I am not sure that they are receiving serious blow back from the US civilian population. Many people think that Biden is awesome, that gender is not real, and the earth is boilin' hot.
Many do not like Biden. But even they are naive. They have no idea what's really going on, even if they know the WEF exists and Klaus Schwab's name.
They think we are living in a constitutional republic with a meritocratic capitalist economy. All we have to do is get Trump (or Desantis) in the WH come 2024 and everything will be hunky dory. Everyone in America thinks as they do (SJW brats don't exist they think) and everybody wants Norman Rockwell type lives with baseball, parades on Main Street, Mom and apple pie and cute little flags fluttering everywhere. All we need to keep these things is to vote.
Right, I think that I agree with you. The political duopoly is a large part of the problem, and Trump (or some other Republican) won't make things super duper wonderful. I think that Trump mishandled a lot of things, including the pandemic, but not for the reasons that the media told us.
However, it is worth noting that when Trump came along with his "America First," "Drain the Swamp," and other such slogans, the global elite and the swamp certainly jumped to attack him, so there must have been some threat to them, whether real or perceived.
I find it confusing. But it may just be Trump was set up to be the lightning rod. Fool his voters while the MSM fooled the rest who still believed them.
Trump along with the "Swamp" he's supposed to be fighting are tearing this country apart. Because of DJT the Q Anon psy opp was made possible, lulling citizens into passivity. "Sit back and trust the plan. Bring popcorn." Not just Q Anon drunk on Trump's supply of uncut hopium.
The reporters themselves may have believed their own lies about him. I never liked that disgusting, perverted egotist myself--even when I voted for him. Twice.
No, I don't like Biden either. Disgusting that we are supposed to pin all our hopes on either one of these sleezeballs. If electing the "right man"--or the slightly lesser of two evils--is our only hope, we are already lost as a nation.
We are trying to fight a spiritual battle by physical means.
Our enemy controls both sides of the narrative. We are given hints by insiders such as George Orwell in 1984, Aldous Huxley in Brave New World and Bill Clinton’s mentor, Carroll Quigley in Tragedy and Hope.
A better picture to future events is given to us with the Bible. We are in that day spoken to us by Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:13: Deceiving and being deceived.
My take on Mr Trump. The elites hated him, he didn't quite fit into the club for whatever reason, maybe because instead of craving their approval his narcissism is slightly different and more pleased with the adoration of the crowd. He is not a plant. He actually believes in his platform with the unquestioning absolute faith that he reserves for every thought in his brain and word that comes out of his mouth. Anyway, I didn't vote for him either time simply because he is a man of low moral character, but surprisingly he did attempt to keep his promises, his success rate seems low but compared to anyone else in Washington, you know something beats nothing by a long shot.
Anyway, they couldn't move him where they wanted him with threats or bribes. Their scorn seems to only fuel him. So that alone puts him in the top 1% of US politicians. But he turned out to be easy to trick, easy to distract. But he has a unique ability to piss them off and drag them out in the open, maybe because they can't stand that they offered to let him in and he rejected them. My first and only real interest in Trump came when they stole 2020. I was curious why they hate and fear him. So that's my 2 cents.
“ I didn't vote for him either time simply because he is a man of low moral character, ”. Thanks to your self-righteous arrogance you voted to harm the country. I’m certain you “feel” good.
No. I didn't vote. And my state, Georgia was stolen anyway. My vote wouldn't have changed anything, it would however have made me more invested in a corrupt system just like taking jabs keeps you from seeing they are harmful, and it would have loaned my legitimacy that of a minister of the Gospel to an illegitimate system, which is a bigger deal than you realize.
Voting for 'the lesser of two evils', buying iin to the two party false dichotomy is how the Deep State retains the shreds of legitimacy that it has. When we stop participating, we become open to other options besides samcing to their tune. You can't vote out people who rig the ballot. Kinda obvious.
On two side notes, Mr Trump is a man of low moral character. He is an adulterer, uses questionable business practices, and believes absolutely that the one best thing for America in any and all situations is Donald Trump. That being said he attempted to keep his promises and made sensible decisions while refusing to sell us out. The second note is that my morals are no better, but I am not holding myself out as the Savior of the Republic, just a Sinner given a message of forgiveness and repentance. If that meets your definition of self-righteousness then guilty as charged.
My belief is that Trump is entirely controlled. His purpose is to provide the illusion of opposition without actually providing any opposition. As such he must make lots of noise about the elite and swamps whilst not actually doing anything substantive to combat them, and in fact it appears that in practice he happily furthered their agenda and took significant actions to enable the covid scam for example.
And the elite and the swamp must appear to be up in arms about Trump and scream and shout about how terrible he is, and how he must be stopped with all sorts of attendant drama, planted stories, and FBI raids. Anything is permissible as long as Trump remains free and gets to collect a few hundred million.
That way we remain safely controlled ourselves, happily following our pied piper wherever he leads - which is most surely not where we hope to go.
You are conveniently forgetting some the great things that happen under Trump:
- lifting thousands of crippling business regulations that suffocated businesses under Obama. HIs intention was to strengthen domestic business and to also get overseas US businesses to return. And he succeeded.
That's not controlled opposition, this is not serving the elites.
That's the work of a populist who believes in the sovereignty of this nation.
Jobama promptly returned all those regulations.
-unattaching US banks to British LIBOR- return gin US equity and sovereignty to US- based banks. HUGE. This is definitely not serving the elites.
- defended our southern border which now under Jobama no longer exits.
-getting 3 constitutional originalists on the Supreme Court who turned Roe v Wade on it's head and directed it back to the States where it always belonged.
- kept us out of any new wars. That is definitely not serving the elites; they need war. Jobama is prodding Putin so as to start WW3.
There is no white knight coming to save us but to say Trump was controlled opposition is preposterous
And I agree that Trump did the things that you claim he did. I also agree that they were all improvements. And none of them change my mind about my conclusion.
I urge you to consider the words of Albert Pike who said "When the people need a hero, we will provide one" (paraphrasing). A hero must achieve something of course, but these achievements were all cosmetic and easily reversed.
Taking them in turn
- lifting a few regulations is nice, but the majority remain in place, all the regulatory agencies remain in place, and no top corporation has gone out of business as a result. As you point out this change was reversed immediately he left office, so a very small price to pay
- unattaching US banks from LIBOR might potentially be interesting - but both banking systems are controlled by elites. This does nothing for the people - merely shifts power from one elite group to another and may well serve an elite purpose in terms of facilitating the mechanism for taking down the global financial system through an initial strong dollar phase as european currencies collapse.
- defended our southern border, but failed to build a wall. He made no permanent change to any legislation. Policies immediately reversed and without a wall immigrants simply flooded across the border.
- getting three neocons on the court. These people are in no way constitutional originalists. They might be better on some woke issues, but will vote with the deep state against the people on privacy, surveillance, and emergency powers issues. Yes they did vote down Roe v Wade - but I think that was a tactical retreat by the elites to provide some sort of cover for the most recent election fraud.
- yes he kept us out of new wars, but he did not pull us out of old ones. He increased military spending so the corrupt profiteering proceeded apace even if not quite so many died.
I think you are underestimating the extent to which our enemies control all sides of history. Perhaps I should not have used the word "entirely" because I don't think these people work that way. But they control people nevertheless - and I see nothing that Trump did that posed any threat to their agenda.
Did anyone go to jail? Did anyone even lose money? Did Trump make any attempt to eliminate regulatory agencies, threaten the fed's existence, eliminate or break up the intelligence agencies, appoint actual constitutional originalists to the supreme court, reverse any of the surveillance state powers, eliminate unconstitutional taxation and other blatantly unconstitutional laws and practices, or even just simply cut spending? Heck he didn't even release the JFK files.
For hundreds of years this group of people has exercised massive control over humanity. They have started wars and killed countless millions. They operate a massive network of secret organizations and have infiltrated religions, institutions, and governments at every level. They control much of Judaism as well as the Roman Catholic church and a great deal of the Protestant church. They financed and controlled the Bolsheviks and the Nazis. They fueled the French and American revolutions, started WW1 and WW2 and controlled both sides during those wars. They have controlled - in one way or another almost every president since at least WW2 and shot the handful who didn't play along. And you think Trump was independent, took them on and won?
If Trump had actually fought them, he would have wound up with a bullet in him just like JFK, RFK, and Reagan did. He put on a WWF performance and that's it. And as his reward he has collected a couple of hundred million in political donations from his supporters, deserted the poor saps who turned out for him on Jan 6th, and achieved nothing of real substance or duration.
In addition
- he enabled the covid scam
- he ramped up spending faster even than Obama (and spending is the best single measure of a president truly helping the people against the elites)
- he damaged the second amendment by supporting red flag laws
- he appointed swamp creatures to his cabinet
- he allowed Kushner free reign to implement progressive policies and engage in corruption to his heart's content.
And on top of that you've got his history to contend with too. He made his money by legally "cheating" his investors. He set up a public company to buy properties from himself at vastly inflated prices with large mortgages. The public company went bust of course, his investors lost everything and he kept all the money. Nice. And he is surrounded by masonic symbols and Kabbalistic numerology from his campaign badges, to his statues, to his buildings.
Am I 100% certain that he is controlled? No - I'm not 100% certain of anything. But the evidence leads me to believe that it's much, much more likely than not.
I have friends ( now acquaintance) , who had NO idea who the frick WEF was, or the Klaus Schwab, or event 201. These are supposedly well read, college grads, WTF!
I think I disagree. I suspect that a large number of Americans despise the system and are trying to disengage, withdraw from society, live off the grid. I suspect that is a major reason for the push for ever increasing personal debt, via zero interest rates electronic banking pushes etc, and also the push to bring in a new working class via the southern border. The traditional Americans, the ones who actually do things, make things, fix things, discover things very much want out and the 'elite' parasites are desperately trying to keep us engaged with society until they have a more compliant, although less of everything else, replacement
Even people who start to recognize that these things are preposterous have a hard time validating their justified skepticism, because while people who sub to newsletters like these are accustomed to the ease of accessing storehouses of truth, the average Googler will get nowhere and this stuff is either banned or tractionless on MSM platforms.
"They" have done a good job of making sure the growing number of skeptics look like nuts, as the desperate scramble to delegitimize Substack in the wake of the onset of the Twitter Files faucet (not their first try, merely their most boisterous and concerted yet) is a furthering of this too-successful effort.
It always comes at a huge cost to deny reality. Few are in the camp if true believers but many have joined the nihilistic cult of wokeism. We must stand strong and stay lots so they wear themselves out. Most of the crew at the WEF are old. We only need to slow them down. We are. Nature will take care of the rest.
You can deny reality but you cannot deny the consequences of reality.
The monetary system of living on a debt-based economy is collapsing in the west.
When the bank account is no more than Monopoly money and it costs $10 for a dozen eggs, when the pension funds and the welfare funds are drained, then the woke won't be able to afford their fantasy of a New World dystopia anymore and then they will be forced to stare into the face of reality.
You just perfectly described everyone in Canada who watches CBC...CTV...Global News...and who voted for the Liberals, Greens, NDP and PQ...and half the Conservatives.
At least 30-50% of the USA population are zombies (higher rates in Bluer urban areas, lower rates in red more rural-exurb areas) - they believe whatever they are told as they lack the ability to think or reason... For some laughs:
WEFsteria: Best World Economic Forum (WEF) Memes (Klaus Schwab is Doing DC!)
- Stuck in a WEF wet dream, who runs the USA and UK, they will keep their private jets, globalism + Great Reset summed up and more World Economic Forum (WEF) memes as Klaus Schwab does DC!
COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Davos and World Economic Forum (WEF) Memes (Plus Poso Gets Detained!)
- The private jets are idling, so many forums and speeches to choose from, Jack Posobiec gets detained and more Davos and World Economic Forum (WEF) memes!
COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Klaus Schwab & World Economic Forum (WEF) Memes
- The anal Schwab, just another day at a World Economic Forum (WEF), the Great Reset is coming and you will be happy, Klaus Schwab as a Bond villain and more WEF memes!
Those of whom you are likely referring to, ("Many people") are also on a diminishing time frame from here to eternity. Having enthusiastically welcomed and embraced "Jabism". (Possibly related to Jabberwacky). I think it used to be called Jabberwocky, but now definitions are always subject to change, by convenience.
I think the particles in those "vaccines" make people easier to track. Especially combined with 5G smart cities, cameras everywhere, "wearables" like smart face masks, and--of course--digital IDs to show everywhere.
"The World Economic Forum is a fanatical political organization masquerading as a neutral entity, with specific policy goals that involve centralizing power into the hands of hand-picked global elites as the only means to save the earth from a claimed climate emergency."
This is the best terse summary of the WEF that manages to capture all its objective evils (and evil objectives) without being close to a run-on sentence.
And of course Al Gore is there. He's the godfather, patron saint, Dalai Lama, whatever of the climate grifters. (I need to get used to being called a climate-change denier anytime I use the term "climate grifter" in left-of-traditional-center settings, as if scammers can't capitalize on both extant and supposed phenomena.)
A current rumor is that drinking human blood extends their lives and renews their youth. Another is that the people are dead, but demons are walking around in their well-preserved corpses. Or they made pacts with the devil for longevity, and he keeps them here to do his work.
I don't believe in these rumors of course. But it's easy to see why some do.
Aristocrats have long been associated with decadency, murder, witchcraft and perversion. That's why they're often villains in Gothic novels.
I've also become convinced of the unusually high incidence of child sexual offenses and related perversions in this class. I have always known or at least assumed that if someone made me a billionaire, I would not immediately begin to consider committing sex crimes against children (or anyone else). This may be true, but I fail in this idea to account for people who come from ultra-rich families whose members have not thought normally about other people for dozens of generations. Wealthy, but often inbred abnd badly fucked up, like SBF clan.
Did they become ultra rich doing bad things? Or become bad through being ultra rich? I'd say the latter is also the case sometimes.
In the case of the Rockefellers I think it was pursuing all that money that rotted the fortune maker's soul. The love of money is the root of all evil.
I'm fervently trying to manifest a flying saucer landing at the Davos airfield, from which Michael Rennie and Gort emerge to vaporize the private jets and save humanity.
If Klaus Schwab wants to "F" us over then he'd better get ready for Americans to come looking for him, because we have had enough of that sick Fuque trying to corral us like cattle to satisfy his sick NAZZI EGO. Does that moron actually believe we'll just bow down and Kiss his and the WEF participant's feet? They had better get their heads our of their rear ends and wake the heck up, because if civil war breaks out in America there are going to be a whole lot of dead WEF CEOs. Is that what you boys really want, because you will not be exempt from paying the price for your actions against us !!!
I'd love to see it myself. Though I'd put them on trial before having them executed. But, as things stand right now, they will be safe. Schwab is already preparing for an "angrier world" and has warned his allies to do the same.
Bunkers, armed bodyguards, lethal robots and drones, expensive surveillance systems, private jets and islands to escape to.
if we're to believe the US government, the kerosene jet fuel in the fuel tanks alone should be enough to drop whatever building they meet in on their heads🤣
Jordan, which UniParty US politicians are attending? I’ve been banging my head against a wall for 3 years attempting to contact our “ elected officials”( I use the term loosely).
The ONLY reciprocity received has been with Gov. DeSantis, who to date is the sole true leader fighting for “ We The People”
More curious is the abject silence regarding Event 201, which is a literal who’s who + WHO is are the architects of COVID, the Surveillance State and the Huxleyan Great Reset aka Build Back Better aka Brave New World transhumanist feudal system of the Kleptocorporate multinational monopolistic /global government WEF/UN/US/EU/China/NGO tyrannical mass murderous ruling elite “ Fourth Reich” technocracy.
Where’s Trump, the “ Stable Genius” who promised to drain the Swamp and expose the cabal? He filled it to overflow, never cleaned house, appointed bad with worse and essentially expedited the end of the Free World. Why is he railing about how he’s been wronged when he had the power to do the right thing?
His first major error was choosing Pence. Next, Sessions, then Wray, Rosenstein , Haspel,Cippilone,McMaster,Pompeo,Tillerson Barr, Bolton, Volker,Milley,Esper,Azar,Gottlieb,Grisham,Alyssa Farrah, Fiona Hill, Bill Gates, Bloomberg,Zuckerberg,Bourla, Bancel, Fauci, Birx, Redfield, Jerome Adam’s,Slavin Kadlec,Gottlieb, Nuland, Jerome Powell,Vindman,Price, Kellyanne Conway, Dick Cheney, Rick Gates, Henry Kerner… surrounded himself with the most corrupt- Lindsey Graham, Christie, the dummies- Meadows, Collins,Gingrich, McDaniels, Hannity, Federalist- the far right fundamentalist zealots- Tony Perkins, Pastor Jefress, Falwell, Franklin Graham, Greg Abbott, Father Pavone, Cruz, Kobach, Mike Lindell, has beens O’Reilly,Limbaugh… ignored the diverse, young, energetic, culturally connected grassroots crossover movements I.e. Jexit, WalkAway,Blexit,Dems For Trump, LGBT For Trump, Muslim Reform, Haitians For Trump, Dems For Trump, Latinos For Trump, The Persistance, Sonnie Johnson, Student Reform, Blacks For Trump, Diamond and Silk, Dov Hikind, Isaiah Washington Legacy Republicans, Log Cabin,Hindus For Trump, Pastors Scott and Burns +. Journalists Ian Miles Cheong, Andy Ngo, Lara Logan, Sharyl Attkison, Revolver, Dan Greenfield, Ami Horowitz,Kim Iversen… nary a peep of recognition or appreciation. Ditto Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Epoch Times, Judicial Watch, Giuliani, Dr Robert Epstein, Jonathan Turley , Russell Brand, Mark Steyn, Neil Oliver, Bret Weinstein, Trish Regan, Tammy Bruce, Posobiec,Tulsi Gabbard, David Schoen…
He threw Flynn, McFarland, Ezra Cohen , Toensig, DiGenova, Straka, Dr Simone Gold, Ashley Babbitt , Elon Musk Caerter Page, Papadopoulis under the bus.All the fabulous medical experts…
Yet silence on the WEF. I guess he didn’t want to upset his old pal Klaus Schwab and his Young Global Leader compadres, Ivanka, Newsom, Pritzker,Avril Haines, Fiona, Nuland, Angela, Boris, Macron, Ayers, Larry Summer, Nikki Haley, Rutte,Stefanik, Stoltenberg, Zelenskyy, Kadlec, Bourla, Gates, Zuck, Bancel, Dease, Dimon and on and on and on
Crapping on Musk and DeSantis was really special, too.
Why haven’t any Republicans or so called Fox/ Newsmax idiots called out the WHO Pandemic Treaty, Biden’s Transhumanist EO or the truth behind the Migrant Inasion? The bill Biden signed creating a “ reunited Americas continent ceding sovereignty to crate a single government entity of Noth, Centeal, South America and Canada?
WHO director general, Dutch PM, CCP news network, CNN, CSNBC, TikTok etc, etc. What no Fox News? No Italy PM? No World Health Council? No Great Barrington Declaration authors? No GB News? That is not a hidden bias agenda that IS the new elites world order centre of power.
Now juxtapose that with the Twitter files, the FBI collusion with the Biden/Obama/Clinton led Democrats and social media and MSM to drive destruction of the US constitution and the move by central banks to introduce eCurrency wallets (aka online digital ID), with controls in where and how you can spend YOUR money and the “health” passports apparently approved by the G20 (the UK have to get rid of Sunak ASAP) and the Dutch lead of stealing farms from individual farmers and Gates buying up all the farm land in the US, except for that which Biden is helping the CCP to buy and what does it all add up to.
Oh and let’s throw in a fake climate threat and a fake viral threat and see if we can impose lockdowns and dose everyone with an experimental drug while we are at it.
I am not sure that they are receiving serious blow back from the US civilian population. Many people think that Biden is awesome, that gender is not real, and the earth is boilin' hot.
Many do not like Biden. But even they are naive. They have no idea what's really going on, even if they know the WEF exists and Klaus Schwab's name.
They think we are living in a constitutional republic with a meritocratic capitalist economy. All we have to do is get Trump (or Desantis) in the WH come 2024 and everything will be hunky dory. Everyone in America thinks as they do (SJW brats don't exist they think) and everybody wants Norman Rockwell type lives with baseball, parades on Main Street, Mom and apple pie and cute little flags fluttering everywhere. All we need to keep these things is to vote.
America is sooo screwed up. It's going down.
Right, I think that I agree with you. The political duopoly is a large part of the problem, and Trump (or some other Republican) won't make things super duper wonderful. I think that Trump mishandled a lot of things, including the pandemic, but not for the reasons that the media told us.
However, it is worth noting that when Trump came along with his "America First," "Drain the Swamp," and other such slogans, the global elite and the swamp certainly jumped to attack him, so there must have been some threat to them, whether real or perceived.
I find it confusing. But it may just be Trump was set up to be the lightning rod. Fool his voters while the MSM fooled the rest who still believed them.
Trump along with the "Swamp" he's supposed to be fighting are tearing this country apart. Because of DJT the Q Anon psy opp was made possible, lulling citizens into passivity. "Sit back and trust the plan. Bring popcorn." Not just Q Anon drunk on Trump's supply of uncut hopium.
The reporters themselves may have believed their own lies about him. I never liked that disgusting, perverted egotist myself--even when I voted for him. Twice.
No, I don't like Biden either. Disgusting that we are supposed to pin all our hopes on either one of these sleezeballs. If electing the "right man"--or the slightly lesser of two evils--is our only hope, we are already lost as a nation.
we are already lost as a nation
As a world.
Sadly I think you’re right.
We are trying to fight a spiritual battle by physical means.
Our enemy controls both sides of the narrative. We are given hints by insiders such as George Orwell in 1984, Aldous Huxley in Brave New World and Bill Clinton’s mentor, Carroll Quigley in Tragedy and Hope.
A better picture to future events is given to us with the Bible. We are in that day spoken to us by Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:13: Deceiving and being deceived.
Good rule to live by, nothing is as it appears, except God's Word.
This is what gets lost on many people. Thank you for saying it.
Takes ++
MSM "Journalists" are a bunch of image-obsessed narcissists. After all the insults the Donald threw their way, I'm sure the hate is genuine.
My take on Mr Trump. The elites hated him, he didn't quite fit into the club for whatever reason, maybe because instead of craving their approval his narcissism is slightly different and more pleased with the adoration of the crowd. He is not a plant. He actually believes in his platform with the unquestioning absolute faith that he reserves for every thought in his brain and word that comes out of his mouth. Anyway, I didn't vote for him either time simply because he is a man of low moral character, but surprisingly he did attempt to keep his promises, his success rate seems low but compared to anyone else in Washington, you know something beats nothing by a long shot.
Anyway, they couldn't move him where they wanted him with threats or bribes. Their scorn seems to only fuel him. So that alone puts him in the top 1% of US politicians. But he turned out to be easy to trick, easy to distract. But he has a unique ability to piss them off and drag them out in the open, maybe because they can't stand that they offered to let him in and he rejected them. My first and only real interest in Trump came when they stole 2020. I was curious why they hate and fear him. So that's my 2 cents.
“ I didn't vote for him either time simply because he is a man of low moral character, ”. Thanks to your self-righteous arrogance you voted to harm the country. I’m certain you “feel” good.
No. I didn't vote. And my state, Georgia was stolen anyway. My vote wouldn't have changed anything, it would however have made me more invested in a corrupt system just like taking jabs keeps you from seeing they are harmful, and it would have loaned my legitimacy that of a minister of the Gospel to an illegitimate system, which is a bigger deal than you realize.
Voting for 'the lesser of two evils', buying iin to the two party false dichotomy is how the Deep State retains the shreds of legitimacy that it has. When we stop participating, we become open to other options besides samcing to their tune. You can't vote out people who rig the ballot. Kinda obvious.
On two side notes, Mr Trump is a man of low moral character. He is an adulterer, uses questionable business practices, and believes absolutely that the one best thing for America in any and all situations is Donald Trump. That being said he attempted to keep his promises and made sensible decisions while refusing to sell us out. The second note is that my morals are no better, but I am not holding myself out as the Savior of the Republic, just a Sinner given a message of forgiveness and repentance. If that meets your definition of self-righteousness then guilty as charged.
Something that has always puzzled me:
Trump knew about Q and the anons.
So why didn't he ever tell us that it was fake?
Good question.
This might help answer it for you. Watch it tiI the end.
I don't agree with your analysis here.
My belief is that Trump is entirely controlled. His purpose is to provide the illusion of opposition without actually providing any opposition. As such he must make lots of noise about the elite and swamps whilst not actually doing anything substantive to combat them, and in fact it appears that in practice he happily furthered their agenda and took significant actions to enable the covid scam for example.
And the elite and the swamp must appear to be up in arms about Trump and scream and shout about how terrible he is, and how he must be stopped with all sorts of attendant drama, planted stories, and FBI raids. Anything is permissible as long as Trump remains free and gets to collect a few hundred million.
That way we remain safely controlled ourselves, happily following our pied piper wherever he leads - which is most surely not where we hope to go.
"he's entirely controlled"- so rediculous.
You are conveniently forgetting some the great things that happen under Trump:
- lifting thousands of crippling business regulations that suffocated businesses under Obama. HIs intention was to strengthen domestic business and to also get overseas US businesses to return. And he succeeded.
That's not controlled opposition, this is not serving the elites.
That's the work of a populist who believes in the sovereignty of this nation.
Jobama promptly returned all those regulations.
-unattaching US banks to British LIBOR- return gin US equity and sovereignty to US- based banks. HUGE. This is definitely not serving the elites.
- defended our southern border which now under Jobama no longer exits.
-getting 3 constitutional originalists on the Supreme Court who turned Roe v Wade on it's head and directed it back to the States where it always belonged.
- kept us out of any new wars. That is definitely not serving the elites; they need war. Jobama is prodding Putin so as to start WW3.
There is no white knight coming to save us but to say Trump was controlled opposition is preposterous
You are of course entitled to your view.
And I agree that Trump did the things that you claim he did. I also agree that they were all improvements. And none of them change my mind about my conclusion.
I urge you to consider the words of Albert Pike who said "When the people need a hero, we will provide one" (paraphrasing). A hero must achieve something of course, but these achievements were all cosmetic and easily reversed.
Taking them in turn
- lifting a few regulations is nice, but the majority remain in place, all the regulatory agencies remain in place, and no top corporation has gone out of business as a result. As you point out this change was reversed immediately he left office, so a very small price to pay
- unattaching US banks from LIBOR might potentially be interesting - but both banking systems are controlled by elites. This does nothing for the people - merely shifts power from one elite group to another and may well serve an elite purpose in terms of facilitating the mechanism for taking down the global financial system through an initial strong dollar phase as european currencies collapse.
- defended our southern border, but failed to build a wall. He made no permanent change to any legislation. Policies immediately reversed and without a wall immigrants simply flooded across the border.
- getting three neocons on the court. These people are in no way constitutional originalists. They might be better on some woke issues, but will vote with the deep state against the people on privacy, surveillance, and emergency powers issues. Yes they did vote down Roe v Wade - but I think that was a tactical retreat by the elites to provide some sort of cover for the most recent election fraud.
- yes he kept us out of new wars, but he did not pull us out of old ones. He increased military spending so the corrupt profiteering proceeded apace even if not quite so many died.
I think you are underestimating the extent to which our enemies control all sides of history. Perhaps I should not have used the word "entirely" because I don't think these people work that way. But they control people nevertheless - and I see nothing that Trump did that posed any threat to their agenda.
Did anyone go to jail? Did anyone even lose money? Did Trump make any attempt to eliminate regulatory agencies, threaten the fed's existence, eliminate or break up the intelligence agencies, appoint actual constitutional originalists to the supreme court, reverse any of the surveillance state powers, eliminate unconstitutional taxation and other blatantly unconstitutional laws and practices, or even just simply cut spending? Heck he didn't even release the JFK files.
For hundreds of years this group of people has exercised massive control over humanity. They have started wars and killed countless millions. They operate a massive network of secret organizations and have infiltrated religions, institutions, and governments at every level. They control much of Judaism as well as the Roman Catholic church and a great deal of the Protestant church. They financed and controlled the Bolsheviks and the Nazis. They fueled the French and American revolutions, started WW1 and WW2 and controlled both sides during those wars. They have controlled - in one way or another almost every president since at least WW2 and shot the handful who didn't play along. And you think Trump was independent, took them on and won?
If Trump had actually fought them, he would have wound up with a bullet in him just like JFK, RFK, and Reagan did. He put on a WWF performance and that's it. And as his reward he has collected a couple of hundred million in political donations from his supporters, deserted the poor saps who turned out for him on Jan 6th, and achieved nothing of real substance or duration.
In addition
- he enabled the covid scam
- he ramped up spending faster even than Obama (and spending is the best single measure of a president truly helping the people against the elites)
- he damaged the second amendment by supporting red flag laws
- he appointed swamp creatures to his cabinet
- he allowed Kushner free reign to implement progressive policies and engage in corruption to his heart's content.
And on top of that you've got his history to contend with too. He made his money by legally "cheating" his investors. He set up a public company to buy properties from himself at vastly inflated prices with large mortgages. The public company went bust of course, his investors lost everything and he kept all the money. Nice. And he is surrounded by masonic symbols and Kabbalistic numerology from his campaign badges, to his statues, to his buildings.
Am I 100% certain that he is controlled? No - I'm not 100% certain of anything. But the evidence leads me to believe that it's much, much more likely than not.
no one will ever meet your purity tests.
You are why the right always loses.
YOU are the controlled opposition.
I've come to share this view.
I have friends ( now acquaintance) , who had NO idea who the frick WEF was, or the Klaus Schwab, or event 201. These are supposedly well read, college grads, WTF!
Head in the sand syndrome. Probably double injected and boosted.
I think I disagree. I suspect that a large number of Americans despise the system and are trying to disengage, withdraw from society, live off the grid. I suspect that is a major reason for the push for ever increasing personal debt, via zero interest rates electronic banking pushes etc, and also the push to bring in a new working class via the southern border. The traditional Americans, the ones who actually do things, make things, fix things, discover things very much want out and the 'elite' parasites are desperately trying to keep us engaged with society until they have a more compliant, although less of everything else, replacement
I think you underestimate a significant portion of the population.
Even people who start to recognize that these things are preposterous have a hard time validating their justified skepticism, because while people who sub to newsletters like these are accustomed to the ease of accessing storehouses of truth, the average Googler will get nowhere and this stuff is either banned or tractionless on MSM platforms.
"They" have done a good job of making sure the growing number of skeptics look like nuts, as the desperate scramble to delegitimize Substack in the wake of the onset of the Twitter Files faucet (not their first try, merely their most boisterous and concerted yet) is a furthering of this too-successful effort.
It always comes at a huge cost to deny reality. Few are in the camp if true believers but many have joined the nihilistic cult of wokeism. We must stand strong and stay lots so they wear themselves out. Most of the crew at the WEF are old. We only need to slow them down. We are. Nature will take care of the rest.
You can deny reality but you cannot deny the consequences of reality.
The monetary system of living on a debt-based economy is collapsing in the west.
When the bank account is no more than Monopoly money and it costs $10 for a dozen eggs, when the pension funds and the welfare funds are drained, then the woke won't be able to afford their fantasy of a New World dystopia anymore and then they will be forced to stare into the face of reality.
2023 and on is going to be very rocky.
Tend your gardens.
You just perfectly described everyone in Canada who watches CBC...CTV...Global News...and who voted for the Liberals, Greens, NDP and PQ...and half the Conservatives.
In other words...90% of Canada.
At least 30-50% of the USA population are zombies (higher rates in Bluer urban areas, lower rates in red more rural-exurb areas) - they believe whatever they are told as they lack the ability to think or reason... For some laughs:
WEFsteria: Best World Economic Forum (WEF) Memes (Klaus Schwab is Doing DC!)
- Stuck in a WEF wet dream, who runs the USA and UK, they will keep their private jets, globalism + Great Reset summed up and more World Economic Forum (WEF) memes as Klaus Schwab does DC!
COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Davos and World Economic Forum (WEF) Memes (Plus Poso Gets Detained!)
- The private jets are idling, so many forums and speeches to choose from, Jack Posobiec gets detained and more Davos and World Economic Forum (WEF) memes!
COVID Satire/Memes/Jokes: Best Klaus Schwab & World Economic Forum (WEF) Memes
- The anal Schwab, just another day at a World Economic Forum (WEF), the Great Reset is coming and you will be happy, Klaus Schwab as a Bond villain and more WEF memes!
'Tis the season for memes and bleak humor as a solution for things drugs and screaming at the moon can't reach. Thanks!
Those of whom you are likely referring to, ("Many people") are also on a diminishing time frame from here to eternity. Having enthusiastically welcomed and embraced "Jabism". (Possibly related to Jabberwacky). I think it used to be called Jabberwocky, but now definitions are always subject to change, by convenience.
Not true, we hate them and biden, we’re armed and they’re not getting either our arms or freedom, and the military will not fight the people
The Mastercard center for inclusive growth sounds like the name of a burning man drag queen orgy
“Why We Need Battery Passports”
lmao just lmao
These globalists are so gung ho for "passports".
Belies Their Nazi mindset: "Papers. Show me your papers." They would have Us not to stand up, turn around or sit down without permission.
I think the particles in those "vaccines" make people easier to track. Especially combined with 5G smart cities, cameras everywhere, "wearables" like smart face masks, and--of course--digital IDs to show everywhere.
"The World Economic Forum is a fanatical political organization masquerading as a neutral entity, with specific policy goals that involve centralizing power into the hands of hand-picked global elites as the only means to save the earth from a claimed climate emergency."
This is the best terse summary of the WEF that manages to capture all its objective evils (and evil objectives) without being close to a run-on sentence.
And of course Al Gore is there. He's the godfather, patron saint, Dalai Lama, whatever of the climate grifters. (I need to get used to being called a climate-change denier anytime I use the term "climate grifter" in left-of-traditional-center settings, as if scammers can't capitalize on both extant and supposed phenomena.)
I can’t believe that he’s still around.
I say that about at least thirty of these ghouls every week.
A current rumor is that drinking human blood extends their lives and renews their youth. Another is that the people are dead, but demons are walking around in their well-preserved corpses. Or they made pacts with the devil for longevity, and he keeps them here to do his work.
I don't believe in these rumors of course. But it's easy to see why some do.
Aristocrats have long been associated with decadency, murder, witchcraft and perversion. That's why they're often villains in Gothic novels.
I've also become convinced of the unusually high incidence of child sexual offenses and related perversions in this class. I have always known or at least assumed that if someone made me a billionaire, I would not immediately begin to consider committing sex crimes against children (or anyone else). This may be true, but I fail in this idea to account for people who come from ultra-rich families whose members have not thought normally about other people for dozens of generations. Wealthy, but often inbred abnd badly fucked up, like SBF clan.
Did they become ultra rich doing bad things? Or become bad through being ultra rich? I'd say the latter is also the case sometimes.
In the case of the Rockefellers I think it was pursuing all that money that rotted the fortune maker's soul. The love of money is the root of all evil.
Bill Gates seems to have taken lessons from him.
Anyone know the internet funding site to pay for the mercenaries to eliminate Davos attendees?
Asking for a friend.
I'm fervently trying to manifest a flying saucer landing at the Davos airfield, from which Michael Rennie and Gort emerge to vaporize the private jets and save humanity.
If Klaus Schwab wants to "F" us over then he'd better get ready for Americans to come looking for him, because we have had enough of that sick Fuque trying to corral us like cattle to satisfy his sick NAZZI EGO. Does that moron actually believe we'll just bow down and Kiss his and the WEF participant's feet? They had better get their heads our of their rear ends and wake the heck up, because if civil war breaks out in America there are going to be a whole lot of dead WEF CEOs. Is that what you boys really want, because you will not be exempt from paying the price for your actions against us !!!
I'd love to see it myself. Though I'd put them on trial before having them executed. But, as things stand right now, they will be safe. Schwab is already preparing for an "angrier world" and has warned his allies to do the same.
Bunkers, armed bodyguards, lethal robots and drones, expensive surveillance systems, private jets and islands to escape to.
Thank you and shared.
Russia has my permission to nuke the WEF at Davos!
What a list of insane issues and would be demagogues. Their father the devil is the father of lies....and the truth wins in the end.
I think we need some drones.
A couple good sized bombs on a rented jet would take out most of our problems if used during this convention.
if we're to believe the US government, the kerosene jet fuel in the fuel tanks alone should be enough to drop whatever building they meet in on their heads🤣
Has there ever been a group of more evil people gathered together at one time?
2016 X-Files Predicted Government Vaccine That Erases Human Immune System
December 18th 2022
Jordan, which UniParty US politicians are attending? I’ve been banging my head against a wall for 3 years attempting to contact our “ elected officials”( I use the term loosely).
The ONLY reciprocity received has been with Gov. DeSantis, who to date is the sole true leader fighting for “ We The People”
More curious is the abject silence regarding Event 201, which is a literal who’s who + WHO is are the architects of COVID, the Surveillance State and the Huxleyan Great Reset aka Build Back Better aka Brave New World transhumanist feudal system of the Kleptocorporate multinational monopolistic /global government WEF/UN/US/EU/China/NGO tyrannical mass murderous ruling elite “ Fourth Reich” technocracy.
Where’s Trump, the “ Stable Genius” who promised to drain the Swamp and expose the cabal? He filled it to overflow, never cleaned house, appointed bad with worse and essentially expedited the end of the Free World. Why is he railing about how he’s been wronged when he had the power to do the right thing?
His first major error was choosing Pence. Next, Sessions, then Wray, Rosenstein , Haspel,Cippilone,McMaster,Pompeo,Tillerson Barr, Bolton, Volker,Milley,Esper,Azar,Gottlieb,Grisham,Alyssa Farrah, Fiona Hill, Bill Gates, Bloomberg,Zuckerberg,Bourla, Bancel, Fauci, Birx, Redfield, Jerome Adam’s,Slavin Kadlec,Gottlieb, Nuland, Jerome Powell,Vindman,Price, Kellyanne Conway, Dick Cheney, Rick Gates, Henry Kerner… surrounded himself with the most corrupt- Lindsey Graham, Christie, the dummies- Meadows, Collins,Gingrich, McDaniels, Hannity, Federalist- the far right fundamentalist zealots- Tony Perkins, Pastor Jefress, Falwell, Franklin Graham, Greg Abbott, Father Pavone, Cruz, Kobach, Mike Lindell, has beens O’Reilly,Limbaugh… ignored the diverse, young, energetic, culturally connected grassroots crossover movements I.e. Jexit, WalkAway,Blexit,Dems For Trump, LGBT For Trump, Muslim Reform, Haitians For Trump, Dems For Trump, Latinos For Trump, The Persistance, Sonnie Johnson, Student Reform, Blacks For Trump, Diamond and Silk, Dov Hikind, Isaiah Washington Legacy Republicans, Log Cabin,Hindus For Trump, Pastors Scott and Burns +. Journalists Ian Miles Cheong, Andy Ngo, Lara Logan, Sharyl Attkison, Revolver, Dan Greenfield, Ami Horowitz,Kim Iversen… nary a peep of recognition or appreciation. Ditto Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Epoch Times, Judicial Watch, Giuliani, Dr Robert Epstein, Jonathan Turley , Russell Brand, Mark Steyn, Neil Oliver, Bret Weinstein, Trish Regan, Tammy Bruce, Posobiec,Tulsi Gabbard, David Schoen…
He threw Flynn, McFarland, Ezra Cohen , Toensig, DiGenova, Straka, Dr Simone Gold, Ashley Babbitt , Elon Musk Caerter Page, Papadopoulis under the bus.All the fabulous medical experts…
Yet silence on the WEF. I guess he didn’t want to upset his old pal Klaus Schwab and his Young Global Leader compadres, Ivanka, Newsom, Pritzker,Avril Haines, Fiona, Nuland, Angela, Boris, Macron, Ayers, Larry Summer, Nikki Haley, Rutte,Stefanik, Stoltenberg, Zelenskyy, Kadlec, Bourla, Gates, Zuck, Bancel, Dease, Dimon and on and on and on
Crapping on Musk and DeSantis was really special, too.
Why haven’t any Republicans or so called Fox/ Newsmax idiots called out the WHO Pandemic Treaty, Biden’s Transhumanist EO or the truth behind the Migrant Inasion? The bill Biden signed creating a “ reunited Americas continent ceding sovereignty to crate a single government entity of Noth, Centeal, South America and Canada?
Trump lies out of both sides of his mouth, both ears, his nose, his ass, and out his pee hole.
He must be exhausted.
I notice those he chose were already big names. Those he cast aside were less well known or "indies" not closely associated with the current Systems.
Praying Americans will unite to stop the WEF, WHO & UN Elites from taking over America for their NWO Great Reset.
They will not stop election fraud & the corrupt FBI & government from trying to take over America for their communist plans.
They won't take all of us. Many of my neighbors are determined not to comply.
Set up a local resistance if possible.
Guess we know where the Woke agenda comes from...
WHO director general, Dutch PM, CCP news network, CNN, CSNBC, TikTok etc, etc. What no Fox News? No Italy PM? No World Health Council? No Great Barrington Declaration authors? No GB News? That is not a hidden bias agenda that IS the new elites world order centre of power.
Now juxtapose that with the Twitter files, the FBI collusion with the Biden/Obama/Clinton led Democrats and social media and MSM to drive destruction of the US constitution and the move by central banks to introduce eCurrency wallets (aka online digital ID), with controls in where and how you can spend YOUR money and the “health” passports apparently approved by the G20 (the UK have to get rid of Sunak ASAP) and the Dutch lead of stealing farms from individual farmers and Gates buying up all the farm land in the US, except for that which Biden is helping the CCP to buy and what does it all add up to.
Oh and let’s throw in a fake climate threat and a fake viral threat and see if we can impose lockdowns and dose everyone with an experimental drug while we are at it.
Bingo. Very well stated.