Hey Israel sacrificed their civilians and Let It Happen On Purpose (LIHOP) so why not have the Palestinian "leaders" sacrifice some of theirs? The leadership on both sides will get you killed if you listen to them and do what they say. Both are SCUM IMHO.

Given the parade of cars heading south I don't think too many Gazans are listening to the idiot.

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Your opinion is indeed humble. And like Wile E Coyote, untethered to gravity or reality.

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TRM, how is/was that LIHOP for Israel pulled off? I've read Israel had 8 hour advance warning from somewhere but...I'm yet to be decided on who is directly responsible, although I share your sentiment that listening to the wrong uns will get yu killed

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The people calling BS on the Israeli government's story are hardly pro-Palestinian. They are IDF & ex-IDF who served in and around Gaza. Some of them probably shot or shot at Palestinians. They cite FACTS like:

1) Sept 1st the government takes arms away from the civilian defence forces in the Gaza belt communities.

2) Sept 10 the army tells the Gaza belt communities to go ahead with their planned festivities as they were sure they were entering a "period of calm"

3) Egypt warns Israel "Something big is afoot in Gaza" 10 days before Oct 7

4) Egypt warns Israel AGAIN that "Something big is about to happen in Gaza" 3 days before Oct 7

5) Israel PULLS a lot of troops from the Gaza border

6) Israel takes 7 (yes SEVEN) hours to respond (you can drive from Bere Sheva to Gaza in 40 minutes)

I agree with the IDF/ex-IDF folks calling this a LIHOP (Let It Happen On Purpose). Just way too many "coincidences".

Your biggest enemy is your own government.

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Oct 28, 2023
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The closer he gets to a subject the better he understands it. The closer the subject is to him the less he understands it. That is quite normal and very difficult to deal with. It is hard to take spectator status on a lot of issues but it is required to understand it.

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Oct 28, 2023
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"But aren't we humans first" - Well yes ... but. Humans are tribal by nature. 100,000 years of survival by tribe has hardwired certain responses.

"I do not understand this fealty to Israel that many/most conservatives seem to have, whether they're Jewish or Christian (or neither?)." - Lee Camp was talking about how there are more Christian Zionists than there are Jews total. I'm really worried about their "prophecies" where Jesus returns to save us after 3 1/2 years of WW3. I'm thinking a lot want it to happen to speed the return. First they need to rebuild the Jewish Temple. That means the destruction of the Al Aqsa mosque. Will they try again? Failed twice so far.

On the off chance that George Carlin was correct that "maybe god just doesn't give a shit" I think starting WW3 to bring him back is a very bad idea. Blowing up the Al Aqsa mosque would do it.

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Others like Jeremy R. Hammond (jeremyrhammond.com) don't think it was a LIHOP operation as well. He's got an upcoming article on it. That will be interesting to read. His newsletter has the basics so I look forward to reading more.

There's a lot of different views and reasons on both sides. For me there are just too many coincidences. Not even on my list the Mosad not being aware when it was planned and did practiced in Gaza for over a year. That's just icing on the cake.

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I doubt we know for years but at this point I trust no one or government as they all seem to do what's in their own best interest financially and politically instead of for their country and people. It would be interesting to read articles that include information from IDF and Mossad as well as others who have deep background sources. It's difficult to believe there weren't signs just like with 9/11 and Pearl.

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Maybe Netanyahu shouldn't have funded and supported Hamas. You think?

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Maybe Obama and Biden shouldn’t have supported Hamas.....

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yes. Maybe O-bomb-uh should not have supported ISIS. Maybe Reagan and the elder Bush should not have supported bin Laden and the Taliban.

When are these clowns going to learn that the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend?

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You’re a lying Liar

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No he's not. Israel wanted to divide and conquer the Palestinians so they backed and aided Hamas as a counter to secular Fatah. No financing but logistics, intel etc. Hamas probably never knew. Israel is good at infiltrating pretty much any organization. An Israeli spy just got busted in Lebanon at the end of September. He started with Hamas in Gaza and was way up the food chain by time he got busted. Now hoping for a prisoner exchange LOL.

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Wrong again.

Keep trying

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That's all ya got? Well thanks for coming out and here's your participation medal. Would you like a cookie?

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"Hamas is basically an Islamic Jim Jones cult" - On steroids.

So what is your take on the Jewish & Christian groups that want to get rid of the Al Aqsa mosque and rebuild the Jewish Temple?

I view them as all cut from the same cloth. By the way if you want an interesting read, see if you can find "The Black Hole of Guyana".

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Oct 27, 2023
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Except MAGA. I wonder if Speaker Johnson supported Trump appointing Grenell as the highest serving openly gay official in American history??

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You don't seem to know what a cult is.

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Islam itself is nothing more than a bloodthirsty death cult.

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A lot of commenters making adjustments to tin foil hats today, but never fear because they have the real story, the inside scoop. A monkey held up a banana and the wind was blowing from the South during full moon. Let me interpret that for ya. Yeah. No. 🙄

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Indeed, many fail to understand that Hamas is a self serving authoritarian organization made up of religious fanatics who don't care one bit about anybody else's well being, including innocent Palestinians. And they just evidenced for the world to see that they are a pack of deranged barbarians. Hamas is of course exploiting Palestinian civilians as human shields, yet again, for their own political profit (aided and abetted by corporate media). Hamas and associated terrorist groups bring nothing but death and misery to everyone. Israel will being doing every innocent soul on the planet a service by ending them.

Worth noting, those in control of the savage killers hiding behind civilians in Gaza are safe and sound, far from the fighting, rolling in donated money.

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I've probably mentioned this before, but it bears repeating:

There are magnitudes more arabs than there are jews, both in MENA (the kitty litter-box of the world) and in the as-of-yet-civilised parts of the world.

In a democratic society, this means arabs are worth more than jews as they represent more votes, which means all parties in nations with more arabs than jews among their population must pay more heed to the arabs.

In a capitalist system, the larger the potential group of consumers is, the more capitalist corporations will adapt to and also adopt as their own the values and mores of the consumer group. Meaning western corporations no matter if they do business in MENA or not must obey arab (and islamic) wishes and wants much more than jewish ones.

Which means that the jews are SOL, thanks to capitalism and democracy (the present-day US-dominated versions of the terms).

Would you market your product to 1 000 jews while pissing off 1 000 000 arabs? No.

Would you try to garner 1 000 jewish votes before 1 000 000 arab ones? No.

Ironic, as jewish organisations in Europe and the US have been among the most vocal, almost rabid, supporters of mass-migration of arabs and other moslem ethnicities to Europe and the US.

Israel's jews and jews everywhere are in for the fight of their lives, literally, and cannot for much longer count on any support at all from the USA or EUrope. In fact, inside a generation we might see a new diaspora - only this time to Russia, China and India if they accept jewish refugees.

Tragic and despicable, but inevitable once migration from MENA to the civilised world was allowed.

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Comparing Hamas to the Jim Jones cult is....well, I could not have said it better! Seeing that leader dude living in luxury while his Gaza subjects (that very unwisely voted in Hamas and now they are stuck with Hamas...wake up, Palestinians!)...while the Gaza folks starve and die to disease...I mean, does this Haniyeh psychopath model his life around North Korea's Kim Jong Un, who also starves his own people?

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Hamas, Hezbollah......all bowel movements from the pits of hell.

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Jordan, you've really got some chutzpah to push this narrative.

Half of the population of Gaza is under age 15. That's a million children your favorite government is bombing. Five thousand dead already, and counting. Israel may call it "deterrence" but the rest of the world sees it as escalatory retribution, and it's not a good look. Most of us still subscribe to "two wrongs don't make a right". Do you propose to kill all those children? How do you think the survivors will feel about Israel, regardless of what some creep says against a green screen on TV?

Israel's deep state created Hamas as a way to unseat the PLO, a secular nationalist movement. Hamas is the de-facto government of Gaza, and have been since the 2006 election. Of course, they're a gang of armed thugs backed by foreign zealots and intelligence agencies. So, they immediately dismantled anything resembling Western democratic institutions, and there hasn't been another election since. So you blame the common people for tolerating Hamas? What did you expect them to do? That's some bad combination of clueless and callous.

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The good people of Gaza are captives from the outside by Israel and from the inside by Hamas. They are pawns in a geopolitical war between two giants. If asked, I am certain the vast majority just want to live in peace with their family with a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs,a business or job to keep them occupied and productive and some hope for the Future! That was not to be. The notion that this pack of psychopathic killers called Hamas suspends all operations during “elections” and becomes devotees of Democracy is sheer Baloney! The recent Piers Morgan interview with Mosan Hassan Yousef, former Hamas member and the of the son of one of Hamas founders, proves they would kill ANYONE who stands in their way and most certainly any naif who would try to thwart them in their goal of “destroying Israel”! In fact that interview is a Must See for anyone romanticizing Hamas and here it is:


What a sorry state of affairs for all concerned…

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"It’s not just Haniyeh who hides behind security details in 5 star luxury Doha resorts." You are correct and it's on both sides and goes both ways . Benjamin's son Yair Netanyahu has been hiding out in Miami rather than fighting for his country as many reservists have been complaining. ( https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12664565/yair-netanyahu-benjamin-son-idf-reservists-miami.html ) The elites on all sides make the peons fight, it's never themselves!!!

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Yes, better, focus on them and their negatives.

Since the lens is on them.

Frankly the less media and publicity for Israel, the better for Israel.

There's no way to make killing telegenic, and most of the world is moved by the latest images, which aren't of the Israelis, whom they are prone to conflate with Jews in any case [sorry, not the same].

Get Israel off the screen, and the coward, rich shirkers of the Palestinian leadership on it.

This is for your good and Israel's good.

As for America's good - all I care about - it's good for us to stop betraying allies and for that matter our own, the reversal can start somewhere, this is opportune.

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USS Liberty.

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Pretty sure nobody barricaded Jonestown, cut off their water, electricity, food and medicine, and bombed them into oblivion.

Just sayin'.

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Typical moslem coward scum. "Leaders" my a**.

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All Islamic groups are death cults because they are instructed in the Koran that to die for Allah fighting infidels (which can be non-Muslims or any Muslims they consider apostate) brings them to Paradise and 72 virgins for their use and pleasure. Mohammad issued a hadith that requires devout Muslims to kill Jews where ever they find them. This reality explains the eternal war against the Jewish state (and every reference to Christians in the Koran is pejorative, as well, so they can kill the Nazarenes, too, after cleaning up the Jewish problem).

The fighting will be brutal, but not as much so as in our destruction of ISIS in Syria and Iraq during the Trump administration. Find drone footage of Mosul and Irbil and some of the lesser cities after the war to get an idea of what is coming if the Israelis want to crush Hamas. We provided the artillery, intelligence, and airstrikes, the Kurds and Iraqis allies the infantry and tanks. Not much concern about hospitals, madrassas, churches, mosques, or schools. If ISIS was using them for warfare, we destroyed them. That's why there are virtually no ISIS jihadis left.

Danny Huckabee

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