Some two years into COVID Mania, it appears that the forces for COVID tyranny have abandoned their failed war on a virus, at least for now. But they still can’t give up on the reality that it was all for nothing. They can’t acknowledge that the people in charge of society got everything they wanted, and ended up destroying hundreds of millions of lives, with nothing beneficial (at least for decent people) to show for it.
Don't worry! It's not over yet. We're not shifting to war permanently: it will be used as a way to reinstitute the next phases of covid tyranny in the autumn. It'll be tied in with war propaganda of course. Get your jabs/digital ID/central bank digital currencies or you're a Russian infiltrator.
Flu vaccines don't work either, but 50% of Americans still get them. And they were the most dangerous vaccines we had (apart from the smallpox vaccine) before the covid vaccines came along.
This covid psychosis has a lot more mileage in it. This is just a seasonal reprieve. Coming your way soon? Newer, second-generation self-amplifying mRNA vaccines, for covid, flu, and everything else:
I'm usually pessimistic, but I'm a bit more sanguine than you on a recurrence of 'Vid. The excess mortality data, coupled with information on how fraudulently the trials were run, is coming out inexorably. There will be massive fraud trials getting in the way of The Narrative.
I hope so too, but right now they're just shooting the messengers. (e.g. they fired the whistleblower guy on the board of directors of the German insurance company)
Also keep in mind that once Digital ID and programmable money are rolled out, it eliminates these mechanisms of holding the powerful and corrupt to account. There won't be any room for private insurance in the world they're trying to build anyway.
Have you ever looked at the CDC Provisional Mortality Data Base for Covid-19 deaths?
Of the 900,000+ listed you would have a hard time finding a single one that died solely from "Covid."
I put "Covid" in scare quotes as based on copious research I do not believe "Covid" exists except as a construct and as an orchestrated propaganda campaign.
I've seen no evidence, and have looked at just about everything out there, that "Covid-19" actually exists as a unique clinical condition. And this doesn't even get into the questions surrounding isolation of SARS-CoV-2.
All along the CDC used contrived samples and had no clinical specimens of the virus. According to an FDA document quoted by the CDC @ "During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, clinical specimens [of the virus] were not readily available to developers of IVDs [in vitro diagnostics] to detect SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDs based on available data from contrived samples generated from a range of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation. While validation using these contrived specimens provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”
None of the self amplifying vaccines have been shown to work... Shedding is a myth, think about how even covid itself was a "flu", which is also a sham that was lumped in with pneumonia and a high average age of death, around life expectancy. 2020 total deaths were in line with past years. 2021 is higher only because of the injections, nothing to do with "transmissible" things.
Virus theory is a spell so deep that even the academics don't see the inconsistencies. Seasonality for example doesn't make sense, because of travel, why isn't the northern flu season passed into the southern and equator? Maybe because it's really a vitamin D deficiency from reduced sun and an already deficient in D society..
And yes, vitamin D production is seasonal. So are physical mucosal defenses. Neither of these need to be mutually exclusive to germ theory, and neither is terrain theory need to be exclusive to germ theory. My personal belief is that all of these play a role in illness and not just infectious illness, but I do realize many possess one-track minds.
I'm not convinced by the presentations I've seen from Bailey and Kaufmann on this matter (though I agree with them on other things). I find those like Mikovits and Lee Merritt to be more credible on the virus/vaccine/bioweapon front, though I will check more into Lanka's work (which is where Bailey and Kaufmann have gotten their info to form a popular theory).
I do not believe "virus theory" is a "spell." There is also now a popular theory beginning to float around about how nuclear weapons are a "spell" and do not exist.
We are often asked, "Where did flu go the past 2 years?"
Well, one might easily explain the disappearance of influenza, for instance, by reference to phenomena like that recorded in 1810 by Samuel Hahnemann in his first edition of his “Organon of Medicine”:
“I myself saw mumps (angina parotidea) disappear as soon as a cowpox inoculation had taken and approached its climax. Only after the pustules and their red areola had disappeared did the feverish swelling of the parotoid and submaxillary glands, caused by the mumps miasm, come back and run its seven-day course. This is the case with all dissimilar diseases; the stronger suspends the weaker,...the acute illness suspends the chronic affliction”
This is not proof that such happened, but it is a reasonable hypothesis for testing.
Rarely in human history have we witnessed a deadly experiment so depraved, insidious, vile, and disgusting as what has transpired over the past two years. It is possible to find parallels in previous nationalistic excesses, many which triggered massive global conflict, and currently with China’s treatment of the Uyghur people. Sadly, that has triggered very little from our global “leadership” beyond meaningless virtue signaling (if anything at all).
Among the most alarming, angering, and frustrating aspects of this tyranny was the collusion among global leaders, and their shamelessness in their mistreatment of their own citizens. Had there not been such uniformity in their rationalizations and behaviors, you might chalk it up to government excess and ineptitude. From my perspective, accepting that premise is willful ignorance. Those elected by their citizenry must be held accountable for their brutish, self-indulgent, autocratic, and totalitarian misbehavior, in future elections and after, to include criminal charges where appropriate and sued wherever else until all wrongs are redressed.
With minor exception, the Fourth Estate is completely captured, and only a small cohort of the brave and willing dare challenge the status quo. To this small but growing cadre of fearless journalists, of which Jordan is one, I offer my heartfelt thanks and gratitude. You can (and hopefully will!) keep all of the fuckery of the past two years in the public’s attention, at least until we usher in a new generation of elected leaders. This time, ones who hopefully love this country and all she stands for, versus the vast majority of selfish, soulless, cravens who failed us over the last two years.
Thanks for the timely article, Jordan, and for helping illuminate and elevate the continued chicanery and shenanigans of the erstwhile ne’er-do-wells in Big Tech and the so-called media. You have provided and continue to provide an invaluable service and you do indeed have my gratitude!
No it is not rare, it happens every 100 years, read the Fourth Turning , by William Strauss and Neil Howe. What the cycles of history tell us about America’s next rendezvous with Destiny.
Get ready for the next one. The biolabs scandal looks like a part of the script for the next global Plandemic . In 2021 Ukrainian Citizens Petitioned Zelenskyy: US Biolabs in Ukraine Are DEATH FACTORIES, CLOSE Them Immediately. Today: Russia Tells The US “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons”.
They lied to all of us, scared many of us, took away many of our basic human rights, injured thousands with their poison vaccines, and killed many others. In the process of doing this they made billions of dollars in one of the biggest transfers of wealth in world history. The government got bigger, the national debt swelled to record levels creating double digit inflation, big Pharma and hospitals made billions. We should not forget the corporate businesses who were allowed to stay open during the restrictions and lockdowns.
The losers were the taxpayers, small businesses, working class people who were fired because of vaccine mandates, and every citizen who was tortured with mask wearing, and lockdowns.
The real losers in the end will be those people who pushed and sold this false narrative to the people. We will not forget. Politicians who participated or were silent during all of this in both parties and every business or person who profited from this death and suffering will be held accountable when the day of reckoning comes.
The fact that that Michael Senger tweet resulted in his permanent suspension is beyond scary. I knew this day would come, but it's still unnerving seeing it happen.
I deleted every one of my major social media accounts as soon as they banned Trump permanently for "inciting violence." Having watched his speech and read the transcript I was horrified that they felt they had the power to permanently deplatform a US president for a clear lie. If they saw fit to do that, then there was no one off limits in my mind. They only have power because people use their platforms and I refuse to give them that power. Jordan, you shouldn't be waiting to give them the opportunity to ban you. You should walk away yourself right now.
Here are 2 or 3 very good reasons why covid is actually OVER... 1) Dr. Reiner Fuellmich JD and his Corona Investigative Commission ( exposing the covid scam as a cornerstone of Klaus Schwab and the Central banks "Great Reset" to remove our cash and substitute "digital currency" ie absolute control of the masses by a fascist global elite consisting of WEF, Gates, Schwab, Central bankers, etc who with the push of a computer key or the flick of a mouse, disappear your or my tangible assets permanently, without redress or Due Process; the global insurance companies are waking up to the appalling toll of vaccine death and destruction and beginning to deny payouts on death and disability benefits... it is shaping up to be Big Insurance vs Big Pharma and with the obvious fraud on the part of Pfizer, et al the value of Moderna has dropped 80% in 4 months and Pfizer is dropping like a rock... Check out Edward Dowd, former hedge fund manager for Black Rock.. he's spilling the beans all over the place.. Tom Renz attorney from Ohio who has 3 DOD whistleblower MD's, high ranking officers who testified at Sen Johnson's Committee in the Capital two weeks ago.. 1000% INCREASE in neurological disorders, 300% increase in miscarriages, blood clots, brain bleeds, hemorrhages... no sorry folks this is TOO big to sweep under any rug ...even Ukraine... According to Governor DeSantis, Fauci is now in a "witness protection program"!!!!
Thanks. Just FYI, I haven’t officially launched yet the Substack where I write about CoVid although you’ll notice that the one you subscribed to (thank you for that) mentions CoVid or “things we’ve learned in the last two years”. It’s a precursor to writing directly about CoVid. I started writing it because I noticed so many people haven’t learned the lessons of many of the TV shows and movies they watch. Which is part of why we went down the path we did on CoVid.
Certain people who were fooled and the private sector and other governmental officials will never admit they were wrong. Like with all they other lies they tell, they will never admit they were wrong or apologize. Certain people do not have the ability to do that in any capicity. The proper diagnosis might be Sociopathy. Perhaps we did have and epedemic of fear, lying, greed, power and Sociopathy.
Don't worry! It's not over yet. We're not shifting to war permanently: it will be used as a way to reinstitute the next phases of covid tyranny in the autumn. It'll be tied in with war propaganda of course. Get your jabs/digital ID/central bank digital currencies or you're a Russian infiltrator.
Flu vaccines don't work either, but 50% of Americans still get them. And they were the most dangerous vaccines we had (apart from the smallpox vaccine) before the covid vaccines came along.
This covid psychosis has a lot more mileage in it. This is just a seasonal reprieve. Coming your way soon? Newer, second-generation self-amplifying mRNA vaccines, for covid, flu, and everything else:
I'm usually pessimistic, but I'm a bit more sanguine than you on a recurrence of 'Vid. The excess mortality data, coupled with information on how fraudulently the trials were run, is coming out inexorably. There will be massive fraud trials getting in the way of The Narrative.
I hope so too, but right now they're just shooting the messengers. (e.g. they fired the whistleblower guy on the board of directors of the German insurance company)
I hear you on both counts, but think countervailing forces are gaining strength.
Also keep in mind that once Digital ID and programmable money are rolled out, it eliminates these mechanisms of holding the powerful and corrupt to account. There won't be any room for private insurance in the world they're trying to build anyway.
Hi Monica,
Have you ever looked at the CDC Provisional Mortality Data Base for Covid-19 deaths?
Of the 900,000+ listed you would have a hard time finding a single one that died solely from "Covid."
I put "Covid" in scare quotes as based on copious research I do not believe "Covid" exists except as a construct and as an orchestrated propaganda campaign.
I've seen no evidence, and have looked at just about everything out there, that "Covid-19" actually exists as a unique clinical condition. And this doesn't even get into the questions surrounding isolation of SARS-CoV-2.
All along the CDC used contrived samples and had no clinical specimens of the virus. According to an FDA document quoted by the CDC @ "During the early months of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, clinical specimens [of the virus] were not readily available to developers of IVDs [in vitro diagnostics] to detect SARS-CoV-2. Therefore, the FDA authorized IVDs based on available data from contrived samples generated from a range of SARS-CoV-2 material sources (for example, gene specific RNA, synthetic RNA, or whole genome viral RNA) for analytical and clinical performance evaluation. While validation using these contrived specimens provided a measure of confidence in test performance at the beginning of the pandemic, it is not feasible to precisely compare the performance of various tests that used contrived specimens because each test validated performance using samples derived from different gene specific, synthetic, or genomic nucleic acid sources.”
check out Rappoport's work -
A great source.
None of the self amplifying vaccines have been shown to work... Shedding is a myth, think about how even covid itself was a "flu", which is also a sham that was lumped in with pneumonia and a high average age of death, around life expectancy. 2020 total deaths were in line with past years. 2021 is higher only because of the injections, nothing to do with "transmissible" things.
Virus theory is a spell so deep that even the academics don't see the inconsistencies. Seasonality for example doesn't make sense, because of travel, why isn't the northern flu season passed into the southern and equator? Maybe because it's really a vitamin D deficiency from reduced sun and an already deficient in D society..
And yes, vitamin D production is seasonal. So are physical mucosal defenses. Neither of these need to be mutually exclusive to germ theory, and neither is terrain theory need to be exclusive to germ theory. My personal belief is that all of these play a role in illness and not just infectious illness, but I do realize many possess one-track minds.
I'm not convinced by the presentations I've seen from Bailey and Kaufmann on this matter (though I agree with them on other things). I find those like Mikovits and Lee Merritt to be more credible on the virus/vaccine/bioweapon front, though I will check more into Lanka's work (which is where Bailey and Kaufmann have gotten their info to form a popular theory).
I do not believe "virus theory" is a "spell." There is also now a popular theory beginning to float around about how nuclear weapons are a "spell" and do not exist.
We are often asked, "Where did flu go the past 2 years?"
Well, one might easily explain the disappearance of influenza, for instance, by reference to phenomena like that recorded in 1810 by Samuel Hahnemann in his first edition of his “Organon of Medicine”:
“I myself saw mumps (angina parotidea) disappear as soon as a cowpox inoculation had taken and approached its climax. Only after the pustules and their red areola had disappeared did the feverish swelling of the parotoid and submaxillary glands, caused by the mumps miasm, come back and run its seven-day course. This is the case with all dissimilar diseases; the stronger suspends the weaker,...the acute illness suspends the chronic affliction”
This is not proof that such happened, but it is a reasonable hypothesis for testing.
Rarely in human history have we witnessed a deadly experiment so depraved, insidious, vile, and disgusting as what has transpired over the past two years. It is possible to find parallels in previous nationalistic excesses, many which triggered massive global conflict, and currently with China’s treatment of the Uyghur people. Sadly, that has triggered very little from our global “leadership” beyond meaningless virtue signaling (if anything at all).
Among the most alarming, angering, and frustrating aspects of this tyranny was the collusion among global leaders, and their shamelessness in their mistreatment of their own citizens. Had there not been such uniformity in their rationalizations and behaviors, you might chalk it up to government excess and ineptitude. From my perspective, accepting that premise is willful ignorance. Those elected by their citizenry must be held accountable for their brutish, self-indulgent, autocratic, and totalitarian misbehavior, in future elections and after, to include criminal charges where appropriate and sued wherever else until all wrongs are redressed.
With minor exception, the Fourth Estate is completely captured, and only a small cohort of the brave and willing dare challenge the status quo. To this small but growing cadre of fearless journalists, of which Jordan is one, I offer my heartfelt thanks and gratitude. You can (and hopefully will!) keep all of the fuckery of the past two years in the public’s attention, at least until we usher in a new generation of elected leaders. This time, ones who hopefully love this country and all she stands for, versus the vast majority of selfish, soulless, cravens who failed us over the last two years.
Thanks for the timely article, Jordan, and for helping illuminate and elevate the continued chicanery and shenanigans of the erstwhile ne’er-do-wells in Big Tech and the so-called media. You have provided and continue to provide an invaluable service and you do indeed have my gratitude!
No it is not rare, it happens every 100 years, read the Fourth Turning , by William Strauss and Neil Howe. What the cycles of history tell us about America’s next rendezvous with Destiny.
& still the largest #Mengele experiment in the history of #Faucism continues unabated
Get ready for the next one. The biolabs scandal looks like a part of the script for the next global Plandemic . In 2021 Ukrainian Citizens Petitioned Zelenskyy: US Biolabs in Ukraine Are DEATH FACTORIES, CLOSE Them Immediately. Today: Russia Tells The US “We Have Found Your Biological Weapons”.
They lied to all of us, scared many of us, took away many of our basic human rights, injured thousands with their poison vaccines, and killed many others. In the process of doing this they made billions of dollars in one of the biggest transfers of wealth in world history. The government got bigger, the national debt swelled to record levels creating double digit inflation, big Pharma and hospitals made billions. We should not forget the corporate businesses who were allowed to stay open during the restrictions and lockdowns.
The losers were the taxpayers, small businesses, working class people who were fired because of vaccine mandates, and every citizen who was tortured with mask wearing, and lockdowns.
The real losers in the end will be those people who pushed and sold this false narrative to the people. We will not forget. Politicians who participated or were silent during all of this in both parties and every business or person who profited from this death and suffering will be held accountable when the day of reckoning comes.
The fact that that Michael Senger tweet resulted in his permanent suspension is beyond scary. I knew this day would come, but it's still unnerving seeing it happen.
I deleted every one of my major social media accounts as soon as they banned Trump permanently for "inciting violence." Having watched his speech and read the transcript I was horrified that they felt they had the power to permanently deplatform a US president for a clear lie. If they saw fit to do that, then there was no one off limits in my mind. They only have power because people use their platforms and I refuse to give them that power. Jordan, you shouldn't be waiting to give them the opportunity to ban you. You should walk away yourself right now.
Here are 2 or 3 very good reasons why covid is actually OVER... 1) Dr. Reiner Fuellmich JD and his Corona Investigative Commission ( exposing the covid scam as a cornerstone of Klaus Schwab and the Central banks "Great Reset" to remove our cash and substitute "digital currency" ie absolute control of the masses by a fascist global elite consisting of WEF, Gates, Schwab, Central bankers, etc who with the push of a computer key or the flick of a mouse, disappear your or my tangible assets permanently, without redress or Due Process; the global insurance companies are waking up to the appalling toll of vaccine death and destruction and beginning to deny payouts on death and disability benefits... it is shaping up to be Big Insurance vs Big Pharma and with the obvious fraud on the part of Pfizer, et al the value of Moderna has dropped 80% in 4 months and Pfizer is dropping like a rock... Check out Edward Dowd, former hedge fund manager for Black Rock.. he's spilling the beans all over the place.. Tom Renz attorney from Ohio who has 3 DOD whistleblower MD's, high ranking officers who testified at Sen Johnson's Committee in the Capital two weeks ago.. 1000% INCREASE in neurological disorders, 300% increase in miscarriages, blood clots, brain bleeds, hemorrhages... no sorry folks this is TOO big to sweep under any rug ...even Ukraine... According to Governor DeSantis, Fauci is now in a "witness protection program"!!!!
More are waking up. We need these people waking up to overtake the MSM/government propaganda.
Still on YouTube so far:
Found the link here:
& still the largest #Mengele experiment in the history of #Faucism continues unabated
Of course they are. I have been cataloguing the problems with it and working on writing about it myself in the near future.
TQ for the work you're doing. we'll be hearing more about it soon, I presume. be well, GB
Thanks. Just FYI, I haven’t officially launched yet the Substack where I write about CoVid although you’ll notice that the one you subscribed to (thank you for that) mentions CoVid or “things we’ve learned in the last two years”. It’s a precursor to writing directly about CoVid. I started writing it because I noticed so many people haven’t learned the lessons of many of the TV shows and movies they watch. Which is part of why we went down the path we did on CoVid.
Certain people who were fooled and the private sector and other governmental officials will never admit they were wrong. Like with all they other lies they tell, they will never admit they were wrong or apologize. Certain people do not have the ability to do that in any capicity. The proper diagnosis might be Sociopathy. Perhaps we did have and epedemic of fear, lying, greed, power and Sociopathy.
psychopaths -
Great link. Total control of everything, much like an evil OCD disorder instead of New World Order.
tru dat. Nazi World Order perhaps more apt? which is a though that almost inevitably leads to the impressive Oliver Stone documentary 'Ukraine on Fire' -
be well, GB
Great link and up to Oliver Stone standards.