Excellent post, Jordan! My husband and I live in a town of about 30,000 in the Newssolini regime formerly known as the fabulous state of California. When we shop at places like Traitor Joe's without the muzzle (I did a huge amount of in-person and phone work to have them allow our "medical exemption," which is basically the right to breathe freely as the Creator intended), we are the ONLY two in the entire store. If that doesn't serve as testimony to "mask compliance," I don't know what would.
The whole CV-19 thing is one lie after another. What frustrates me the most is that, as many hours a day as people spend on social media, they can't take five minutes to research outside the mainstream narrative to assuage what MUST be at least a small voice questioning this stinking mess. Every day, I ask myself what I can do to help the blindly obedient ones to see the truth. I just keep showing up in my community without the Satanic ritual shame muzzle and posting comments on blogs like this!
Neek, I did not need to share details. California and US laws do not require people to give up their medical information to anyone. Furthermore, anyone who tries to demand such information is committing a crime (violation of personal rights). In fact, no one "must" give to anyone any information that they do not wish to disclose, but governments and their minions put the threat of force and often abject violence behind their demands, so people disclose private information out of fear. Our world is spiritually inverted because of these controlling forces.
Bob Barker 666: What about my comment makes you think I'm being satirical? My experience at TJ's and in town in general is valid. If "experts" are saying that "we haven't achieved 80% mask compliance necessary to stop the spread," then they haven't been to my town. Also, I am a real, living, spiritual, peaceful woman.
A pandemic so dang deadly that it kills almost .00025% of the people who get it. And THAT's probably and exaggeration! And it has now been exposed that this year's death totals (death from ALL causes) are no different than last years, except we seemed to have wiped out most heart disease, pneumonia, diabetes and seasonal flu. Tiny miracles! (sarcasm) I am so dissapointed in the human race.
hurricaneduane, you're right that the CDC has re-categorized nearly every other death as a CV-19 death, virtually wiping out every other disease that reliably kills similar numbers of people every year. Let your disappointment fuel your urge to step up another level in defending truth, love, and freedom!
Quite interesting also that any studies that show this are immediately "removed" or censored. "You vill NOT contradict the narrative! Verstehen Sie Das?"
Like the study published in the Johns Hopkins Newsletter showing that the supposed increase in deaths attributed to "covid" have resulted in a similar decrease in deaths from all other causes. likely pointing simply to reclassification of "cause of death", I have gathered deaths stats from Statistics Sweden (the official stats agency) which show the same.
Over a 10-year average, the death rate in Sweden has been 0.92486%.
The death rate in Sweden (using the 11 months data ending November 2020, taking the average monthly death toll and extrapolating for a full-year ending December) is currently at 0.92181%.
Thus the death rate in Sweden has been lower this year than the 10-year average....even with the supposed "pandemic".
In fact, if December plays out as the rest of year has, 2020 in Sweden will have the third lowest death rate over the past 10 years.
There is a serious problem afflicting the world right now, and it isn't some new disease.
It's massive ignorance & cowardice.
There have been plenty of studies showing the high-degree of inaccuracy of the RT-PCR tests widely being used to "diagnose" "covid".
As per the disclaimers on those tests, they are merely detecting antibodies, from either past or present infection, from any number of varieties of coronavirus, even those causing mild colds.
You've got your decimal point in the wrong place. The latest figure (and it varies, obviously, from country to country) is the fatality rate is between 0.1 and 0.2 %.
Belief without physical proof is religion. The mask gods want their 'symbol of capitulation' on your face...it is nothing more than a political/psyops exercise to estimate the number of sheeple in our Republic that can be dominated by a flu virus . Refuse to comply...the Constitution does not have a mask/flu amendment.
the Bruce, also, isn't "mask privilege" much like pre-Civil Rights "white privilege" in society? Coming from someone who refuses to wear the muzzle, it feels like that to me.
I refuse to wear a face diaper, I’m a FREE CHRISTIAN ADULT who can make choices in regards to my own health and I am ALWAYS conscious of other people so to not do willful harm towards them.
I will NOT be intimidated into wearing a face diaper.
I can not be emotionally blackmailed into wearing a face diaper.
And I am not scientifically illiterate as to believe the deliberate propaganda that the MSM and Global Government traitors spew towards me in regards to COVID.
My vaccine has a Name, it’s Jesus Christ Son of the Most High God, my personal Lord and Savior, My sword and my Shield !
The real virus is the narrative of the virus. Quit believing everything you are told without evaluating it through your own competent, logic thinking processes. It's just a muzzle. Look who benefits from the virus narrative: China got rid of all protests, Democrats got rid of Trump, Amazon et al gets rid of all small business competition, big pharma gets all our tax dollars.....
They updated it on OCT 5th to include airborne transmission. It is worth a read. Lol. Keep in mind... airborne transmission = masks are useless. They use a lot of hot air to get around saying that.
People wear masks where they're the least likely to get infected, but they don't wear them at private social gatherings where the risk of infection is the highest.
You're most likely to get infected when you have prolonged close contact with other people. (e.g. you go and visit your friend at his house for a couple of hours). You're significantly less likely to get infected from a brief incidental contact with a stranger in a public setting (e.g. doing your grocery shopping).
I know some self-righteous mask Nazis who constantly preach about masks, but then post pictures of themselves on social media at private social gatherings where nobody is wearing a mask -- as if you can't catch COVID from a friend or relative.
If masks work at all, they're only going to be useful where the risk of infection is the highest (e.g. private social gatherings where people are spending a lot of time together). They're not going to do any good where the risk of infection is low (e.g. a brief interaction with a stranger). Wearing a mask to go to the store is like wearing a seat belt in a parked car, it's pointless.
As someone else stated, we have reverted to medieval superstition. These masks have become magic talismans that somehow are supposed to ward off this dread disease with a 98%+ survival rate and a weekly infection rate of 54 per 100,000 population.
Hint: Look under the "Institutions" tab on the above linked pages.
You'll see the same general Cartel of largest investment banks.
Those they don't share directly in common, they share indirectly.
The largest investments banks exist as the largest investors/shareholders of each other.
The book Giants - The Global Power Elite by Peter Phillips does a good job outlining those relationships.
What happens when activities, laws & societal norms are based most solely in regards to what produces ever-greater profit for the Elite?
18th century British Authors John Trenchard & Thomas Gordon, in their essays titled Cato's Letters (not to be confused with the pseudo-Libertarian Cato Institute), wrote about how the Elite of their day were using their massive wealth & corporations to influence law & public policy passed by the Monarchy, solely for more profit for themselves, as the expenses of the liberty & freedoms of all other "common" citizens.
Cato's Letters are often regarded as among the most influential writings of the American Patriots and Revolutionaries.
The Boston Tea Party was a revolt against special interest legislation, influenced by those Elite, oppressing the Colonies in favor of huge corporations (like the South Sea Co., the East India Co., and others).
The U.S. is heading full-circle back from whence the Founders sought to escape.
alan, thanks for the moment of humor! Those of us on the front lines of truth, love, and freedom need some laughs now and again to stave off the abject horror of blind obedience all around us!
I teach high school. I’ve seen plenty of that! 🙄Just one more distraction from actual learning! They also intentionally cough in each other’s masks in hopes of getting it. Ironic, isn’t it!🤣
I am convinced masks make the problem worse. You are basically wearing a germ collection device right next to your mouth all day. Someone needs to do an expose on just how many different viruses and bacteria gather on the typical mask after just one day's use.
David, I just spent 10 minutes trying to search for the original article and could find nothing, not even using DuckDuckGo. I am sorry I couldn't locate it. It is increasingly difficult to find links a month or more after initial viewing. (Although now I'm considering creating a compendium of internet links!) Anyway, I have no reason to lie as my intention is for humanity to be FREE and healthy, plus bacterial accumulation on the warm, wet mask should be an obvious conclusion to anyone who ever took biology in high school.
that is what is so sad about all this craziness, it should be obvious to anyone took biology in high school or can simply compare virus size to mask pore size. I agree - Freedom is the Cure.
It is clear now that most people have lost their mental and spiritual mooring, which should be based on truth, love, and freedom, and instead have become blindly obedient to "authorities" with nefarious intentions.
Here, in the UK, the latest logical inconsistency is the govt's propaganda campaign that tells us 'to wear a mask, i will stop you spreading the virus, but it won't stop you catching it'! So if everybody is wearing a mask, how are they catching the virus? Duh!
Exactly. The arbitrariness of ALL of their "mandates" (not to mention the blatant, easily debunked lies) shows the gaping holes in their agenda of control.
This is as simple as it gets, and yet people refuse to accept what they know to be true because they are morally/spiritually bereft and thus have no strength to stand out from the crowd. I have seen this my whole life, just never in such bleak circumstances with such dire actual and potential outcomes.
As far as Chicago goes the only people without masks are those running in the street. They don't even run on the sidewalks anymore. Signs are everywhere too. WEAR A MASK SAVE A LIFE is posted on a school in Lincoln Park. I hope all of you realize that most masks are made of micro plastics which are heading straight into your lungs and will most likely turn into lung cancer since they can not leave your lungs.
Oh the compliance is incredible in Chicago. I can't go outside anywhere without people strapped in. No scarfs, no winter hats but yes, magical masks. Rather them running from me, I run from them. I pull up my scarf and walk 20 feet around them. As far as I'm concerned those masks are full of bacteria and viruses just waiting to be exhaled onto me. Since they are so stupid that they must wear a mask while walking outside, alone, down a street in Lakeview (there are barely any people) I just assume they are too stupid to take care of their health. I doubt they wash their hands or bother with their immune systems. I've seen it. I went to buy a Christmas Tree. The three fairly large older people sitting in their little tent all had on masks but they handed me a pen, took my credit card and must have touched a dozen other things in the tent including their masks while I was in there. They will die if they get this... but they really think the masks work. It's truly sad that our Governments are killing people and do not give AF. Pritzker even makes money off of the tests that he already lied about and said that they were FDA approved when they were not. This is a Circus.
What really gets me are those who are solidly masked while talking on cell phones placed right up to their ears, the latter placing one at increased risk for brain and other cancers, about which the science is quite clear. Although I suppose the rejoinder to that would be that the mask wearer is "protecting others" by their compliance. Welcome to the New Normal where everybody has become a potential disease vector and Diplomat of Death.
Excellent post, Jordan! My husband and I live in a town of about 30,000 in the Newssolini regime formerly known as the fabulous state of California. When we shop at places like Traitor Joe's without the muzzle (I did a huge amount of in-person and phone work to have them allow our "medical exemption," which is basically the right to breathe freely as the Creator intended), we are the ONLY two in the entire store. If that doesn't serve as testimony to "mask compliance," I don't know what would.
The whole CV-19 thing is one lie after another. What frustrates me the most is that, as many hours a day as people spend on social media, they can't take five minutes to research outside the mainstream narrative to assuage what MUST be at least a small voice questioning this stinking mess. Every day, I ask myself what I can do to help the blindly obedient ones to see the truth. I just keep showing up in my community without the Satanic ritual shame muzzle and posting comments on blogs like this!
What medical exemption did you claim, if I may ask??
Neek, I did not need to share details. California and US laws do not require people to give up their medical information to anyone. Furthermore, anyone who tries to demand such information is committing a crime (violation of personal rights). In fact, no one "must" give to anyone any information that they do not wish to disclose, but governments and their minions put the threat of force and often abject violence behind their demands, so people disclose private information out of fear. Our world is spiritually inverted because of these controlling forces.
I can't tell if this is all satire or if you are real people.
Bob Barker 666: What about my comment makes you think I'm being satirical? My experience at TJ's and in town in general is valid. If "experts" are saying that "we haven't achieved 80% mask compliance necessary to stop the spread," then they haven't been to my town. Also, I am a real, living, spiritual, peaceful woman.
Oh look! A troll! Isn't it cute!
I was genuinely wondering. There are a few comments on here that are 100% satire.
A pandemic so dang deadly that it kills almost .00025% of the people who get it. And THAT's probably and exaggeration! And it has now been exposed that this year's death totals (death from ALL causes) are no different than last years, except we seemed to have wiped out most heart disease, pneumonia, diabetes and seasonal flu. Tiny miracles! (sarcasm) I am so dissapointed in the human race.
hurricaneduane, you're right that the CDC has re-categorized nearly every other death as a CV-19 death, virtually wiping out every other disease that reliably kills similar numbers of people every year. Let your disappointment fuel your urge to step up another level in defending truth, love, and freedom!
Quite interesting also that any studies that show this are immediately "removed" or censored. "You vill NOT contradict the narrative! Verstehen Sie Das?"
Excellent comment.
Like the study published in the Johns Hopkins Newsletter showing that the supposed increase in deaths attributed to "covid" have resulted in a similar decrease in deaths from all other causes. likely pointing simply to reclassification of "cause of death", I have gathered deaths stats from Statistics Sweden (the official stats agency) which show the same.
Over a 10-year average, the death rate in Sweden has been 0.92486%.
The death rate in Sweden (using the 11 months data ending November 2020, taking the average monthly death toll and extrapolating for a full-year ending December) is currently at 0.92181%.
Thus the death rate in Sweden has been lower this year than the 10-year average....even with the supposed "pandemic".
In fact, if December plays out as the rest of year has, 2020 in Sweden will have the third lowest death rate over the past 10 years.
That Table can be found here:
The raw data can be found here:
There is a serious problem afflicting the world right now, and it isn't some new disease.
It's massive ignorance & cowardice.
There have been plenty of studies showing the high-degree of inaccuracy of the RT-PCR tests widely being used to "diagnose" "covid".
As per the disclaimers on those tests, they are merely detecting antibodies, from either past or present infection, from any number of varieties of coronavirus, even those causing mild colds.
and you might find this is essay useful:
You've got your decimal point in the wrong place. The latest figure (and it varies, obviously, from country to country) is the fatality rate is between 0.1 and 0.2 %.
Belief without physical proof is religion. The mask gods want their 'symbol of capitulation' on your face...it is nothing more than a political/psyops exercise to estimate the number of sheeple in our Republic that can be dominated by a flu virus . Refuse to comply...the Constitution does not have a mask/flu amendment.
the Bruce, also, isn't "mask privilege" much like pre-Civil Rights "white privilege" in society? Coming from someone who refuses to wear the muzzle, it feels like that to me.
I refuse to wear a face diaper, I’m a FREE CHRISTIAN ADULT who can make choices in regards to my own health and I am ALWAYS conscious of other people so to not do willful harm towards them.
I will NOT be intimidated into wearing a face diaper.
I can not be emotionally blackmailed into wearing a face diaper.
And I am not scientifically illiterate as to believe the deliberate propaganda that the MSM and Global Government traitors spew towards me in regards to COVID.
My vaccine has a Name, it’s Jesus Christ Son of the Most High God, my personal Lord and Savior, My sword and my Shield !
You're not scientifically illiterate, but your vaccine is your imaginary friend. Good stuff.
The real virus is the narrative of the virus. Quit believing everything you are told without evaluating it through your own competent, logic thinking processes. It's just a muzzle. Look who benefits from the virus narrative: China got rid of all protests, Democrats got rid of Trump, Amazon et al gets rid of all small business competition, big pharma gets all our tax dollars.....
They updated it on OCT 5th to include airborne transmission. It is worth a read. Lol. Keep in mind... airborne transmission = masks are useless. They use a lot of hot air to get around saying that.
People wear masks where they're the least likely to get infected, but they don't wear them at private social gatherings where the risk of infection is the highest.
You're most likely to get infected when you have prolonged close contact with other people. (e.g. you go and visit your friend at his house for a couple of hours). You're significantly less likely to get infected from a brief incidental contact with a stranger in a public setting (e.g. doing your grocery shopping).
I know some self-righteous mask Nazis who constantly preach about masks, but then post pictures of themselves on social media at private social gatherings where nobody is wearing a mask -- as if you can't catch COVID from a friend or relative.
If masks work at all, they're only going to be useful where the risk of infection is the highest (e.g. private social gatherings where people are spending a lot of time together). They're not going to do any good where the risk of infection is low (e.g. a brief interaction with a stranger). Wearing a mask to go to the store is like wearing a seat belt in a parked car, it's pointless.
As someone else stated, we have reverted to medieval superstition. These masks have become magic talismans that somehow are supposed to ward off this dread disease with a 98%+ survival rate and a weekly infection rate of 54 per 100,000 population.
What do facemasks, vaccines, and tobacco have in common?
The largest shareholders of 3M:
The largest shareholders of vaccine maker Pfizer:
The largest shareholders of vaccine maker Moderna:
The largest shareholders of tobacco company Phillip Morris:
The largest shareholders of tobacco company Altria:
Hint: Look under the "Institutions" tab on the above linked pages.
You'll see the same general Cartel of largest investment banks.
Those they don't share directly in common, they share indirectly.
The largest investments banks exist as the largest investors/shareholders of each other.
The book Giants - The Global Power Elite by Peter Phillips does a good job outlining those relationships.
What happens when activities, laws & societal norms are based most solely in regards to what produces ever-greater profit for the Elite?
18th century British Authors John Trenchard & Thomas Gordon, in their essays titled Cato's Letters (not to be confused with the pseudo-Libertarian Cato Institute), wrote about how the Elite of their day were using their massive wealth & corporations to influence law & public policy passed by the Monarchy, solely for more profit for themselves, as the expenses of the liberty & freedoms of all other "common" citizens.
Cato's Letters are often regarded as among the most influential writings of the American Patriots and Revolutionaries.
The Boston Tea Party was a revolt against special interest legislation, influenced by those Elite, oppressing the Colonies in favor of huge corporations (like the South Sea Co., the East India Co., and others).
The U.S. is heading full-circle back from whence the Founders sought to escape.
May I steal this?
Steal away.
The problem is no one is wearing their mask properly. The elastic loops are actually leg loops.
alan, thanks for the moment of humor! Those of us on the front lines of truth, love, and freedom need some laughs now and again to stave off the abject horror of blind obedience all around us!
I teach high school. I’ve seen plenty of that! 🙄Just one more distraction from actual learning! They also intentionally cough in each other’s masks in hopes of getting it. Ironic, isn’t it!🤣
Winning the internet today
I am convinced masks make the problem worse. You are basically wearing a germ collection device right next to your mouth all day. Someone needs to do an expose on just how many different viruses and bacteria gather on the typical mask after just one day's use.
The cough and sneeze into their mask not knowing their mask is an incubater for germs
David Hicks: This was done recently in Germany.
do you have a link? I am curious.
David, I just spent 10 minutes trying to search for the original article and could find nothing, not even using DuckDuckGo. I am sorry I couldn't locate it. It is increasingly difficult to find links a month or more after initial viewing. (Although now I'm considering creating a compendium of internet links!) Anyway, I have no reason to lie as my intention is for humanity to be FREE and healthy, plus bacterial accumulation on the warm, wet mask should be an obvious conclusion to anyone who ever took biology in high school.
that is what is so sad about all this craziness, it should be obvious to anyone took biology in high school or can simply compare virus size to mask pore size. I agree - Freedom is the Cure.
It is clear now that most people have lost their mental and spiritual mooring, which should be based on truth, love, and freedom, and instead have become blindly obedient to "authorities" with nefarious intentions.
Like global warming it's a hoax. When the gov't is involved in so-called science - it isn't science - it's politics.
Here, in the UK, the latest logical inconsistency is the govt's propaganda campaign that tells us 'to wear a mask, i will stop you spreading the virus, but it won't stop you catching it'! So if everybody is wearing a mask, how are they catching the virus? Duh!
Omg!!! Have wondered this for awhile but thought *I* must be missing something if smart doctors and people didn’t see it.
Exactly. The arbitrariness of ALL of their "mandates" (not to mention the blatant, easily debunked lies) shows the gaping holes in their agenda of control.
Restrict O2
Re-breath CO2
Wear a warn. breath-moistened petri dish directly in contact with your mucous membranes for 8 hours a day
What could possibly go wrong?
This is as simple as it gets, and yet people refuse to accept what they know to be true because they are morally/spiritually bereft and thus have no strength to stand out from the crowd. I have seen this my whole life, just never in such bleak circumstances with such dire actual and potential outcomes.
When is the public going to get fed up with Saint Fauci and his endless fan dance..
As far as Chicago goes the only people without masks are those running in the street. They don't even run on the sidewalks anymore. Signs are everywhere too. WEAR A MASK SAVE A LIFE is posted on a school in Lincoln Park. I hope all of you realize that most masks are made of micro plastics which are heading straight into your lungs and will most likely turn into lung cancer since they can not leave your lungs.
Oh the compliance is incredible in Chicago. I can't go outside anywhere without people strapped in. No scarfs, no winter hats but yes, magical masks. Rather them running from me, I run from them. I pull up my scarf and walk 20 feet around them. As far as I'm concerned those masks are full of bacteria and viruses just waiting to be exhaled onto me. Since they are so stupid that they must wear a mask while walking outside, alone, down a street in Lakeview (there are barely any people) I just assume they are too stupid to take care of their health. I doubt they wash their hands or bother with their immune systems. I've seen it. I went to buy a Christmas Tree. The three fairly large older people sitting in their little tent all had on masks but they handed me a pen, took my credit card and must have touched a dozen other things in the tent including their masks while I was in there. They will die if they get this... but they really think the masks work. It's truly sad that our Governments are killing people and do not give AF. Pritzker even makes money off of the tests that he already lied about and said that they were FDA approved when they were not. This is a Circus.
What really gets me are those who are solidly masked while talking on cell phones placed right up to their ears, the latter placing one at increased risk for brain and other cancers, about which the science is quite clear. Although I suppose the rejoinder to that would be that the mask wearer is "protecting others" by their compliance. Welcome to the New Normal where everybody has become a potential disease vector and Diplomat of Death.