A vote against transparency? The corruption is on full display, and they don't care that we see it.

Anyone else tired of eating their cake?

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On the same day von der Leyen is in Davos preaching to the WEF about how misinformation is the most dangerous thing in the world!

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Man behind the curtain spurns investigation of "great and powerful" Oz.

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I have now realized that any European political party that has the word "center" in its description (by the European presstitutes) is simply just a cover word for "WEF-aligned". In other words, just a collective shit-hole of brain-dead detritus.

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time for Ursula to go!

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One aspect of the problem is the fact that the European Parliament _can_ vote to keep this secret as opposed to _has to produce it when hit with a freedom of information request_.

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They sure put a huge dent in the Ten Commandments. Have they even heard of them?

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Vax injured in '68, antibiotic injured as an adult with many other medical horror stories. Just released first Substack explaining "coincidist", my new term for folks who blame pharmaceutical harm on coincidence. Some are believers, others are shills...


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It doesn’t matter. The contract has been available for nearly 3 years now anyway. This is all theater. The members of parliament are pretending a document is not available which is. What a joke. https://edv1694.substack.com/p/the-hidden-contract-the-eu-contract?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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When are the European serfs going to wake up to the grift called the “European Union”?

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Outrageous and Tyrannical!

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Lets use a worldwide citizens plebiscite to overrule governments https://donfindlay.substack.com/p/they-are-trying-to-kill-us

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Arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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Yet in international law, fraud negates all contracts. So it doesn't matter what anyone signed or what the terms were, the contract is null and void.

For the product that was delivered was deadly, and the providers knew it. That constitutes fraud, it constitutes genocide actually given the degree of harm and the wide distribution.

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Who would’ve guessed that very diverse Europe (preEU) would so closely resemble what a bastard love child of Kafka and Orwell (if they were opposite sexes, of course) . I can’t believe the same places I once loved to go to, in the good ole days of the Eurail Pass, would give me the heebee jeebees if I went today. It is insane!

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I see one silver lining in this report. It looks like the honeymoon between the so-called progressive left and big Pharma is coming to an end.

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