Tucker’s transformation from the Virus Whisperer to Freedom Fighter is like a Marvel origin story, only with fewer tights and less suspension of disbelief... he flipped faster than the CDC can issue a new guideline -- so fair play to him, like watching a chameleon change its spots mid-leap.

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So, you don't learn something new every moment? Or, every day ?

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Just some friendly fire, helps him keep it sharp ;)

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WOW. Thanks for the info. Will check this out !

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We have someone who can see ! (quick shut him down)

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Whether Tucker now claims prescience or an epiphany is immaterial. The majority of the West willingly traded liberty for security without either Trump or Carlson reporting that act of cowardice more dangerous than yet another a novel virus.

The visceral application of the varied mandates borne of pure power-lust is what needs attention. Not a talking head playing, "I told you so."

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I remember this so well; I was so very angry with Mr Carlson for this. Have we seen the mea culpa yet? Not sure having it in his book is quite enough. He had a massive impact on President Trump's actions.

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Well. At least one of them denounced them. If Trump doesn't do it, he could be hoisted on his own warp speed petard.

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As freedoms were curtailed in the name of "safe and effective", every government agency showed their true colors. As someone - listening to "conspiracy theorists" at the end of January 2020, we knew it was a crime at large. We knew this was in the works for years!! And, one after another, government agencies at local, state, and federal levels violated their purpose and oaths. And The People complied. My point is nobody - including Trump, knew just how deep the Deep State was at the time.

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Tucker (like the vast majority of people at the time) suffered the greatest failure of courage in the face of a potential crisis... perhaps in the history of mankind. He can call it his greatest "public mistake", which it certainly was. But it was more than just a mistake. It was something we should not forget, and only forgive upon confession.

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Most public figures do not have the courage to admit they were wrong. Tucker has, at least twice that I remember. That makes him somewhat rare.

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Wait until he and the rest wake up to the fact that viruses have never been proven to exist. There is a longstanding $100,000 reward for anyone who can do so. That may shake his faith in the entire western medical system. Then, everything that is said to 'scientific".

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Used to dislike Tucker, because he played between the lines...LIKE JOE ROGAN.

Now he's shooting from the hip and hitting bulls-eyes...He's almost ready to join us on the Hard Right.

Once he says who is running the show and all these "isms" there won't be any turning back once he goes down that rabbit hole.

When you learn to accept that we are in some sort of quasi religious ethnic genocide, THEN YOU CAN PREPARE.

Leave that whole "We're all human" bullshit aside.

There are groups of Elites trying to wipe out the smartest, most productive race ever and replace it with garbage.

Look to South Africa if you see what they are trying to turn us into.

No food, meds, energy, fuel, law and order, religion, proper education, traditions or manners.

While that exact group telling you to Open your borders, Accept everything, Turn in your guns, Lower your standards, Allow your children to be sexualized and feminized still USES DNA TESTING TO MAKE SURE THEY'LL ACCEPT YOU IN THEIR COUNTRY AND KEEP THEIR TRADITIONS.


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and you think the hard right is the solution?

OMG, after 2020 you guys still believe in right and left? You do not realise all this is a 24/7/265 Hollywood movie?

Another onion dweller

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Be nice. Most people still think so...they don't realize the war started years ago, and it is individual liberty vs. Tyranny.

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Depends what you consider the Hard Right buddy.

Do you think I mean MAGA guys wearing red hats and waving flags and donating to the RNC?

If I told you what I did legally over (20) years in my old C.O. career, you'd be a bit surprised...But this is the internet, I don't expect you to believe anything said...Liars have ruined everything.

But I'm Right to Genghis Khan and I cannot wait for the Central governments to collapse...Be it by grid, energy, food or currency collapse.

In my career, I've legally sent (6) pieces of garbage to their makers while attacking staff and others...Another (6) will NOT affect my sleep at all.

What have YOU done to make this a better world?

My stats are just a drop in the ocean, but there's a surprising many of us.

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I guarantee you the people in Trump’s initial base had never donated 1 cent to the RNC!! Ted Cruz and Nikki Haley voters donate to the RNC!

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Yes, but so many did for so many years solidifying McConnell, Graham, Romney, mccain etc.

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Trump’s initial base were moderates in swing counties…you think the people that voted for Trump in the 2016 primary want to shut down abortion clinics??? Trump became a Freedom Caucus Republican…and then lost in 2018 and 2020 and 2022.

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023

I could get into that I think that some or all of those elections were suspect, but let's assume they were perfectly counted elections by God himself and there were no shenanigans in Arizona or Pennsylvanian.

Under Trump my incoming money was worth about 35% more than now.

I believe that when you look at actual Core Inflation without the skewing by the Biden Administration, the average family has lost $7,400 per year...Even if you think that the numbers are exaggerated by the Heritage Foundation you will admit borrowing, food, fuel and basics have gone up much more than 8%.


The people will vote with their wallet...They thought abortion, gey rights or green new deal or whatever was their main concern.

Nah...Real voters who own things, have careers and families will vote for whomever does a better Economical Job.

But doesn't matter, Dominion Machines are still being used in the swing states so we'll "lose" at the ballot.

Won't even matter to be honest...The collapse is coming probably by 2026.

Food, fuel, energy, vax, currency collapse.

Pick one...You won't be wrong.

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Lol, I’ve made out like a bandit under Biden. My real estate portfolio tripled in value and in just the last month my stock portfolio is way up. Energy prices are back to normal but the spike had to do with Putin and freak weather in Texas and Louisiana. Powell gets the credit for my real estate portfolio but he also gets blame for your predicament…and Trump appointed Powell. I’m a very rare NeverBush Republican so I’m not anti- Trump but Powell waited a few months too long to raise rates…but I made a lot of money because of it.

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Couple of points here.

I made out extremely well overall as it pushed me to move to Yucatan at 50, but the US hasn't...I'm worried about the future not money...I lost money there, but made money here in Mexico.

If there is a currency collapse due to biden, money will be pretty much useless...For context I lived in Mexico when the Peso Collapsed 1985-86...Americans will not know how to go from much to very little.

You're assuming price hikes or availability of products or crime not affecting you or your family...I don't deal in portfolios and I'm 100% sure you made much on stocks, but I'm a bird in the hand kind of guy.

The energy drop wasn't due to Putin, the spike started the very day biden was elected and went back on all his promises not to touch the energy sector.


Nationwide, I want to say under Trump the dollar was stronger and gas was at $2.02 a gallon versus about $4.50 under Biden overall since January of 2021.


Russian fuel only represented about 7%...Which we still buy from intermediates in India and China, who sell us Russian Oil under their countries tankers...So that's symbolic more than reality.


As far as the Texas Fiasco? How quickly you forget that the reason was two fold: Their state government under pressure of the Left made certain percentage quotas that HAD TO come from Green Sources: Wind, Water, Solar etc.

So when the Green sources had no sun, froze from turning or couldn't produce enough hydro energy that's what you get.

That and secondly people could pay a little more and have a standing kilowatt price or pay less and have it fluctuate...Being it was Texas and there was a lot of Natural Gas, Solar, Petro etc they never thought to get the sure thing.

Imagine I say:

"You can always have this at a fix price of $1 or you can have this at $0.70, but if rates goes up you have no control."

Most risked it and lost...But personal responsibility seems to be a thing of the past.

They didn't prep for the "What ifs"

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The dollar was weakest in 2008 because Bush decided to attempt to destroy America while making China great again. The dollar is as strong as it was back in the 1990s thanks to fracking. We are producing record amounts of energy right now and all of Biden’s rhetoric is just virtue signaling to placate nutty progressives.

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We are NOT producing record amounts of energy.

We have halved our National reserves which is expected to take DECADES to refill annnnnnnnnnnnnd quite a few of our energy is going OUT OF THE COUNTRY TO EUROPE.


We could literally have 80 cent per gallon gas...Which would boost all industries.

But they are going to starve us and break us first so we beg to be saved by them.

If you are looking at your 401K or land holdings as a success, then I hope you are honest enough to understand that idiot is about to sink the entire ship.

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Fauci, Biden, Big Pharma, as well as the CDC and the Main Stream Legacy news media are all culpable of lying to the American people on just about EVERYTHING related to this "Plandemic" and the fake Vaccine which is actually not a vaccine at all but a Gene Editing Systems Tool.

It is time to take out all the heads of all pharmaceutical companies producing those fake vaccines. And we do mean to help introduce them to God personally. Those bastards have declared war upon humanity and if we don't start fighting back we'll deserve exactly what we get.

THIS IS WAR MY COMPATRIOTS SO GET YOUR HEADS OUT AND WAKE THE HECK UP !!! Yes, war means death of your enemy. Who are our enemies is well established over the last two and a half years, and their numbers are legion.

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So, how will you take the heads?

Come on, let's hear it

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Jul 25, 2023·edited Jul 25, 2023

None will.

Most are afraid to act.

Only when the collapse comes will people be able to do what needs to be done.

Most Emergency Services will collapse in 2-3 days as staff will simply stay home to protect their own...Gangs will hook up to start looting...Think of NOLA after Katrina or Baltimore after the Gray Incident, or Flint after Brown.

So things will have to be done before Martial Law is enforced...Which they might actually not enforce for months to whittle the population down.

Either way, the E Ticket Ride will be worth it.

You should peek at The Deagle Report...Something major is coming.

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Not certain what was the rationale behind the Deagle report but as you are saying...

Everyone is a sissy soy boy with large words until hunger becomes intolerable.

Then, action may be taken.

And I say may because even under those circumstances people may rather die of hunger rather than face certain death doing something illegal.

Look at the people who jumped off buildings due to dept piling up instead of loading themselves with some explosives and hugging their local politician puppet. They preferred easy death even in their last moments rather than doing something heroic.

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We all have been conditioned to bow down...Even I won't move till it's time.

This isn't the movies.

I have people who depend on me...But that being said.

When you start hearing your child's stomach grumble from hunger, things will change and many many many bad things will happen in the inner cities.

Those people don't know how to survive, have never prepped or have any type of plan.

I was in Mexico in the 80's when the Peso Collapsed, Used to be about 8 pesos for a dollar...TODAY AT PRESENT it's about 17 per...But people don't realize they took off THREE digits...It's actually 17,000 pesos.

All perception...The US doesn't have that type of discipline, manners or willpower to toughen up.

Most of the Blue states will collapse...Too many useless eaters who depend on everyone else for their food, shelter, medicines etc.

They will be the first to panic and loot...Also the first to become depraved...Imagine all the drug users with no drugs, caffeine, psych meds, cigarettes or alcohol?

So stock up on ammo =)

Makes me wish I was Amish, a Mennonite or a Mormon...Those guys will inherit the Earth...Armed, skilled and healthy.

Although don't know if they have the will to take lives if attacked.

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I agree. "Everyone's an outlaw, till it's time to do outlaw sh*t!" -- Bryan Martin. Truer words were never spoken.

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He didn't think the Criminal Drug Conspirators would lie?


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Sure, but since there is no Covid this is another onion layer so you never escape the onion.

It's like saying his rapid transformation from Santa Klaus alarmist to Santa Klaus rebel.

But there is no Santaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....!

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I like best the line at the end, "that was enough." &Please support my Newsletter (jacobs) Thank you 2 "dossier" for keeping this "Comments" section open so those people who sincerely want to comment on what they have read may do so.

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I'd like to see him explain this, why he had a chance to stop the party of perversion and radical identity politics, and he did nothing. He won't hurt this family, but he'll hurt the whole country. Good to know! Stood down pre-eleciton even knowing the laptop had proof of crimes that made Joe un-electable. Maverick truth-teller on the side of the common person, or self-promoting infomercialist who won't cover anything that rocks the boat, but makes bank for himself? You decide.

Tucker Carlson Suddenly Says It’s Time to Leave Hunter Biden Alone


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Keep your Israeli passport handy, Jordan, you will need it soon.

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Going into the future there will be less and less people who will admit they helped perpetrate the Great COVID Hysteria (GCH), but the tectonic plates of civilization shifted when the world got scared into house arrest. It will take years for the complete ramifications of GCH to become fully realized and for truth to reestablish itself as a cultural norm. Tucker is lightyears ahead of society as a whole, for him to look back on his own behavior critically

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