I admittedly do not know enough about the Whelan story like why he was even in Russia, but if it truly came down to the decision between a white man who served his country and was unjustly accused of a crime and an LGBTQ-African American-Legalize Pot-USA Hating-Crime Committing Woman, this is not even a close decision for Progressives.

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This JoBama Coup Feral Gov is consistently tyrannically progreSSive, anti-American Patriots.

Look no further to the Patriots locked away in the DC Gulag for trespassing on Jan 6, 2021. Now going on 2 Years, No Bail & No Trial or Charges for many. One American is one too many to be in the DC Jail democRat run rat hole.

Ask what the two Repub leader Mc's in Con-gress have done for them??? Nothing, they could care less and McConnell supports the democRat's "Insurgency" fantasy. I spit

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How Paul Whelan was handed over to the Kremlin by an FSB agent he thought was a friend - but who planted classified info on him: Former Marine travelled to Russia regularly for years and struck up friendships with soldiers over social media

-Paul Whelan, the US citizen imprisoned in Russia on spying charges, had been friends for 10 years with the FSB agent who handed him over to the Kremlin

-The former Marine had been making regular trips to Russia, beginning in 2007, making contacts in the country's military through the social network VK

-On one visit in December 2018, Whelan was found in a Moscow hotel room with a USB drive containing 'state secrets'

-Whelan maintained that his friend, FSB officer Ilya Yatsenko, had set him up and that he was innocent

-Following his arrest, Whelan was sentenced to 16 years hard time in a penal colony


"He fell in love with it and returned many, many times, befriending male members of Russia's military via the VK social network, the country's version of Facebook." 

"In the Russian media, anonymous sources seemed to make a point of saying that it was unusual that Whelan had chosen to cultivate friendships with young men rather than 'pretty Russian girls.' 

During his trial, prosecutors elaborated on his Whelan and Yatsenko's relationship. The agent had brought Whelan to his home on the outskirts of Moscow for 'saunas and kebabs,' a year before the arrest."

"Whelan even lent Yatsenko nearly $1,200 so that the Russian could buy a gift for his wife. However, prosecutors say that was a payment for the flash drive." 

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"- Whelan served with the Marine Corps Reserve from 2003-2008, much of the time as an administrative clerk in Iraq. At the end of that period, he was dishonourably discharged for larceny and other lesser offences, after being found to have tried to steal $10,000."


...Griner had less than 1 gram of hash oil, which she uses for pain. Not sure how you know she hates the USA? And, is there a problem with her being gay, seriously? How about "African American", is that not comfortable for you? WTF?

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griner walks off the court during the national anthem because she hates White america

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If it’s from Reuters, it should be immediately dismissed. They’re propagandist for the regime, not to be trusted and until there’s actual proof of what they claim, they can sit and spin. Muh...Russia conspiracy theorist, don’t deserve a moment of my time.

As for Garner, you don’t want people to make a big deal about her sexual orientation or pigment. Wow, that’s living in lala land. If you don’t want us to make a big deal about it, when the left hailed donut bumping and pigment the deciding factor. Don’t believe me? Go check out Randi Weingarten’s tweet today. It’s exhibit A and I’ll close my case.

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The harsh truth is that white Americans fought tooth and nail to preserve slavery here. Black people didn’t gain the right to vote without enduring white violence. Schools in America weren’t desegregated without the angry mob of white people gathering to jeer and spit at little black children. Civil disobedience is patriotic. Peaceful protest is patriotic. However, storming the capital and attacking law enforcement, as MAGA drones did on January 6, is not patriootic.

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Somehow this became a topic on slavery? 😂 was Brittany a slave? I must have missed that. She wasn’t a slave and I never owned a slave, you never owned a slave. Every CEO doing business in China right now is a slave holder. Mum’s the word. Don’t see you picketing outside of disney or LeBron James homes, he knows he’s using slave labor. In reality my ancestors laid their lives down in every war for the ungrateful, perpetual victims of today. The only thing Brit is a victim of is herself and her huge arrogance. To say she’s a victim of 1776, is disgusting and beneath contempt.

Join us in 2023.

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How would anyone know she hates the USA? I mean besides the fact that she's said so.

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Most people don't know this either, but she plead guilty to a domestic violence charge and was suspended by the WNBA. She is an all around good person.

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Whelan was given a Bad Conduct discharge, not dishonorable, there is a difference, to your point on being gay or black is absurd, however I find the gay and trans movement an abomination above all else He/She could have done

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She has said so herself. Her actions prove it. Check it out yourself.

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No idea who or what you are talking about. Incoherent thoughts are also a form of Progressivism.

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Try reading slower, it might help your comprehension.

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The feral simian, bio-hazard, predatory organism pavement ape is not an "American" and sure as hell is not a "woman." In the Merriam-Webster dictionary a "woman" is defined as: woman: "a female human being." By choosing an LGBTQFBPCM lifestyle, the blue-gummed knuckle-dragger forfeited its right to be considered a "woman." And, as proven by honest, forthright geneticists, anthropologists, biologists, and scientists of merit negroes are not "human beings." So, Dementia Joe Biden and his jew globalist handlers wove their so-called "magic" to free a filthy lesbian piece-of-gutter-trash spook over a White European American who served his nation with honor and dignity. The relentless assault on the White race, with the end goal being complete genocide, continues, unabated.

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'Who was this blissful wedding couple?' Twitter sleuths question US Marine 'spy's' Moscow wedding alibi and ask: If he was really there to see a friend get married who is the friend and where is the evidence?

-Marine veteran Paul Nicholas Whelan, 48, was arrested on December 28

-His brother said he was visiting Russia to attend the wedding of a Marine friend

-People online have questioned why there are no pictures from the wedding or any more details about the couple who reported Whelan missing

-One wrote: 'Who is the US marine that got married in Russia?'

-His family have urged the U.S. government to pressure Russia to release him

-The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday the US had detained a Russian citizen a day after Moscow arrested Whelan

-Do you know the couple who got married or were you at the wedding?


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No shit. The massive FUCK YOU is the whole point. The Left is in charge now, and they want everyone to know it.

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Dec 8, 2022·edited Dec 8, 2022

When the supposed Right was in charge (Trump) no one knew it, because Trump constantly tried to placate the Left and walked on eggshells for four years. He should have been lopping heads off. If they wanted a dictator, well, why not give them one?

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"The Demons are in charge now . . ."

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There’s a LOT about Russia, (and Ukraine) that the “Biden” administration is lying about. A lot.

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Dec 8, 2022·edited Dec 9, 2022

I want to vomit...the Marine can rot as far as Biden is concerned....we need our female, LGBTQ+ role models.

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They told us the reasons! She is an important role model and he isn't. Empire doesn't give a crap about anyone. Political people act based on political calculus. They've figured she can help them while he can't.

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This is "Why" the USSA Will Collapse. No one is going to Defend this Dead Buzzard Feral Coup Gov. Military recruitment is way down, who wants to be subjected to the Woke propaganda & lifestyle in the military??? Maybe Griner will join up, What an absolute JOKE.


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Lord of War 2: Intersectionality Demoralization Swap. Will feature an all BIPOC diverse cast including Denzel Washington as Victor Bout. Briner and KJP will play themselves and fall in love at the end.

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Piss on biden and his whole lying administration!!!

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Dec 8, 2022·edited Dec 8, 2022

Piss, and the other stuff, too!

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Kudos to the Biden administration for bringing two Americans (Reed and Griner) home from

Russian detention! While the Trump administration turned its back on our marine veteran, Trevor

Reed, Biden got both him and Griner home. Russia has made it clear for years that a prisoner swap of Viktor Bout for Paul Whelen was not on the table. True patriots celebrate the return of


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Trump brought home three black basketball players from China arrested for shoplifting.

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There’s nothing good about the biden administration. Their whole platform is wrong. Our Founders would be hanging these idiots one after another. Other than a miracle from God, that’s how this country will be fixed. But as it is, the global elites are setting this country and world up for the tribulation period, but they call it the great reset, without even knowing that God is letting them play their game right into His prophetic Word. Pull the blinders off people. Take a good look. True Patriots don’t celebrate a USA hater!

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Our Military is only useful as a pawn in crass political machinations. It is, at best, an after thought to these talentless, brain-dead hooligans, unless, of course, they are actively destroying it as a favor to their comrades the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, etc., etc.

Thanks, Jordan, for helping illuminate yet one more example of ham-fisted stupidity perpetrated by the most lackluster and objectively horrible Administration in my lifetime. They are as disgusting as they are contemptible, and we can only hope they receive their just desserts in Hell, as they have not yet received a proper comeuppance on Earth!

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Abandoning Whelan is nothing compared to the servicemen and women killed by Biden's incompetence in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. Dead courageous servicemen are dead while Hunter Biden is free to roam around free despite his multiple crimes.

Is this Justice?

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Kudos to the Biden administration for bringing two Americans (Reed and Griner) home from

Russian detention! While the Trump administration turned its back on our marine veteran, Trevor

Reed, Biden got both him and Griner home. True patriots celebrate the return of


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BLM once more rules the school while those who defend out nation not so much

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I wonder if she will stand during the national anthem after this …..

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No. She will still hate her nation. That is why Biden chose her.

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Good point.

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I don't care so much that she is LGTBQ. She hates America so she doesn't deserve to represent America. She doesn't deserve to come before the Marine.

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Trading anyone for Bout is monstrous, he is a violent deadly criminal

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This is why wokeness isn't just a harmless academic theory. It results in idiotic decisions like this which affect people's lives enormously. Griner's sentence may have been a little extreme but those are the laws of the country she was visiting. I can't admit to much sympathy for her and the fact that she'll now get away with it is pretty maddening. This could have been a good chance for her to learn a hard lesson or two.

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Whelan was the wrong color...period.

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Whelan would not have drawn democrats any votes to keep them in power. They needed the drug addict and anti-American to get the black American voters because Gainer is a black athlete and would give favor to the black voters...

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