Some two years into COVID Mania, it appears that the forces for COVID tyranny have abandoned their failed war on a virus, at least for now. But they still can’t give up on the reality that it was all for nothing. They can’t acknowledge that the people in charge of society got everything they wanted, and ended up destroying hundreds of millions of lives, with nothing beneficial (at least for decent people) to show for it.
There have now been dozens and dozens of high profile detractors from the COVID narrative who have recently been deplatformed from the conversation. Yours truly, as a frequent narrative offender, is almost definitely existing there on borrowed time.
Big Tech is engaged in a giant mop up operation to protect the COVID narrative. Powerful governments and the corporate press, as their most loyal allies, is happy to churn out the material to accommodate them. These forces are creating an echo chamber that insists upon complete uniformity. So to protect the narrative, dissidents must be banished from the public square.
According to the narrative, we just discovered that these “tools” may not really work. But that can’t be the fault of the people who employed these tools. In the echo chamber, there was no dissent to this two year campaign of draconian terror. Exposing the longevity of the outsider narrative will cause a problem for the people in charge, so it’s best to instead remove evidence that this outsider narrative existed in the first place.

You can’t have reporters showcasing evidence that all of these “the tools” to stop COVID never worked. They must proclaim that this is a new discovery, and not something these rogue independent journalists have been articulating for two years.

Some of the greatest detractors from the COVID narrative are slowly being purged by Big Tech.
Just this week, the outstanding journalist Michael Senger, the author of “Snake Oil: How Xi Jinping Shut Down The World” was banned from Twitter.
His infraction? Restating the reality that the past two years have been a catastrophe of pseudoscience, and that all of the suffering imposed upon the masses have only created additional problems on top of the virus problem.

Friday morning, they added radio host Shannon Joy to the list for highlighting the tens of thousands of VAERS side effect reports in COVID vaccines given to children.
There had to be a reason for it all, because you don’t want people to get the impression that the whole Public Health industry is a giant ideological scam.
You don’t want to give people the idea that Big Pharma has transformed into a cartel of money and power hungry snake oil scammers and outright scam artists.
You don’t want the plebeians to start thinking that the CDC, FDA, NIH and every other Government Health departments couldn’t care less about their health, and are merely a tool of state interests.
So instead of coming clean about these aforementioned realities, the Big Tech mop up crew has turned its attention to protecting the countless lies concocted by the ruling class, so that these actors can retain good standing in the eyes of their constituency.
[Thank goodness for Substack, which allows me to publish my best reporting without fear of being censored or deplatformed. I so much appreciate your support!]
Don't worry! It's not over yet. We're not shifting to war permanently: it will be used as a way to reinstitute the next phases of covid tyranny in the autumn. It'll be tied in with war propaganda of course. Get your jabs/digital ID/central bank digital currencies or you're a Russian infiltrator.
Flu vaccines don't work either, but 50% of Americans still get them. And they were the most dangerous vaccines we had (apart from the smallpox vaccine) before the covid vaccines came along.
This covid psychosis has a lot more mileage in it. This is just a seasonal reprieve. Coming your way soon? Newer, second-generation self-amplifying mRNA vaccines, for covid, flu, and everything else:
Rarely in human history have we witnessed a deadly experiment so depraved, insidious, vile, and disgusting as what has transpired over the past two years. It is possible to find parallels in previous nationalistic excesses, many which triggered massive global conflict, and currently with China’s treatment of the Uyghur people. Sadly, that has triggered very little from our global “leadership” beyond meaningless virtue signaling (if anything at all).
Among the most alarming, angering, and frustrating aspects of this tyranny was the collusion among global leaders, and their shamelessness in their mistreatment of their own citizens. Had there not been such uniformity in their rationalizations and behaviors, you might chalk it up to government excess and ineptitude. From my perspective, accepting that premise is willful ignorance. Those elected by their citizenry must be held accountable for their brutish, self-indulgent, autocratic, and totalitarian misbehavior, in future elections and after, to include criminal charges where appropriate and sued wherever else until all wrongs are redressed.
With minor exception, the Fourth Estate is completely captured, and only a small cohort of the brave and willing dare challenge the status quo. To this small but growing cadre of fearless journalists, of which Jordan is one, I offer my heartfelt thanks and gratitude. You can (and hopefully will!) keep all of the fuckery of the past two years in the public’s attention, at least until we usher in a new generation of elected leaders. This time, ones who hopefully love this country and all she stands for, versus the vast majority of selfish, soulless, cravens who failed us over the last two years.
Thanks for the timely article, Jordan, and for helping illuminate and elevate the continued chicanery and shenanigans of the erstwhile ne’er-do-wells in Big Tech and the so-called media. You have provided and continue to provide an invaluable service and you do indeed have my gratitude!