I'd be less aggravated about tax money paying solar cell production companies if it wasn't pure profit for those corporations and they were forced to distribute the produced goods to Americans /at no cost to the citizens other than the federal reserve printed fiat money being used to subsidize the corporations anyway./
like addicts, Biden, his team and his handlers are so thoroughly sucked into the powergrab mode, they can't stop abusing their totally unchecked authority. with dire consequences.
I remember way back in history class in HS and the teacher telling us how the Founding Fathers gave the POTUS really limited powers as a check to overreaching by one individual. The office of president has certainly evolved and not in a good way.
Thanks for shining a light in this. Neither Trump nor Biden were especially interested in a small limited federal government. Biden is not at all interested in the Constitution or our nations founding values.
We need to focus on what is good and right in our families and locally and be ready to stand up for good when we can. We must be brave
That's why I couldn't bring myself to vote for Trump the first time... bigly interested in bigly government. The second time? Well bigly is better than the BIGGGGLY!!! we got.
Did anybody notice how brandon sneakily has increased the required ethanol content in gasoline from 10 to 15%? Add pipeline shutdowns, moratorium in exploration, import bans, and inflation will only get worse. Remember what followed the Weimar Republic.
If I understand correctly, the law or rule in question does not actually stipulate that the US has issued a formal declaration of war, or is under attack by a recognised foreign national entity?
If so, there's no violation. Yes, the original intent is clear in a RAI-sense, but it is RAW that matters, always, in legal documents. Also:
"...and for other purposes.” This really amounts to "Do whatever the flamin' F you want, mate". A really, really stupid rule/law. Open-ended, with no stop-condition and no oversight or consequence or anything really.
So congratulations I guess, the guys who wrote that law basically made the US an absolute monarchy, albeit with a monarch (s)elected from the modern-day business nobility and political clergy.
Maybe, instead of waiting for the order from the FedGov, private industry could send representatives to the White House to ask what they should produce and negotiate a price?
With the abusive use of the DPA and Biden's extensive executive order usage, Congress might as well go home. We have pretty much gotten rid of the legislative branch and soon to be the judiciary branch.
Anyone even recall when Congress has met to discuss anything? I guess maybe 3 years of insurrection special meetings might qualify it's about the only thing I can think of, and that was just in the House. Soon all that will be left will be the Dictatorship branch of government. Once they get there gun confiscation done, it will be complete. I guess we got what we "supposedly" voted for!!!!
I'd be less aggravated about tax money paying solar cell production companies if it wasn't pure profit for those corporations and they were forced to distribute the produced goods to Americans /at no cost to the citizens other than the federal reserve printed fiat money being used to subsidize the corporations anyway./
Anything to get the Green New Deal implemented without Congress having to vote on it.
like addicts, Biden, his team and his handlers are so thoroughly sucked into the powergrab mode, they can't stop abusing their totally unchecked authority. with dire consequences.
Producing solar panels without the minerals needed to produce those solar panels, is going to be a magic trick.
Anyone remember the now collapsed, solendra? Where’s our refund?
I remember way back in history class in HS and the teacher telling us how the Founding Fathers gave the POTUS really limited powers as a check to overreaching by one individual. The office of president has certainly evolved and not in a good way.
Thanks for shining a light in this. Neither Trump nor Biden were especially interested in a small limited federal government. Biden is not at all interested in the Constitution or our nations founding values.
We need to focus on what is good and right in our families and locally and be ready to stand up for good when we can. We must be brave
That's why I couldn't bring myself to vote for Trump the first time... bigly interested in bigly government. The second time? Well bigly is better than the BIGGGGLY!!! we got.
Did anybody notice how brandon sneakily has increased the required ethanol content in gasoline from 10 to 15%? Add pipeline shutdowns, moratorium in exploration, import bans, and inflation will only get worse. Remember what followed the Weimar Republic.
If I understand correctly, the law or rule in question does not actually stipulate that the US has issued a formal declaration of war, or is under attack by a recognised foreign national entity?
If so, there's no violation. Yes, the original intent is clear in a RAI-sense, but it is RAW that matters, always, in legal documents. Also:
"...and for other purposes.” This really amounts to "Do whatever the flamin' F you want, mate". A really, really stupid rule/law. Open-ended, with no stop-condition and no oversight or consequence or anything really.
So congratulations I guess, the guys who wrote that law basically made the US an absolute monarchy, albeit with a monarch (s)elected from the modern-day business nobility and political clergy.
Maybe, instead of waiting for the order from the FedGov, private industry could send representatives to the White House to ask what they should produce and negotiate a price?
Good article Jordan. Will be linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/
With the abusive use of the DPA and Biden's extensive executive order usage, Congress might as well go home. We have pretty much gotten rid of the legislative branch and soon to be the judiciary branch.
Anyone even recall when Congress has met to discuss anything? I guess maybe 3 years of insurrection special meetings might qualify it's about the only thing I can think of, and that was just in the House. Soon all that will be left will be the Dictatorship branch of government. Once they get there gun confiscation done, it will be complete. I guess we got what we "supposedly" voted for!!!!
Fitted N 95s probably do provide some protection. All other masks are worthless.
Solyndra on steroids. This smells too much like Obama to me. We have seen this before, just not to this extreme.
Is this a current picture of Biden? Is he really wearing an ineffective cloth mask in the Oval Office?
It’s a sad reality. If you overreact to a situation, you’re not going to get the results you wanted.