Coming at it from a bit of a different perspective, given the way the unvaxxed right hyped up the dangers of the COVID vaccines, I was hoping that the vaxxed mortality rates would go up 10,000% and that the unvaxxed would inherit the earth. Instead it appears that the vaxxed mortality rates are up only 300%~. Perhaps I am cynical and jaded and hard-hearted, but I was looking forward to my unvaxxed, propaganda-resistant utopia...

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“The Science”:

Reminder. Dr Phil Febo: Moderna and Pfizer Never Had the ‘Isolated’ Virus in Their Lab, They Used the Sequence Sent From China. Chinese CDC Admits They Never Isolated the Virus. Kary Mullis about PCR test


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I just read a comment on this from someone who said that they have had all their shots and boosters and have had Covid 6 times, but they can’t wait to get this booster jab. Seriously wouldn’t you think that if you had taken that many jabs, but still repeatedly got sick you would think that maybe the jabs are just worthless and quit getting them? How do you even reach people with this mindset?

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It should say free coffin.

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If it takes 7 injections that shit don't work.

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The scary part isn't that the FDA axed the old mRNA inoculations in favor of the new.

The scary part is that the FDA effectively nullified their standard drug approval process by so doing.

Secretary Becerra's sub-rosa sleight of hand over emergency declarations and EUAs means the HHS secretary can fast-track any Big Pharma therapeutic at any time, without any of the nominal rigor that is supposed to be applied to the approval process.


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That’s the Deep States’ plan.. kill 6 billion people by 2050 with bio weapons, destroy fertility, poison the global blood and food supply with mRNA so we either die suddenly or slowly from cancer while they profit from us taking their drugs. Stay frosty and peacefully RISE UP AND FIGHT BACK!

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Come on smarties 🤓 who didn’t take a shot, you know, the science has changed. 🔬

Join the club, just ignore the fact that the bivalent includes two extinct antigens 🦠🦠 and antibody titers mean squat. Zippo. 🅾️

We really need to help pharma out. 🆘 They have A LOT of hot lot back stock that needs to move.

Now 50% off! 🆒 ‼️

Kids ride three times for free, and comes with a happy meal with your very own wuhan spike variant plushie 🪅 Collect them all! 🎢 Think of the VAERS reports as a rollercoaster ride. Whee!

You know you want it. Don’t be left out. Just do it.

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I’m sure my in-laws will be first in line for their 7th shot, despite having Covid in September. They’re generous people but man do they believe everything they hear on NPR.

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This goes beyond simple stupidity. DC is suffering from some sort of collective mental disturbance. Absolutely appalling.

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I bet they’ll stop just short of the free pizza!

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These are suicide shots in a game of ‘Fauci roulette’. It’s a matter of time before it’s a bad batch in the chamber. Watch what the burial and coffin industries are doing.

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COVID-1984 GMO Jab

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OMG the corruption is so shocking given they know this is the worst drug they ever released

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Only the stupid sleeping sheep will line up for the poison shit shot the rest of us are wide awake

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New and improved whackzine, exactly the same as the old whackzine

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