerly a democrat...Trump gets indicted 100× but actually nothing happens to him at all u noticed that? Don't u think.thats getting quite weird?? Teflon my ...

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Trump the alleged master at picking good people has been betrayed by everyone in his cabinet and his vp. And those that seemed loyal Trump has insulted and stabbed in the back. The man is an undisciplined, flailing disaster who has no plan to defeat the leftwing machine that beat him in 2020 when he had the levers of power. How does he overcome fraud when he had no power and a hostile doj wants to jail him for the rest of his natural life. There's a solid chance he won't even appear on blue state ballots. Yet the message from the Trump cult is he'll win as a write in. Madness, how many write in candidates have won national office against an incumbent? Even if the incumbent is a vegetable, the apparatus are all aligned against Trump. He did great things until covid but he's still pushing a poison shot and says he did a great job letting Pence and Faucci run the country as acting co-presidents. Trump screwed up and still won't apologize or take accountability. He also left the J6ers to rot when he could have pardoned them. Trump is in it for one guy, Trump.

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There is NO Qanon...there's Q and there are Anons...period.

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You do understand that I didn't write the blog post that I referenced, correct?

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I was just commenting that there is no such thing..m

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Tucker nails it. Yes, Pence was put there to monitor Trump, undermine him and wreak chaos on his administration. From the moment he orchestrated Gen. Flynn's ouster, that was the first big tell.

The Swamp did the same thing to Reagan. Saddled him with George HW Bush. Hinkley's assassination attempt would've put Bush in office if successful. Nancy knew who her beloved Ronnie was dealing with, was why she was so protective of him. Portrayed as crazy for it. But she knew. Bush's. Pence's. 'Just Say No' to Swamp creature VP's and personnel.

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…and remember Bush was head of the CIA before that, not a position for a choir boy.

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CIA's first director Dulles made sure the Bush's were well-placed, the German bankers and war machine manufacturers, Thyssen's were made whole and the whole Fascist infiltration of the US was swept away, into the darkness, stealth mode to get us to these times. GHWBush was even one of the lead CIA managers in the Ft Worth office, on scene in Dallas when JFK was assassinated. Many reports that he was in on the hit job. Dirty. Dirty. Dirty. Scum. Traitor. The entire family's pictures belong next to the word in the dictionary instead of Benedict Arnold. They've done much more harm to our nation and the cause of freedom than that man did.

DOJ Nazi Hunter tells what the National Archive files have to say about the Bush's and Nazi Germany:


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Look up “Unauthorized Biography of George HW Bush”. Very obscure but well worth the effort. Tells it all.

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A disgusting legacy to say the least. I became very dubious of them when they were embracing Clinton right after Bush sr lost the election and started looking deeper. I found much of the same material.

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I confess, it took me longer than it should've to believe the same material when it was first shared by his opponents. That whole "my team good, your team bad" thing. Tribalism. Now I understand that sometimes enemies will tell truths and friends will tell lies. So I must question everything, and lean into the gift of discernment God gave me to know the difference.

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I traveled the same road with the same doubts and naivety.

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"So I must question everything, and lean into the gift of discernment God gave me to know the difference." All that needs to be said

Some seem to be born with critical thinking skills while other seem to learn them, either way is a good thing.

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I think we're all born with them, God doesn't pick and choose who he gives the gift to. We either become lazy, trusting, enculturated, habituated, into not using it. The Mind Managers are really good at inducing us not to use it. Use it or lose it. The brain is a muscle. The more we let it atrophy the more work it takes to build it back.

Reflections on a Forgotten Book: Herbert Schiller’s The Mind Managers (1973)


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Nancy sure did right by her man. She'd likely gained plenty of experience when they were in Hollywood and then in the governor's mansion.

Milania was treated despicably.

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Yes right on target 🎯

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I felt exactly as Tucker did when I first saw Pence. Just a little too "perfect" to be real.

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He's very practiced at acting slightly sheepish. Of course, he turned out to be a wolf wearing the skin of one of his victims.

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The fly on his head when debating kamala was quite telling...

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For real! Pence looks like he just got done summoning a demon into himself.

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I agree with Tucker’s analysis of Pence. Donald is not nearly as smart as some think.

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Pence's only purpose was to woo the evangelicals and it worked perfectly. Seems pretty smart to me.

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Reagan chose Bush. The most traitorous family in all of US history. So there's that.

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Maybe not but his first run he listened to his advisors a lot. If I’m not mistaken Reagan delegated issues. Just like Trump. To the people he thought were up to the task. Trump found out the hard way that there is a lot of snakes in the grass. If he wasn’t real. I don’t believe the uni- party would be going after him so bad. Maybe I’m wrong and that’s ok because we are human beings that are fallible. I don’t believe any President knows everything.

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I understand that duties must be delegated, but I could have told Donald that Pence, Pompey, Barr and others were bad guys. That he was tricked simply suggests that he does not have the ‘street creed’ that many say he has.

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I get it. Maybe he doesn’t. I will say I don’t believe he is going to make that mistake again. Also we are not going to agree on everything but that’s a good thing. A healthy debate is good. The movement is real so it’s not just about Trump. Bannons speech at tpausa. Is more than likely gonna be tried by Trump. I do still do believe Trump listens to Bannon and Navarro. If He gets elected. It’s better than what we have now. Also I didn’t get into politics until 2012 or so. I’m still learning how deep the swamp goes. I believe career politicians need to go.

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Trump appointed Tillerson on the advice of Condi Rice and Robert Gates!?! The guy that appointed Mueller, Rosenstein, was appointed by Trump!?! Do you know who dragged Justice Kavanaugh across the finish line?? George W Bush!! Trump appointed Bush’s right hand man to the Supreme Court!!! If anyone sabotaged Trump’s first term it was Trump!!

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As much as I like Trump, his sincerity to help rebuild our nation, etc. and the peace he brought to the world - I feel not being in "Washington politics" hurt him as he was betrayed by many he felt he could rely on for honest help so he made some very harmful choices that hurt him and us in the long run but mainly him. This next time I don't think he's going to be so trusting of them.

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Trump's best selling point is he isn't, or at least doesn't appear to be as bad as the rest. Not much, but who else is there? Decades of complacency brought us to this point!

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I will always be grateful for Trump surrendering to the Taliban…but unless you consider Yemenis to be subhuman then Trump didn’t bring peace to the world. ;)

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OMG... This recalls the following testimony: <<On June 29th 2020, at 5:45pm, a group of doctors were going to be on a call with TRUMP and Birx to inform them about Ivermectin. At 11 am on June 29th, the call was switched to PENCE and Birx. At 2:33 we were informed that Pence Chief of Staff MARC SHORT CANCELLED the call.>> I have ALWAYS wondered why this happened. Now I know!!

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Ivermectin scripts peaked during the Delta death surge in the southeast…it’s ineffective at least as prescribed by DeSantis’ handpicked Surgeon General.

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Why'd Trump pick a swamp creature for his VP? An odd way to drain the swamp by giving them good gigs in his admin.

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Don't forget, Reagan chose Bush. The most traitorous family in all of US history. So there's that.

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See my comment above. To woo the evangelicals. The same strategy Bush the First took with Dan Quayle. A punch line if there ever was.

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There were no non-deep stater evangelicals available?

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Regarding Pence's swamp propensities, I'm don't know how this might be determined in a state Governor as it's really a D.C. thing and not a state thing. I don't think you can really gauge someone's Swamp Factor (SPF?) until they've actually worked in the Capital for some time and mucked around day-to-day with the creatures of that Swamp.

With Pence it became quite obvious, but not really until after he was there for a bit. Regardless, Tucker stuck a fork in him like a roasted wiener. Won't be seein' him no more.

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Honestly, I don't know. Trump's major shortcoming was always his lack of a bench and political allies. Who knows who even recommended Pence in the first place. You can almost imagine the din of voices yelling into his ear though, "Choose this guy! No, that guy!"

But it could have been worse -- he could have named Sarah Palin. So count your blessings.

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"Only the best people" we were told.

Any suggestions for second-best?

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"Only the best people" who would _take the job_. The qualifier is *extremely* important, as the GOP was pretty clear that if you worked for Trump, you'd never work in a Republican administration again.

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I dunno, Pence, Haley, Christie and Bolton and others don't seem too bothered.

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Get capital out of DC. Is it possible?

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Explains a lot about all of 2020.

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Mike Pence is a piece of shit . MAGA 2024🇺🇸

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THANK GOD someone like Tucker wrote this because all I ever had to do was look at Pence and my flesh would crawl. EVIL is what oozes off his photos and videos.

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Looks like an avatar the devil would pick to look like, huh?

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I've never liked Pence. I remember a couple of weeks before the 2016 election, an ABC reporter asked Pence, as he walked thru a crowd, if (my paraphrase) he thought Hillary was a good role model for women, and Pence said yes. That blew me away! I'm a Bible believing Christian and politically conservative, not Republican, and I will never believe an even moderately intelligent Christian would answer that question that way. Creepy is an accurate description!

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I totally agree with Tucker on this one. There’s just something a little too smooth and programmed about Pence - he’s not authentic in my opinion. A little too perfect. I also think he DID undermine Trump with the Flynn and Covid situations. I could never vote for him.

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Maybe he is a cyborg? Has already a neuralink in his head?

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One thing I've noticed about Mike Pence is that, as a politician, he always seems to be in the moment. He was one of the original Tea Party members in the House in 2010. He happened to be successful when he ran for governor of Indiana. He smoothly elbowed his way in front of Trump to become his choice for Vice-President. Too slick, if you ask me; he never got himself dirty. He did have some experience as a talk-radio host before becoming a politician, so this might explain his glib slickness.

The one consistent idea he seemed to promote was an obsession with religion and how to have it take control of the government.

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He used religion to suck people in and fool them into thinking he was a conservative.

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I think you hit the nail on the head. He was pushing religion, using Christianity as his cover. Government is of the world.

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In the 1700s when Presidential elections were held both President and VP ran separately so that both could be voted on. Maybe we should have kept it that way.

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I would also suggest the elimination of political parties. It can be done.

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