Fauci, an ex-employee, gets taxpayer funded security. Bobby Kennedy (a presidential candidate) gets none.

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Yeah, well, THEY want him dead, just like the rest of us.

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What sort of idiot would pay anything let alone $10k for a picture of Fraudci? The man is so loathsome, so contemptible, so narcissistic.

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Hate to break it to you, but he's the poster boy for US government bureaucratic behavior. The mindset is truly 'holier than thou."

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If only there was a vaccine against "the left".

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There is!


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Typically common sense works quite well...but I get your point

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🙌 I've wished for something like that my entire life. 😤

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They are raising funds for the highest paid former bureaucrat in the USA. Oh but it's not the money, it's all about health care. Riiiiiight.

Got cancelled after protests were planned LOL. Canuck truckers strike again.

How useless are the unions? The teachers union in Alberta allowed Nuremberg Code violations on their members and then tried to convince everyone how concerned they are for the health of the members by trying to make students wear masks again. That got shot down in flames.

95% of the unions went along with this injection crap and most of the 5% that challenged it were forced to by members suing them to force them to do their job. If you have to be sued to make you do your job then you need to be fired.

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The unions are controlled by the Communist International (Comintern). They are doing exactly what they are told.

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Fauci Cancelled and Censorsed by LIUNA. Oh the hypocracy. Fauci marked by a big R on his forehead. REJECTED. Go Freedom Trucker's Convoy! Honk, honk.

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No he was not cancelled by LIUNA, it was LIUNA who were hosting the dinner.

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Left vs right is not the issue for me. Fauci lied under oath and participated in a coverup that cost people their lives and livelihood. He celebrated in his power and fame. American taxpayers should not be footing the bill for the celebrity he has created for himself.

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I pray every day that I will witness his demise while I am still alive.

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Fraudci had to jack up his 'fees" at last minute due to in higher retainer fees his law firm charged for future Neuremburg defense. Piper and Emhoff know how to pay the game.

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Das Fauscista needs a permanent retirement. With pension being deleted.

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I guess this murdering bum can't get by on $400K a year for his payoff.

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Fauci is incredibly wealthy. Why does he need a fund raiser?

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You'd have to pay me for a photo with Fauci! And the price would be high

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Mass murder.

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Don't you just love the accountability and transparency? Not...

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I'm glad that he's not spending time in Canada. We can do better as Canadians.

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Who in their right mind would pay $10K for a photo with that schyster?

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